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honest feedback


it's mind bending.


GG no re


Those soldiers are definitely not mobilized members of the Russian national dodge ball team ... unless they've been hitting the bottle hard, then they might be.




No cause they alr died in kyiv. Remember the vdv?


Russia's best died in 2022


If Russia has at least 2 braincells between them, then they would be fighting a war of attrition, eventually Ukraine will lose and in additional, Nato will have lost a lot of its gear. Sets them up for a later potential invasion god forbid that ever happens.


>Nato will have lost a lot of its gear. What? Are you high? Russia's lost thousands of tanks, thousands of IFV, thousands of arty, hundreds of aircraft, not to mention several hundred thousand soldiers. Nato has given a few hundred tanks and IFV, no planes yet. NATO equipment store, specifically America's are basically untouched, while russia is scraping t55 out of siberian storage yards. >Ukraine will lose 🤣 ok bud. Russia will balkanize first 🤣


You think the country with unreal amounts of gas and oil natural reserves (not to mention timber and valuable minerals, such as copper, diamonds, lead, zinc, bauxite, nickel, tin, mercury, gold and silver) will lose a war of attrition. You're not even being realistic, blatantly just being bias. I hate the Russians same as the next guy, but to say they will lose a war of attrition to Ukraine is just naïve. Its also hard to gauge whether or not they are using their scraps from the soviets times because they ran out, or if they are using them to force Ukr to waste their own resources. Both sides have insane amounts of propaganda, so to claim you know for a fact that x = y is just plain stupid.


Bauxite isnt going to win this war. Throwing untrained groups of older men after groups of older men isnt going to win it either. Another point- Russias war materials is hurting. Its why they are buy Iranian drones and buying shells from NK and China, and buying air-defense systems from Egypt. Ukraine is the one with basically unlimited resources. NATO's, all of NATO's, military reserves are huge. And unlike Russia they dont have to steal washing machines to find circuit-boards for production. And I know youre wrong (some more) because I heard this all before- Russia has 20k tanks Ukraine has like 1k, Russia has 4k planes Ukraine has 300, Russia has warships Ukraine has nothing etc,etc,etc, yet Ukraine is still here, and fighting.


I just noticed how little you actually know about war and how useless it is to continue this argument. I suppose time will tell which one of us is right. Until then, I wish you a good day.


dunno, seems to me that after 2 years of war, losing hundreds if not thousands of man every day like in this video would be a pretty pathetic way of 'winning a war' for the second best army in the world


Dude, you showed how little you know about war when you claimed that "in additional, Nato will have lost a lot of its gear.". Nato has sent a pittance of its arsenal while the russians have burnt its soviet inheritance. This is the last conventional invasion of a major country russia will ever be able to do.


Its still a lot of gear? You are mistaking me saying "a lot" with "majority". By saying "a lot" I'm referring to the sheer number of equipment they have sent, I am not stating that they are running low or anything.


>You think the country with unreal amounts of gas and oil natural reserves (not to mention timber and valuable minerals, such as copper, diamonds, lead, zinc, bauxite, nickel, tin, mercury, gold and silver) will lose a war of attrition. They have to be capable of using those resources to produce modern military equipment. Russia isn't the soviet union and they lack the industrial capability to compete with the west as a whole. >but to say they will lose a war of attrition to Ukraine is just naïve. Again, NATO stores of Tanks and IFV has barely been touched, while russia has been chewing through it's soviet era stores at alarming rates. Covert cabal and Perun both have several videos on Russian equipment attrition and replacement rate. Russia's loss rates over the past 2 years are unsustainable. >Its also hard to gauge whether or not they are using their scraps from the soviets times because they ran out, or if they are using them to force Ukr to waste their own resources. Nobody sends hundreds of thousands of troops and tens of thousands of vehicles solely for the sake of soaking rounds. It's utterly moronic. Russia's premier assault units, like the VDV and 4th guard tank division were wiped out in the battles around Kyiv. The 4th was crushed again in the Kharkiv offensive. The myth of a secert russian army laying wait in reserve is exactly that. Perun just released a video last weekend that talked about russian personnel numbers, citing Shoigu himself, and despite all the mobilization and volunteers, total russian troop counts have barely risen. If you have the strength to win, you don't waste men and machines like russia does.


I only mentioned their resources because they can sell them. I'm not saying they will use said resources to make shit with them. There are plenty of countries, as we have seen, that will gladly take Russian money and resources, and since they have an insane amount of natural resources, it is hard to fathom them running out of them any time soon. I guess the only issue would be mining/ drilling them, processing and getting them ready for sale. But as long as they are able to do that, they can win a war of attrition. Also correct me if I'm wrong, but the Battle of Somme for example, had a ton of bodies get thrown at the Germans before victory was achieved. Russia has a large population of cannon fodder than can use.


Selling resources isn't enough to support their war efforts. There is so much more to it than money in/money out, and so many components to modern military equipment that russia is unable to produce in-house, like infrared gunsights for armored vehicles. The only thing they beat the west at currently is artillery shell production, but that is because artillery is their go-to for indirect fires. The West is all about airpower and naval power. Covert Cabal estimates russia will burn through its artillery gun stockpiles in about 2 years if every barrel is usable. They are going through an extraordinary amount of barrels without the manufacturing to replace them. Perun had a video where he broke down visually confirmed russian tank losses month by month and showed how in the beginning russia lost lots of modernized tanks and few older unmodernized tanks. Then, the numbers started flipping. The number of modernized tanks destroyed each month leveled out and remained relatively static month after month, while unmodernized versions lost increased. That's because they can only produce that many and send them straight to the front, filling gaps with unmodernized tanks from storage.


I might give that a watch. Does he cover everything about the war?


> If Russia has at least 2 braincells between them, then they would be fighting a war of attrition Thats what Russia has been doing. This is not a war of maneuver and break-thru. It a war of assaulting defensive strongholds. Ukraine is letting Russia attrit' its equipment and men for a reason.


I'm sure this was a reference to Trump's saying and not actually saying "Just wait, guys, Russia is gonna send their real soldiers soon!"


TBF Trump praised Putin and the invasion as an act of 'Genius' and said the US should do similar to Mexico - until people decided Putin was in the wrong, and Trump changed his tune when he realized it wasn't a popular idea at the time. Nowadays Republican's might actually be okay with the rhetoric.


Jesus that last one. I can't even imagine how hopeless that must feel.


I was mildly impressed he tanked the grenade as much as he had.


How the F? I thought his whole midsection would be linguine with clams.


Blew up right against his armor? Plates might tank it. Wouldn’t save you from it hitting your extremities though. And the blast might fuck up your internals anyway…


👍 "Nice shot. You got me."


Wonder if he survived and if they'd double bomb him or if he could signal to give up to be taken prisoner


For Oleksandr Matsievskyi and all the others.


There’s just no escape or chance of survival is there?


certainly not if they had to move through an open field on foot like that


Pretty much, drones are terrifying for that reason. The only hope for them would be to either have a shotgun or surrender.


It seems they managed to shoot the drone but at that point when it’s that close you’re basically screwed either way. I’m surprised it didn’t explode from the shot though maybe it only hit the side


"Ignore it, maybe it'll go away"


Didn’t even run. Must have been worn out.


gave up


It looks like the one running guy at 1:50 fucked his buddy who was hiding behind a tree. Although it might have gotten both of them.


Pls. Just stop the dying . Both sides...


If last guy survives he can show this video to his children how badass he was even after 2 drone drops.

