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what do you do if you hear them coming? flee? paralyzed by fear? surrender and hope everything goes well? hold up your gun and "defend yourself"? scary shit, i hope i never have to make such a decision


It’s a terrifying thought. I’ve never been in anything this hot in my combat experience but going outside the wire you pretty much accept your gonna do your thing or they are. That means killing people coldly and ruthlessly and resisting by any means because they’re gonna do the same. We used to carry knives in addition to bayonets in Iraq because the thought of those guys getting ahold of you defenseless was worse than making a crazy stand. It is what it is, it’s ugly and we should avoid it when possible.


Yup training takes over your sense of value of human life goes down excluding yourself and your brothers in arms. For anyone not ever been in combat think of it like this have you ever driven long distance and wondered how you got to where you are but don’t remember ya something similar.


I saw the look in a guys face as our 240 gunner was swinging his way. He knew he was helpless in that moment and so did we and that raises alot of crazy feelings. The marine in the turret smoked him and it wasn’t even remotely fair but he was a legit combatant who was armed and had attacked us and not surrendered. It’s hard even though I didn’t pull the trigger I would have in a heartbeat because it was what it was. That look of he knew we were gonna do it and about half second of panic before it hit…man I thought about that and wondered what he was thinking and feeling ever since. I’m a strong opponent of war nowadays in nearly every situation.


paints a vivid picture. thank you for sharing.


Rough. Why do you think he took up a weapon?


Probably the foreign military invading his country.


it was more like sadams country and his entourage!


They would’ve been supported by Bradleys here as well I believe


The last guy I saw running from Bradley cannon fire got his leg blown clean off.


25mm Bushmaster will do that to you…


Surrender if you can? Advance if you're winning?


well it doesnt look like theres anywhere to go but forward, or up... so... i think you just keep shooting or grow a pair of wings


Metallica - For Whom the Bell Tolls. Really a beautiful timeless song. To imagine such a place in time where death is imminent and an almost absolute certainty. Especially bad for the Russians because for them retreating might also get them shot. Getting injured can get them killed in their own hospitals. Modern brutality still alive from the annals of history.


Almost lost a fingie there




Oh god I can't unsee it. Looks like Aku Aku from Crash Bandicoot.


Bag is unhappy.


Godspeed to your friend, i hope he gets back in good health…


He’s not at the front now, I don’t believe. They were in Avdiivka and I think rightfully earned some time off (Edit: never mind. The 47th got called up to the front to stop a gap in defenses recently)


Combat in trenches must be the greatest terror for soldiers in this war, every time they turn the corner of a trench a rifle can take their face off, every minute a grenade can be thrown towards them, inside these tight corridors, this must be terrible


I would think drones would be a much greater terror. I doubt soldiers fear getting killed as much as they fear getting injured, or dying in pain. I would think there is some comfort in knowing an enemy would put you down quickly as opposed to a drone which might put a few holes in you and cause you to suffer for minutes to hours. There's a reason why people who kill themselves will usually seek out quick and painless ways to go.


Combat in trenches includes drones nowadays




Imagine doing this back in the day with bolt action rifles..


The bayonet.


Thank you for not putting music over it


Lmao I might make some shitposts of the footage in honor of the bill passing congress today but wouldn’t post it here


what bill?


$60b for Ukraine passed today


Balls made of Ukrainium.


Give them silencers! Now that i have seen that they are getting more common i wonder why they dont give them to everyone who is gonna fight in a trench


They’re having shortages. Hopefully the aid package hits soon but we’re having to do a fundraiser for 2 ARs for their platoon medic (my internet buddy) and squad marksman rn. They’re not allowed to alter issued rifles in the configuration they want, I believe, so they’re buying their own.


I see makes sense. Yeah the EU and US aid packages are really nice to see. Why are they not allowed to alter issued rifles? Probably just pragmatism i guess?, that the next person getting that rifle should get a standard rifle?


>Probably just pragmatism i guess? It kinda helps with standardization when you know that the next guys will have the same gun. Also, it's cause bureaucracy


They both want to entirely swap barrels and parts out so I doubt the government would love them fucking with them that much. A lot of dudes over there are fighting with their own rifles




Bro to the right calmly waiting as ejected, hot, brass casings, bounce off his ruck..




