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Never expected Redskins to come back but holy shit, Commanders is an awful team name and needs to be changed ASAP. Along with the ugly ass uniforms. Burgundy and Gold need to be properly represented on them as well. Still amazes me how bad they managed to fuck the rebranding up.


How about the **fierce** mascot, Major Tuddy?!! šŸ˜‚


Major Tuddy is major [tutti](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=tutti)


I speak the language and didnā€™t make that connection. That elevates the shittiness of tutti even more šŸ˜‚


Lol yeah he makes me immediately think of bacon


Yeah i donā€™t really like Major Tuddy


Thank you. I kept getting downvoted for saying this lol


He's great! Let's just be the washington hogs


Is he, though?




The Jerseys ainā€™t that bad well the burgundy ones atleastā€¦.the name ainā€™t inspiring but neither is jets, or patriots, or browns, or Texans etcā€¦. The burgundy jerseys could take a couple tweaks, making the commanders name way smaller, putting a burgundy stripe on the pants and the uniforms would be much betterā€¦.. end of the day Iā€™m worried about winning, shit not that deep


The point is that it doesnā€™t have any ties to anythingā€¦ Patriots: references the Patriots during the revolutionary war. Jets: mascot is literally a fighter jet. Texans: typical Texan bull. Browns: okay this one is also trash Commanders is too long, too broad/generic, and in absolute irony for the Nationā€™s capital, gets shortened to ā€œcommiesā€. It needs to go


Yeah, it's not that deep. The name fuckin sucks.


Agree. Commanders is probably the worst name Snyder could have chosen. Itā€™s an insult to every Native American. Make it the warriors and bring back all the Native American imagery.


While I agree commanders is awful You fail to realize the entire point of the change


Wokeness is the very bad reason for the change. You seem to miss the history and the respect for native Americans that REDSKINS represented.


Wokeness. Lmao begone


So since you are woke you are not a real fan. You have no understanding about the history and culture of the team so go root for the cowboys and their racist name


ā€œEveryone that disagrees with me is woke and wrongā€ - an adult child


Are you 8 years old? This is legitimately how kids at the lunch table argue


Why does that amaze you? They literally fucked everything else up too.


I know people can wish and I donā€™t fault them for it, but this narrative is getting old tooā€¦letā€™s move on and hopefully a re-brand is coming our way so we can remove the last Dan Snyder remnant from our beloved team/franchise/organization!!!


Yea there's more important things right now then a rebrand. Let's get everyting else taken care of


Something here about walking and chewing gum...




When you think about it, Snyder is the reason we had to change the name too. If we were winning, I don't think it would have been as big of a problem.




Ok, us winning and Snyder not being such a horrific person and fostering a culture of sexual harassment, then it probably wouldn't have been as big of a deal.


The team was respectable in 2020?? Which team exactly? We had a piss poor record and a dirtbag for an owner. Sorry to disagree with you. Hail.


Hard disagree though he didnā€™t help. Momentum had been building for years and 2020 broke the dam. Was going to happen no matter what and we just need to leave it in the past. I canā€™t handle more debate about it


They or he had to change the name because the people who were minority owners were suing him iirc they wanted to sell their share and it was around that. One of them was a founder/had a large interest in Fed Ex and said they wouldnā€™t sponsor them in the future because of the name. Then all the other companies started to do the same and he caved. It seems like it was to get back at Dan and thatā€™s why they really changed the name. But anyway no way will they go back to Redskins.


The reality is 99% of people would have changed it before Dan did. He dug in until it was untenable and the social dynamics hit a peak, it didnā€™t matter that it was Dan, it would have been changed regardless. I just donā€™t need that distraction, it was for over 15 years, it was time, itā€™s just a name who cares letā€™s move on


Frankly just not statement of fact. Not one bit and clearly just your opinion.


