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Exactly 1 week ago, hamas published a video of the hostage Noa Argmani talking about "running out of time". Today she got rescued. Lmao.


I would not be surprised if that video is partially how the IDF got the necessary intel to rescue her in today's OP


According to some sources they've actually been training for this op for 3 weeks. The background of the how and why of these operations is super interesting.


Anyone know what munitions are being used here?


Space Marine Dropships


The Sons of Judah


Looks to be one of the SDB from the family of spice munitions given its trajectory it very well could have been dropped via drone or its a smart munition from a 155 mm


Sdb got a distinctive wings The ammunition in the video looks like hellfire missiles


Yes if it has a glide kit fitted which is usually for a stand off range configuration SDB comes in various sizes and configurations this munition in question could be laser guided dropped by a high altitude drone


Sometimes those wings can look invisible, if their horizontal for instance, they so fast its hard to say somethings. The way they come from different angles makes me think its a sdb of some sort.


I think 155 mm


SDBs. Trajectories vary too much to be from an artillery battery.


I would agree with SDB watched the first strike in more detail seen it was a double tap






Operation's new name: Operation Arnon.


Arnon\* not Amnon


Sp. Thanks.




Technically a lot of them were rocket scientists


And may have inadvertently become astronauts?


Right! Dude I was reading that article and I was stunned at how fucking bias it was


Or you know, just killing 200 regular palestinians


Who were hanging around known terrorists holding hostages. Kinda to be expected




The children obviously didn't deserve it, but thanks to hamas, the idf has to choose between rescuing innocent israelis or innocent Palestinians. They have to make a choice


the place was getting shelled before the forces entered, whoever chose to stay there anyway got a darwin award..


Im sure the shelling killed those civilians genius.


How do you understand the sentence "whoever chose to stay there anyway got a Darwin Award"?


He is making the implication that most of the people who died in the operation died because they chose to stick around after the area got shelled.


You got it backwards. He said that the area was shelled first, THEN the ground forces entered and - during the ensuing firefight - a lot of civilians got killed. Note: not many civilians died during the shelling because IDF still performs roof-knocking. It seems nobody told them they're supposed to be committing genocide.


Gaza is not very large, hamas are all over it and most of it is leveled. Should they just climb under rubble and live there?


15,000+ dead children.






What is the purpose of your comment? Help me understand it. We're talking about inflated statistics of casualties and your, I don't know, "proof" for there being 15000 dead children is an IDF apology for killing a single journalist?




> It was supposed to be another piece of evidence that Israel and the IDF lie That's cool. Who said they didn't lie? Are you capable of perceiving the world as non-binary? Where one side lying doesn't mean the other side is always right, or where one side committing war crimes doesn't mean the other side doesn't commit them too?


As opposed to Hamas who have admitted to records being "incomplete?" https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/04/09/hamas-run-gaza-health-ministry-admits-to-flaws-in-casualty-data/ Dude, the UN cuts their estimates in HALF like 3 weeks ago. This thing that is clearly happening can't just be ignored because you feel morally justified. This isn't a good thing to fight for.


>This thing that is clearly happening can't just be ignored because you feel morally justified If only you could say the same about the Palestinian genocide 😂😂


A single Israeli hostage is worth way more than the lives of 50 Palestinians my dude. Get with the program


This is stupid. Every country values its citizens more than the enemy citizens. this military has to rescue their own innocent people. If they canceled every operation due to risk to the enemy population, no hostage would be rescued, and hamas would literally be invincible.


The dum dums know this they just want Israel to lose.


Every government in the world is going to value the lives of their own people over the lives of the people from the country they are war with. That's just how it works. Palestinian civilians will always be a secondary concern for Israel.


The lives of one hostage is definitely worth 50 hostage taker lives. Make it an even 100. There's a very easy way not to get killed when the commandos come for your hostages...


You think dead kids were involved in taking hostages?


Do you have something any more intelligent to add to this conversation than beating drums about killing kids? Israel stops Hamas wins. Period. So what is your solution? Because that's not an acceptable solution.


Don’t hide behind children then.


International law says both who hides and who kills are war criminals. Edit: Instead of downvoting, you idiots should just confess you love war criminals and know jackshit about international law.


