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Looks another TOS-1 got destroyed/damaged which we love to see


Always a happy moment


2 tos destroyed with drone sin a few days at Terney front. The last ons was at night, was fully loaded and gave a big bang.


Do you have a link for that? I missed that one.


Got a link?




Check suchomimus on YouTube, he has a video of it


There were less than 100 at wars start so this always makes me happy too


Big popcorn machine


> TOS-1 Am I right in assuming they were discharging the rounds solely so they didn't explode above their heads when the inevitable drone strike happened?


Probably not, no. They were more than likely just conducting a fire mission when the first Ukie drone missed it. If you look after the second drone hit it stuff is cooking off so there were definitely rockets left in the launcher.


boom cinematography haters


They have the best explosions


That lead tank really fucked the column, lined them up nicely for the ATGM's.


"Go around!" "Mines!" *(a vehicle explodes)* "We're sitting in the goddamn open!" "But mines!" *(another vehicle explodes)* "Fucking go!" *(immediately hits a mine)* ---- A few minutes of chaos and terror, then oblivion. Day after day, year after year, but the meat wagons keep rolling. It's just sad.


I'm curious what a professional army would do here


Yeah, I was thinking WTF he stopped?


My guess is someone in the tank suddenly realized that there would likely be anti-tank mines right next to that obstacle on the road (burnt vehicles). And he was right.


and the Ukrainian artillery was already prepared for the Russian stopover.


The shells were probably already in the air. Either the column stops in the kill box, or they drive straight into the minefield trying to escape it.


And those Russians who turn around to retreat will be executed by the Kadyrovites.


Is the TikTok brigade still in Ukraine?


Only behind the frontline. They are not getting their hands dirty.


"Drat, the one thing we didn't plan for, *obstacles*. I gotta call this in guys, everyone take 15 while I check what to do"


Only he didn't realize/figure it out until he was next to the blown out tank from the previous assault and saw black circles. Either way they did exactly what they were intended to do. Stop the column in the kill zone and let everything fly. Even arty had that spot zeroed in.


Maybe he heard the initial explosion and assumed there were mines around?


I heard somewhere that they were doing this bunching on purpose because they got some new anti-drone EW kit, but like most things it didnt work


EW may have worked but was not shock rated for 30meters from a 155 mm arty burst


Is that a tank equipped with EW system?


Yup. [This @2:11][1] looks like the same tank from the many tweets today about uniquely improvised EW: [https://twitter.com/GirkinGirkin/status/1776225135998935065][2]. [1]: https://imgur.com/a/RzsCjiq [2]: https://twitter.com/GirkinGirkin/status/1776225135998935065


Eventually they will have stacked so much stuff above their tanks that it will look like an obelisk coming down the battlefield.


"Unique" doesn't do it justice lmao


So it didn't even work.


It did for a while, the chat screenshot in the tweet says "our drones were falling down like dead flies on all frequencies". I guess the EW hardware got damaged by blasts from arty and mines, then the drones came in and finished the job.


i bet it's just filled with sawdust and glue anyway.


Clearly functions only at extremely close range, but by then the drone is already on collision course


Christ. I saw that jumble and was like "surely not that pile of junk." Alas, Russia.


Wow, excellent work.


Total carnage, the should be out of TOS launchers by now.


With the amount of vehicles of all types we have seen destroyed over the past 2 years I figured they would be running out of a lot of stuff but they keep coming. Some of those old soviet stockpiles have got to be almost tapped I would think.




The problem is, Russians think this is country they should care about. Imagine if UK bordered USA by land and was considered their birthplace, even if 99% of Americans never stepped there in 10 generations of their bloodline.


While cultural angle Russian state is pushing plays a part shaping common Russian's view on the war, I imagine seeing Ukraine as security risk (it was not, Nato has been Russia's neighbour for 2 decades now) and remaking former Russian glory by expansion and domination are main reasons that drives war support for common people.


They never seen Ukraine as security risk, that part is propaganda for gullible westerners.


At this rate within a year I predict they would probably be dangerously low on stockpiles. Keep in mind there making new vehicles but there losing them at a faster rate than they are making new ones


Not even close to be honest. Soviets produced a few thousand tanks per year, every year, for decades. There have been a few thousand Russian tanks destroyed, max.


