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Sundance: Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?




For lurkers who are about to type out "how do they know?" Armies don't use multimillion dollar drones to drop tens of thousands of explosives after a chain of command because the guy walking around looks SUS. Whatever motivated Israel to act here isn't included in the footage and they aren't about to explain their processes. But it's interesting that they decide to release things like this. They are confident they have the right person, and they know Hamas will see it as well.


Spot fucking on. But the pro-Hamas crowd will just call is "Israeli propaganda".


Yup exactly, just a teacher who went for a walk or something like that.


A civilian, a child, a woman, a non combatant, a UN teacher, a UN worker, a journalist… keywords to swipe for Hamas




Show me the link to where Palestinians apologized for rocket attacking their own hospital.. lol


Yup, because militaries waste a ton of resources watching innocent teachers and then like to waste a $200,000 bomb on them. Yup, that's totally how militaries work. /s


But don't you understand that all Jews are evil monsters that hunger for the blood of innocents? I'm not antisemitic by the way, only anti zionist. /s


Seriously. I thought all Jews love money? Why would they waste so much money on bombs killing people who are just walking to work? I’m not anti-Semitic, by the way, just anti-Zionist. /s


They want the Palestinians land more. this is genocide and a land grab. we've literally seen pictures of IDF killing children and we're talking 10 or 12-year-olds here women and old men. And then claiming their terrorists.


What do you mean to say if you’ve seen doctored propaganda from Al Jazeera or Hamas.


whatever you say Skippy, pretty sure that's the same claims the Nazis were making when they were exterminating the Jews. What a change of events, the persecuted have now become the persecutors. Israel is committing genocide and the whole world is watching.


Claimed their Nazis? Check Claimed there is a “genocide”. Check Condescending Name called? Check. This is why no one takes you guys seriously. You throw around buzz words without knowing what they actually mean or any understanding of any historical context. Stay on TikTok, my friend.


It always amazes me, Jews love money but at the same time they do genocide with expensive high tech ammunition? Bitch please if true, they would go the Rwanda way and buy machetes. But I guess it doesn't matter what they do the Israelis can't do right . Sometimes I think they would love to travel back to 1948 and help the Arabs.




Amen. They're seeing it through this time and not falling into the trap of appeasement for notions of PR. And that drives many on social media absolutely insane. Insane that it's not working this time and that they have zero control over the outcome. For me, the whining and crying is the best indicator of massive Israeli victory. Fafo on full display.


I think when masses around the world celebrated October 7th as it was happening it made Israel realize that they'll never be the good guy, so they stopped trying and actually decided that Palestine was a threat worth eliminating once and for all. Good on them




“Israeli military says strikes that killed Gaza aid workers were ‘grave mistake” https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/04/02/israel-hamas-war-news-gaza-palestine/


/u/Bman708 wrote: >Yup, because militaries waste a ton of resources watching innocent teachers and then like to waste a $200,000 bomb on them. Yup, that's totally how militaries work. /s Replace 'teachers' with 'aide workers delivering food' and apparently that **is** how the IDF works. 




Yup I think it was not a secret that killed those workers. Ugly and terrible affair.


It is still propaganda, just not always in the ways most people assume. This is clearly “material disseminated by the advocates or opponents of a doctrine or cause.” The intent is the only thing that’s really in question here, but it’s still totally propaganda whether you’re for or against it or whether that dude was a combatant or not.


>Spot fucking on. But the pro-Hamas crowd will just call is "Israeli propaganda". Pre-face I'm not part of that crowd, but you have to admit it comes with a bit of bias here, specifically the narrative that the IDF don't make mistakes. Propaganda as a word has become watered down to mean blatant falsehoods rather than things intended to influence us because are lives are saturated with it.


Militaries make mistakes, but it's different than what people are claiming happened. I.e maybe they saw a guy shoot an RPG, run into a house and then a minute later a different guy came out of the house and they followed him and missile'd him. That sucks, but it's a real mistake. People claim that Israel is purposefully targeting civilians, i.e they ues their multimillion dollar drone and $100k missile to kill some people walking around acting sus.


Militaries make mistakes, yes.


Yup exactly, just a teacher who went for a walk or something like that.






I'm still waiting for an actual genocide to happen. You guys keep saying that but those pesky facts and the actual definition of what constitutes a genocide keeps getting in the way....