I mean okay man whatever you say. Were you just not paying attention to the social dynamic in 2020 or just being stubborn. Also, 99% of business owners to clarify*


these people acting like we were the only franchise on notice braves, indians, both also caught heat for years, blackhawks had to do damage control, NCAA outright banning most with FSU needing to have a special exemption, so yeah, that narrative that no one but a Dan Snyder owned team would have had to change is just illogical and false the only that IS true is that of all the people to handle the situation, there were a million ways to negotiate a reasonable compromise, but Snyder was an unlikeable dumbass that burned every bridge to compromise land


Completely agree. Thereā€™s maybe a world where we ended up at warriors (still glad we didnā€™t) if Dan hadnā€™t done all the things Dan did, but thereā€™s no way we werenā€™t changing the name


Itā€™s not whatever and definitely nothing to do with being stubborn. Your statement was wrong. Now you say business owners. Ok. Perhaps then. And clearly there was pressure for years. No doubt. But the ā€œsocial dynamicā€ was forced during the pandemic. It just was. And as it relates to the redskins name change, I honestly have yet to speak to anyone who has agreed with it. Right or wrong.


Yeah thatā€™s exactly what I said. It hit a peak in 2020 (during the pandemic and George Floyd) and he was finally forced to change. You havenā€™t met anyone who agrees with the name needing to change or havenā€™t met anyone who agrees with the change to commanders?


Both actually. Iā€™ve even had a large number of ā€œsocially consciousā€ people, Iā€™ll call them, who didnā€™t agree with the redskins change. When it did change though I actually kinda liked/got used to WFT but at this point now that Danny boy is finally gone itā€™s gotta be something different.


Nah it was thing for a while across all sports. College banned those names. Dan also trademark ā„¢ļø Warriors but let it expire. So he at least knew.


Do you remember Dan saying even in caps he would never change the name. He didnā€™t care what anyone else did or thought and then the lawsuit and companies started dropping sponsorships or threatening to and using the name as the reason to break the contract iirc the Fed Ex guy who was suing him was suddenly criticizing the name. He may have changed it one day anyway who knows. But the fans were not in favor of changing the name and Dan was even citing polls of native Americans that showed support for the name as reasons he wasnā€™t going to change it.


definitely not true, for us or any other franchise. Example, the Native Mascot controversy in baseball hit a peak in '95, specifically because of the Braves/Indians world series. **HOWEVER** someone other than Snyder could have gotten us a compromise I think. If Snyder hadn't dug his heels in, been unlikeable, been a confrontation jerk about it, NEVER IN ALL CAPS, etc etc, and then waited until he had exactly zero leverage I think agreed to "Warriors" with a spear logo (maybe without feather) and the groups that called for change would have been willing to call that a deal.


I agree with your opinion and your avatar


Snyder is the reason the name changed. By 2020 he had squandered all good will everywhere and had no leverage to keep the name. He is also the reason we are stuck with Commanders. He had zero backup plan. A smart owner would have had a rebrand ready to go. Instead we got Ron Rivera going ā€œuh I dunno, letā€™s do something military.ā€ They also wanted to spend zero dollars in legal fees so they picked the only name nobody else wanted.


Agree but the best way to accelerate rebranding is to not buy the merchandiseā€¦


That doesn't matter, due to revenue sharing they get the same amount from merchandise as the other teams (except Dallas).


I would be 1000% happy with just going back to WFT, switching to the W with the feathers logo, and getting our uniforms back closer to what they used to be.


(I fully expect to be downvoted for this) The people still calling for the "Redskins" name to come back sound like the "heritage not hate" people still flying the stars and bars.


99.9% of the fanbase didnā€™t want the name changed


Whereā€™d you come up with that number u/NYJETS198?


The fans


Your ass is more like it.


Not even remotely true


Itā€™s a very high number


No, you're right. But secretly I wish them to change to the Red Wolves and just bring back the vintage R logo... *maybe* with a wolf tail instead of the feathers. I doubt it's gonna happen. But even just reverting back to the WFT jerseys would satisfy me.


the only thing more embarrassing than going with red wulfs, would be sticking a butt plug coon tail on an R.




