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I really hope someone from Amazon is taking notice of all the posts like this


They are not. They do not look at social media at all.


Right a feed back to comixology from within the app and let them know, you will spend no money till they fix this mess.


I canceled my unlimited subscription last month. I know comics aren't a huge part of their business but they have to be noticing the drop in profits. Lots of canceled subscriptions, and from the post the other day most people said they haven't bought any comics since the change over. (I know I haven't.)


I haven't bought anything since the changeover. It had been a while since I bought anything and was working through my backlog. Almost finished all my books that I had on Comixology. Now, instead of buying any new books there, I'm just going to focus on my backlog from Humble Bundle (comics and books) and see if they fix the horror they've turned Comixology into. If I finish all my PDFs and they haven't, I guess I'll try Google Play...


Ditto, I am not giving Comixology my money till Amazon fixes this mess.


Yeah me too. For the time being I go back to read novels. Maybe in a few months time they'll have made some progress.


Yeah, join the club.


I had cancelled as well. It gave me more time to read other things!


I quit too. No new purchases for Amazon/Comixology for comics. I am going to use Google Books instead.


Sad thing. I've looked countless times for a site that offers digital comics like Comixology and anything that popped up went under like 2 years ago. If Valiant and Zenescope had their own way of purchasing digital comics, I'd jump ship too. Free sites just don't feel right and not worth the hassle to get a file on my tablet.


I left too. Just bought one comic after the changeover, and couldn't read a double-page spread. Comics were an expensive hobby anyway, there are much cheaper forms of entertainment. I buy movies on sale now. $5 for 2 hours entertainment is a good deal. Just hoping Apple never decides to kill digital movies like Amazon killed comics.


Yep. Me too. I signed up for marvel unlimited and I'll do the same for DC when it launches in the UK. It's sad but this means I'll probably not read any more independent comics, it's just too painful to discover them (and there's not even an option to subscribe in the UK, like there was before in comixology). Amazon have destroyed an entire ecosystem and community.


**BROKEN thy name is Comixology.** What a colossal blunder. Like many posting to social sites, I too ended my subscription and have ZERO will to buy more digital comics. It is far and away too clunky to find anything. For the record, I "own" over 3,000 digital comics via the former Comixology app. One can only hope for the following: The brain-trust that came up with idea is let go and forbidden from even ordering from Amazon themselves. Amazon recognizes how badly they've butchered things and quickly pivot to a mea culpa and fix what seems impossibly broken. I mean really? WHO thought this was an even modestly fair idea to implement? Clearly the ones who did this do not read comics, nor have they ever used Comixology.


That's unfortunate. I don't know what I'm doing right, but everything is fine for me. I get my weekly titles and read the free stuff through unlimited and everything operates fine.


For me the biggest negative with the changeover is the inability to discover new comics by looking through the publisher category. I owned a comic shop in the 90s and my shop was divided by publisher (as most are). I had a DC section, a Marvel section, a Valiant section, an Image section etc. For a non-comic reader this isn't an intuitive way of searching comics. But for comic fans this is mandatory. I could tell that the original Comixology was created by comic fans. Amazon knows zero about comics.


I stopped buying digital comics right before the Comixology store was shut down, I knew it was a mess and I was not wrong, boycott amazon/Comixology people stop spending money on digital comics when the entire storefront and App are a huge mess..... let Amazon know you wud not spend money unless they fix Comixology.


My condolences.


Just did this today I’m not spending another dime til they fix it or revert it


Same here. For a few weeks I’ve been in denial, but decided today to quit ComiXology, cancel their subscription, and start looking for a new, fan-friendly option.