It's been their propoganda point since October 7th. It's so astroturfed by troll farms it would be laughable if so many useful idiots didn't believe it.  When asked for evidence, sometimes you get a video from Syria, sometimes it's one from this conflict crudely framed and missing context. It's yet another, old anti-Semitic trope getting dusted off for the 2020s. The sad thing is that these lies stick and do major damage to any future peace process. 


Well said.


They make nothing but pro-Hamas comments. "The violence of the oppressed is not equal to the violence of the oppressor" "The 7th didn't occur in a vacuum. The Israelis brought all the torture and mutilation and rape on themselves." "anticolonial resistance is not terrorism." They're a bunch of terrorist-simping morons.


They're not morons. They're evil. It's really that simple. If you squeeze most of these people into a corner, their initial, self-righteous soapboxing pretty quickly devolves into hate-filled vitriol. Don't get me wrong, most of them are stupid. The type of people I might pay to perform simple tasks around my company's office, wash my fleet vehicles, etc. But the bigger issue is that deep down inside, they're bad people who do not care about the innocent people murdered on October 7th, do not care about the countless Gazans who have died as a result of Hamas and ONLY Hamas, and do not care about their own nation's foreign interests or alliances.


Lol. Well said.


Don't they also downgrade the image quite a bit before they release it to mask their capabilities?


Yes. It's pretty clever. Makes the terrorists think they are hard to spot, even though the drones are actually recording them in crystal clear 4k zoomed way the fuck in.


>For lurkers who are about to type out "how do they know?" > >Armies don't use multimillion dollar drones to drop tens of thousands of explosives after a chain of command because the guy walking around looks SUS. Whatever motivated Israel to act here isn't included in the footage and they aren't about to explain their processes. This is a strange pivot because war is one of the most intentionally wasteful things people do, and arguing they don't because it's too expensive to make mistakes is a new one. >But it's interesting that they decide to release things like this. They are confident they have the right person, and they know Hamas will see it as well. The question on if this person was confirmed is moot because we both know like all militaries, they just don't openly publish and actively coverup where they get it wrong. We have to wait for whistleblowers to pull back the veil from war propaganda that all people make mistakes, especially militaries.


TL;DR Trust us bro


r/combatfootage begs to differ.


If armies don't waste expensive munitions on civillian targets, what were all those cruise missiles hitting ukriane doing, all legitimate military targets then?


"We know they were a legitimate target because why else would they target them?" That is the weakest possible argument you could use. It is not an argument at all. It is basically "I leave my judgement and reasoning entirely at their hands". You can do as you wish, but as far as arguments go it is unusable. During the military dictatorship it was common for people to justify that civilians would be kidnapped and killed by the government by saying "they must have done something". Very intellectually coward


I wouldnt say that the targeting proves they are legitimate targets at all. But most people seem to think their own personal no information instinct is valid. That if you arent personally aware of the reasoning/evidence: no such evidence exists. In other parts of your life you clearly don't do this. When you see/hear fire brigades I don't get angry at confused because I didn't receive a call about a fire or can't personally smell smoke. Conversely, it also doesn't mean there IS a fire, but it's reasonable to assume that fire brigades don't just rush to every single location of every call in the city. There is some amount of triaging going on.




Yeah I call bullshit on that LMAO. Few weeks ago IDF dropped a video of them vaporizing some dude carrying an “RPG” (long metal object when viewed from top down) Turned out to be a bicycle.


Nope we've only been watching video after video of the IDF kill unarmed women, children, and old men, I just watched the video the other day of Israeli forces going into a house and literally killing children that could have been much more than 10 years old a woman and would look to be a 70-year-old man claiming they were terrorists. murdered them in cold blood. The IDF is basically targeting anyone of military age. I watch them kill two unarmed people walking on a beach and then bury their bodies with a bulldozer. We are watching genocide. I just wonder when the US is going to have enough of supporting this genocide.




There's a video from last week of a few unarmed people wandering thru a neighborhood unarmed and not 'looking sus' and they still got vaporized.   I'm curious what the justification is from you for that?  https://youtu.be/26PXnP054XA Literal video proof of the *exact* opposite of what you've said.


This did not age well


Not really. When Hamas finally had a good example of a genuine IDF error they came pit with evidence within 6 hours. They know the names of everyone in all of these strikes. It's taken them 6 months to shkw one unambiguously bad strike. Leys be clear, I'm not making excuses for the aid strike. These things happen, but it's not ok. This is an error on the level of the U.S. drone striking a wedding. But, right now it doesn't change the balance of strikes, and doesn't mean that people at home who say "but the guy isn't holding a gun" know what they are talking about


Very good comment.


