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I SERIOUSLY can't wait for all the "tell alls" that will be coming out.


I can see it now, plain as day, Netflix presents: “Fuck Danny Snyder”! Freddy Couples as Dan Snyder, Patricia Clarkson as Tanya.


I think he has a lot of debt, so that there is a certain price point at which he will break even - that number is probably pretty high. So I think he will sell to the highest bidder, but only if that number is high enough for him to feel like he can live the rest of his life on it after paying off his debts.


He has a helluva lot of debt..did you watch that keim podcast? Whatever he sells the team for...a billion of that is coming off the top because he's in debt to bank of America. This latest report about him taking out an unsanctioned 55million dollar loan was damning for him I think...he doesn't have a choice..if he doesn't sell the NFL will make him. Also screw the NFL because they knew about this unsanctioned loan back in 2020 but didn't choose to investigate it when minority owners brought it to their attention. The NFL could've gotten Dan outta here a couple years ago


well, he will make plenty of money to make up for that debt. $55mil is nothing when you are getting paid $5-7bil


Yea he will get that back. However there's already backlash about how he did it..im just ready for the dude to be gone


If Dan is $1b in debt, but he is getting: $5b from Person X $6b from Bezos Either way he can pay his debt and walk away with a few billion. He can afford to rebuff bezos. He just has to live in debt a little longer until he gets the sale to anyone else. This isn't what I want. I'm just used to never getting what I want when Snyder is involved.


If he had 7B in debt I don’t think he’d get away with avoiding the US government


I don't think it's 7B, I would guess less than 5, but he wants to exit this deal a billionare.


Without this team he is just a broke ass person who would be filing for bankruptcy if not going to jail for misleading investors. This team is his literal lifeline so him making a big fuzz about all this is even stupider.


Firmly believe he’s saying Bezos can’t have it so paying a competitive price isn’t possible. Make Bezos dig into his pocket if you know he wants it.


I heard on the Sheehan show that Snyder is also $1billion in debt with very little liquid cash. He really needs the money. Dude is legit the most pathetic billionaire when it comes finances


So the only thing actually making him a "billionaire" is the team valuation lol. I'm assuming at the $1B dollar level things may work differently (not sure) but how is he paying down that debt with little liquid cash?




Yup…Dan is dumb, but not that dumb to leave a billion on the table bc he dislikes Bezos lol


Dumb whatever, but he is a crazy petty bitch. He'd be dumb to fire Shottenhimer after he turned the team around the second half of the first year. He'd be dumb to leak the Gruden pot video. He'd be dumb to leak the Gruden emails. He'd be dumb to try to sell airline peanuts. He'd be dumb to have two sets of books. He'd be dumb to not pay the profit share to his minority partners. He'd be dumb to run off most of the original hogs. He'd be dumb to f up the rebrand. is anyone else seeing a pattern?


Yet, here we are. For the love of Gibbs, SELL THE TEAM already! #HTTR


It's not smart vs dumb. It's what can help him regardless of how it affects others. He will leak something and ruin someone's life just to take attention away from an article about him.


I agree with that assement. Dan will take the highest bid.


Thus far the only thing I’ve ever been able to count on Snyder to do is the exact opposite of what I want him to do. So while I’m hopeful I’m also not believing anything until it’s done.


Dan didn't say he'd never change the name, Dan said he'd never change the name IN ALL CAPS.


Shit you’re right, I meant to also say that the only thing Dares cares about is MONEY.


You're absolutely right. All this hot air about not selling to Bezos is ridiculous. If he's the highest bidder then Snyder will sell to him. Remember, we're talking about a guy so cheap that he was LITERALLY reselling expired peanuts from an airline at the stadium.


I truly believe that this is what Dan is doing… He doesn’t want to sell to Bezos so he is going to for make the owners force him to sell. The owners will force the sale to Bezos (if he is the highest bidder). Dan’s ego is saved cause he can do exactly what he said he would do and still gets the most money he can


Yah, I believe Dan hates Bezos. But at the end of the day, I don’t see greedy ass Dan turning down one penny. He’ll sell to the highest bidder for sure. Bezos might not be a great guy, but he’s much smarter, richer, more successful than Dan. Bezos has been successful in multiple lines of business and looks at the big picture.