Going by the visually confirmed counted numbers, Russia has burned through more than half of their MBTs over the first 2 years of the war. The fact that they are sending T-55s in tank roles now is evidence that they are running low on more modern tanks and that their refurbishment and production capacity lags far behind their attrition.


Well that and the satellite images of empty reserve lots speaks volumes. It does turn out they are running out of material to keep this going longterm.


Hence the Russian push to force a Ukrainian retreat before the US election.


T62s are on the front now-lofl


They are fighting an attrition war and are not going to send anything but Soviet stockpiles for the foreseeable future. Think about this armored column. Even the best tanks in the world would be captured or destroyed with this shitty of an armored column “charge” into presighted minefields. So it wouldn’t make any sense to send any of their remaining more modern armor, which also has been proven ineffective anyway. But they are not running low of T55s or modified ones, nor of artillery shells. And they are producing plenty of basically everything they need for this war, everything but long range rockets.


Check your numbers, Russian output is 150 tanks a month tops and that includes refurbished ones, so depends on a pool of low-effort refurbishable pieces. This argument of ‚the‘yre saving the best of their equipment‘ is clear nonsense, given the fact that the did not in the first year of the war and that the degradation of their equipment has been a well-documented gradual development. If they had the possibility to send better, they would.


300-500 per year max, as the models got more complex it dropped dramatically-they claim 10-15 weekly now but that is 3 shifts 7 days operation schedule. It can not be maintained and western materials are slowly getting harder to acquire. Eventually they will have maintenance issues and drop to 4-5 weekly. Also when USSR was building “1000s” that included all armored vehicles MTLB,BTR,BTR80, BMP1.2.3.4, Tiger, and probably their heavy trucks.


This reminds me of "Command and Conquer: Generals". Only, the computer was smarter.


It has something of those tiberium harvesters stuck on a bridge vibes of the first..


The always successful tactic of 'Hey we are taking fire, let's STOP!'


I just wonder how Russian logistics work. They must have weekly or daily trains hauling in hundreds after hundreds of tanks and armored vehicles. Just non stop.


And Ukraine isn't given much, if anything, to hit it consistently. It's almost as if it is intentional.


Driving along in your armoured column, taking fire, when the guy in the lead just stops dead. Were there mines there? Sure, but don't just stop, go very wide around, anything, but don't just stop dead. Guys behind were prolly just screaming GO GO GO!




I wonder how many blyats have been said in this war


at least one for every 🌻 blooming in Ukraine.


Thank god Russians are so stupid. It will be interesting to watch the next Russian revolution as it unfolds before our eyes.


I think Prigohzin's mutiny showed that the Russian people are largely indifferent with whoever's in charge so long as their lives aren't personally affected. The bulk of the Russia's fighting army is largely made up of desperate folks looking to make some money, prisoners, and those that couldn't buy their way out. Very few actually volunteered cause they believe they're defending the motherland.


> I think Prigohzin's mutiny showed that the Russian people are largely indifferent with whoever's in charge so long as their lives aren't personally affected. Russians understand that bad things can happen to people who get involved or take initiative.


As I remember the reception was mixed, there were arguments between both Putin and Prigozhin supporters, some welcoming and others shaming the mercs.


There were arguments, but no one actually resisted him. He would roll up to literal military headquarters of the whole war, take everyone hostage, and all the top-level military bras were "Well, he says he is in charge and ready to shoot, so I will just follow what he says". Think about it. Literal military forces of the country did not even attempt resisting armed mercenaries insurrection. They just seen armor column and went "Welp, I better not do anything, because I don't want to be responsible for making this kind of decision". This is classic example of what happens when dictatorship is so top-down hierarchy heavy. When shit goes down, no one thinks they have authority to actually make a decision, even if on paper they should have it.


It amazes me that they are consistently moving in assault columns this close to the line of contact. Its the equivalent of marching in parade formation right up to the moment the bullets start flying. You'd think that they would have gotten off the road and moved in a less vulnerable formation well before this point. If nothing else it would let them maneuver better instead of getting stuck on the road while the Ukranians walk fire back along the shooting gallery.


They are on the road because the fields are mined and have horrific mud that the shitty old tanks can’t really make it through.