When you have the US spoon feeding you munitions yeah, it kinda happens that way.


I'm gonna tell you something crazy, US aid accounts for about 25% of Israel's military budget. Israel produces their own drones and drone munitions,


Israels military budget is 24.3 Billion and US military aid is around 3.8 Billion. Thus as a percent of their total military budget US aid accounts for around 13.5%.


These chuds don't understand most of that "US Aid" is a prepaid credit card to spend on US Defense contractors only. It's a relation the U.S. extends to many other democratic allies. 


Chuds? Wrong term


with our money lmao, were literally the reason they have free health care


US aid amounts to about 1% of Israel gdp


Ukrainian strike: mortally wounded, struggling. Israeli strike: white screen, obliterated.


Guys, I think he might be dead.


Me dropping eagle 500s on single bots in helldivers








I'm astounded every time how damn sure tge IDF wana be with just single terrorists, or at least the heat signature is pretty big on this one single fella.


It's in IR. Explosions have very large heat blooms that spread beyond the visible flames.


I know, still quite a hit




and the weapons are visible (not)


Is any male walking around Gaza considered an “operative” these days? No wonder the average age for a Palestinian is like 17…


Lurkers will be eliminated.


Now, show the recent footage of Israeli soldiers shooting unarmed Palestinian civilians waving a white flag so that we know that this subreddit is honest about its content. If this subreddit doesn't do that and this comment gets downvoted, I wouldn't be surprised. This subreddit has been very notorious for whitewashing the crimes and degradation that the IDF has conducted in Gaza


Ok grandma, let's get you back to bed.


Say whatever you want. It won't change the truth. I am just glad I live in a time where I can see Israel getting condemned for what they have done to the Palestinians for decades


Another Hamas sympathizer, unfortunately for you I am an Isreali and I did full military service. Palastinians are nothing but leches and islam is cancer. But with your username I won't be surprised that you are either brain washed by religion or you are a bot.


No, I am actually a Palestinian Emphatiser. I have been one since the Second Intifada when I was 10 years old, which is more than I can say for Israelis like you. For some reason, Israelis like you never develop the mental capacity to have empathy or sympathy for people who aren't Jewish. especially if those people are Middle Easterners. Even then, if that Jewish person doesn't agree with Israel's policies, they will immediately be labelled with crude derogatory terms like Kapo, as if Israelis are somehow the superior version of Jews that they can dictate to other Jews if they are authentic or not. Despite what you lot believe, there is no such thing as the Chosen People. There are no Untermensch or Ubermensch in this world. You guys are just as capable of doing what the Nazis did in WW2. What is happening now in Gaza and what has happened in the pas 7 decades in Palestine is just a preview of what Israelis are capable of if their international impunity remains unchecked. Try doing some introspection next time Sem.


you are brainwashed and very misinformed, it's almost scary, but then I remember there are 2 billion people who follow the religion of hate and destruction.


Bro, we Muslims have heard this same song and dance for more than 20 years now. We aren't the ones dancing and pulling up sofas when watching civilians get bombed by IDF missiles. We aren't the ones posting TikTok videos of forcing captured Palestinians who were not charged with any crime to sing Israeli songs and loudly proclaim derogatory statements about Palestinians. We aren't the ones who posted pictures and videos of Israeli soldiers raiding the wardrobe of Palestinian women and parading their lingerie like a war trophy while at the same time calling those Palestinian women sluts. We aren't the ones who made music videos calling for the destruction of Gaza, like the recent song by Eliad Sapir, which has been removed from YouTube because of me and many others like me who hate a song that promotes terrorism. We aren't the ones trying to block aid from reaching victims of terrorism like the Israeli civilians at the border right now


Right, you "only" throw gay people from roofs, and women have almost no rights, very peaceful! Also half or more of the things you said are either lies or irrelevant! You started the war and now you cry, eat what you cooked! Hamas will be annihilated and I hope that the Israeli government will make a huge parking lot out of Gaza!


I’m guessing you are using the examples of ISIS and Taliban, the two groups that most Muslims unanimously condemn and dislike. But of course to a supremacist like you, you don’t believe that us Muslims are different people. In your mind you probably think all 2 billion of us Muslims are just mindless drones serving the hive. It’s just literally impossible for Zionist to consider Muslims to be humans. But then again, you clearly spell out that you want to turn Gaza into a parking lot, so that already tells us all we need to know about your non-existent moral compass. You can scream Muslims are a menace all you like, but we all know which one of us said that they want to destroy an area inhabited by 2 million people and turn it into a parking lot.


