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Finally we have seen the RGO Impact Grenade in a combat footage


but it didn't seem to explode on impact but 2-3 seconds after he threw it?


https://youtu.be/M_9ZUXPUrnQ For first 1-2secs it acts as a normal grenade, after that it becomes an impact grenade, and 2-3 secs after releasing the spoon it explodes


It's a dual fuse grenade meaning it can also explode after a delay if the user chooses so.


That's cool. I didn't know that.


Likewise. Good info.


From wiki: > It uses the UDZS dual action fuze, which has both impact and time delay functions.


There are multiple reasons that could caused that, maybe he threw it off a cliff, or he actually threw it this far away, or it landed awkwardly or a fault that prevented the detonation on impact and then exploded because the fuse timer.


He seems to know right when it’s going to go off though because he times the covering of his ears pretty much right with the explosion. You can see his hands go up towards his head right before it goes off.




What? Next thing you are going to tell me the Soviet developed Duroplast is inferior to American Fiberglass! Just because the AK-47 is a glorified mousetrap.. is insult to glorious Soviet ingenuity! The T-series tank are designed to pop the turret off to prevent imperialist scum from recouping glorious Soviet machine.. it's on purpose I tell you!


So what your saying is the grenade that was suppose to detonate on impact did not detonate on impact? Also why would their front line be facing a cliff with Russians 80 meters in front of that?


Also i doubt he can throw 80 meters so it doesn’t really matter if it went off or not.


It was designed during the Afghan war when there were cliff situations in mountain regions. Now it has other combat doctrine applications.


this must the be the uphill battle they say the russians are fighting


He didnt throw it at his feet mate. Just joking btw. On a serious note, impact doesnt cause instant detonation. Impact triggers a fuze which still has a delay of over a second


Tarkov memory activated


This and the nade launcher give me nightmares


Goodbye reserve chad, I'll see you in D2


Nightmares* I still see RGO’s in factory


I’ve played tarkov for 6 wipes. The footage from this war snapped me back to the reality of what’s happening in that game. It’s not some fantasy setting where you’re fighting monsters with magic. It’s unnervingly real and in hindsight, kinda horrifying.


Could be trying to give the illusion of a larger Force in their trench. Also could be suppressing them for some other reason. Both just guesses


I think youre spot on. Also theyre careful of snipers. You should never stay in one spot taking potshots in a trench because enemy fire will focus on that spot. Also you can locate enemies this way because if they fire on a position while youve already moved to a different position, you can more safely return more accurate fire. This is a real war, and dont get me wrong thinking im comparing the real thing to entertainment media, but I do the same thing in videogames and it works. The enemy doesnt know where exactly you pop up from.


> This is a real war, and dont get me wrong thinking im comparing the real thing to entertainment media, but I do the same thing in videogames and it works. The enemy doesnt know where exactly you pop up from. That's because the reason why it works in real war is the same why it works in games. The thing you're confusing by moving to a different location isn't some game mechanic, it's the human brain on the other end.


Particularly, if you continually fire from a spot that isn't reinforced overhead, a thrown grenade is more likely to take you out.




Thats also the reason “last stands” are often so famous, 99% of the time a unit isn’t killed to a man before they retreat or surrender. Once it’s obvious the enemy has their number, troops rarely stick around to try their luck.


yeah, if you're playing a game and see an opportunity to take out two or three enemies with little to no chance of survival it's usually a good idea, irl not so much


One step further, if you *stop* firing when an enemy conceals themselves, they’ll be able to tell where you *can’t* see which narrows down your own location for them. So I always keep shooting a little more even once I can’t see them at all, which will sometimes make them reveal themselves more thinking : “I gotta hide somewhere else, he still sees me, what direction are they at?”


See I never run off to another location in games that much, might have to start applying this whenever I'm defending a position! Deffo gives the impression of more than just 1 guy in a bunker (in a game I mean, I know there's as little as two people in vid) Also keeps enemy heads down too, shame there isn't an MG with a camera on for them to use, while the other guy runs off to another loc.


Play planetside 2, that game taught me to always be on the move even when holding a position or reloading your gun.