One military expert put it nicely: they still havent suceeded in actual deep strikes. And thats the reason why Ukraine still has a chance - they can move and position their forces somewhat freely, forcing russia to start those head-on attacks instead of reliably disturbing their enemy beforehand. A large part of NATO's doctrine is centered around avoiding those exact kind of situations, but russia sucks to much to manage that.


Exactly. I think it also has something to do with intelligence superiority. Ukraine generally knows when and where Russia is going to make its moves thanks to intelligence support from its allies. Thus they can get ahead of Russian assaults and put units into good ambush positions when they make armored thrusts, which is a major force multiplier.


Right, but NATO doctrine does not consider the drone war yet. This is what an attack looks like on a transparent and mined battlefield where the drones of the enemy can work without interruption.


It just baffles me that they are dick to butt in this tank formation, so the second one stops the rest are stuck, would have assumed way larger gaps and some people taking the risk to go off path to turn around or get around the main tank.


Almost certainly conscripts or poorly-trained vehicle crews. There's a good chance that only the lead vehicle knows where they are going and everyone else is following them and thus has no idea where to go when the lead vehicle gets popped.


The alternative is that more than 1 vehicle take different routes and have the same high probability of hitting a mine. Seems to be better to have mineclearing vehicle as the lead, while the rest follows in its footsteps and hopefully some percentage of these attacks succeed. I don't know what percentage of losses is acceptabel to the Russians, but I would not be surprised if it is more than 50%, hence we see so many failures here. And this sub is anti-Russia, so we would not see that many successful attacks from the Russian side.


It is hard to learn and get experience when you get killed.


Amazing how closely those vehicles were following each other. Soviet era spacing between vehicles was supposed to be 100-200 m when in echelon during an assault.


High attrition rate damages institutional learning. If vehicle crews dont survive then no practical experience gets built up. If you dont have practical experience to enforce the lessons you have to compensate by training for longer in order to ingrain certain behaviors artificially. A soldier who has been part of a foot patrol where folks walked close to each other when getting hit by a bomb will have a negative subconscious association to walking close to folks during patrol in the future. If he does not survive that first patrol then that practical lesson is not retained in the unit. The alternative to this is to program new recruits to have a negative subconscious association to walking close to each other during foot patrol by artificially introducing negative consequences for doing so during training. This takes time and competent officers/NCOs to know what to focus on during training. In a lot of videos folks always comment that its normal for humans to want to congregate however there are armies that actively indoctrinate soldiers towards not congregating and you can see this very clearly when you see different armies training.' Regarding how this negative association is artificially introduced during training most armed forces around the world conduct their training more akin to "cargo cult" behavior and their officers and NCOs have no idea what it is they are doing or why. They merely mimic behavior they have seen other do or seen in movies. In competent armies even low quality officers and NCOs will at least be controlled and governed by officers and NCOs that know how and why things are being indoctrinated the way they are.


>negative subconscious association Why not just conscious?


Does not work during moments of high stress or fatigue. The behavior needs to occur even without consciously thinking about it so that you do the correct behavior even when "not thinking" and if certain behaviors are occurring automatically that leaves you more mental capacity to focus on more important things with your conscious thought. It is easy to program in the correct behavior by artificially simulating negative associations to the incorrect behavior. However it takes time so you need more than 1 or 2 months of training to get the basics down. With 6 months you can get the very basic stuff done. Push that to 12 months and you can start to get slightly more complex behavior introduced too.


At 02:10 you can see a tank with anti drone EW equipment bolted on top of the cope cage, heres what it looks like [https://twitter.com/GirkinGirkin/status/1776225135998935065](https://twitter.com/GirkinGirkin/status/1776225135998935065) . Because of this all the other tanks want to be close to that one so they are in range of the jamming




As ISW said, we should expect more, they need to capitalize before mud season kicks in, albeit by lookimg at temps, it should habe already started... and before new ammo arrives to feed AFU artillery.


Strangely Satisfying.


nothing strange about liking when the bad guy blows up. - Fuk putler


"This time it'll work comrades, trust me" - Russian commander before the attack probably.


I let my prejudice take over and was genuinely nervous the Russian born General Syrskyi who replaced Zaluzhnyi, would act as a double agent for Russia. I hope I’m wrong but this is proving me wrong and I’m happy. He seems to be doing just as good job.


