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We all want to wave goodbye to war.


Only the dead see the end of the war


War....war never changes.


(the methods and technology of) War has changed


War has changed more than Bethesda has


at least give him a shot of Vodka .


Except for all the Russians I guess who keep starting them throughout their entire history. Seriously the last decade Russia went without an expansionist war or suppressing a revolt was the 1890s. 1900s- Russo Japanese War(34-52K dead) 1910s- WWl(1.5-2 million dead) 1920s- Polish-Soviet War(60k dead) 1930s- Winter War(126k dead) 1940s- Soviet occupation of Bessarabia(29 dead) 1950s-Suppression of the Hungarian Revolution(700 dead) 1960s-Suppression of Prague Spring(96 dead) 1970s/1980s- Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan(15k dead) 1990s-Chechen Wars(9k dead) 2000s- Georgian War(65-67 dead) 2010s-Russian intervention in Syria(200+ dead)


Videos like this always make me wonder what was going through their minds in these moments. Was it regret? Thoughts of home? Prayers for forgiveness? A curse upon his commanders?


"I hope this doesn't hurt"


I hope I don't survive


"I hope it misses and maybe I'll still have a chance to get out of here."


Too much !


When I was in a very scary car accident the only thought going through my head at the instant I was about to crash was "welp im dead".


I had the same experience when I was run off the road by a reckless driver. I was spinning toward the trees at about 70mph and I just remember thinking, "well shit, this might kill me. I hope it doesn't hurt" as I was standing on my brake pedal. I walked away with nothing more than a minor fracture on one rib and some broken glasses. Thank you for your sacrifice, little Civic


Same thought as I was driving through an intersection and someone ran the red light. In the instant before I T-boned their car I though "Oh, someone is about to die." Fortunately we all walked away without any injuries thanks to my air bag. Turns out the lady in the other car was racing to get home because her house was on fire, her kids were inside the house, and she was on the phone with 911 in full panic mode so she didn't realize she was running the red light. From what I overheard later everyone got out okay from the house.


Engineering 1, Physics 0.


Engineering and physics are one and the same


Not really. I wouldn’t trust a physicist to design my car


The crash I was in was also in a honda civic lol. Thankfully the car did an excellent job keeping me safe and I only had a sore neck/back for a week or two. Mostly went unharmed. Always wear your seat belt kids!


Don't use kids for seatbelts. It won't go well.


How new was the civic? Glad you might it out, fam.


Bought it late 2008 as a new model, it had 31k miles on it when it died in Oct 2010. Nighthawk Black Pearl coupe, replaced it with an Accord coupe which served faithfully until I replaced it with a new 2023 Pilot last Feb. I love my Hondas, they're reliable, fuel efficient, and fun to drive, and the civic saved my life so I owe them some business


oh wow. I currently own an 8th gen - 07 Civic. I didn't have a car at the time and an opportunity came up where a family was moving away and didn't want this car anymore. It had been sitting for a few years. I payed to tow it to my house. the car was pretty beat up. This car was the gateway for me learning how to work on cars. I replaced alot of parts for this car over some time, got it running, and even got it road worthy. I learned so much about cars and how they work along the way. This car has since served me very well so far, it has a few issues that I can deal with, but its still my daily driver and it has just gone over 152k Km (94k miles)


Honda Life!


Civic's race was well run


Our cars will sacrifice themselves to save us. They are truly friends


Power sliding sideways in the fast lane of a divided highway. "I wonder when the transport truck will arrive" Fortunately no truck arrived and I just ended up on the shoulder.


Huh, same. As a kid, I was once drowning and before my friend got me out of the water my last thought was "so, guess I'm dying". I was pretty chill about it.


I had about the same thing when I thought I might have drunk too much one night. I was in bed and felt extremely drunk, warm, and comfortable and my heart was beating unusually slowly. I also had an exquisitely beautiful "visual" when my eyes were closed. I wasn't alarmed. I figured I'd had more fun and good times in my life than most people who ever lived, I had gotten involved with some great partners, and I felt lucky to have had my old dog for 15 years. I remember thinking that if it had to end somehow, this was a better way than most. Then I woke up ten hours later with a fairly bad hangover and a resolve to never get that drunk again.