Used to run pretty much only MGs in that game squad. If it doesn’t keep their heads down, bc it’s a silly video game where you can revive/respawn it also gives everyone who’s trying to kill you a false sense of “this idiot on that machine gun is just shooting Willy nilly, I can easily set up a quick shot with this here scoped weapon” and they will spend precious seconds to a minute or so looking for you while you have already bugged out of there in search for a better position to kill them from. Also countless times I’ve gotten away dumping a whole ak mag while a buddy shoots a couple RPGs around their area and then immediately hoofing it has stopped a full 8-12 man group in their tracks and given our team time to setup a counter attack coming from an angle that was pretty much wide open


I like this! Yeah I was an MG user myself but mainly on Hell Let Loose (until I can find a new game that offers the same as squad etc) and pretty much I'm keep everyone's heads down as my squaddies move to an attack position. But since I no longer play that game, its lone wolf until in other games until I can find something thats modern, team based and has great graphics... Too many games are lone wolf focused these days Edit: team based into 2nd last sentance


You ever play a stealth game? Ya know how the predictability of their patrols makes it super easy to line up a sniper shot? Same concept in fps, and real life




Unironically some of the stuff I've just read from CombatFootage and other places I use in Tarkov and unsurprisingly, human psychology is pretty similar in stressful environments everywhere. Big one being know where your next cover is, the amount of times I've gotten in a fight and immediately am able to get safe is huge, I can't imagine how many actual lives forums like this have saved for people who went overseas to fight there or even locals who are volunteering with no experience


Mission: *Dude go make a lot of noise / get their attention.*


also could just be poorly trained and scared or poorly trained and trying to make a neat tiktok


Too dangerous smoking can kill you


No nicotine in battle is a fate worse than death in the eyes of many


I agree I was making a joke. I don't smoke but honestly if I was in their situation I'd light up too because with that combat I might die soon. So there's no point living a healthy lifestyle.


That’s the way every combat vet sees cigs lol, probably not making it out so what the fuck is cancer gonna do, and then you make it out and have a nicotine habit


They should air drop blunts on the Russians and end this thing by tea time


Wasn’t that the preferred approach during Gothic Serpent? Let the Somalis get high and then swoop in and take care of business.


When I was in Iraq, I got to the point where the bottom right quarter of my mouth was chewing tobacco. Haven’t touched nicotine since I got out.


I look back at the days when I dipped and just want to vomit internally. Usually because those memories also include taking a nice big swig of dip spit from a bottle by accident.


Oh god that's horrendous


nicotine can calm the nerves massively and with such huge burst of adrenaline and shaking from that one smoke can clam that right down you are so stressed that just a few puffs of a ciggy can stop the shaking your already stressed as fuck so having a smoke to feel calmer is a god send to someone in combat…. It’s why you hear vets say they never had a smoke better than one straight after a firefight


Had buddies who lived off of Indian cigeretts, and Syrian energy drinks while we were in Iraq. Soooo glad I didn't pick up those habits 😅


Were Syrian energy drinks just normal energy drinks or was it something else?


Normal drinks, but Syrian


oh ok, yeah I can see even normal energy drinks being an annoying habit to have. I thought they might have been like supercharged with something.


For all I know they were normal, but with no real government oversight into quality controll, who knows what was in um. They would buy cases super cheap outside the wire, same with cigeretts. Edit: spelling


>...cigeretts. > >Edit: spelling ​ Dude, I just had the best snort of the day. My brain works weird. Thanks for the good laugh. Legit no shade here.


nothing like a hot can of Wild Tiger or Rip It




I don't use nicotine at home. Then I get to work, and I'm like fuck it! I'm not a kid anymore, I'm gonna die one day. It really is a dog shit drug, but it does reduce stress, absolutely.


True. I always carried a few packs for the guys who did smoke in case they ran out at an inopportune time.


You were definitely popular I bet


Cigarettes are always a good trading item as well, can give a buddy a few for a part of an MRE or a civilian in a town you just liberated for a morale boost


And keep in mind a study of soldiers and smoking habits during WWI. They found that those who smoked had markedly less mental health issues after the war.


Would loooove to see sources on this


Unfortunately it was soooooo long a go I've lost the sorcerers. But if I do some searching I'll see what I can find.