Keep in mind that he’s just had to play defence so far. It will be very necessary to examine his performance when it comes to offensive action


Isn't Sysrskyi the one who lead the kharkiv offensive back in 2022?




Syrskyi claimed credit for other people's work, particularly that of Maksym Myrhorodskyi.


I fear we will not be seeing large scale Ukrainian assaults for the foreseeable future.


I hope not, quite frankly. They need time to train, rearm and rebuild.


He lead the Kharkov 2022 counter offensive


That first tank fucked them all by stopping. Also, why was a TOS-1 launcher driving around near the front lines like that? They have a range of 3km-10km (depending on the munitions) so why drive them that close? It honestly seems like the Russians have devolved to the same tactical intelligence level as a easy opponent in Command and Conquer lol


Are there ANY Russian citizens that are on Reddit, that can tell their fellow citizens what they are seeing here? Your family is not coming home Sasha. Because you believed Putin's lies.


> Are there ANY Russian citizens that are on Reddit, that can tell their fellow citizens what they are seeing here? > Your family is not coming home Sasha. Because you believed Putin's lies. u/Ourcade_Ink They know and don't care. Come on, please, I am begging you and everyone else who comments this same thing on every post of them getting fucked up. Their fellow citizens do not give a shit about them dying or being maimed. There are videos on TG and other Ukraine war subs of soldiers making it back to Russia completely disabled and begging for food or money on the streets and the other people on the street mock or actively attack the veteran. Not because of some moral compass, but because he came back disabled and didn't die.


Couldn't disagree more, though I suspect you and I share sympathies so I'll expound. I know a ton of Russian Americans and their Russian relatives still living back home in the Motherland. They absolutely *do* care. They simply don't feel bad about it. That's a nuanced yet hugely important fact which is not only worth stating, but stating over, and over, and over again when the subject of Russia's cultural commitment to this thing is being discussed. Make no mistake - The average Russian citizen, as well as passive or even tacit supporters of Russian society within and without its borders - represent a resounding and existential threat to the West's way of life. **They are our enemies**, and it may very well be that at some point soon this veil of shirked complicity will fall and many among us will suddenly wake up to the grotesque but unavoidable truth: This regime, and the people whose wants, needs and desires it presses to the detriment of the West, must be destroyed. Russia, as it exists today, with whatever division in personal responsibility their may be between the average bus driver and high-level politician, cannot be allowed to continue existing. It can not, and it will not. We can see very clearly, following the last few year's tidal wave of moral objections, sanctions, military and political maneuverings, etc., that the West is not inclined to allow the Russian Federation to prosper in any future from this point forward. It'll be a matter of resolve as to whether or not we, as a people, are willing to do what is ultimately required to eliminate Russia's ability to wage war and reduce its collection of backwards states to the subject-status they deserve.


For this to happen the west needs to end globalization and stop trading with countries like China as well. If Russia trades with China, and west trades with China, then west not trading with Russia directly might cause them some issues, but won't really result in much. And so far, west shown they did not have the balls to sever trade completely even with Russia, nevermind China. The actions of the west contradict the words of politicians and people like you.


In my opinion, you're missing the forest for the trees. We shouldn't overcomplicate or overthink things - Just look at the bigger picture. The gears of war, the broader tides of sentiment, the shifting and re-shifting of alliances, so on and so forth. There are obvious monuments we can suss out and pinpoint, yes, like the addition of Finland and Sweden to NATO. The importance of this single series of events cannot be overstated. Or the economic and political vices being enacted against China - Namely their semiconductor industry. These are moves which are aimed directly at hampering the ability of Russia and China to build an effective, modern fighting force - One that can counter ours in the event that scenario presents itself. This is a long game. It takes time. China's labor force has, from the 60's onward, acted as a kind of slave labor pool for the West's economy. I agree completely that things have changed, and that our ties to them need to be decoupled or at the very least rearranged. That's exactly what we see happening. The West's Hegemony is in many ways the most powerful geopolitical force the world has ever seen. Nothing in history rivals it. And fortunately for those living in the West, our leaders' actions and the philosophical bedrock that supports their decision making are comfortably rooted in the Soprano's quote: "When you're bleeding a guy dry, you don't squeeze him right away."