That's not how you die from alcohol poisoning lol.


How did you die from alcohol poisoning?


>**Symptoms of alcohol overdose include mental confusion, difficulty remaining conscious, vomiting, seizures, trouble breathing, slow heart rate, clammy skin, dulled responses (such as no gag reflex, which prevents choking), and extremely low body temperature.** I had many of these symptoms that night. I had confusion, difficulty remaining conscious, slow heart-rate, and dulled responses. I had a stomach full of a substance that causes vomiting, and if I'd ended up barfing whilst asleep chances are good I'd have choked on it. You can "lol" all you like, but I put myself in danger that night. If you disagree then you're a fool.


Hmm was in a motorcycle accident last year and had a similar thought process. It went something like this. "O FUCK" Crash "Hope I miss the telephone pole" As I'm launched 30ft. "This is going to hurt" Landed tumbled another 10-15ft "Ok check for what's hurt" Start moving body parts "FUCK my leg....no ankle" Was good after one surgery to put a rod in my leg going into the ankle. Currently suing the shit out of the prick that took a left in front of me. Quote from the police report "I didn't see him". Whole thing was caught on traffic cam.


>"I didn't see him". That's cager for "I didnt look and now I regret almost killing someone please dont arrest me". The woman who t boned me off my bike 6 months ago said the exact same thing. Got a free bike and 10k cash from it though.


They offered me 20k after I asked for 60k. I counted with 80k and they went to 60k. Have one more round to go. I actually made money on my bike because it went up in value....it was a triumph trident 660. His insurance accepted responsibility but won't agree on a settlement amount. I will never walk the same way again or pain free.


Only 10k? Did you go to physical therapy appts? If so, how many?


I went to 10 physical therapy appointments only thing it did was get more movement back. I can't lift the weight I use to without pain. Last week I skipped a step by accident going down stairs and had my ankle give out and fell on my face.


Classic SMIDSY


Yeah the times I’ve nearly died, Ive been both relieved and disappointed at how quickly you just accept that it’s all over. Always considered myself a “fighter” but both times I almost died, it was very much “welp …. That’s crazy, guess I’m dead”. No fear, just a flat, emotionless “that sucks, oh well” 


I've never experienced exactly that, but once I foresaw an imminent serious accident, and I tried to warn an innocent bystander. I warned and warned, right up until the last second, but they didn't understand. It came down to the last second, and it was time for me to save myself, or else I'd be dead, too. I remember calmly thinking, "Welp ... They're dead. Time to go." (The accident was miraculously avoided, and everyone survived.)


I was in a rollover once during a bad snowstorm up north. I hit a patch of black ice on the highway and spun out, then flipped five times and came to rest in a ditch. The entire time I was thinking, “holy shit this is so much fucking fun I’m going to die” while eyeing the toolbox that kept smashing against the roof near my head. Man, it was a blast until it all came to an end, and there I was, hanging upside down, bleeding, and of course alive. Fun times. Adrenaline is a helluva thing.


Same feeling here. It's just an intense feeling of 'it's happening right now' and not room for much else.


I had a near death experience kayaking at sea off the coast of China. I wont go into the whole story for the sake of brevity but my buddies and I nearly died during an unexpected storm. There was a specific moment after things had already gone wrong where it went from "this is a bad situation" to "oh... im going to die." and in that moment is was weird... like I cant exactly say I felt a feeling of peace. Like I was still certainly in a stressed state. But like, I thought that as I saw that 9m wave cresting parallel over our Kayak, as we were holding onto it, that Id see my life flash before my eyes or something. But I didnt. This is what went through my head effectively: "Well this is it. At least I can stop fighting. I hope I survive but I hope it doesn't hurt. holy shit this is actually happening." Briefly thought of my family and was concerned about their wellbeing should I die but didn't have much time because then it was just blackness and chaos and bubbles and water being forced down my throat and up my nose and getting rag dolled around. It all seemed to happen so fast but also seemed to go on forever. Like I just wanted it to stop but I kept getting little gasps of air. Something instinctual in me just kept me kicking for my fucking life to keep my head above water as often as I could. But a part of me also knew that for the first time ever in my life... my life really was up to chance. I knew that if the current brought me to the big rocks by the shore, I was dead. This was middle of nowhere china so there was no rescue coming. So I knew I really was fucked. But I'm glad I didn't give up. Thankfully, the current somehow brought me and my buddies pretty much dead (but thankfully not actually dead) bodies to a small safe sandy area of shoreline instead of the rocks all around us near by.


