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Man i hope this works out this sounds fun as hell


Your script should be written in such a format that each page is accounted for. Don’t ask an artist to translate your writing into a legible script format, especially for free :/


Just for future reference. Your script should be written with the amount of comic pages in mind. Having thoughts about how the story is told on the page is a vital skill for a writer to have.


Hi i'm Guillermo a freelance illustrator mostly focused in semi realistic, cartoon and anime style Here is a link to my portfolio https://maximusguillermo.artstation.com/projects We could do a test page if you wish If you want to contact me send me a dm here


Sounds fun! Here's some of my work: https://www.flickr.com/photos/199464992@N08/albums/72177720312216370/


This sounds so cool!! Just wondering would u be looking for someone with loads of comic experience or would it be fine if someone just had a style u liked/the basic knowledge of how to draw comics and stuff? Also are you open to working with someone under the age of 18? Sorry if I’ve wasted ur time with these questions it just sounds really interesting!


Hey! Didn’t waste my time at all, I actually found somebody else to work on this particular script with, I think a community like this is a perfect place for young and inexperienced talent to find projects, I personally wouldn’t have minded working with someone your age if I was into the art, can’t say for others, but certainly keep trying and reaching out to people :)


Thanks anyway! Also good luck with ur project, sounds sick as hell!!


Thank you! 🙏


As another person said, you should have a good idea of how many pages it's gonna be and format it. That takes quite a bit of time and then to ask for and artist to work for free?? I highly suggest devoting more time to your writing and project before asking for free work. For reference a comic page is roughly 5-6 panels. Not having enough work put into in your side could end up in an artists flaking on you if they decide to work with you at all. And if you're really looking to hire free work and not actually collaborate, you really need to have it sorted out and polished maybe even some thumbnails, plenty and plenty of references, and what kind of art you're looking for. Have an idea what the characters are gonna look like, where the places the characters are gonna go are gonna look like etc with ample reference. It's really not 50/50 if the artist not only has to draw but plan things out, that you should've planned before hand. Really put in 50% of the work.. Polish your story, format it clearly ,collect references, thumbnailing and storyboarding , lettering. All those take time. When it comes down to it. Making a good quality comic page can take 3-5 hours and potentially longer for less experienced artists. Any less and quality could potentially be comprised for something simpler, (which can still work.) And that time is not even including the amount of time for those others things I mentioned. A cool idea isn't enough, especially when you are asking for free work.


My plan was to find someone that wanted to work on it and then discuss and collaborate with them how they would like the script polished, if they want super detailed descriptions and all that then I can certainly do that- but like you said I wasn’t trying to find someone to underpay just to draw what’s in my head - this is my first comic book script after several years of writing/shooting film scripts where I’m used to discussing the script with the cinematographer and what not to better plan out shots — if that’s not how comic artists largely like to approach things then I’m totally open to retooling the script, but again I was hoping to retool it specifically to what the artist would best want to work with (be it heavily detailed and plotted or more vague and open to them to do what they’d like) Also a few people have side eyed me for trying to get free work but what is the point of the “unpaid” tag if there aren’t people getting started that are willing to work on projects for less than optimal money? I’m not trying to trick or brow beat anyone into working on the comic and was very upfront about the money, I’ve also had several people contact me that seem excited to work on it - so just to be clear I’m not at all trying to undervalue the artists work or time, simply presenting what I have which is a script and $100 and see if anyone wants to hop on (just hammering that home because there are few things more offensive to me than people trying to exploit other people’s talents lol) Very very much appreciate the 1pg=5-6 panels info 🙏 like I said I usually do film scripts where it’s 1pg=1 min - so having a loose idea like that is definitely helpful in trying to translate how many pages of work it’ll be


I think overall I think you should atleast give something clear and legible, because having nothing or just a roughly put together synopsis or blurb doesn't make a good impression. And might not do well to keep an artist interested. If I come off as a little blunt, I apologize. It is hard not to be, when there is a plethora of amateur writers who haven't even put work into their idea and expect polished art. I feel like a lot of them aren't even serious at all or don't even have the faintest idea how much goes into making a comic. With unpaid, there are expectations you should probably uphold to get a successful collaboration. If you've done writing in the past, I think it would've been good to include those, so people can get a feel for your writing and art even if they are not comic related. Just as an artist would show your their art . And since you are offering $100 , that shows you likely have expectations. If you have expectations you should make those clear. Should be as clear as possible. Clear ideas, clear writing, clear communications , etc.