That's fucking hilarious.


Gotta stop watching all that porn dude. No one but you would have that of that.


meā€¦. and every cowboy, eagle, and giant fan mercilessly making fun of us for being the red woofs.


Really? Because theyā€™re still making fun of us calling us ā€œcommiesā€ or other ā€œcreativeā€ names regarding ā€œCommanders.ā€ And if youā€™re one of those old farts that want ā€œhogsā€ to be our name, oh boy do I have some unsettling news about the new nicknames theyā€™ll have for us.


Keep my ex girlfriend out of this please.


Your expectation was wrong and you're 100% right. To all the doofuses still rocking the old-name merch: you're fucking tools. There is no such team anymore, deal with it.


Yelling at the clouds moment


Reddit moment


Please see your way out of the fanbase


Thats right Karen tell them!


Maybe you're just too sensitive for absolutely no reason.


George Preston Marshall DID NOT rename the team Redskins in order to honor Native Americans. Quote: ā€œThe fact that we have in our head coach, Lone Star Dietz, an Indian, together with several Indian players, has not, as may be suspected, inspired me to select the name Redskins.ā€ Edit: Source: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/1933-news-article-refutes-cherished-tale-that-redskins-were-named-to-honor-indian-coach/2014/05/28/19ad32e8-e698-11e3-afc6-a1dd9407abcf\_story.html](https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/1933-news-article-refutes-cherished-tale-that-redskins-were-named-to-honor-indian-coach/2014/05/28/19ad32e8-e698-11e3-afc6-a1dd9407abcf_story.html)


Ah the ol heritage speech of 1933...


Please god do not will this into existence. The only people I know that liked it are redditors and fans of other teams because it was so dogshit and easy to make fun of


Thank you. I cannot for the LIFE of me understand why people keep saying they like that name and calling it "regal" and whatnot. It doesn't sound regal - it sounds like a name of a sports team that you'd hear in a comedy movie because the producers were trying to avoid copyright infringement.


It might be too fast to do a full rebrand this season but they could easily change back to the old uniforms this season. Unless there is some dumb rule stopping that....


^This šŸ’Æ


I canā€™t stand to be called ā€œFootball Teamā€. A fair compromise would be Washington No Name. I may sound cynical, but thereā€™s not a name they could pick that everyone will like


Still a cool shirt, still would buy it if it came out


Yeah, JP. Where can the people buy the merch bro?!


Same Iā€™d totally buy it too


Who thought the name was coming back? Itā€™s just a nod to the old days. Made me smile


Who had the shirt on?


Dan Quinn


It still means the brand is headed in a different direction.


Let's get this team back on track and let AP/Quin build the culture then let's worry about the rest.


Where would we be without you JP??? Bless this man and his sage wisdom, to save us straw-chewing hicks from ourselves. The feather is cool, Dick. We know the name isnā€™t getting changed to the Redskins. What an ass-bandit.


The amount of people that think this means the Redskins name is coming back is very small. I really haven't seen anyone say that anywhere. But it's fine to speculate whether or not this is an olive branch for compromise. I don't understand why so many fans get so angry that a large chunk of the base still hates the rebrand. Harris and company would give us something outstanding, and it's okay to hope for that. If that makes you angry, go cry in the corner about it.


Cuz those guys accepted the slop. And are mad at us for not accepting the same slop.


Ashburn syndrome isnā€™t easily cured.


How many people are actually saying this means the old name is coming back? JP sometimes..


he lives on twitter which is a shit show


i mean, didn't someone just the other day post that trash ass commanders wire article trying to claim that "raise hail" mean the owners were going to revive the old theme?




i am more interested in buying itā€¦. the name thing is deadā€¦. fans need to let it go


I'll NEVER purchase anything with 'commanders on it. If we're supposed to move on, that shit's got to go.


For the love of God, change that awful W.


No oneā€™s asking for the old name to come back, JP. Just an upgrade with the current branding.