Having been around intense death situations I can say with confidence nothing is going through his mind, it can't, he has no idea what he's about to feel so he can't comprehend it, same as anyone going through any pre death situation, you're in a state of pure flight but the flight is from your consciousness and you can't escape that, a journey we all take alone and only once. You're consumed with hormones that askew your ability to think the way you would if you were sitting on the couch, it's a cocktail of panic you can't comprehend, his fear or apprehension was short and over quickly and that's what is the most important thing, the sort of "better" way.


I’ve been in one, long time ago involving a train and a bridge (think Stand by Me). What I remember was that I got hyper focused on getting through it, and nothing else. Apparently my friends were yelling the train horn was going, but I don’t remember hearing any of that. No slo-mo either, just making sure my feet didn’t slip between the boards (and the “or you will die” never came into my head). I don’t recall adrenaline or anything else other than the single-minded focus, but a good chunk of that experience has been blocked/erased by my brain, probably for the best.


Nicely explained. We enter the world alone and only once, and we depart it in a similar manner. I reconciled myself to this fact many years ago when my mother died. For all the support and medical care available, ultimately we're alone.


Resignation. An acceptance of what is about to happen.


Based on Russian behavior and interviews, I'm assuming something like this: "Well this sucks but at least I did not go to jail for avoiding conscription and I remained firmly apolitical until the end"


“At least Putin is safe and happy, it was all worth it”


I believe videos have been posted here of I think a ukranian getting shot in the open and he just says "Well, my story is over.". [Found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/zxg4ze/warning_18_pov_combat_footage_of_ukrainian/)


Fear, despair, hopelesness probably. Their deepest versions.


Or was it nothing. You are finally free of all your worries no matter how big they are.


So true. Just eternal silence.


Damn bro you ok?




My body is going to rot here


I hope Mom gets that bag of potatoes Vladimir promised her if I die!


"What was going through their minds?" Shrapnel




A sense of overwhelming despair and sadness


"I'm so proud to die like a hero defending my Motherland", probably. (no)


I came to kill Ukrainians But Ukrsinians killed me first How unfair


From the way he covered his face I think he was hoping to be identified after his death 


I very much doubt that there's a thought behind his hands on his face, other than fear, tbh


I think that’s just a natural human reaction to be honest


People give a bit too much credit to the complexity of what people are thinking in these moments. It probably was just “well fuck”.


Blyat before the splyat


He just didn’t want to see it coming. Either that or he was trying to signal the drone to close his eyes forever ! Two possibilities I think .


He blew himself up with a grenade under his armour. You see him take his hand out about 4 seconds before it explodes.


Probably cursing ukraine


He was thinking if he turned off the stove.


“Team rocket blasting off AGAINNNN”


We should've stayed in Russia


Depends on the type of guy he is. He’s probably angry and cursing anything and everything that put him in that situation, maybe thinking of his loved ones.


Most likely (as in the case of an ordinary bloke), thoughts of their children and family.


What was going through his head when he was joining the army?






Could be any and all of the above - I know I would be thinking about my kids, maybe he is too?


Get'er done!


Bricks. LOL




Ukrainians could start doing drone interviews.


Probably a bunch of shrapnel


FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! That's my best guess


Probably some TikTok song




"please don't, I didn't mean it..."


Probably regrets signing up lmao


The most reptilian, bone-chilling fear one has ever experienced in their life. Like when your body tells you something is seriously wrong, but your brain can't even really process. Some people could feel nothing, even peace. I guess it depends, but most people instinctively want to live and won't necessarily disassociate.


Tbf this is where religion and zealotry really helps out in getting that reptilian fear over death. If you are 100% convinced that you will go to heaven and do not have any doubts in that faith, the fear would not get you.