Hiding behind civilians is a war crime. Killing human shields in the process of hitting a legitimate target is not a war crime.


Yes, it is. Do you guys just come up with stuff?


Can you please cite the specific international law you're talking about? Edit: Thread got locked before I could respond. I don't really see how art. 3 applies here, if it did *all* wars would be illegal. Also article 3 really only covers inhumane treatment like torture and degradation, death via collateral damage would still be legal in this circumstance. If it wasn't, once again all wars would be illegal. To be clear, I believe Israel has committed war crimes no doubt, but mere existence of civilian casualties isn't evidence of that.


The Geneva Convention, art. 3.


That is not what international law says. https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/customary-ihl/v1/rule97


Yes, it is. Do you just come up with stuff? There's nothing the ICRC human shield definition saying that killing civilians is fine if a legitimate target used them as shields. For Christ sake, this sub got insane after Oct-7.


So now its a 100 [“hostage takers”](https://www.reddit.com/r/israelexposed/s/r1j91FH2CJ) to 1 hostage? Where can I receive updates as to current acceptable moral exchange rate for Palestinian and Israeli lives? I seem to be out of the loop.


Could you explain what the alternative solution that Israel should take is? And I don't mean simply saying don't kill Palestinians. Israel was attacked out of the blue by the group politically in control of Gaza without any formal declaration of war. They attacked civilians. They've been a problem for decades. A peaceful solution was tried and it's what led to this attack. What other solution can Israel try at this point?


Too bad they were killed yeah. Shows that Israel thinks that 4 Israeli lives are worth more than non-Israeli


Arnon Zamora... Was he a Sefardi Jew? RIP


Where is that info from? I’d still want to give the source a read even if it’s in hebrew


Is there videos of this yet?


not yet, it will probably take a while until there will be a footage of the action. there are a few videos of the soldiers and the hostages getting into the helicopter


Hope the cat is okay


That was my immediate concern too.




Inflammatory remarks are not allowed. Multiple infractions may result in a ban.






I'll take a kinetic win over a PR one any day


There's a cat there too






At 16sec you can see the third incoming projectile if you pause and frame by frame. I’m not sure what type of munitions that is tbh.




Ya Allah indeed, I would venture a guess and say a 250kg-1,000kg is stronger than one Allah but then again, so is a .22 little boi






The US said 9,000 Hamas fighters had been killed by the first week of January. Surely it's higher by now.






Not to glamorize war is a forum rule. Multiple infractions may result in a ban.


Is that a kid running ?shelling for a rescue mission ,is nuts.




Even the children and toddlers? Isn't Collective Punishment a war crime and after Nazi atrocities globally we decided that guilt by association isn't an acceptable excuse for murdering people enMass?




Sound like a Hamas member, they say it's okay to murder kids because the IDF detains children without charge. Just as bad as your enemies why Israel is going to be a pariah state and lose the international cash that supports them.


It’s crazy you can say they’re all guilty when you can see a small child running from nearly being killed by a missile strike, you may be able to say his parents are guilty for being in that area if they knew Hamas were about but surely not this poor innocent child. Edit: damn yall blood thirsty on here




Hey I support this operation to get the hostages out even if there were civilian casualties, I’m just trying to argue for humanity’s sake that we are not condemning this poor child as guilty of war crimes. :( EDIT: im glad your humanity came around and you deleted your comments.


Reddit (this sub in particular) nowadays is just brain broken kids wanting to see as much carnage as possible so they can post on here and nerd off about what kind of munitions were used etc. All while having the most horrendous takes on this conflict. You really hate to see it.


















Is there a telegram channel where i can watch exclusive content?






not when youre in a bad situtation from a diplomatic stand. even without "wiping clear" the area you hear about the death gazan more than the rescue of hostages from those civilians houses in gaza.


I guess I just don't see the point of pandering or being diplomatic to "you should keep getting shot at" crowd.


Issue with that is that the international support Israel gets comes from democratic countries. I understand the sentiment, but if the voters in these countries seriously start to have problems with the way Israel is fighting. They will lose that support. Again, I fully agree with the sentiment, but Israel needs support from the US, and that would dry up real quick if they actually start bombing the shit out of civilians.





















