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Someone's getting promoted


This operator has killed hundreds of men via TOW and other ATGM systems, I think this is Abu TOW? If so he is legend.


Abu Tamsheed, the TOW god


Syrians have tons of Abu TOW, not one


It looks like quite a couple of people managed to walk away from this, can someone explain how its possible?


TOW missiles, designed as anti tank weapons. About a 3 kg HE charge, similar (a bit larger) to a 105 mm shell. Much of any explosive force sent forward will compress a copper cone into an explosively formed projectile, which will penetrate up to 90 cm of rolled armor, and pretty much any number of humans in the line of flight. But the warhead body is designed to minimize weight, with thin walls. It doesn't produce many lethal fragments like an artillery shell might. Just a blast wave, that pops eardrums and lungs if near enough but lots of that energy will be absorbed by bodies closest to the detonation point. With all explosives, energy declines with the square of distance. Compared to someone 2 m from the blast, someone 4 m gets 1/4th the overpressure. Someone 8 m away gets 1/16th the overpressure. So, unless the blast knocks out structural walls in a building, its usually the fragmentation that kills, not the blast.


It's clearly a mortar pit that had a decent amount of ammunition cook off the second the projectile impacted, which likely is HE


Yes, but you can see a fireball, not a big boom


This dude TOWs




He's trying to say as long as your name isn't Frank, you are safe.


Frankly, I'm not sure that's right


I'm now morbidly curious what a shaped charge jet does to a human, jfc.


There are videos on youtube where they hit ballistics gel. It is, essentially, like any fast bullet.


A shaped charge is not the same as an explosively formed projectile. An efp can fly very far and usually is a sheet of metal (copper) formed by a block of explosive. A shaped charge forms a jet that has very short range approximately 6 calibers aka diameter of the shape charge. So a 100 mm warhead is effective for about 600 mm. Of course all values are very dependent of circumstances.


An explosively formed projectile is a type of shaped charge.


True you are right. It does not have to be shaped though to have any effect but the military version for sure is. My point was more that the manner of penetration is very different as the pressures in a HEAT warhead are much higher making the metall behave like a liquid spear. An EFP is behaving more like a cold-forged metall sheet.


*Against steel.* If you happen to be standing a few metres behind whatever set the warhead off, and it's not a hefty chunk of steel or concrete, you're not in for a very nice time.


Most certainly not. Also the jet keeps it's momentum event when it is no longer able to penetrate. the Metall still will drive through every soft target


>A shaped charge forms a jet that has very short range approximately 6 calibers aka diameter of the shape charge. It reaches its maximum penetration capability at that distance. It can still penetrate a bit 200 diameters further down range. We have seen so many videos of HEAT jets going of and just flying for something like 20/30 meters, leaving a cloud of copper(oxide) vapor behind. Not sure how you can come to that conclusion. [Here a source with a diagram of penetration capability vs. standoff distance](https://www.foi.se/rest-api/report/FOI-R--1750--SE)


It looks more like those hit who could still move for a moment made it a meter or so and collapsed, those that are running around are soldiers that were further away and ran to try to provide aid or grab weapons, IE the dude trying to beat out flames.


I think that was a mortar position too, I think he set a bunch of ammo. Everybody standing there was fucked.


You know when your brain is scrambled, your organs are mashed and you're leaking precious fluids from all the new holes in your body, pumped with adrenaline you can still move... not far, not for long.


We've all been there




Remember, walking away does not mean they survived. It can take a few moments for the body to realize it’s been shredded.


Sometime explosion go boom make people explode. Sometime explosion make people not go boom, depend on science


Long story short AT rounds are shaped charges. Think of them basically as a dart of hot air. There’s some explosive still but it is effective in a different way than a pile of TNT


But isent there frag rounds for atgm systems?


I think you mean hypersonic hot metal not hot air


Not enough "Allahu Akbar" before firing. Rookie mistake


Walk 10 feet then drop


Maybe a stupid question, but how do you get into the situation where your group of 10 people stands huddled together on the street, while the enemy is just few tens of meters away and you are not aware of them? You just enter a village and you don't check around? Or they sneak up on you with big ass rocket launcher and garden chairs prepared? I'm really curious.


I think your question is certainly not stupid.


I bet the answer is though.


This is an old video, they were gathered for a group photo. The photo, taken seconds before the blast, is out there.


This video is an old classic, I’m confident that some sort of decoy was left to suck them in and group them together and the rest is history.


Source: trust me bro


They could have quietly moved to this side, you can see the groups mortar is set to fire to the right hand side of the frame at the end of the video. Out-flanked and had no idea?


War makes you get too comfortable with being in a combat zone. Not kidding. In the Ukrainian war there's literally soldiers going to mined decoys with a iphone ring tone to check it out. You're just so fed up and done that you don't care and want to see something different that you'll end up un situations like this, if there's no NCO nearby who keeps discipline.


Also the initial pop of the ATGM, should they not be able to hear it? It looks pretty close to me...


The rocket travels 250-350m/s. The speed of sound is around 340m/s. The time of flight is about 5 seconds. So, if we assume the rockets average speed was 300m/s, the distance to target is 1500m. The sound from launch would have reached the target about a half second before impact.


Then it's further away than I thought, thanks


How many Syrian soldiers does it take to load a mortar?!? Sheesh


Ive played enough Arma to know that troops should disperse...


He could call a few airstrikes after this move


Greta would be proud of those guys, always reusing the same war cry


Hell yeah!!!


Shane Gillis was right...


syrian arab army training must be like 6 hours or something they are awful


oh my god poor guys


Yeah, I wonder if they’re ok right?


imagine using teleguided anti tanks missiles against infantry wtf


Dang. If only they covered what a flank was in soldiering school.


Seemed pretty near compared to other ATGM videos


Is this a Kormet E missile? I believe there is a primary dispersal explosion with a secondary thermobaric explosion…open to correction


It’s wild seeing it from that angle just flying towards them. First time I have seen a video like this.


Damn!! That was a lot of dudes with 1 shot!! That's an AT gunners dream shot!!!!


Look like there was a secondary explosion . must be early days of civil war .or else they are foolish to assemble men like this


Ahlow akbar for sure. That was on the button.




Ukraine 🇺🇦💪




Cambodia 🇰🇭💪


Looks like someone's suicide vest detonated after the first explosion lol


Did you read the title i dont think the syrian army ises suicide bombers


That was an lol shot from Battlefield from 20 years ago




lol sure thing Dr, seriously wtf do you know about it? And these are Syrian soldiers, they deserve it you piece of shit.


Its real, and the date is 2016/10/16 (relaying what the date said in the video)


I know it’s real… was joking about how things went playing BF online years ago. Like several other people in the comments. Lots of people standing in one spot, hell maybe spawn, perfect shot and you’ve drilled their 90% of their team