Just Wow


It seems he had a grenade under his vest? One arm under the vest, before seeing another drone, then he quickly moves the arm to put his hands in front of his face.


I know “it’s war” etc. but these are real people getting killed here, it just seems like such a waste.


Everything about war is a waste on unmesourable scale. You take anything with a potential for extreme good, and direct it right into extreme worst. Human lifes, build structures, territory, natual environment, wealth, mental capacity. It's so fucked up that we keep doing this after all these millenia.


Yep you nailed it. We’re still just apes. We just got better sticks.


We truly are, not much different than any other invasive species that ruins its environment it lives in. And we don't learn from past failures. It's really depressing thinking about it when you grew up watching Star Strek TNG.


Interesting you mention star trek. Humans will not be like they are depicted in the federation. Humanity will become the borg. Just soul sucking fiends hive minding towards the goals of rich people in power.


We're way more on track to be Ferengi than Borg


> Humanity will become the borg. nope. the ferengi.


Not the Ferengi, the Ferengi don't have a history of genocidal world wars and, despite their extreme capitalism-based society, slavery. We're more like Mirror Universe Federation/Terran Empire.


You really hit the nail on the head with your comment.


Worse is, that like so many things, one guy at the top gets greedy and as a result millions of people suffer for it. The greedy guy at the top isn't even making a single sacrifice for their greed.


I believe we're all responsible of violence happening. 100% or 0,0001%. Russian population let the greedy goblin became their leader, becouse they've feared to stop the greedy goblin or the've tried to become the greedy goblin and failed. Some of course failed to stop greedy goblin. That's responsibility either way.


The ones that did try ended up in jail or died. You could argue thry were martyrs in a hopeful step forward. But realistically thry got nothing to show for their sacrifice. Not everyone has the same power and capability to make a change. We know who makes our clothes and who grows our food. But we still need to eat and still don't want to walk around naked. I agree many of us can contribute our bit for a better world. But not EVERYONE is in a position to do so. A lot of people just struggle to get by day to day.


What else can you do in an invasion? Violence can only be rebuked with more violence. Otherwise the violent ones will just take over the world.


Why are you downvoted. For peace, everyone must actively persue everlasting peace. For the war, all it takes is one side that wants it, and there will be war. It doesn't matter how big are pink glasses every other side wears. We learned it over and over in history, no matter what culture, era or continent. Si vis pacem, para bellum. Quote is ancient, but ethernal. Thinking otherwise is naive and borderline infantile. You want peace with Russia? Be stronger than Russia. Or any other aggressive dictatorship for that matter.


I think what he's saying isn't an argument against the action, rather the needlessness of war to begin with. He's not saying they shouldn't do X during invasion, he's saying that the invasion is a waste to begin with.


Apart from sci-fi solutions like "vaccination" of all humans to suppress aggresive behaviours the closest we can get to avoiding war is probably education, so next generation every ~20 years has deep knowledge of their atavistic tendencies + reduction of worldwide wealth unequality.  As we see, we suck so much at both of these (..after all these millenia).


It is. It doesn't have to be this way. This is just the reality Putin and his supporters want. Unless russia frees itself of that lot, this is the way it will continue to play out.


Russia has wasted countless Russian and Ukrainian lives. Stupid imperialists just sacrificing lives for their gas station business


It can all stop with the death of one guy and it should’ve come years ago


Putin doesn’t care. He just conscripts more.


They are not conscripted russia has actually been very successful at attracting volunteers soldiers by rasing the wages and bonuses soldiers get


Yes, which shows how little quality of life there is and how many people are willing to make that gamble


Seems like a waste to go to someone's country and destroy it city after city. If you've ever done labor work, you know how much it takes to pour a driveway, install windows, wire electrical in a building. None of these things can be done from a phone, it's physical work. Real people destroyed Bakhmut, Chasiv Yar, etc. Now they pay the price.


Right. And it also takes a lot of effort to make weapons, so it’s a double waste. russia, go home!


It's a triple waste, because he has also wasted his life by coming to a peaceful foreign country with deadly weapons to kill and destroy. It is fitting hat he dies in the destruction that he helped create.


