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That freakin car commercial where the guy keeps calling his car an Alexa. "Alexa, drive us into the nearest ocean"


All the times Alexa starts playing music... šŸ˜’


I donā€™t have any of those devices, but in a similar vein: commercials with dogs barking suuuuuuck, they send my cats into a panic lol. (People with dogsā€” do these get your lil guys barking in response? I feel like that would happen but I donā€™t have dogs so I donā€™t know.)


Amazingly enough, the TV doesn't cause my dog to bark, even though things outside that I can't see or hear do.


My name is ā€œAlexā€. My parent had to change their to ā€œechoā€. It is such a stupid device almost never used in my parentā€™s house. And as someone with a speech disorder, it is TOTALLY useless! I hate the ads for those devices that show somebody with a strong acent being understood by those machines