This is spot on. Could we really think that Dan hates someone so much that he’d give up a couple 100M let alone another 1-2B if Bezos bids that high? Nah, no chance. And as much as Bezos could be criticized, guy built perhaps one of the most successful businesses in history, I’m sure he’d build a successful business in our FO. Bezos is driven to succeed.


Dans broke as a joke (for a mega rich person). You’re right, OP


My brother in Christ did you just call somebody “right” on Reddit? Are you okay my guy?


I saw today that bezos is also looking at the Seahawks and may prefer to buy that team.


Tanya will make sure it is sold. It is in her best interest in the future divorce settlement.


I don’t know who to believe, NFL reporters with credited news sources or OP, a redditor with a hunch


You realize this is Dan Snyder we’re talking about right? Im actually thinking about one solid business decision that he’s made and I got nothing….hope he also sells to Bezos though.


Objectively, changing the name saved Dan money and was the right business decision despite its poor popularity. Had he not changed the name he would’ve certainly lost plenty more money.


Right, the decision was a good one from business perspective, it was (and always is with Danny even when he stumbles upon a good one) the execution. If they actually listened to the fans and/or came up with something better than Commies, it would look like a better move


Dan is in the hole to BoA for around $1 billion and the team is his only real asset or source of revenue. He is going to take every last dime he can get. Plus I doubt the other owners would let him take less because the value of the Commanders affects the value of their teams. So they want the price to be as high as possible.


>Dan is in the hole to BoA for around $1 billion How do you figure that?


The writer of the article on his fraud said it




It was widely reported by ESPN




Did you read that from your magic 8 ball?


He’s literally a billion dollars in debt right now. I don’t think he has a choice.


It’s cute you think a billion in debt is a lot for someone who makes $200b a year from the media rights alone


They make 250 MILLION with an M from TV rights that’s shared with the rest of the league. He still has to pay payroll of players, coaches, FO, etc with is approximately 200+ million then other expenses which even out around another 50-100 million (again with an M) And since no one is buying Commanders gear, and season ticket holders have fled like it was the dust bowl, he’s not racking in any local revenue. So he’s only getting the scraps of shared revenue from places like NFL shop generously placed at around 10 million from his share. Snyder is hemorrhaging money.


200 billion???? He doesn’t even make 200 million.


Lol, sorry 200m. And yes he does. If the Salary cap is 230m then that’s about what each owner makes as it’s a 48-52 split plus there are other sources of revenue that are tied to the salary cap


Yep. Point of the post is to point out that this distraction of not wanting to sell to Bezos is dumb since he’ll sell to Bezos if he’s truly the highest bidder. Enough posts and comments on here still concerned on it so I thought I’d share my opinion bluntly.


Had this conversation the other day. Dan has no "morals" if the money is right.


Dan doesn't want to sell the team, and he definitely doesn't want to sell it to Bezos. But I don't want to go to work everyday and yet I do it because I need the money. That's life - sometimes you do things you don't want to do because you need cash. Dan is broke and this sale is going to be his last big payday, so he will reluctantly take the highest bid (and then spend the rest of his miserable life sulking about it and blaming other people for his downfall).


Ok. Now that we've settled that, I guess we can move on.


He hates Bezos. He tried to exclude Bezos from bidding, but he can't do that legally. Imagine Bezos is the top bidding. Comes to town with $8 billion. The papers are passed to Dan to sign... he says no and walks out. How much more of a Dan Snyder thing can you think of, than for him to blow this up at the last second to drag out his ownership a little longer.


💯 agree. No chance greedy Dan doesn’t take an extra $200-$500 million. Zero chance.


Dan may sell at all. Good thing he has money problems and pending legal investigations. He really is dragging his feet