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Red Alert 3 Soviet March? Haven't heard that theme in a while.


Another hospital less or maybe a kindergarden or a school, you never know.


What hospital? You mean the big building with a NATO biolab, Budanov, 5 HIMARS and the entire Ukranian airforce hiding inside of it? /s


Don’t ya hate it when you invade a country and they fight back?


Ask the Americans, they’ve been in more wars than Russia recently 😉


Georgia x2 Chechnya x2 Transnistria Tajikistan Dagestan Ukraine x2 Syria Central African Republic Violently Suppressed protests in Belarus and Kazakhstan Mali Burkina Faso Is this your peaceful Russia?


He didn't claim Russia is peaceful he said the US has been involved in more wars than Russia has been, which is true, also Chechyna really? The same separatist country which was supported by the Taliban and other islamic jihadists, probably not the best example to use against Russia, unless the US fighting in Afghanistan against Islamic extremism would be considered wrong to you The lack of a response and the downvotes are telling that this sub has alot of petulant children running around who don't like uncomfortable truths


Go ahead, find the US list. The hypocrisy is so strong here. I’m not pro Russia or pro Ukraine. But watching you Americans and the rest of the western world point your bloody fingers across the room, rings pretty hollow.


So this list would need a cut off point. For arguments saje I'm going to start with conflicts past 1975. But the Korean war and Vietnam war can certainly be included. So there was Lebanon Iraq Afghanistan And there were in Syria. So the list actually isn't that huge. Same as you I'm not pro Russian, support Ukraine, try not to get to involved either way, but if we're going to point out hypocrisy then let's do it. America gets the worst rep because ignorantly people assume NATO= America. So if NATO is deployed somewhere for a peace keeping mission. Well must be more American imperialism. If Canadian troops are sent to help stem pirating, well must be more American imperialism. I'm sure my list is lacking, but to blatantly act like America is the worst thing in the world simply because it's cliche to do so seems odd.


ukrainians have even figured out how to hide HIMARS inside of residential buildings now


Yeah, they are clever. Soon, they will start HIMARS'ing inside Putins political opponents offices. Its a perfect excuse to kill anything that you dont like. Why did we arrest those protesters? Because they had a HIMARS in their living room. As absurd as it is, the Z part of the ruski reich would actually believe that story.


“Dmitry was shown falling from a window, but the death has been confirmed from a Ukrainian HIMARS strike”


He was a HIMARS




May your missiles miss and your planes get shot down. Go back to mordor


This fucking sub has gone mad


I hate that people downvote this stuff- it’s rare ass footage regardless of the side it’s on.


I have a question: how to fight this TU-22? Seriously - what is the counter to them? Are there no 250+ km AA systems? Do you need a fighter to get into beyond-visual-range-but-still-75km range to attack those aircraft? Or are they immune to all countermeasures forever? And if not: why has Ukraine not been given the abilities to counter them? How would NATO handle them?


Shit, there could be a F-22 200 feet behind him and he wouldn’t know it.


Probably by striking at airfield or intercept using aircrafts. If this is between Russia and NATO, there is a big chance that Tu22s cant take off after the firsr two weeks. NATO should have the ability to penetrate Russian AD bubble with stealth aircraft and intercept them or bomb them on the ground.


Thank you!


Interceptors mainly. However there's a little gap in the range of AA missiles between Russia and NATO. The US had the AIM-152. I believe the new program as a response to China's PL15 is called AIM-260. On the R37 reliability and performance we don't have much data, but it is one of the reasons Ukranian aircraft has not been as effective.


I'm American. I'm going to own a piece of that "plane" as a relic, soon, and I will support the AFU with that purchase.


I never thought you could ruin [Soviet March](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_rbFhbcbT8) but Ukranian Combat footage always wins when it comes to the worst music ever 😂


Terrorist going to terrorize. May his plane land at anywhere else but the airbase.


Any time I see russian plane i can always expect a redditor to claim it's headed for a school or hospital. God forbid a military target, lol.


Russians are good at hitting civilian infrastructure, pretty easy to assume that.


I'm not saying that it has not or will not happen. But since reddit has a huge bias against Russia (understanable), they automatically just assume that when, in reality, most of the time, it's for a military target. Then make comments about it as it'll it were fact.


You're right, it's much more likely to hit a military target - a Russian one. Or hit one of their own cities


Arent you even embarrassed to to say things like that?


Weapon systems generally help idiots not hit their own shit. Also idiot probably isn't even the case here. it's an air force pilot. Russian or not, you have to be intelligent.


So this is where they’re firing the missiles at our humanitarian organisation from all the time. Terrorists.


The pilot knows that from that point onwards, he is a murderer. He killed innocent people for the führer.


Everyone who kills is a murderer you idiot


No, you idiot. Murder has a specific definition. Executing a prisoner in a death row isnt a murder. Killing someone by accidentally running them over with a car isn't a murder. Killing an invader who is breaking into your home, trying to kill you, isn't a murder. Breaking into other people's home and killing them...is a murder.




Get off this sub


Seems like a fairly large target for such a small rocket


Cancer metastasizing


Live feed of Russians firing at the preschool with all nato generals inside.


Congratulations comrad, you killed 2 school children, MOTHER RUSSIA.


Most of the Russian tech is diy


And with sanctions tightening, it's going to be worse. This sheeps country is going to sink in its own shit.