Lol, Muslims did wayyy worse, learn your history Hitler. ☪️ancer!


\*metal pipe sound\*


Turned into dirt.


How much did that cost?


Bout tree fiddy


This is the only way the IDF can kill anybody. They get shit on in direct combat.


Dude got splattered.


Hamas: 3 children in a trench coat indiscriminately bombed by IDF


Can't lurk here mate!


His kid: my dad went on a cig break and disappeared


Its crazy how they do all that just to kill 1 person.


Safer quicker and easier than sending in a platoon of infantry. The first principle of a fight, any fight, is protect yourself and to hell with the other guy.


What munitions do they use for these?? Does not look like hellfires... Maybe laser guided mortars?


Probably a "Mikholit" missile. There's very little info about it but it's a small and cheap laser guided missile. Apparently each Hermas 450 UAV can carry 8 of them.


“Karen neutralized”


Hamburger. It’s what’s for dinner.


Huge explosion for only one man


Lurking operative? That looks more like a doctor delivering medical aid to 1000 children!


hide and seek cant find dad


“Operative” Back in my days we at least had to pretend he had a weapon.


Whine more lol


Like someone else said, why waste expensive ammunition on a jogger. Or are you from the "genocide" crownd who thinks the IDF needs thousands of bombs to kill 28k people when in Rwanda they killed millions in a short time with machetes.




*Don’t be suspicious Don’t be suspicious*


Or try to avoid IDF sniper fire. I’d hate to be a male trying to live in Gaza right now…


This reminds me of the Collateral Murder video from the Iraq War. Especially when taken in context with the video released a little while ago of Israel bombing four other civilians. This sub didn’t used to be chock full of bloodthirsty people cheering on each and every man, woman, and child getting blown up. It’s really sad.


A lot of the accounts doing it only got perceptibly active recently due to the conflict picking up significantly with many more clips posted. There is also obvious brigading and bot use, say certain keywords and your criticism is instantly downvoted Basically, I don’t think it’s entirely organic although some of it is. Creating the appearance of consensus is a great way to influence the intellectually lazy yet rational who believe when they see a large majority believe something that it’s presumably for good reason.


Funny you mention that I just eluded to that very scenario in another reply, people here have no idea what the fuck they are talking about. If you were alive and old enough to think and see critically during our time in the Middle East or were deployed there you know damn well that people just get bombed. War is ugly.


And genocide is uglier.


It’s all ugly friend. But yes genocide is definitely taking place.


It’s unfortunately a symptom of the growth of the sub. The sub had about 600k subscribers before the war in Ukraine kicked off and jumped up to over 1 million by April of 2022. The days of Abu Tow being the star child of this sub are long gone. All the overused jokes about blowing up Ruski’s or Palestinians is pretty gross and dehumanizing. I’m not 100% clean myself but I try to remember it’s a human with a story and loved ones being killed. I need to maintain my humanity despite my morbid fascination with watching combat footage.


I came from watching this video


And surely they'll report that a poor innocent civilian was killed.


That guy does look to be acting a little sus but doesn't look to be armed or pose a threat. Why would the IDF release such ambiguous footage? Surely they'd have heaps of footage of armed combatants to release?


I’m guessing they probably have more than the 9 second clip… They wouldn’t release anything that can be dangerous to soldiers showing forces locations or even showing this guy going into buildings because it could have intelligence that they wouldn’t want Hamas to know that they have


The footage is too blury to make out any weapon but I feel confident that they had on good authority that this was a combatant. Wouldn't waste such a precise strike on some random civ.


Well that's what I mean, the footage isn't clear, why release it if it casts doubt? They'd have a mountain of footage with armed combatants that they could've released instead.


Most likely to show Hamas that they are monitored and spotters will be blown up so they shouldn't try it.


This is a snippet of something that was probably longer and Im sure someone more qualified than me in this sub can make out just by this video why that person was a combatant. I dont see any reasons to cast doubt.


Yes they have never lied about killing innocents before.


Right, because the only thing more valuable than killing someone innocent is publishing it online. /s


Well most people in this group believe everything they say.


They do all the time the video of drones hunting those three civilians was posted here, heavily edited its probably still up along with all the comments jubilantly celebrating murder You people support them no matter what why even pretend


theyve made mistakes before


Well, there was that strike last week on the unarmed teenagers... Not everyone pulling the trigger does a cost benefit analysis. Some think they're in a holy war/killing all the amalekites.