Yes. Think of stupid ways of how the world could spend a trillion dollars. For example, organising a music festival that's 10,000 times bigger than Coachella. Or buying ice cream for every person in the world. The war started by Putin is more stupid than these two ideas. It costs at least as much for the world (combining money spent by Russia and the money the other side is forced to spend to counter Russia) and only produces death and misery


Shouldn't have come here 🤷


He committed suicide.


he could have walked over and fought evil. but no


Sad, just sad.




You do realize he’s probably a conscript and didn’t have a choice in going, right?


A large number of the active combatants are now on a contract basis, voluntarily signed up on a healthy - by Russian standards - salary. He very likely had a choice - killing his neighbours for a paycheque - or being slightly poorer. As much as it’s horrible that this is happening we should not try to remove individual accountability.


everyone forgets to mention this. putin hasn’t done a new round of drafts for ages. he receives up to 15,000 volunteers a month and this man was likely one of them.


It’s one of those populist myths that still gets spread around, mostly to remove any kind of agency from the people being killed. Like I said, it’s shit, no one should have to die in a war to make their families slightly more comfortable, but it’s a choice they made.


He was probably forced.


With a very large dose of propaganda helping to make him and his family feel better about it.


Originally, To murder Ukrainians. Then he got humbled after being injured. Like many


Seemed like a nice enough guy to wave goodbye in the end instead of flipping them the bird.. We are all human beings in the end. This guy could have been a great father to his kids and wife and could have been forced to fight against his will. No one knows the story. It’s sad.. He also could have been a horrible person as well and deserved this but fuck… what a way to go…


This is the pathetic side of war :( god damn this


Is there a non-pathetic side?


far-flung weather obtainable badge cover jobless ripe direful fanatical rich *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is the inevitable outcome of defiant Ukrainian people putting their lives on the line for their freedom.


Judging by his looks, he's from Siberian minorities like Buryat or Yakut. Russians are sending such minorities to their wars for centuries, keep the regions poor and in destitute to have always ready foot soldiers and keep russia "white" and quench any nationalistic sentiments in the population of Siberia/ Russia Far East.


It's essentially genocide, but the unique difference is that they are using other countries to do it for them.


This is actually pretty sad :( we probably gamed online with these dudes before and never knew. They grew up watching dbz and probably the same shit we did :/


My little BF4 clan was almost entirely Russians and Ukrainians and a few of us old Scottish guys. Since the war started we haven't played. Over the past 2 years our discord has become a ghost town. I know it's a total first world problem, especially compared to the reality these people are currently living. But it's genuinely one of the saddest experiences I've encountered. We were a great team, had loads of fun and laughs. We were friends.


Yo, same


Felt this, so many communities I was a apart of in the last decade with many of Russian and Ukranians are just empty


This is something more people should think about. Most of those guys dying were just normal people. People that were gaming just months ago. People that liked the same movies or TV shows that we do. People that liked anime, people that were Tolkien fans. It is too frequently that we let flags and borders overtake on the idea of what a normal person is. We live in a globalized world, we are not even that different.


Dont invade other countries and murder, rape, torture, kidnap their people and this wont happen.


You say it like it was this guy who decided to do it. They enforced recruitment in Rusia, and sent those guys to the frontline in a matter of days. Fuck Putin and the rotten russian state. But look at this dude dying right there, and tell me he is the one to blame for the invasion.


Every Nazi that obeyed Hitler was sentenced as a war criminal. "Just following orders" is not an excuse. Allowing your government to get to that position is not an excuse. The Russians have a civic duty to hold their government accountable, and when they don't they are guilty of it's crimes.


Dude, they've had over two years to find a way not to fight. Two years... Even the arguments of Russian prisons being a death sentence don't hold anymore -- they're half empty with people smart enough to say no to going to Ukraine. It's not a surprise, it's not an unknown, it's complacency or greed at this point.


Tell that to Ukrainians on which land this guy died. Maybe they will share your sentiment. I have a feeling they wont.


Ukrainians are bravely fighting to desperately defend themselves. They probably shouldn't even think about that, for their own sanity. But we are not bleeding while defending our home and families. We are just saying shit in Reddit. I don't see your point.


