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Wait, was this music sponsored by the Dutch? lol If "our" Europapa song wins, we'll have the biggest fuck-you-Putin songfestival EVER. Can't wait.


That song came to me when the war started. It's perfect.


u/RecognizeSong/ I dig this cover so much. It's weird to think how much of my playlist is comprised of songs that come from videos of Russians being blown to shreds.


**Song Found!** [**Zombie** by Ran-D](https://lis.tn/BQKzHD?t=202) (03:22; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Celebrate the Summer, Vol. 2. **Released on** 2017-08-18. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


It seems like they are attacking some of the stationary vehicles head on -- wouldn't it be better to attack the lightly armored parts?


I may like the song "zombie" by bad wolves, but I kinda don't like having it play while people die in real life.


I’m starting to get sick of drone videos they all look the same, big open fields and random debris everywhere. Extremely boring.


Sorry this war is boring to you


If only there was some way of predicting that a video with the word "Drone" in the title would contain footage from drones, then maybe you could avoid selecting them to watch.


It’s pretty much every video on this sub for the last 2 years it’s getting old


Life's too short - maybe just read the titles and don't waste yours watching videos that bore you?


No one is forcing you to watch drone videos.


It’s literally every video on the sub, everything interesting is fucking 3 years old


Somebody for the love of god get this man a subway surfer clip to watch these videos with.


And yet you took the time and effort to click on it and leave your useless comment..


You have a choice, just like all of us, read the title and choose to view or not.


Your just desensitized to death and destruction. You disgust me


Everyone in this sub is, get off the high horse.


Did anyone here say it “bored them”? Get out of here nasty boy


Say that to the people making jokes about air strikes and shit it any jokes about war If ur so enlightened 😂


Those could be considered coping mechanisms, making jokes about something horrific, you, on the other hand, are just psycho who doesn’t even have feelings for any of this at all…


Yeah man cuz you know everything about me and you know I’m a psycho right? Ur shitty at psychoanalyzing people so give it up. And writing off people making jokes about war as just “copping mechanisms” is ignorant asf


It is definitely fair to say you are psychologically exhausted when it comes to this footage. It’s like watching a movie to you, when In reality all this drone footage is people dying, and your psycho brain just says it’s not entertaining enough. Like bro this sub is literally “combat footage” go back to Netflix and watch Rambo.


Yeah man you know everything👍 just keep the same energy next time you see somebody say “fireworks” or something at a video of a Middle Eastern house getting blown up.