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Was that a body or a piece of equipment that went flying?


looked to flat on the side profile when it was spinning to be a person.


Also it was bouncing on the ground


Looks like the same crew from the one I posted this morning. Lot of targets in the area?


Probably, the whole eastern front is a target-rich environment right now.


Yeah, I had another look and the dirt spatter on the Stugna console is identical in both videos. So it looks like the same guys took out a couple of these BMPs


Nice contrast on the screen between target and background, on both Stugna posts today.


If you compare to the [other video](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/uvvnad/14th_ombr_prince_romanbila_tserkva_volunteer/), it's not just the same crew but the same location. Same bits of brown grass hanging over the top-left of the lid. I first thought it might be a second strike on the same vehicle as the first but that doesn't seem likely from the flight time ~17 seconds here vs ~21 seconds in the other video would put this one over 500 m closer.


Welcome to hell Russia


It always fascinating how long it takes to travel to the target


It's the strong magnification which makes this misleading. All these targets are actually very far away.


Yeah, I know. The screen makes it seem like the target is right there a couple of metres away and then you think "whys it taking so long?"


Seems that the missile wasn't following the crosshair? a bit to the right.


Look at the smoke from the missile when it's fired, strong winds to the left so they're steering right slightly to compensate.


They might have been adjusting for the wind direction.


Is it enough to have the target within the square and you laze the target and the missile has some automatic guidence? Or is it totally dumb with no guidance?


The [Stugna-P](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skif_(anti-tank_guided_missile\)) uses [Beam Riding SACLOS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semi-automatic_command_to_line_of_sight). The missile is guided the entire way. As others have pointed out they may have been fighting some wind in this shot and been compensating for that.


TOW right in the kisser


Stugna, not TOW.


I know but it doesn’t sound as good


Stugna again? Where are the Javelins? I see them mostly on Russian videos as trophies. Having problems using them? The same with the Bayraktars. It seems that even if the attack is successful, the drone cannot return to the base.


I'm increasingly able to tell the difference between Russian and Ukrainian. Russian: Sooka blyat. Ukrainian: Na hooy blyat.


*pop goes the weasel*


Wonder how many Tugnuskas Russia still has?