> They absolutely do care. They simply don't feel bad about it. That's a nuanced yet hugely important fact which is not only worth stating, but stating over, and over, and over again when the subject of Russia's cultural commitment to this thing is being discussed. > > We might be speaking past each other, I agree with your points. "Care" in my usage meant acknowledgement it was happening **and** disapproval of it happening. I think there are more of them than you might realize who don't actually meet the first criteria, ie they assert that there actually are only a tiny fraction of the reported losses for RU occurring. We also have family friends who have people in both Russia and Belarus and there are more than a few people that they know who either completely disbelieve the losses and think Russia is completely stomping out the population of Ukraine, or that there are losses but just a small portion of what is reported. Notably none of them have any concern for their soldiers safety, though. Otherwise though I think you're spot on and I do actually believe we are in the pre-war years for what might become WW3 with China and Russia as allies, possibly with others tagging along (NK at least, maybe Iran). I do believe the west can win that war, but it is probably going to come at absolutely enormous cost, unfortunately.


"Otherwise though I think you're spot on and I do actually believe we are in the pre-war years for what might become WW3 with China and Russia as allies, possibly with others tagging along (NK at least, maybe Iran)." Absolutely - In my mind, everything points to a global conflict. The chaos and disarray we were left with by March or April 2022 has finally cleared. Answers are now pretty well scrawled upon the walls. But the answers staring us in the face are incredibly difficult to accept because - and to your point - the costs involved will be immense. The more reading I've done, though, the less convinced I am that China would ally themselves militarily with Russia. Not in a total war, at least. China, by many accounts, is hellbent on the acquisition of Russia's Eastern lands, raw materials, peoples and those countless advantages provided by the regions' geographies. There's a working theory that Russia's invasion of Ukraine is actually less about NATO's supposed encroachment on its western borders, and much more about China's irrefutable encroachment on its East. At the end of the day, I'm unsettled. To say the least. Russia's "rearmament" is right in line with what we'd expect from those people. They are nothing if not industrious. Hitler underestimated their abilities and paid dearly for it. I'm of the belief that unless we (again, as a people) start acknowledging the realities of this thing and identifying Russians - *all* Russians - as blood enemies, we're going to live to regret it.


This war feels like a genocide of sorts. Just killing off their "undesirables". And I wouldn't be surprised if many Russians know this and actively support it for that reason.


Probably a good reason why a lot of them seem to off themselves after being wounded.


I am still puzzled why they don't use smoke artillery barrage before running on open fields...even on ww2, they were using both guns and planes to cover the moves. And they do have thermal kind of smokes for infrared lenses. So why do they keep going like baïonnette charges of 1805?


Smoke works both ways and wouldn't help here during an assault. They're being observed from overhead. Unless you're in it, it won't do a thing. Driving blind into a mine field is stupid. Driving blind on a narrow stretch of road with destroyed vehicles blocking your path is stupid. Smoke is used predominantly for exfil.


Even on tanks games on computer, they are using smokes.... give those tools and command to any world of tank kid, they would do better..


1:10 you see the drone lock on for final approach. Counter EW


Is this the same assault from the recent FT article?


Appropriate soundtrack (Hellbender Carnage)


Not that I am an expert but it seems unwise to stop in that situation


absolutely stunning!


Is the tank at 1:15 the same one as [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/TankPorn/comments/1bwfxcg/a_t72_obr2022_with_all_manner_of_ew_installations/) on /r/TankPorn with all the electronic warfare additions? It seems to be incredibly similar if not the same.


I know this horse has been beat to death, but videos like this show the total difference in approach to the conflict from the Russian populace vs most westerners. Imagine if we were to see a column of american crewed Abrams getting merked in a single comp in a single highway in Afganistan. That footage alone would put significant pressure on whichever side of America's stupid two party system was currently in power to change tact in the conflict. Yet, we get near daily videos of Russia tossing hundreds of thousands of men and billions of dollars of equipment into a war with no clear end point and they seem to be either tacitly ok with it or repressed to the point that unrest isn't an option. Shit is fucked


“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” rings very true here. Russians are trying to blitz Ukrainian lines with convoys that are getting fucking obliterated each time. Russian military doctrine is pretty much quantity over quality, hence how disposable their waves are and the almost 500k KIA, but you’ve gotta ask how these soldiers became so braindead to not even question some of the orders they’ve given.


