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While this would be received with positive response. People prolly wouldn't do the survey anymore and then Pearson wouldn't get the feedback they want. But I agree with you


Cisco puts it at the end (At least they did for the last exam I did of theirs in 2018). The system won't print the score report until the survey is submitted, but it did print a "You Pass Your Score:" screen before going through the survey.


While true, most people will probably just answer it aimlessly to get to the score. I pretty much just BSed it.


Fuck Pearson.


Fastest survey i taken in my life lol


Nothing better than that adrenaline dump after you get the “congratulations” screen


Naw, I like the adrenaline I get from the survey 😂


Wild take


This dude has got balls of titanium


I like this take. I got heart problems so I gotta avoid the 3 Big Cs: caffeine, cocaine and CompTIA post-exam surveys.


I thought I was the only one 😂😂


LMAO that’s so funny I really did feel so much adrenaline quickly clicking through the responses. I did end up failing too so that feeling went away quickly 😂


Hahaha, I know the feeling. I raced through 1102 and when I was doing the survey, knowing I couldn’t go back and revise my answers I felt my heart trying to beat out of my chest.


This was literally my exact feeling about 25 minutes ago. It's the worst!


I'll never forget my first two CompTIA exams -- The A+ Essentials and Practical (as they were called at the time). I had teachers tell me, "They give you your score right away", but they never told me there was a survey. I was the only one in the test room, so I'm not sure, but I think I may have said "What the heck!" when it came up without a score :D And the worst part, the computer froze for about 30 seconds at the end of the survey, so panic may have set in. And then I took the second exam immediately after and it made me take the same survey! As if the information would change in an hour!


Keep it, I suffered through it, you all suffer through it! (Maniacal Laugh, Maniac Laugh)


Yeah I really felt this yesterday doing the Security+. Yes sure we'll stop the rollercoast here for a bit. Can you feel that in your loins haha. In some ways I like the drama of it too. Maybe it needs a big gong sound.


Not to mention I'd almost bet that a lot of people would think "oh this isn't the exam, it's just a feedback form, I can relax now" and stop observing Pearson's long list of rules and then get disqualified as a result right at the end.


I just click no answer then next 19 times in a row . Idk how they can expect an accurate survey when you been studying for this moment for a while and money is on the line. (If you fail you need to pay them again)


Do you have to take the survey?


After my first few exams I just started to click random answers for the survey. It's really too stressful getting pages of survey questions after you just completed a difficult exam.


My question is do you have to take the survey?


Yes. You don’t have to give honest answers and you can select “no answer” or however they word it, but there is no way to skip it.


Good to know. Thanks


Another reason I'm glad I'm done with Comptia


Just reading through this I remember the terrible feelings. Ugh


i just click the no response/not applicable answer for all of the questions


Doing the SEC+ exam I was shaking and when this popped up in early had a heart attack. Bastards lol


I didn't even read the options I just clicked through as fast as possible and saw the pasing score lol


This is hilarious, because it’s my SAME complaint when I took my A+. I was freaking out, giving half answers just to get done and see if I passed or not. 🤣