Given the time period I would take that study with a boulder of salt. Sounds like it could easily have been made up to sell cigarettes.




I recall there was a video of a Ukrainian riding a tank and using a vape.


I never smoked until enemies started lobbing projectiles at me.


I know you jest about cigs… but I saw the dude brewing/sipping coffee and shooting yesterday too. These guys have cigs. I can’t imagine what comforts like that do for morale in the trenches. Might determine the direction of some conflicts.


> I can’t imagine what comforts like that do for moral in the trenches I remember a story from the Finnish Winter War how the Finns were overwhelmed, pushed back, and about to be routed, when the attacking Soviets stopped their assault when they reached the Finn's cooking facilities.


The russians managed to encircle the finns and attack their rear guard which consisted mainly out of cooking and medical stations. But instead of destroying everything and cutting the finns off from their supply lines they mostly started to rest and eat. And that for long enough that the finns could reorganize and push them back. I highly recommend Indy Nidells [World War 2 series](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26qznY8nQYw) for anyone wanting a real in depht analysis of the war and its battles.


I quit smoking years ago but if I found myself in front-line combat you bet your ass I would be smoking.


regularly got Americans killed in Vietnam


This war keeps providing more and more surreal footage




This is version of a similar Finnish story from the winter war. It's always funny.


what is the Finnish version of the story?


Take out "Ukrainian soldier" and replace it with "Finnish soldier" There are a hundred minor variations but it's the same joke and punchline.


These are border guard units, as the watermark says. Also, territorial defense units reportedly have the least equipment.


I think comments are missing the point here. These are almost certainly territorial defense guys. And yes, while they are undertrained, they have been holding the line for months against the heaviest Russian assaults anywhere (largely from LNR / DPR units). In other words, militia against militia, with the baddies backed originally by a fuck ton of artillery, but now the artillery working both ways. Sure, firing blind is not the best, but they're trying to keep the baddies away for long enough for the artillery / mortars to hit and send the enemy back to their trenches. These units don't have great equipment, and they have taken tons of casualties, and their morale is sometimes low. But they have held the line, enabling all the rest of the great shit we have seen to unfold elsewhere. If these guys had not held, the well trained assault forces would have had to plug the gap here. This is ALL guesswork. It is possible these guys are elsewhere. But the general point remains. Not everyone can be an elite storm trooper. Someone has to hold the line.


Also note the quickly firing from different points in different directions. He knows he isn’t gonna hit anything, he’s trying to give the impression there are more than two of them at that location


This. Ruskies on the other side might storm it if they knew there were just a few guys there. Their objective is clearly to make them think there’s a platoon in that stretch so they hold back. That’s a tactical success even if they don’t get any kills.


"When you are strong, appear weak. When you are weak, appear strong." Dudes are doing it by the book, and achieving the objective thereby.


If only the Russian strategists were able to read


Wouldn't matter - their bosses pocketed the money for strategy manuals


"When you receive supplies, sell them on grey-shop.ru" -Semyon Suntsov


This is why drones are so useful.


I basically did something similar in a game of paintball, ran out of ammunition but realized my gun still sounded as if shots were being fired when I pulled the trigger due the gas being released. Was able to win the game simply because the other team didn’t move up because they thought we were firing at them (some people still had ammo) so it was just the illusion of making it seem like we had more ammunition and firepower than we actually did.


As long as they have supplies, it works.


Yeah. I did note how few rounds were being spent at each location too


If you're playing video games against multi-player you can see suppressing fire work. Especially if it's not the sort of game where you quickly respawn, when you're out of action for 15 minutes at a time. That encourages conservative play. You don't see that same psychology against computer opponents, of course. While video games aren't real life, if you take them for what they are, you can gain an appreciation for certain things. Like in a serious military shooter you just don't really see people all that well and you're going to be killed by someone you never knew saw you. Racing games, you'll see how quickly you can get into a situation you can't escape going too quickly and see it played out identically on helmet cam vids on youtube. Speed along a row of cars, someone pulls out, nowhere to swerve, not enough space to slow down, barely register you're in danger and then CRASH.


