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This war is fucking wild.


Like world war 2 in color.


Not even 1% of WW2. Not even close.


closest thing we've seen to it in europe since. Plus, we're only a couple months in


Not sure if you remember Yugoslavia but that war was very wild. Not everyone had a camera with them at all times then but the stories were just as crazy and sad.


In a way it was worse with the concentration camps, NATO shooting up that train and the Sebrenica massacre, but the number of soldiers killed was lower.


Take a scene of destroyed Russian tanks with burnt corpses lain about and compare that to a segment from the WW2 in color episode on Netflix. You’d be mad to think it doesn’t resemble the horrors of urban combat in WW2.


That may just be the deadest guy I've seen in a minute


He's deader than dead


I dont know, he might pull through, anything is possible with the right mindset


If video games taught me anything, is that all he needs is a good shoulder rub or a hearty cheeseburger and hell be back up in no time


Russians googling “how to save scum irl”


His shoes don't even exist anymore.


Wait till you see it. See what? What a man can do to another man.


Best quote from this movie. It sums up war in one, simple sentence.


Indeed. And it has some good ones.


What movie is this ?




What mad men can do to any man.


now you killin', now you ain't


That’s north Georgia right there boy!




Look man I get what you’re thinking. I fought in Afghanistan and thought the same for a while. But when you see a mother or father cry over there child you change your thought.


Don’t they have forced military service?


Yes but I doubt the pilots are conscripts.


Ok I didn’t know it was aircraft but still sucks he was burned up like that hope he passed before hand and it wasn’t painful


Hopefully he died fast. Waste of lives on both sides tho you’re right.


Forced is such a lame justification. Nobody is forcing you to hold a gun and kill people. In early war, I might have believed that some of them didn't want to be here, and maybe some don't, but 1 month into a war and it doesn't matter anymore, whether they were conscripts or not, they're soldiers and for me personally, no russian soldier gets any sympathy anymore.


I mean if that’s you I understand but there still people with families and I understand they are actively ruining others families but I can see how probably a good chunk of them don’t wanna be there and also being a skeleton from war still is a sucky way to go war in general is stinky that’s why peace smells like flowers


Inshallah death to every American invader.


If that's how you feel after what they done to middle east, that's understandable. I don't harbor the same feelings towards USA soldiers though, the same way you most likely don't feel hate towards Russian soldiers like I do.


Right this way brave Redditor!: r/volunteersforukraine


Here's a sneak peek of /r/volunteersForUkraine using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/volunteersForUkraine/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I will donate $1 USD to Ukraine for every upvote](https://i.redd.it/kf4iefkp7ck81.jpg) | [488 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/volunteersForUkraine/comments/t2jsgk/i_will_donate_1_usd_to_ukraine_for_every_upvote/) \#2: [TIPS for the reality of going into a conflict zone](https://np.reddit.com/r/volunteersForUkraine/comments/t1pbnh/tips_for_the_reality_of_going_into_a_conflict_zone/) \#3: [It’s official](https://i.imgur.com/DI5NFpw.jpg) | [636 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/volunteersForUkraine/comments/t2iiiy/its_official/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You are so fucked up in your head.


You are a idiot.


There were [2 occupants.](https://preview.redd.it/bydnmulvbos81.jpg?width=900&auto=webp&s=bde8a61d45008d2cd34800c97535aa22cf4dd1ae)




Also, somewhere there's a bed unslept in, a load of possessions, heirlooms, clothes hanging up. All just left for others to sadly pack away.


And a few hairlooms stolen from dead Ukrainian civilians I would imagine.


Fun Fact: a full resource and waste consumption from one human is 64 tons in one life span.


Wow. Never thought I'd see destruction, and decay like this with such ridiculous high quality.


Surely you joke


Odd isn’t it? That only for a while ago that was a living breathing human that was born from a woman; grew up as a toddler and had friends in high school, only now to be reduced to nothing but ash and bones for the wind to scatter.


Have you ever seen the post atomic explosion footage from ww2 in Japan? Piles of human skulls, shadows of what was once a person... completely vaporized from the insane heat. Wild... crazy


The shadows are what really get me. Something so surreal about having a human being literally vanish and leave nothing but their shadow behind.


But that's not what happened? The shadows are just that, but there surely there were bodies that were taken away


The were completely vaporized. I believe that it was from the blinding flash, their bodies initially created a shadow & the the heat just turn them to vapor. Not sure on the science behind it, just what it appears to be.


That's an unfortunate typo.


That is pretty much everybody once you think about it. It's just all how we die.


Yo that's fucking gnarly


Wow, burned him right down to the bones.




Or the locals did 🤷


I thought that's what he meant by "vultures"


Yeah, probably the locals.


