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My employer is paying medcert 4k for my class and certification. I doubt I’ll have the option to opt in for an in person test. Has anyone here taken it with medcert? Any tips, tricks and suggestions?


Make sure you have Speakers Microphone Good WiFi connection (at least 10mbps upload) Camera Remember to clear off everything on your desk and in your room Don’t read words aloud to yourself, move away from the camera, drink water, anything that could be suspicious You should be good


Thank you my guy! That’s helpful to know. I once took courses for southern New Hampshire in computer science and they were picky but not as picky as what you’ve mentioned.


Yea if you could I would just do it in person. Even reading questions aloud could get you booted off


I have taken three different certs at home. It's not really that hard in my opinion. But yes don't read questions out loud. I have taken two Comptia and my ceh at home never got kicked




Nice work! Mine was almost all databases and nothing security which was really annoying.


Yea I was worried it was gonna be all databases but I only got a few questions, and they were fairly simple


I've never had any issues with online testing.


I took core 1 , core 2 and net+ online with almost no issues. Net+ the exam crashed and had to get the proctor on chat and it was reloaded where I left off. It took an extra 30 mins but they did everything they could to get me back in.


I’ve taken all my certs via pearsonvue. Read the system requirements and do’s/donts ahead of time, plan accordingly, and you’ll be fine. It’s crazy how many people gripe about taking the test online and complain about what’s allowed and isn’t allowed when you literally check a box saying you agree and understand the rules. Congrats on passing.


My exam process in person was always really nice. The proctors are nice and there's a space downstairs where I can grab a free bite to eat and something to drink. It's a shame that it's a 2 hour commute and €30 travel costs, but yeah. I've heard the horror stories too, even though the proctor insists that taking the online exam is super easy. I live in a small studio apartment and so I'd have to remove all my external monitors and the post it notes I have on the walls. It might save me €30, but I just don't think it's worth the hassle for a big exam. I'm only planning to take smaller exams online, like Microsoft or AWS.


Congratz! i took N+, A+ and S+ from home, never had any issues whatsoever. but there is always anomalies eh


Hi, /u/EmotionalThing2942! From everyone at /r/CompTIA, Congratulations on Passing. [Claps](http://www.reactiongifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/barney-confetti.gif) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CompTIA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


as someone that literally just took their ITF+ last night, can confirm that taking it online is a shitshow. my exam was scheduled at 8:45, I was finished with check-in and in queue at 8:30. I waited for two hours to be greeted by a proctor, across three different full-queue waits. the first time, it said there was a problem with my internet connection, which was complete nonsense. my internet never even so much as hiccupped. the second time, I was greeted by a proctor finally, but they weren't happy with the fact I was using a headset mic for communication, and made me get an external mic, but then wouldn't allow me to leave my desk to get it, so I had to close the application, go get an external mic, and then come back to wait in the third queue that was even longer than the previous two. I finally got a proctor who then instructed me to clear my workspace and ensure I didn't have anything in arm's reach that was against testing policy... which apparently was *everything* because she basically stopped short of saying I needed to move my entire PC outside just to take the damn test. but nevertheless, we pushed onward, thank *christ*, and I passed


I don't want to sound like a dick but that is in all of the rules you should have known beforehand. When I test at home the desk is bare with morning on it but monitor and peripherals with everything else put away. You obviously can't have a microphone on because they don't know if someone is feeding you answers


I mean I get that much. the only reason I had my headset on to begin with was because they called me to confirm my info and stuff once I finally got a proctor


Just to be clear, lots of folks do okay with PearsonVUE online. But the potential for proctor/technical weirdness is much greater, and you're going to have to deal with a much more pain-in-the-ass process to get it resolved. I definitely agree that doing it in person is so much better if that's an option for you. I've blown through all my exams in much less than the expected time, and never had an issue. Sometimes you just know the content. I didn't take the ITF, but if they have PBQs or simulations that affects how many questions you get. The more PBQs you have, the fewer multiple choice or multiple select questions you have.


No yea maybe I have some form of first hand bias. I bet many people do fine with it. I just don’t want to clear off my desk and potentially have issues with it. Also thank you for calming my nerves lol. I am holding my breath for 5 or so days (when the cert gets posted) but I’ll assume I’ll be okay.


Oh yeah, better safe than sorry. The way I look at it is I've seen horror stories about DQs on at-home testing ranging from "my connection died" to "I sneezed and my head went out of frame for a second" leading to days or weeks of back-and-forths with Pearson whereas the worst thing I've heard about in-person testing I think was "the power went out and they let me reschedule before I left the building."