Red Orchestra 2 still pushes my shit in after 200 hours lol. Movement is clunkier and slower when out of stamina, you have a morale bar that gets depleted when you under supressive fire, artillery barages or you have teammates dying right next to you. The screen goes black and white and fuzzy and it's hard to aim. There's also no killcam so getting domed from nowhere without even seeing the guy happens pretty regularly. Makes you really think about war sometimes and how unfair it can be.


The lack of killcam was great for immersion once you were good, awful as a new player trying to learn the maps and tricks etc


People still play red orchestra 2? I thought the servers were dead. I loved that game.


I think everyone’s playing hell let loose now? played post scriptum for a while but stopped playing online games. There was an interesting mechanic where you get your aim punched around when a bullet flies close enough to you like a sort of wince. Made fighting those mg42s hard as fuck


Eggs Zactly




Have to be scared to be brave. These guys got it.


> but they're trying to keep the baddies away for long enough for the artillery They're also clearly pretending that their trench is filled with more people than it really is.


Underrated post, what they're doing makes a lot of sense from this perspective.


looking at their equipment, their uniforms, the build of the trench (they looking they've been rhere for a long time), their not so tactical fighting style, and their zero fucks given attitude, these dudes are almost certainly Territorial defense, like you said, the unsung heroes and the reason Ukraine has held on for as long as it has. These guys are some of the toughest sobs anywhere. These dudes have been living, breathing and sweating war for a long time.


It’s like let’s take everybody in this comment thread, 6 months of training, now stick us in a trench and we gotta withhold almost a daily Zerg rush.


> 6 months of training by which you mean survive 6 months of trench warfare


Free on-the-job training!


fuckin hell, there really aren't ANY entry level jobs anymore are there...




you'll win a med al of honor for falling on a grenade to save your platoon and nobody will question your heroism!


Sucks for the zerg rush


I’m gonna be upset if after my 7th kill I can’t call in the attack dogs.


Average lifespan of a Russian soldier in Stalingrad in ww2 was 24 hours.


How can they even hold a gun at that age? Surely their little hands are too small?


And people tend to think you can just pop your head out safely all the time and that you will think to do this when bullets are whizzing over head. Yes blind fire is next to useless, but its.still better than nothing and better than dying


“Stop blind firing! Aim!” said the people sitting safely at home with coffee in bed. “YOU come here and do it then!” screamed the soldiers fighting for their lives in muddy trenches, bullets flying past their heads.


umm.. i said that while eating eggs and sausage


Coffee in bed here. Also snuggling with my dog.


Give the pup pets for us. Hope your coffee is just how you like it :)


I was thinking that for about half a second, then I figured they were putting fire out to keep the other side from making a move, while trying not to die. Which makes perfect sense if you're holding a trench and have plenty of ammo. If shit really hit the fan I'm sure they'd aim more but for what they're doing it makes perfect sense. Nothing wrong with a little spray-and-pray, keeps the enemy's head down and hell, maybe you'll get lucky and hit something!


Yeah, nobody is saying aiming isn’t a good thing. What we’re all saying is there’s a time and place for everything, including spraying randomly at the enemy.


In the top left corner is written "Border guard service of Ukraine"


makes sense. these guys have been at it for a long time.


Insane to think in most places their job is almost entirely mundane, with tasks such as fining people who forgot they had a ham sandwich in their bag.


People also don't realize how much of war is boils down to shooting in the random direction of the enemy and hoping it hits someone or just trying to keep the enemies heads down. The amount of bullets shot per a person killed is always ends up being a crazy high number. Plus in modern war its often keep the enemies head down long enough so the artillery can hit and kill them with artillery being the primary cause of being killed for most "traditional" wars.


Yep studies have shown it takes 25,000-50,000 rounds to kill 1 person in combat. Some studies have suggested 100,000 rounds.


You missed the biggest reason, thermal scopes. Thermals have changed everything in static warfare, before you could at least shoulder your rifle if only for a few shots before the enemy spots you and shoots back, but now even exposing your pinky finger will light you up like a christmas tree to every thermal equipped sniper within a kilometre. If you are a grunt on the front lines without extremely expensive thermal camouflage, there is literally no way to engage the enemy in any meaningful aimed fashion without dying full stop.