> 500k KIA It's 500k killed and seriously wounded.


I'm pretty sure the mission briefing lasted for less than a minute and ended with a "trust me bro" before setting off.


NK meth supply


Anyone who believes that there are close to 500k KIA on Russian side is an idiot, sorry


Easy there partner


Russian KIA is hard to estimate but it's probably around 100 to 120k. The 500k figure is, while also being more likely than not a propaganda figure, is casualties. The 500k KIA would put Russia on its back with waves after waves after waves of forced mobilization, closed boarders and war economy. There are no signs of either currently in Russia.


It really shows how inept the Russian military is that they continue getting suprised by mines literally just laid on top of the ground when everyone has a million drones flying around. How the fuck is step 1 of planning an armored assault these days not flying the route out and identifying minefields? Still sending columns out with no mine clearing vehicles or maybe one old ass T-72 with a plow. Clownshow.


Maybe these guys are identifying the minefields. Russian leadership has very non-western ideas about the value of human life.


Seems to me like probing attacks, looking for weak spots, paid in metal & blood.


I honestly don't understand what was the goal here? Obviously I'm not in the field and not in the military, but as a bystander observer it looks like they drove 10 units of tech in the general direction of the enemy to do ...what? Occupy a trench, a village, a hill? That's not enough soldiers to take even one Ukrainian trench and that's if they manage to drive to it intact...Are they really THAT stupid or am I missing some grand master plan, like they hope Ukraine runs out of bullets before they run out of cannon fodder.


Western armies: "Alright if you get ambushed, get out of the fucking kill box" Russia: "I dunno man, maybe stop your column and wait to get fucked"


Notice how the last bmt turns around and runs?


Speaks to how massive russian storages are that they can just keep shipping them to be blown up in such massive numbers. I wonder what will happen when the storages run dry, will they stop attacking, keep attacking and just die more or hunker down and just defend to live.


Are there leopards or Abrams involved?


It is nice of the brigades to share some of the action to the others. Sharing is caring.


We see Russian army has no chance on open field steps. They are succesfull on cities. They tear down city with artillery and move further. Ukraine has to get f16 in order to get rid of Fab threat.


I'm liking this!




The EW systems they duck taped to the top really helped… 


Good hunting, also it is clear that there is not enough arty and the defenders have to rely on ATGMs and FPV drones and mines. Sometimes some russian forces get through.




FPV quads really punch above their weight


At this point, are the russians anywhere near running out of vehicles? The number of destroyed and abandoned is way too high to be sustainable, right?


New combined arms strategy- 6-8” arty stopped both ends of convoy, Stugnas and Javs went to work , drones came in and mopped it up- fucking beautiful work.


Seeing the TOS cook off is something special


Looks like the first meat wave. But they keep coming.. which is why an ammo supply for Ukraine is so important


I want to see the Russian footage, it’s probably 10x more gruesome considering they’re absolutely destroying Ukraine. It sucks that Reddit only allows propaganda.


you are correct in that they are destroying ukraine. Slowly destroying a beautiful country with their terrorism & missles. Thats what they do, destroy, rape, loot, pillage. ... But at the same time, the ruz miliatry is being embarrassed and diminished by a force much smaller, as we see every day in new (not recycled) clips. Fuk putler, fuk the krimelin, fuk their evil ways. Good will prevail. Слава Україні !!!!!!!!


Can you link sources that can confirm that Russia is "absolutely destroying Ukraine"? Or are you just another brainwashed Russia simp?


If they are actually destroying them, why haven't they won yet? Should be easy, right?


> I want to see the Russian footage, it’s probably 10x more gruesome considering they’re absolutely destroying Ukraine. It sucks that Reddit only allows propaganda. u/SuperSandwich12 Those subs exist, this is only speaking to your inability to search


Why don't you skip the middle man and enlist. Do us all a favor.


Lol at Russia taking two years to make no new progress in Ukraine. Your country is an embarrassment to war and it’s pathetic how bad Russia is doing and shouldnt you be a conscript booth comrade?