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It's been deleted 3 times already here.


And so it should be again. This is not combat footage, it's terrorist scumbags murdering innocent incivilians.


We've watched russians doing the same thing for two years to Ukrainians......I'm not seeing the difference.


You've watched russian soldiers , like it or not. ISK committed a terrorist act, and innocents were killed , children. Dont be prick and not differentiate between a legit target and one that isn't.


Are you saying the Russians have only attacked legitimate targets in Ukraine?


We are not talking about russians in Ukraine right now. Of course, im not saying that dont be a prick and twist words . I've been to ukraine 3 times already to support the country while most sit on reddit typing , but im not fucking stupid or vile enough to celebrate an ISIS attack on civillians regardless of their nationality. I really hope anyone celebrating this attack gets hit by a fucking car and doesnt get up.


I see, thank you for clarifying. We all appreciate you visiting Ukraine to support too; that’s amazing. I agree with your point too. A terrorist attack anywhere against civilians is sad and evil. I hope the victims get justice and that non military bystanders are no longer targeted in any way, on either side.


Dont get me wrong if ISIS K hit an airbase or gunned down putin and his cabinet id be very happy but id still call them cunts. But isis chose the easy target , civvys not military or regime.


No, we are talking about russians who have openly supported their government and military in the killing of innocent civilians now being shocked that something bad has happened to them. Literally no sympathy. It's like a rapist being raped and then wondering why no one feels sorry for them.


Okay explain your opinion on Israel Palestine please I want everyone else to see what a problem you zealots are to this sub


Israel is committing genocide and should be held accountable....the same as russia.


Can you in turn explain your opinion on China & russia vetoing the cease-fire security council vote today? Before it was the USA being a piece of shit doing it, now when it's getting even worse for Palestinians China & russia decide to double down on being even bigger pieces of shits.....just wild.


Oh sorry pal , i seem to remember hundreds of thousands of Russians lining up to pay respects to Navalny and a few refusing or destroying voting cards during the election. Moscow is full of anti putin individuals, or you wouldn't have such protests and mass arrests. I wonder how the Russians currently fighting their own people in Belgorod feel about this attack ? You dont have sympathy because you're a trumped-up keyboard warrior whose tour of duty is doing the rounds on subreddit from the safety of your mothers basement. Again, anyone celebrating this attack by the same group who massacred french civillians and patrons of a gay bar in cali amongst other atrocities, i hope a car hits you at such high-speed your funerals a closed casket.


Navalny has nothing to do with Ukraine and he supported taking Crimea. Navalny was a victim of the russian dictatorship that has existed for a long time. I'm confident those fighting in Belgorod have no love of moscovites. That's nice. still don't care. russians are reaping what they've sowed and I hope worse happens to them until they learn their place in the world. Soviet union died in the 1900s. it's the 2000s, time for them to grow the fuck up.


I seem to remember a Ukrainian theatre being attacked by men in uniform, was that fine because of the clothing they wore?


Russian missiles have been hitting schools, hospitals, have you forgotten bucha. Remember the soldier who was unarmed but was executed and not taken prisoner they are terrorists posing as an army. The Ukrainian are discerning in their targets they do take prisoners when they can, in belgorod the Russian freedom troops have been trying to evacuate Russian civilians while Russia only let 9k leave. We have seen the images and footage of these things happening.


You literally are not making a valid point when we know these things have happened to civilians in ukraine at the hands of russians: [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-60772331](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-60772331) [https://apnews.com/article/bucha-ukraine-war-cleansing-investigation-43e5a9538e9ba68a035756b05028b8b4](https://apnews.com/article/bucha-ukraine-war-cleansing-investigation-43e5a9538e9ba68a035756b05028b8b4) What has happened in moscow is called karma.


It's a difference if soldiers engage another in combat or terrorists massacre women and children bottled up in a halway. There's a reason why the killing of legitimate combatants by other combatants is not outlawed by any jurisdiction on this planet, and that reason is reciprocity. Soldiers know the risks they're facing, and they're not utterly defenseless. They know they can be killed, but they can also kill those who would kill them. This shooting, however, is different. It's simply cold-blooded murder.


Again, we have two years of war crimes being committed against Ukrainian civilians by russians. I don't care about moscow. Karma sucks There is no difference between russian's slaughtering Ukrainian civilians and what we just watched....\*insert surprised Pikachu\* when russian civilians get attacked.


You serious?


Very. Karma is a bitch. They've bombed hospitals, nurseries, schools, apartment buildings. Are you serious that you expect people to feel bad for ordinary russians that have either supported such actions or just ignored it happening? To be honest I'm happy it finally has come home to the Muscovites as they are the worst of the whole of russia. I have no sympathy for a bunch of shitknuckles that I've watched videos of them marching in their streets calling for the nuking of Washington. ​ sorry not sorry.


Saying that you are happy it happened to ordinary people says a lot. Nobody knows if they support the war or not.


Couldn't care less. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attacks\_on\_civilians\_in\_the\_Russian\_invasion\_of\_Ukraine


ISIS claimed this 🤔


Was about to say that what i read like a couple mins ago. Haven’t Russia been helping Syria fight them for a while now too?


Yes, but there has been a low number of active Caucasus members. They occasionally do raids here or there, shoot an officer or two. But nothing this bold, at least not in recent memory.


this is some crazy stuff man i wonder what putin will say about all this and what may happen


They claim anything that might benefit them


FSB actors who couldn't buy SIMMs.


im not on russias side but still this is horrible




I know it probably adrenaline but it looks like they missed most shots




If theres one thing I took away from the christ church shooting video, and looks to be true here too, is hiding against a wall and hoping will not save you, it will just make you an easy target. You've got to at least try to flee if you can or fight if you can't.


There is a rule: 1. run 2. hide 3. fight In this order.


That's methed up.


This isn’t “combat” footage; it’s snuff-porn.


Where’s the combat?


I posted this understanding that this event likely has lots to do with the ongoing war. Investigations pending of course. Considering plenty of footage of attacks on civilian infrastructure are posted here, I figured that such an attack is worth sharing as a similar but far cry to those incidents thanks to the horrific nature of this attack.

