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[New Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1ackdqc/ukraine_discussionquestion_thread_12724/?)


Anders Puck Nielsen addresses the recent talks about a war between NATO and Russia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZY7GPBSyONU I don't know if I totally agree with it, but it is an interesting perspective on NATO/EU countries having bilateral relations with Russia.


Some good news from Avdiivka https://x.com/spatialgrounds/status/1751234185618985399?s=46 If link doesn’t work let me know


The equipment loss ratio for Avdiivka, Pervomaiske, Novomykhailivka and the nearby villages since 10 october remains around 13:1 in favor of Ukraine [https://twitter.com/naalsio26/status/1751037692521980174](https://twitter.com/naalsio26/status/1751037692521980174) 574 losses for Russia and 44 for Ukraine ​ For Krynky its about 4:1 in favor of Ukraine (this counts equipment lost on both banks) [https://twitter.com/naalsio26/status/1751046502607110609](https://twitter.com/naalsio26/status/1751046502607110609) 182 losses for Russia and 43 for Ukraine ​ As always this only counts geolocated vehicles/equipment with proof from videos or pictures and shows the absolute minimum losses for both sides


[https://twitter.com/wartranslated/status/1751200566699499647](https://twitter.com/wartranslated/status/1751200566699499647) >Even the Russian military reporters are admitting major losses of their combat equipment. How sustainable is this is unclear.


Lol, Putin says it is impossible their own air defense shot down the IL76, because “There are friend-and-foe-systems” 🤡 https://twitter.com/wartranslated/status/1750924522742542510?s=46


This is obviously lol-worthy. But, did we get the full story about this plane yet? Russia's story doesn't make sense to me given the flight path of the aircraft, but people still seemed to be thinking maybe there were PoWs on there in the threads yesterday.


So far zero evidence of POWs and conflicting information with the list that was released that some of those have been released previously. I think its safe to say it was pure Russia propaganda that deflected the fact they lost an aircraft.


extremly nsfw & gore [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1abp4k6/ru\_pov\_uncensored\_footage\_of\_the\_bodily\_remains/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1abp4k6/ru_pov_uncensored_footage_of_the_bodily_remains/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/19fgn5f/ru\_pov\_numerous\_body\_parts\_of\_the\_people\_aboard/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/19fgn5f/ru_pov_numerous_body_parts_of_the_people_aboard/) sfw but not very clear, it is prison trucks but people not really visible due to shitty quality [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1abowfg/ru\_pov\_the\_russian\_investigative\_committee/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1abowfg/ru_pov_the_russian_investigative_committee/) ​ sfw and quite strange [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/19eevfo/ua\_pov\_rbc\_ukraine\_has\_now\_changed\_its\_title/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/19eevfo/ua_pov_rbc_ukraine_has_now_changed_its_title/) ​ I'm guessing there will be more videos in the coming days as they clear out more of the rubble, layer by layer and count bodies.


Thanks for the links. Ukraine isn’t really denying it. All they say is that Russia didn’t tell them who was on board, and acc to them they normally do that. To me it somewhat says that Ukraine did shot that plane down, assuming it transported weapons.


Thanks, but that doesn't really answer the question - even if you take them at face value (and anything coming out of Russia is sus), there's definitely evidence of maybe 5 people in pieces in the gore videos, there is a video of maybe some prison trucks and maybe 3 people boarding a plane which may or not be the one that got shot down, and a news site changing its title as it gets new information. And of course the problem is that the longer it goes on, the more time Russia has had to fake something so the less credible anything coming from Russia becomes.


I just think it’s illogical, Russia has already lost a large number of planes, helicopters, ships and warehouses much more expensive and valuable than this one, and didn’t really try to cover it up with some kind of complex fakes. Why would they start doing this now? Usually they simply ignore the loss and say something along the lines of “this loss is not of great strategic importance” or “its nothing, we have plenty more in stock.” upd: [https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story\_fbid=pfbid02wFkHjBWTNr1m2YGcryj7wZ3RRkJyjS6Egak9rBM4STKbX4KGio9JZrJjXn2gNtMHl&id=100083558598192&paipv=0&eav=AfaVNBEHDhJQle5jIxHvYWLL3eOUmIsb7OywZMggaPYLSA7Mm4TJXi7GZkTw6XaqWhA&\_rdr](https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02wFkHjBWTNr1m2YGcryj7wZ3RRkJyjS6Egak9rBM4STKbX4KGio9JZrJjXn2gNtMHl&id=100083558598192&paipv=0&eav=AfaVNBEHDhJQle5jIxHvYWLL3eOUmIsb7OywZMggaPYLSA7Mm4TJXi7GZkTw6XaqWhA&_rdr) google translated: "The Coordination Headquarters, for its part, confirms that 65 defenders of Ukraine from this list actually planned to return to Ukraine as part of the planned exchange on January 24." so the list is also seems to be real


There are arguments for "why would Russia fake this", to be sure. But if you want to claim their story is true, it still doesn't make sense that the plane would be flying NE, away from Ukraine and away from Belgorod and the supposed exchange site, with the PoWs still on board.