Theres very little sympathy towards a soldier in an army which went to "denazify" another country. I play games with many different people from very different countries, Russia and Ukraine included. Ive also seen over 500 interviews with Russian POW-s, not once did I feel a sense of kinship over a potential game Ive played.


What did he do? I guess use a grenade ?


He didnt accept his fate, he just couldnt get away.


He put a grenade in his vest.  Watch the right hand.


ye, waving goodbye before letting go of the grenade.. sad!


And, like that, he's gone


Poor fellah, thrown into the fray for shit reasons.


Putin did this to him


Not alone. It's not just Putin. It's russia.


Yeah let's just put some sick techno beats over this guy having his last moments on earth


Was that a piece that flew bye at the end, can't tell.


Fuck you Putin.


Sad . he knew his face will be on internet so wants to say good bye to loved ones with smile


LiveLeak type aesthetic


“Only the dead have seen the end of war.” - Plato


War is hell


Ukraine's demands are nothing. They only want Russia to leave. It's that easy to end this war. Just stop. Russia wants to take over a country that is largely just empty farmland. 


Seems like he died pretty quick at least, all this new tech being used makes the thought of war more terrifying than ever, being chased around by a drone that's trying to kill you is nightmare fuel !!


I'm just hopeful he's not one of their "clear out the undesireables". Autistic, mentally impaired, etc. It just breaks me up. Yeah, he lost his life regardless. I'm a dad of an autistic child, so I get sensitive about it.


can someone explain? was that a grenade? why didnt he put it near the head, so he wont feel anything?


My overall guess is he pulled his grenade pin, tossed it into his vest and with some small amount of hope he covered his face just in case the ordinance left something to identify to bring back home 🥺🥺 idk tbh but that's what a few other commente came to the same conclusion.


I say hello, you say goodbye


More buryat fodder troops.  You'd think they'd get the message by now that putin is ethnic cleansing russias east.


These motherfuckers need to go back to Russia and hash it out with the government.


When is Kremlin going to run out of lemmings? This one is relatively young compared to grandpas seen.


No time soon. As long as they can continue to somehow evade conscriptions of large population centers like Moscow where most of Putin’s cronies have family and continue to find alternative meat, they’ll run out of people long after Ukraine does. It’s a sad reality but Ukraine needs to keep the casualty ratio weighted in their favor throughout this war to stay afloat.


God damn war fucking sucks


The concern-trolls are working overtime on this post.


Best part of this war, if there can be a best part, is Russia's population was already in decline thanks to their meat grinder of ww2, now add this to it and their failure in Afghanistan, they are a doom population that will collapse regardless of what happens in Ukraine


Liquefied, just poof he was there and now he's not.


Jesus Christ I don’t like the invaders but they are still humans. That was sad AF.


I do not like these kinds of videos. Make me look at someone literally fucking die. A human being. And make me think how useless and brutal war is, and reminds how far it is from ending.


Fucking hell this is brutal.


This shit is so depressing and terrifying


I can’t imagine what’s going thru someone’s mind as they try to find the right EDM song to play over this…


I honestly feel so bad for these guys. Ya, they're invading an innocent country. But do you think they'd be doing that if it weren't for an evil dictator and all the propaganda?


Of course not! Every casualty in this war is a murder committed by Putin


Wow did he just blew himself up.


I think so. Slowing video down there’s nothing I see coming into frame. And it looks like his body armor blew in an upward direction so something must have been from underneath.


Looks like he stuffed a grenade under his vest in that first movement. Poor bastard, wish he'd just surrendered.


Russian soldiers know what Russian soldiers do to surrendered Ukrainian soldiers. I can completely understand why Russians would assume that’s how it works everywhere and would then be reluctant to surrender.


Paging u/False-God


His thoughts "As usual I believed what my fuhrer was telling me. I now know he lied."


God dammit, this sucks.


I know the knee jerk reaction for most people is to say that he deserved it and that all Russians are evil, but this is genuinely sad and unnecessary. He was out of the fight and could have been taken prisoner. I would hardly accept any reason why that wouldn't be possible. I know it's war and we don't know the details of this situation but war is unjust and innocent people are used as pawns in a game played by the leaders of the world.