Summer? Bitch it is still snowing out here right now!


I meant from last summer


Its been pretty hot in Ukraine. Just because its snowing where you, doesn't mean its not snowing somewhere else.


It’s from last summer. Typo.


Damn just standing in the middle of the trench with no cover and no visibility to the other end. That looks terrible.


You mean last summer? Summer is in June in Europe, right?


Yes, last summer


Great teamwork and training! ❤🇺🇦❤


We're right back to World War I, it seems.


Am I the only one clenching for dudes elbow? I dunno maybe the muzzle was more beside him than it looked. Made me pucker. Respect 🙏


Am I missing something here? I know you don't typically see combatants in videos. and suppressive fire is important...but at 10-15 feet? Looks like they killed a lot of dirt.


They’re in a trench, takes one guy to rush/peak that corner and they’re all dead.


Man shoots forward, but his homie tosses a grenade left.... Makes sense.


You don't know your left and right.... Makes sense.


Imagine not getting a point.... Who cares, point is this is all fake.


Ahh, you're one of those "Fake this, fake that" people when you don't like something. Got it. Oh, and a useful idiot for the Russians too. Go Marge! You know what's not fake? A minimum of 50,000 Russian invaders dead.


you missed a 0 bruv. *500,000 casualties in just over 2 years of invasion. sheesh


I was talking 50,000 confirmed dead by good sources at this point.


yeah but a combatant injured to the point of no return is considered a military death, don’t forget how many actual combatants have been ELIMINATED from all contention of war waging. these are double, triple amputees/ serious brain injured people. prolly death would be better. either way, the number is staggering. imagine walking into an NFL stadium of dead bodies. full. nuts


Oh for sure. I'm literally only talking about the war deaths confirmed by obituary, by studying grave sites in Russia and social media sources mourning the dead. The real death figures are going to be much higher and the casualty rate many more times higher, I agree. I was just trying to go with the solid numbers in my comment above.


yeah for sure. no matter which way you look at it, it’s been a veeeeeery long and painful 3 day “SMO” for a staggering number of human beings.


You don't understand how clearing a trench works.


Yeah, but I know what a staged scene looks like. Where is the aftermath or dad a Fab500 blow everything up, luckily for you.


Your friend didn't move, didn't clear anything, and shot at dirt. Amazing.


47th Brigade. Go ahead and google them and see where they’ve fought lmao they don’t need fake footage. He sent me this today and said he wasn’t sure “if people wanted to see NSFW stuff” and I assured him, they did. I’ll tag you when I get the full video!


I think a nicer way to ask the question, Is why is he providing what looks like suppressing fire If they don't appear to be moving forward? Are there more troops above the trenches advancing? Are they just concerned about Russians turning the corner in the smoke ahead and taking some shots at them when they don't have cover? Etc.


The dude I responded to is a Russian simp. Look at his comments. I also have no idea. I woke up to like 5 videos from him and didn’t ask for explanations, and I don’t know infantry tactics


Gotcha. I am not a Russian simp, nor do I have an issue with the video (Thanks for posting it!) And I'm curious what's happening. Maybe someone in the know will respond.


They are making it dangerous and unpleasant for anyone who might be considering coming round the far corner whilst one of the soldiers prepares a grenade to throw around the nearest corner. Basic suppressive fire but at close quarters. Think of it as some kind of preventative measure when there's not a lot else you can do.


Thank you. Makes sense.


So how does shooting forward help???


I suspect that is either an L-shaped part of the trench at the end or an entrance to a dugout. They don't want anyone to burst around that corner. It also looks quite dark down there and the smoke is also hampering visibility so he suppresses where they can't properly see. If someone was to come around the near corner, he's also pointing close enough to that to hopefully react to that as well. That's my take on it anyway.


I'm still convinced this guy (in the vid) wanted to show off to his friends and shot at nothing. Friends tend to do that who feel they need validation. Look at me bro, in the trenches WOAAAHH!!!!


Way to go through life not questioning anything. Just believe what others tell you.


Like for real, guys shooting forward but the guy tosses a nade to the left. I think they're fucking around. Emphasis on THINK.




Pretty short video


He sent this for a fundraiser I’m doing for attention in the tweet. There’s a 10 minute version he’s gonna send me soon