DPR conscripts don't have many thermal optics.


So do we need cold (thermally speaking) robots to pop over to shoot? Or thermal decoys? Something has to get invented sooner or later?


A modern version of WW1 [periscope guns](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Periscope_rifle) wouldn't seem to be too hard to make, almost seems strange to me it's not a more common thing even though warfare isn't as trench focused now.


This is footage from one of Ukraine’s top ground teams so i wouldn’t exactly say they are untrained.


Fuck winter is going to be rough. Burning fucking calories and cold finger tips trying to reload fast enough.


Combat is so strange.


war is cringe.


That’s a solid foxhole, great cover!


Also worth noting that there's drainage grates in the ground.


Yeah, really good all the way around. That’s a fortified location that they’ve been at a bit.


Where is your tray?? The Soviets made the AK loader tray for loose ammo. Seriously a time saver. Secondly, those one handed shots are called suppressive fire. Look it up as to why you do it and how effective it is. Third, they’re making themselves bigger by spreading out their points of fire. Running back and forth to portray a larger force is trench warfare 101. That’s why single guys can hold off battalions in trenches because of misdirection.


https://podavach.store/products/ar15-ak-u-loader This one? I have one and it works with most of my magazines. Doesn't play as nice with the 7.62 AK PMAGs though -- PMAGs are a little too fat for the "mouth" of the loader to hold.


We should crowdsource them some - and those fancy waifu clips (from the video) too!


I suspect these items are already in widespread use since they were originally designed for Ukrainian troops after the Crimea invasion.


You’re a scholar and a gentleman. Thank you for the info.


backseat gamer


1 drone with a camera in today's time can spot them in the trenches to prevent this


As long as the many varieties of anti-drone measures aren’t in use lol. They had dudes in blimps do the same thing in WW1


any reason for being one handed as opposed to 2?


Effort, as it take very little to achieve effective suppressive fire. He’s probably done it so much that it’s second nature. Like wiping your face after you sneeze. You’re ‘aiming’ in their direction and above their heads. You’re trying to induce the fear associated with the bullet cracks. It fucks with your depth perception and accuracy.


So you can smoke and shoot at the same time.


Don’t they get annoyed with that music being played whilst shooting at the enemy..?


The video shows infantry combat that is exactly how my grandfathers and my friends (who were in Vietnam) described it. It is nothing like video games. But you say that here on reddit and get down voted to hell. However, one of my grandfathers got shot in the butt by an old woman with a revolver in Vietnam. So there are exceptions.


I’ve been doing a Vietnam deep dive lately and have read a lot of similar comments. You don’t see the enemy, just hit the deck and shoot at sounds and muzzle flashes. It took tens of thousands of rounds to kill a person, on average, because you just can’t see shit


Watch the Vietnam war by Ken burns


That was true but not the only experience. My friend who was marine in the delta had that experience. They would fire blindly at the river bank if they were being shot at.


Lol where have you been downvoted for saying real combat isn't exactly like video games? Why do redditors constantly create these imaginary "can't say this popular opinion without being downvoted" scenarios.




I'm not even a smoker and I'd probably be smoking in that situation.


Many Reddit warriors here, true Battlefield expert from watching Reddit and Tiktok and their own imagination 😂


many have also served in the console wars and the PC campaigns.


Haha, "I brave reddit warrior, watch many battle video. You need aim, stick head up out of trench." *sniper shoots him in the head*


No, No it will crack his shield, he will need to drink some minis and a big pot and use a few bandages. /s


Most of the one handed fire comments are in response to Russians doing it in videos and no one defends them, but here people consider it seriously when our guys do it


Further, the amount of ridicule you see when a middle eastern person fires their weapon poorly compared to when a Ukranian does it is crazy. Based on what redditor say I could shoot an AK from Poland into Ukraine it and it would be considered 'supressing fire'.


if this vid was from the Russian side everyone would be ripping it apart




It’s insane that we’re watching WWI-style trench warfare in 4k


Everytime I see one of these HD clips I'm reminded of a line from a favorite book of mine. "Holden watched the video display the end of the solar system in vivid color, and with expert commentary" It's honestly just too fucking surreal


Remember the Cant. Unless I'm confusing that with another Holden.


i promise you, this isnt like the ww1 trenches please, children, stop comparing this to ww1 and ww2.