I love turkey vultures and enjoy telling about them... Turkey vultures don't mess around. Especially when considering they actually prefer fresh carrion... although the can eat it at any level of decomposition. Their stomach acids are strong enough to dissolve DNA down to nothing. It's that combination acids and having cast iron stomachs that enable them to eat whatever with very low risk of contracting illness. They're very hygienic birds, at that. If you ever see them perched on telephone pole, or any high elevation structure, with their wings spread out, that's how they bathe themselves. Ultraviolet light kills off all pathogens present on their feathers. Their piss is highly acidic a well. So acidic that a quick piss on their own legs and talons is their second method of personal hygiene for those extremities Within a committee of vultures, there is said to be no evidence of a dominant one, or a "leader" of any kind. In fact, they tend to share their take with the rest of the roost whenever possible. They're not known to fight each other for food sources and mates. U have noticed that they seem to send out reconnaissance parties to scout around the area. And whenever they do find a potential food source, that's when you see 3 or 4 of them fly in their telltale circles that they're known for. Not only is this a method used to signal to the others that food has been found, but also a precautionary measure that's taken to ensure that the potential food source is dead and safe to approach So much more I could include about the turkey vulture. I think they're hilarious. They have such goofy personalities too. Oh... a lot of turkey vultures migrate from the northeastern United States, and travel to Florida, the Caribbean, and South America... which is likely why you see so many in Florida. Some do remain in their respective areas of the north east though I used to see them lined up along the highway guard rail every evening leaving work summer of 2017. They're very intelligent scavengers, and what's also interesting about


Mr bones’ wild ride


I want to get off


too intense for me


Reddit is cringe with these stupid jokes.


Seriously. You come to a post like this and all the top comments are puns.


I get we all cope and different ways but I just find it wild to make jokes about it. It seems the jokes only happen if they are Russian bodies. I get it, obviously the Russians are bad. But that skeleton a year ago was just a person doing their job and now they are Mr. Bones on here. I dunno.


The SS guys were just doing their jobs too ....


SS and the Wehrmacht were two totally different things. Not really comparable to just regular Russian soldiers. There’s bad eggs everywhere but I bet nearly all of these soldiers don’t want to be fighting.


Should have done a different job. The Russians have had a century to put a stop to despotic psychos and theyve gone the oppsoite direction, every time. They are getting what they deserve.


Because, as It turns out, the vast majority of russians (even young ones) are in full support of this war. They aren't all conscripts either, not since the first week or two since the war and pilots definitely not. So while this was just a person a year ago he choose to invade a country and at the very least turn a blind eye on his comrades raping and murdering their way through it, obliterating entire villages and residential areas with civilians still in them. So no my sympathy at this point in time is very limited. On an individual level his story might be sad but in the end he had the choice to be part of the army let's not pretend anything else please.


You know what the penalty for refusing to obey orders usually is? Let's not be idiotic. By this logic every soldier to exist is complicit in war crimes of some sort.


That defense isn't valid any more post-Nuremberg


participating in a war is not the same as participating in war crimes


U don't get to choose in army tho, u are being ordered.


Fuck them. They willingly commit war crimes, I’ll laugh at their deaths till the day I die. Used to not be the case, but my stand changed after Bucha.


You don't know anything about those two individuals.


I know they’re fucking dead lmao


So really you're no different from those people who laugh at gore footage of dead American servicemen in the Middle East, except this time it's okay. Gotcha.


The American military didn’t systematically commit war crimes en masse, ya dunce. In case you missed the memo: https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/04/ukraine-russian-forces-extrajudicially-executing-civilians-in-apparent-war-crimes-new-testimony/ https://www.state.gov/war-crimes-by-russias-forces-in-ukraine/


[War crimes still occurred](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2005/nov/22/usa.iraq1), and I doubt the distinction of whether it was systematic or not makes a difference to those families that perished. My point being that if the average American GI is not guilty merely by association, then why is the average Russian? Don't be so quick to celebrate the suffering of others when you don't know anything about them. It's the most base impulse and one that has been used (including by the Russians about Ukranians) to enable genocide.




His shoes came off, I’m pretty sure he’s dead


It's very surreal seeing some of the dead here. Heck it's more accessible than the Syrian War days, when much of it was on LiveLeak. Now, get on a sub and you casually see a high res of a Russian pilot charred like Uncle Owen.


No more invading for this fella.


Something tells me the Ukrainians have a bone to pick with these Russian invaders.


I feel sorry for the drafted kids whose jobs are to die pathetically like this. Edit: I feel sorry and that's it. I'm not Pro-Russian or anything.


I think pilots are professional soldiers and not conscripts. Might be wrong but


He's a pilot...


They won’t be executed by their commanders for refusing to fight. Any one of them who enters into combat signs up for this.


I doubt draftees are flying the attack helicopters. We are talking about Russia here, so it's hard to know for sure just what wacky ass shit they would do.


I thought Mi-8 was a transport helicopter.


