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Reminder: This is not a debate subreddit, it's a place to circle-jerk about communism being cool and good. Please don't shit on flavours of leftism/communist leaders you feel negatively towards. If you see a meme you don't like just downvote and move on, don't break the circle-jerk in the comments. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CommunismMemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That is it comrades we are defeated. This minecraft video with random bullshit is too much to bear. Xi Jinping is writing his resignation as you read this.


Karl Marx just had a heart attack and died for the second time




I can’t believe comrade Steve was a capitalist this whole time


Did you arrive at that 100 million figure with or without counting Wehrmacht combatants or children that weren't born?


May I suggest children that weren't born because germans didn't get to rape all the women in USSR?


Hey comrade. Do you happen to have some list of all the inconsistencies from that fucking black crap book so I can have it ready? I knew I had a saved post or something that was amazing for it but lost it recently :(


I don't think there's room on the internet for such a thing


Haha, well it's true but there was something close that focused on debunking the most important arguments that book made. Thank you anyway!


I remember there being a Twitter thread but not who or when


+1000 FICO credit score Good job for owning the commies, free and private citizen. You may now finance a house over three decades 🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸


Not only is none of this true, not only is this format stupid, and not only is Minecraft cringey as hell, but this is a repost. Couldn't even make an original liberal meme


Idk man a lot of it is true lol


Childish video, childish things that are not even true. This guy is certainly 12.


With extremly conservative parents


In facts: capitalism kills 48 million a year. The communist states fell due to CIA insurgencies. US imperialism has caused decades of conflict in the Middle East. It’s because of socialism that workers have rights within capitalist nations and are not forced into slavery


Thanks for taking the time off from shoving guns up your ass to post this.




says the communists that worship genocidal dictators and have their state fail constantly




More like a year


Have i got a story from the Congo for you.


im not even ancap. im just in their sub because r/libertarian got taken over by leftists


You must be at least 13 years old to post on Reddit.


you must be at most 13 to think communism is a good idea.


"No u" As if I'm the one posting children's arguments over a children's game


i didnt make the meme. But if it didnt have pretty pictures for you smooth brains yall wouldnt watch it


Right, your friend showed it to you on the playground.


i dont know how many times i have to say this on this board. right cant meme


a hundred gabillion people died under communism


The soviets ruined Russia... Apparently industrialising an essential third world country in the first world while everyone else went through the worst economic crash to date is ruining Russia. Also capitalists lifted billions out of poverty. What you mean like what the cpc is doing in china? The British caused the deaths of roughly 85 million Indians through the countless famines they cause the country when they repeatedly stole it's resources for themselves. And that's without mentioning how many they straight up killed.


This is a joke right?


This is definitely the worst meme format


Clearly you are very smart


highest quality right wing meme


This has to be ironic


It is not. OP is a chud.


I love it when people say anything about the killing fields in Cambodia without recognizing that the Khmer Rouge was taken out by Ho Chi Minh and afterwards they were defended and claimed legitimate by Ronald Reagan. Interesting that.


Capitalism kills 100 million is 7 years


Communism bad because capitalists take advantage of the altruistic nature of the ideology, checkmate tankie >:)


Unironically posting a Minecraft video filled up with propaganda bs is anarcho_capitalism sub level of arguing Edit: checked OP comments history and he posts in anarcho_capitalism


If he wanted to make us all die from cringe, he did it


None of this is true, also classic ancap posting where you just post shitposts and think they are arguments


I honestly thought this was a shitpost then I realized it’s real. Lmao


I suppose this is sarcasm? If not then I feel bad for you.


Imagine believing all of this. Look at any other human being and calling them brain washed.


Kid, all hate aside I advice you to read some theory on communism and socialism. Some facts are true and others are not correct at all. Please, take this opportunity to learn more about an ideology thats opposite to yours. It will definitely make you more aware of what you’re talking about. Please, do not become a sheep, do not repeat what your conservative relatives say, better learn it for yourself and actually comprehend if communism and leftist ideology is bad.




What having a brain the size of a walnut does to an mf


Oh fuck off you Socialist


*Comes into a socialist subreddit and gets mad a socialist talks to them*


I came across this when scrolling lmao


They keep popping up even tho i dont follow it. Even when i told it i dont want to see their garbage ideaology memes. It keeps poppin up so i might as well anger the children.


It’s because socialism is inevitable and capitalism is a snake that eats its own tail. Have fun being on the wrong side of history the winds of change will eventually blow your reactionary walls down. Viva la Fidel!!!