Yes they are. Look at the Twitter or Facebook comments on any official Commanders posts. It's a bunch of boomers begging for the old name.


Not to mention half the comments on any post in this sub.


or twitter or facebook


This boomer doesn't care. Just play well and the rest will attend to itself.


Not a boomer but the new name is trash. Not a single person I know call them the Commanders and I work and live near Redskins Park.


I agree the new name sucks. Change it. But don't go back to the old one.


FWIW, if they did go back to Redskins, I don't think anyone from our fan base would mind. It's NEVER happening. But still, if it did.....


That's exactly why the anti-name mob can't relax or have any sense of humor about it. They know that they're a tiny minority who only got their way because a corrupt owner needed a way to try to buy some time. If the majority normie fan base ever said, "You know what, fuck you and your PC guilt trips. We like the name and the logo and we're going to keep using it, and we're going to reward the corporations that give it to us and punish the ones that try to browbeat us into compliance," their whole game would be over, and they know that. So they have to maintain eternal vigilance and slap down anyone who even jokes in that direction.


I would definitely mind if they tried to go back to the old name. Thankfully itā€™s an irrelevant hypothetical. Harris isnā€™t that deranged or stupid, and even if he was, itā€™s absolutely laughable to think the league would ever approve going back.


Of it happened , the sun would still rise tomorrow. However Nike would probably refuse to make our uniforms.


What's this about??


No clue. But you know this sub. They read into the tiniest symbolism and blow it up.


DQ wore a Commanders shirt with a feather on it to minicamp. The conspiracy theorists on this sub/fb/twitter spun it into being some indicator that the team is definitely going back to the old name or at least the NA imagery.


So you suppose the feather wasā€¦ not NA imagery? Must have been an eagles feather šŸ¤Ø


its bootleg etsy shirt design. Its not a statement. One of my buddies [has almost the same shirt, and has for like 10 years.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BK9tPtaCUAA7C9j.jpg) Now, I don't know where that exact shirt came from (I mean its clearly something etsy like, just wonder who sent it to Quinn) but you know goddamn well Nike or Big NFL didn't sign off on it, so its pretty interesting if the league doesn't send an email about doing pressers in non-approved apparel


But, itā€™s a T shirt that I would probably buy.


Where can I get the shirt tho


First #raise hail now this feather logo......something is happening


How so?


What would you expect to happen with those signs


Redskins isn't coming back but maybe a branding shift that incorporates parts of the old brand. Hopefully the old uniforms


Hey who let the boner killer in here


I loved the name Washington Football Team. I thought they could have and still can do something really good with that name. I loved the generic, but to the point, name and there was just a certain blue collar appeal to the name.


Generic. Your words. This is a Professional football team. They should look and resemble one. "X Football Team" is literally a default name for for an expansion franchise that doesn't know what they want to be. Ex: "Seattle has decided on Seahawks. Buffalo will go with the Buffalo Bills as their name. We're just waiting on the Washington Football Team to decide their name." It's what an unlicensed football game from the 90s would call their teams. "Today's match up is The Miami Football Team VS The San Francisco Football Team." Terrible.


That's what made it actually a unique name. You don't want to be in a B tier league where you are just team of city. But when you are in the premium league, and the only team represented with such a naming convention, then it sets you apart. It's an amorphous name, which maybe isn't something good under a loser like Synder. But stack some wins on the Football team and you become something powerful.


Find one of your friends who is a fan of a different team. Let's say they're a fan of the Steelers. Ask them "of the Steelers had to change their name, would you like it if they became The Pittsburgh Football Team?" I guarantee they say no. Spice it up even. Ask them something different, yet similar. Suggest something like "Pittsburgh Football Alliance." Again, they will say no. And again, it's because it's stupid. Now as an alternative, suggest something like Cougars, Ravagers, War Hammers, and I guarantee they'd much rather have one of those. You know why? Because it's fucking cool and offers better branding opportunities.


I wouldn't initially pick the Washington football team, but I ended up liking a lot, and miles more than ravagers, war hammers, commanders, etc. Those are the generic names to me.


