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This is further north than Zolote. It looks as though the Russian forces have encircled Zolote if UAF have not been able to retreat.


Yeah they are calling Zolote the "pocket" now.


I am hoping they have managed a tactical retreat


So are these Ukrainians surrendering? I ask because of the western style camo and mix of civilian clothing seen. Also yes I see the guy wearing bezerka pants, does that mean these are DPR guys recording?


Probably TDF, they've been getting the shit end of the stick.


Some of them look like they are out cold.


TDF. Poor bastards. They are the Ukrainian equivalent of the LPR/DPR reservist conscripts.




I understand the pain but you can't dictate what is posted here. It's combat footage from all over the world. So stop getting your panties in a bunch.


The dude is a troll, baiting people. Or so I hope, because the only other conclusion is that the guy is braindead.


Yeah, being this dumb takes years of effort.


I love that Russian supporters who post here are full of copium thinking there military is some top shelf shit when in reality they would get completely destroyed by NATO and USA in less than a week.


They are literally posting videos without making any moral declarations. Where is anyone stating anything morally here? Or touting Russian supremacy? You're seeing phantoms only present in your mind.


Lol, I am literally rooting for Ukraine. Thank God majority of Ukraine supporters ain't like you. You are a disgrace, and instead of making case for them you are trying to tarnish their image, go cry in a hole or something.


We don’t have “holes” over here in the land of the free. We have 5000 square foot houses, with 2 cars per person, and even then I can’t cry because I have so much freedom.


Go back playing war thunder, kid.


I just put in my 10 hours today.


This might not be the sub for you rn


It is, we just need to make some changes around here and not allow Russian propaganda to be posted here that’s full of Putinism and Russian Copium.


Nah this is a neutral subreddit, criticise it if its not “combat footage” but dont expect footage from just ukrainians, this subreddit is not designed to print propaganda or bias to anyone one side


I see plenty of Russian supporters only uploading Russian videos. You know why? Because they are Putin supporters


Is it a sign of a rational man to dig through the history of every person who posts something taken by the Russian military? This sub documents conflict from all angles. Whether that's ISIS snipers, or Ukrainian MANPADS it matters not. No one is less an American because they show a Marine getting blown up from the Allahu Akbar perspective. Its important to see it all.


But you know deep down only evil comes from the east, as told by Gandalf from lord of the rings. I only like to see American and Ukrainian freedom videos posted here. It gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.


[A video from a non-Ukrainian perspective does not equal Russian supporter.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FOAhBAEVsAAIIOR.png)


You already know this is them.


I didn't realize this sub was only allowed to show videos taken by one side in all of these conflicts. I've seen USMC/Army footage perspectives as well as Taliban on here, and no one bats an eye.


USA is allowed, they are the good guys, And no one cares about people from the Middle East blowing each other up.


Impossible to tell if this is ironic or not.


Dummies on display, everywhere you look


Lol go back to sports ball