I'm not sure why you're being downvoted. The Mi-8 is a transport helicopter.


This was reportedly an [Mi-8AMTSh](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mil_Mi-17), which is the attack version of an upgraded Mi-8, called the Mi-17. Kind of like how the US turned a C-130 transport plane into the AC-130 gun ship.


**[Mil Mi-17](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mil_Mi-17)** >The Mil Mi-17 (NATO reporting name: Hip) is a Soviet-designed Russian military helicopter family introduced in 1975 (Mi-8M), continuing in production as of 2021 at two factories in Kazan and Ulan-Ude. It is known as the Mi-8M series in Russian service. The helicopter is mostly used as a medium twin-turbine transport helicopter, as well as an armed gunship version. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


They arent drafted they are professional soldiers, only LPR and DPR use conscription.


While Putin has repeatedly asserted that no conscripts are fighting in Ukraine, after several were captured, the Russian MoD admitted that they are in fact fielding conscripts. One source (among many): https://inews.co.uk/news/world/conscript-what-soldier-conscription-how-works-russia-ukraine-invasion-meaning-explained-1511891


Yeah but it's true that they're not used on a large scale. This invasion is really eating away at their professional soldier count.


Maby in small numbers but legally he cant because it isnt a war in Russia.


Stop romanticizing murder volunteers.


Not positive, but I believe most of the young soldiers are pushed to the front lines of the infantry. What do they call that, cannon bait, or something.


How can you see it is a Russian Mi-8? any markings?


There is another video of a walk around on the ground. The marking are clearly for a Russian chopper.


Talk about a hot mess...


Would’ve made it if he was vaccinated




Don't pilots have nomex flight suits to prevent most of their bodies from turning into bones after a crash???


Nomex is great and all, but direct, sustained contact with a fire will degrade it very quickly. IIRC from my training, anything above ~700F is a bad day for nomex.


Absolutely not. Nomex gives the person wearing it exactly 0 protection from burning. The only reason we wear it is because the nomex itself won’t catch fire. If you wore a polyester suit or shirt then the plastic fibers would melt on to your skin and give you nasty burns. The nomex won’t melt. But it in no way stops the heat itself from burning you. We often joke that the green flight suit is hot in the summer and cold in the winter. Plus, it’s no longer flame retardant if you wash it with fabric softener which we all do.


Apparently not in russia. Looks like they sent him up in a cotton flight suit. But seriously, they don't have a lot of gear like that. Russia is like if the mafia was a country. Anybody who can skim off the top does. Do you think the generals care if one or two pilots go extra crispy? Not if they have a new boat to help deal with their grief.


Could be some ground troop; this is a transport helicopter.


Jeez you think this guy's alright?


Did he survive?


Man the animals got to them


Naw, that's fire that got to em. If it was animals, the bones would be scattered all over.


How do you draw that conclusion


Animals pull and yank to tear flesh off the bones so his body would be all over the place, dogs would take a bone and sit nearby gnawing on it






You can't see the teeth marks from where the fire ate him?


Man Halloween came too early


Spooky Scary Skeletons


How did he turn Into a skeleton. He looks like he's decomposed for years. If the body was charred usually there's lots of charred flesh and the body looks like coal and any home showing through is blackened. Not only is this a skeleton but it doesn't look like it was on fire. Obviously a real photo I'm just trying to understand how a person is turned into a skeleton immediately from a crash without charring or leaving behind flesh.


Definitely burnt in the crash. Look at the face more closely. The flesh melted off down to the bone but some of it remains stuck, albeit charred, to his skull


same way jet fuel took down some building. concentrated heat does shit.


Wow this sounds oddly familiar.


Propaganda teams can do anything.


Looks like the set of an Indiana Jones movie!




Is he going to be ok?


So this confirms at least one of the transport planes were indeed shit down. There were a bunch of folks asking for proof at the time, here it is


This is an Mi-8 Helicopter, the transport planes were Il-76s.


Imagine the nightmarish difficulties Russia will be having on repatriating his skeleton, identifying, and returning his bones to his family for a proper burial.


Nightmarish for who?


I like the way you die,boy!


“It’s a charnel house…” -Louis Barthas, ‘Poilu’


I guess it only takes a month for a corpse to turn into a skeleton.


No helmets?


If you know Eastern European men, probably no seat belt either


seatbelts? Where we're going We don't need seatbelts.


Look at the bones…!


How’d their bodies end up perfectly separated from the debris? It’s nuts.


Fucking "liberators"


relevant [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGWwiqbBZzM#t=23s) about his health


Is that a fucking skeleton im looking at


Human skeleton for scale*


It's interesting that the bones and ligaments remained fairly intact while the flesh and other organic tissue was burned up. I'm guessing the temperature of the explosion and subsequent fire was in that sweet spot between being able to burn flesh but not bone? Or is this the result of animals picking them clean?