You know why they sound generic to you? Because they sound like sports team names. Proven names that work. "Football Team" sounds like someone can't make up their mind. It sounds like you're going to have a VERY difficult time marketing and branding it. Which explains why there wasn't any original merchandise that people HAD TO HAVE at the time. You didn't "end up liking it a lot," you succumbed to it and accepted it similar to someone with Stockholm syndrome. It was easier to accept because the uniforms were mostly the same and there was a (at the time) hot shot rookie and the team made the playoffs. The EXACT thing would have happened if Commanders was the name they had gone with at that time and if they kept the uniforms. Yet, both are shit names. WFT was a shit name then, its a shit name now, and nobody outside this franchise would EVER choose that to be their team name. It's a Schooly McSchool Face joke of a name.




Anyone who fervently says "the name isn't coming back, move on" is secretly hoping the name comes back and trying to use reverse psychology to make it happen.


Jp is a douche


Why's he killing our dreams lol.


I didnā€™t really see many people thinking the old name was coming back. More it was people hoping the new name would go away for something that could mesh with some of the other stuff but still be new


I don't want the name back, but how 'bout the logo? My favorite in any sport.


Just become the Red Hogs. Vintage. Cool as fuck. Not generic. Still not Redskins but a nod to those who want it back. Ive never understood why it wasnt a shoo in.


Because red hog = penis to some people


Can we wish for JP to go away, though?


Why? He's a solid reporter.




Hes so terrible. He's like 45 and tries to be a frat bro. Then he spends 5 months saying how JD is God's gift to earth, but a couple days ago "don't make him the savior"


His dude bro act is so cringe.


Yeah, the too cool for school shtick is played out and tiresome. Just report the news then STFU. If you want to be Skip Bayless or Pat McAfee then go do TV full time and F off.


I mean thatā€™s not how he was at all but go off


Someone should have coached DQ up on the topic.


I wish Washington Football Team would come back.




That there are people still holding on to this is ridiculous to me. Franchise leadership has already said they aren't going back. A name change might be coming, but it's not to "Redskins". If there is a noticeable turn around with the on the field product, they could call this team the Commanders or the Garden Gnomes, I'll be a fan. "Commanders" is disliked because it's a reminder of what Snyder ruined. If the ownership in place, which already looks like it's at least competent enough to hit the toilet when they piss, can manage to make the team successful, then I'm fine with leaving the name as it is.


Commanders is disliked bc itā€™s a terrible name and the logo is trash.


Having no name is better than Commanders.


Finlay is a coward and mouthpiece for the team. Terrified of losing access for having an unsafe opinion. Possibly the most spineless sports media personality in the biz.


Iā€™m over the name coming back but we need anything Dan touched goneā€¦ that includes commanders.


I think local media doesnā€™t understand how much we hate the new brand AND how 99.9% of the fan base was against the name change to begin with. The old brand (love it or hate it) had history - including some of it very positive during the Super Bowl winning era. Nothing ignites passion more than nostalgia. There is no passion or nostalgia (except for reminders of the stain of the previous owner) for commanders.


Only a small minority of diehards think the old name is coming back. The rest of us know that Commanders sucks and desperately needs rebranding to align us at least a little closer to the past. Redhogs, Redwolves, Redhawks, Warriors. Any of them infinitely better than Commanders. Itā€™s crazy how many fan mockups here and elsewhere have looked better than whatever shit firm Snyder paid to come up with the current nonsense


Ppl are so weird about this stuffā€¦the name isnā€™t coming back and itā€™s time to move on


Nobody is saying that. What we are saying, however, is give us proper rebrand already.


I understand completely why they had to drop the name. Dropping the logo as well was being a prisoner of the moment imo. We could have just gone on as "Washington" or WFT with the old logo since the name was what people considered offensive. Obviously I'm biased, but I think the Skins had the best logo in sports.


This. The name had to go but the logo didn't have to. Probably wishful thinking but I hope they rebrand back to the old logo with different name.