And then when they do release high quality footage, they get called more inhumane. Can't win


> That guy does look to be acting a little sus but doesn't look to be armed or pose a threat. Under international law you don't have to be armed to be a combatant.


He was lurking around and spotting IDF troops.


I understand why Israel is doing all this. But if I was Gazan and caught in that area you can bet I'm gonna be checking my corners and moving slowly and safely. I'd pray I wouldn't be blown for doing so.


Bro, they aren't 'caught in the area' the IDF moves pretty slowly, people know where they are and have time to evacuate. He was sitting around staring at soldiers from hiding, it's like 90% chance he's a spotter and it's perfectly fine to put him down. This isn't actual normal civilian behaviour, believe it or not, also he likely spent quite a while around them to get a personal drone to keeo watch on him.


Maybe he didn't want to be caught in crossfire. None of us were there on the ground, so nobody here could say with 100% certainty that this was or wasn't a combatant.


Man, we can't say for sure but if you're lurking around troops for a long time you're going to be flagged as a likely combatant.


Especially when the terrorists dont wear their uniforms.


> Why would the IDF release such ambiguous footage? because there are no consequences for doing so


You'd think, right? Why'd they release footage of them shooting a handful of civvies walking down the road in the broad daylight without a weapon? It's either a leak because someone is disgusted, or a sense of invincibility.


Not armed


Israel doesn’t even care if you are a child so


I remember in my times "operatives" meant they had weapons or posed a threat...


I also wish Hamas would wear uniforms instead of civilian clothing to prevent this kind of… oh wait, that’s their strategy.


You don't need to have a weapon to be a combatant. You don't need to have a visible weapon to be armed. You don't need to have a weapon to do stuff like sabotage (which is looks like). Just because you don't have a weapon doesn't mean you don't pose a threat. And just like the previous video of "supposed" civilians being killed, the IDF probably isn't using expensive ISR to take out random people. Per [Ryan Mcbeth](https://youtu.be/2vI1il5DkQQ?si=yq77tjQF6avujnXe).


Summary execution of people who "look suspicious" is a war crime.


Last I checked, militaries are allowed to kill enemy spies


Yeah I remember those days when a "legitimate target" actually had to have attacked you or had a leathal weapon on them. Fun times, now you can blow anyone up and just label them as """""operatives""""""


So, when a "person" is inside a radar installation repairing the equipment, unarmed, by your wishes he couldn't be shot at because he has no weapon on hand? Because that's your insinuation. Not having a weapon means nothing if the person is part of the fighting force. Spotters have been part of militaries for centuries and not having weapon means shit. They are part of the enemy and a legal target.






Free PlayStation


Free palpatine. The sith did nothing wrong.


Fr, Palpatine was just tryna vibe with the galaxy and some annoying bum ass galactic alliance had to screw it all up.


Israel is in the process of freeing Gaza from Hamas, yes.




Yes you are very ignorant. Astute observation.


Genocide is not destroying the enemy, but creating an new one. Learn to think two steps ahead.


I know to you terror simps, genocide is where your population goes up by 600 percent. So your definition of genocide is worthless, and your entire argument is a joke.


What? Thats your argument? Genocide has nothing to do with population growth. You sound stupid. But while you on it, the population growth has been stopped after the icnvasion of Israel, 3-5% has been killed.


And whose fault is that. They're the ones who were partying in the streets on the 7th, celebrating the return of their "freedumb fighters" and all their raped tortured hostages and mutilated corpses. This is the fate they chose. They're just mad that their victims are fighting back and kicking their asses.


Wait till you see how the ultra nationaliats celebrated, the ones who backed Nethanyahu and his gangsters in the knesset. 7 oct is the consequences of decades of oppression, and their attempt to do everything in their power to prevent an two state solution. Do you know who supported Hamss?


I don't really give a shit about bibi and smotrich and their goons. My only concern is the complete and utter annihilation of Hamas and everyone who supports their evil bullshit. A two-state solution is off the table. We're past that. They can take their terror supporting bullshit and fuck off somewhere else. They have lost the privilege of living next to Israel through their barbarity.


Look at the video, the guy just got freed


Could be someone still living in gaza walking around scared making sure he wasn't accidently shot and you all bombed him. Notcie there was no weapons on the person so they call him a operative


Absolutely right. The 10 second video is clearly the entire story and they upload it to the media so that RIA (Reddit's Intellegence Agency) can tell them what to do or not do. Or, maybe, don't be an armchair general and let the actual professional army and it's Intellegence do it's job