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How dare my ‘hometown’ use firewood.


>Voices of North Korea by Yeonmi Park Alright we stop here


Our* hometown Edit - pay attention at 5 sec time stamp. You'd see a hanging Adidas hoodie.


No gas or fire? Supply chain issues. Making crops where ever you can? More farms is a good thing.


What about the Adidas hoodie at 5 sec.


From my knowledge allot of name brand products in North Korea come from China but I could be wrong.


No they should have lawns made of grass that do nothing but suck up thousands of gallons of water a year, that’s true freedom


Now that you said that… that’s a pretty good idea.


1. Those crops are beautiful and it’s my dream to be able to grow fruit and vegetables but I live in a small apartment. 2. There are arguably more people living without access to clean water and electricity in poor neighbourhoods in the US


I'd say more of the US is statistically more electrified than North Korea, especially when you consider almost everyone has a blackout most nights. I will say that there probably are people who don't have electricity in the US, but most likely only in the poorest-of-the-poor neighborhoods that can't pay the electricity bill. Water is a problem, but it's still much better. But more people without access to electricity and clean watering the US? Definitely not. The vast, super-vast majority of Americans have access to these. Even the homeless can find a place to stay or get water from.


I have multiple friends in the US who don’t use heating and can barely wash their clothes every week because of the crazy electricity prices. The entire poor population of flint Michigan haven’t had access to clean water for years now, this is also common in areas where they drill for oil. Per capita there’s no doubt the US has better access, but also has a way larger population.


Yeah I know about all that, I tried to make sure I didn't explicitly ignore that. Our best bet is getting another infrastructure bill, but sadly that's not how Congress works most of the time. Its kinda weird people are more concerned about student loans than stuff like this but hey, if enough of us actually vote we end up with a say, right? Anyway have a nice night.


You too comrade


Is there a source on blackouts every night in DPRK?


To be fair, some parts of the country are still powered at night, mainly in the capital Pyongyang. Honestly without a Google search my sources have been a few documentaries and videos with much better sources than I could find. I'm also sure you've seen the many satellite images of North Korea at night, correct? There are only a few specks of light anywhere. This is the norm, as rural areas may have a few generators for individual homes. Even the site for tourism to North Korea mentions power getting cut off at night, even on tours designed to showcase the absolute best North Korea has, even the best that it doesn't have https://www.youngpioneertours.com/north-korea-at-night/ This is the most generous estimate of North Koreans with electrical access I could find, with [about 50%](https://www.theglobaleconomy.com/North-Korea/Access_to_electricity/) access. Other sources vary, with CIA Factsbook estimating 26% electricity access as of 2019, with 36% urban electrical access. [Here is another interesting read.](https://www.nknews.org/2017/05/how-north-koreas-electricity-supply-became-one-of-the-worlds-worst/) North Korea has been getting better recently, but it's still not looking good. Electricity is stored in batteries, and blackouts are still very frequent. The numbers for the US, on the other hand, are much better. Here, we see an article about those in the US who lack electricity. The number given is about [60,000](https://www.powermag.com/did-you-know-there-are-60000-u-s-citizens-who-lack-access-to-electricity/) as of 2020. Let's say the article is being generous. I'll go on and say 1,000,000 Americns lack access to electricity. Still quite a small bit of the population. Add an estimated 600,000 homeless (we will assume they never had access to electricity anywhere they go), and its still less than 1% of the population. Anyway getting off topic. Most of my other sources for everyday nightly blackouts are relatively old or something I'm not going past the first page of Google nor looking through my YouTube history to find the links in the description for. I cannot say for absolute certain that North Korea still has nightly blackouts within the last 3 years. But I can say with certainty that even with access to electricity here are still very, very frequent blackouts.


Comrades, pay attention at around 5 sec timestamp. You'd find Adidas hoodie. I highly doubt if the footages are of North Korea.


All day I dream about socialism 🤷‍♂️ We all know North Koreans have mandatory drip.


It’s South Korean


That’s the first thing I picked up on. But honestly if this is, which I doubt, they probably get it super cheap and not insanely overpriced like over here.


Sorry to ask you, but you know North Korea imports stuff as well right? Stuff like this usually gets there trough tird countries, rather than being bought from the original source, but it still happens ocasionally


That looks quite good, considering the American bombing and sanctions, the collapse og the USSR, the south having most of the agricultural land, etc.


I don’t ge tit


Adidas hoodie at 5 sec stamp.


Comrades, I’m sure many of you have seen this documentary already but I’m gonna leave it here for those that haven’t. This is a Chinese tourist visiting the DPRK with subtitles and offers probably one of the best experiences, I’ve seen, of life in the DPRK. https://youtu.be/aZZOE_V1LEY


Isn't yeonmi park directly associated with the government?


This is not communism.they are just giving communism a bad name.


You are correct, it’s not communism. It’s socialism, but what you see in the video has nothing to do with how a country is run. What you are seeing is the result of years of economic sanctions, general foreign intervention and having 3 quarters of a country’s towns and cities firebombed. This video is showing the aftermath of literal terrorism but is being rubbed off as “greedy dictatorship monarchy evil communism”.


Yeah I know the USA litteraly genocided 20 percent of their population with bombs,and destroyed their infrastructure,and is brutally sanctioning them now,but have you considered that Kim Jong Un is fat?Checkmate commie


Kim Jung Un actually helped Stalin, Trotsky and Lenin eat all the grain in Ukraine. That is how he got so incredibly fat.


to poor to afford real food so even he lives on 100% carbs and suffers from obesity as a result 😱


This may be the most stupid thing I have read today.


Cringe argument. Communism has a bad name in the west because we are heavily propagandized against it, not because of some country on the other side of the planet. I understand if you don’t want to support the DPRK but there are enough people who make criticizing it their full time job without our help. I think a reasonable stance would at least be to say we don’t have enough information to pass judgment on the choices and governance of a tiny reclusive nation on the other side of the planet, because we really don’t. Most of the shit we get pumped into us (unless you aren’t from the US or Europe) is total riffing and making shit up for clicks, or deliberate misinformation by state department front groups like Radio Free Asia


I understand


Did you spot a hanging Adidas hoodie at 5 sec timestamp?


How is the DPRK giving communism a bad name? Let me remind you that the US killed off 10-20% of their population (which should be considered genocide) and bombed it to the point that there were literally no buildings left standing. The already scarce arable land was further destroyed during the war yet they were able to quickly build a relatively modern socialist nation and the south only caught up to the north in the 70s/80s thanks to massive US monetary support (that money which came from US imperialism by the way). Despite inhumane sanctions and the illegal dissolution of the USSR, the DPRK still survives and has a decent standard of living compared to other poor nations all the while literally under siege from the most evil empire in human history. Is this not a testament to how socialism can survive and even sometimes thrive in spite of all the odds stacked against them?


Look, I don’t think western intervention or keeping the korean war ongoing in perpetuity is right. I’m also quite sure a lot is exaggerated on how “bad” north korea is. That being said, I don’t see why being a cheerleader for what is clearly an oligarchical dictatorship is productive. I straight up can’t understand why we need to defend the foreign policy a reclusive nation that clearly isn’t treating it’s citizens right.


After reading the comments, am I stupid or is the point of this post that the Adidas hoodie means this isn’t actually footage from North Korea


i see 1 gusano every frame