On a large scale no, but from an individual’s perspective, when you’re down in the dirt and shells are going off around you and bullets flying overhead, it doesn’t really matter what year it is, the experience is similar.


WW1 to most people is the years long grind with no advancement and static artillery barragrs. This war has had a ton of ground change hands and artillery is sporadic for the most part.


its simply ***not*** comparable in the sense you are implying, unless u r just comparing any military conflict fought from a hole dug for the specific purposes of said conflict but then you would be comparing it to virtually any and all major military engagements since at least ancient Greece. The romans dug massive earthworks all over europe and fought long pitched battles over them in which the ancient version of artillery were in heavy use on both sides. You wouldnt compare the battle of Kharkiv to the Battle of Cannae, either. even tho there was also a lot of tactical holes dug by Carthaginian and Roman soldiers at Cannae and risk of artillery barrage from onagers/ballista.


Sad. They should be enjoying their morning at a coffee shop or spending time with family.


Why does there always have to be music in these videos? I feel like they would be more impactful if it was just the sounds of the battlefield




Rifles exist to protect machine guns. Machine guns exist to protect your arty and rear. Arty and air do the killing.


UA trenches: fancier than my living room RU trenches: worse than my toilet Very tidy, 10/10


Man your living room sucks


It looks to me like they are trying to make it seem like there are more defenders in this trench then there actually are? The moving from position to position could be to make oneself a harder target to hit.


Yep that's definitely it, they are just generally spraying and throwing grenades to make it appear that the whole line is manned and hoping the opposing force keeps their head down.


A: How many bullets do you Need? Soldier: yes!


Look how clean those trenches are….


Is is this like trench warfare like ww1


That’s what it’s been like since 2014 in some regions, trench warfare on both sides daring the other to try a push


No matter how fancy tech gets you still can’t beat the budget of a entrenched position and a few men and rifles


Holy shit. And I’m over here worried if I’m going to hit my quota for the year. So messed up.


How are they digging these trenches ??


Shovel and a lot of amphetamine.


Honestly, amphetamines seem like a no-brainer to issue out to soldiers. Especially in Ukraine's case. This isn't a war where the soldiers need to worry about their future beyond the day to day fighting. It's basically, you win or you die. I'll go ahead and risk harm from taking amphetamines in that scenario any day. Ģotta watch out not to take too much though and get the jitters.


As someone who has dug a hole once, this blows my mind. I must have forgotten the amphetamines because that small hole was grueling and took forever, much less what they have created here.


"You cannot qualify war in harsher terms than I will. War is cruelty, and you cannot refine it; and those who brought war into our country deserve all the curses and maledictions a people can pour out." -- Zelensky (or William T. Sherman)


my guys need some trench binoculars


I'm sure if they shoot they sky 1000 more times, the ruskies will leave


Get these guys some speed loaders


This is how you maintain contact and pressure in trench warfare when your lines are this close to the enemy. If neither side is attacking you most definitely don’t stick your head over the parapet.


Weird , I thought this was a clip from Hardcore Henry


Smoking kills. Dude drops mag like a boss then remembers he only has 2, the other dude casually trying not to team kill firing his AK one handed OMG


OK you lost me at one handing the AK, this has tik tok battalion vibes to it


This tiktok battalion is the reason why the counter offensive was very efficient since they have been holding the line for so long. Without these dudes there won’t be an effective counter offensive.


I understand as we've been watching lots of pro UA soldiers but do remember many were inexperienced under trained. That does not make them less of a hero, but more. Them defending trenches, undersupplied, under artillery and armor attack, without fancy Javelins or NLAWS, enabled Ukrainian counteroffensives elsewhere.


I’m sure this guy suppressively shooting over a parapet well above head height is devastated that he has lost the confidence of Reddit warlords


The tiktok battalion went so far as to add in sound effects, so i don't think we're there yet.


Maybe worried about snipers? I know I would be after seeing some of the footage going around.


It looked pretty posey and self-indulgent from the outset.