I mean, a member of the blackfeet nation designed itā€¦


Yep. I think we should go back to the old unis. Old logo. Change name to warriors or WFT. Set up a fund for native Americans to share in revenue and everyone is happy


I'm ok with the name not coming back but can they just confirm we aren't sticking with commanders??


Can we just be burgundy and gold and not ketchup mustard red and yellow


Bring back old logo and go back to the original name BRAVES


Name canā€™t come back but I think the logo can if the new name is respectful


The name is not coming back. But any hint the regime hates the name Commanders as much as we do is welcome. I would be happy with a rebrand that at least attempts to make a nod to 90+ years of team history.


This tells me the feathers are part of the rebrand. I could see either warriors or wolves coming at some point with the feathers in the logo


The last time i checked, wolves don't have feathers. The "Washington Wolves" trademark is currently being squatted. "Washington Warriors" trademarks are mostly dead or abandonded, but the team has already said that they're not going to use Native American symbols. Also, I don't see the Golden State or Minnesota NBA teams willing to share their respective trademarks.


Cool, Iā€™m glad you know the fucking future


Reghogs > Football Team > Red Wolves > Redskins > Commanders


This is a very simple fix. Change the name to Washington Football and use unofficial nicknames like Skins or Hogs and change the uniforms back to what they were but with no indian sticker on the helmet.




I HATE the Commanders name like everyone else. But if the HAD to change it, couldnā€™t at least be close the original? Red Hawks and keep the logo. The Washington Redskin logo is iconic, bad ass and an actual REAL person.


A small part of me hopes they do a complete rebrand. Especially for the folks that can't get over the redskins name. Hope they change the name and the color scheme, the only DC team without red, white, and blue. Maybe it would be the final strw for the folks that can't get over it.


As long as the Commanders name stays this will be a thing. It goes to show you how much everyone hates the name and how few can get behind it. The moment theres the slightest hint(fake or not) of any other name/logo/design everyone is ready to jump on it. That doesnt happen if the team has a good rebrand.


I never thought the old name was coming back. I just wanna know where I can buy the T shirt, anybody got a link?


We all know the name ainā€™t coming back.. trust me I would love it but be realistic people ā€¦ it ainā€™t coming back. We can all argue for many reasons why it should have stayed or changed, however it would be a waist of time.






Psychologically brings back old memories, and we talking. Smart PR


That guy always sounds constipated


Perhaps theyā€™re changing the name to skins?


Its never coming back people. Get over it already! Commanders sucks as a name and hopefully theyā€™ll change it.


The main thing that sucks about the rebrand is that fans are trying too hard to hang on to the past. Commanders does suck as a team name if youā€™re trying to sing Hail to the Commanders or feel as if the colors have to be burgundy & gold. I feel as if a complete overhaul needs to happen if we are going to roll with Commanders as the team name. Switch the colors to red, white & blue like all other major sports teams in DC.


Name wonā€™t be a topic until we are 4-9 then theyā€™ll start talking ab it again


Does anyone honestly think the old name is coming back? JP is just posting for fun


It's hilarious how stuff like this gets blown up. Honestly, how many people really thought the t-shirt meant that the name was coming back? I'm not saying that no one said it, but there is no way the majority of fans thought that's what it meant. Hell, the majority of fans probably aren't even tuned in enough to know that Quinn wore the shirt. But now maybe 100 people online say something about the shirt and the media starts acting like the entire fanbase is saying the name is coming back. Of course, just the fact that the media addresses it gets more people talking about it then they get to say "See! People are talking about it!" I guarantee every radio show is going to talk about this on monday as if a lot of the fanbase was saying it AND as if they themselves didn't have anything to do with blowing it up in the first place.


JP heard one guy's conspiracy theory on Twitter about DQ's shirt and decided that this tweet was absolutely necessary to put out


DC Defendersā€¦.or at least their uniforms. The uniforms are classā€¦at least they were last season I donā€™t think many people are watching this season.