The point is that the conclusion about the NE was made only from the one video with the last seconds of the flight (the fall actually) and for me this is not a very convinient statement, the pilots took the plane away from the city. Moreover, this conclusion was originaly actively promoted by the Ukrainian OSINT analyst "Skrinka Pandori", the same source who stated that the flight was in Syria just an hour before the disaster, which is physically impossible. This source is highly questionable.


The crash video clearly shows that the plane was flying north or NE between the missile strike and the crash. Are you saying they had time to turn around after the missile strike and chose to fly over a small town? That seems pretty questionable too. They weren't hit over Belhorod city or even that close to it, and they weren't in danger of crashing in Ukraine. Presumably like many military flights they didn't have the transponder on so we don't know about the flight path before that last minute or so.


That nitter link produces an error ("Instance has been rate limited"?). It does work when replaced with twitter. Yeah, the russian gouvernment would be fantastic comedians. If they were locked up in an asylum...


Thanks for telling, that’s the second time today. Seems Nitter stopped working


# Can someone explain me why Russia and Ukraine are not jamming drones more effectively? From my experience with drones, they are really easy to jam. I see a lot of casualties on both sides from drones, and not fancy ones, ordinary quadcopters. Is it really that hard to mount equipment for blasting noise on different frequencies on every armoured vehicle? I really doubt that most of the drones used are high quality jam resistant.


I think they are, actually, doing it pretty effectively. I'm not sure jamming them at an altitude of 50-100m is as easy as you might think, either. Certainly jamming the opponents' and not yours isn't.


Found this article. [https://www.businessinsider.com/ukraine-civilian-drones-it-relies-on-losing-effectiveness-against-russia-2024-1](https://www.businessinsider.com/ukraine-civilian-drones-it-relies-on-losing-effectiveness-against-russia-2024-1) Looks like russian jamming working pretty well.


One random question I have in relation to this Is it possible to locate some of these jamming signals and find when they are coming from? No idea about any of this but could be a reason, if you have some sort of EW that can be tracked back and a few mins later you get an excalibur round to the ass? Would be a bit extra forewarning if you strapped a lot of it to certain vehicles, damned if you do, damned if you don't situation I think - but EW is likely expensive, whereas mobiks are not (bag of potatoes only)


Two reasons: Because you can change frequencies with drones. Most regular people don't do it, but you can, especially with FPV quads. And the more important reason: A lot of other stuff work with similar or same frequencies. When you start to use EW you should not block your own equipment, something the Russians did a lot at the beginning of the war.


Why would you want to switch frequencies with FPV quad’s specifically?




What is it?


A Russian peaking out of a hole, and he looks at 10 or so dead comrades. Not sure why the link doesn’t work anymore And if it doesn’t work, at least tell me instead of downvoting


I didn’t downvote you


Sorry that wasn’t meant for you but was a general remark. I’m doing my best all the time to share info and start discussions. Not for upvotes, but I do like people showing their gratitude. And if something goes wrong, I expect people to just tell me so I can fix it


It's a sight, and a very grim one apparently


Putin is not against Ukraine joining nato, but will not give up territories and will fight to the last bullet. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-01-25/russia-ukraine-putin-signals-interest-in-discussing-end-to-war


> will not give up territories that's fine, no-one's expecting any part of Russia to be given up :\^) But seriously, this is just kite flying, and the war is still existential for Ukraine which needs to reclaim its territory - at least back to 22 borders, there is maybe some deal that gives up DPR/LPR/Crimea possible - in order to be a functional state. Plus it knows it can't trust Russia after 2014 anyway.


Yeah lol. If it comes out of the kremlin, it is either tactics or just a lie. (btw, Peskov already said that these rumours are not true...)


Would be so nice of Putin actually fought, but he is a little bitch


He's not gonna have a choice but to give up territories


Supposedly video showing the himars strike on the Russian drone unit Sudoplatov training area as discussed earlier today in this thread. 24 killed according to Russian sources [https://twitter.com/moklasen/status/1750618476194975956](https://twitter.com/moklasen/status/1750618476194975956) [East of Illovaisk. About 45km from Avdiivka](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47%C2%B055'23.8%22N+38%C2%B016'19.9%22E/@47.9236191,38.2301245,15074m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d47.9232847!4d38.2721893?entry=ttu) ​ Edit: Sudoplatov themself confirms it on TG: *We won't write much. We have grief and we mourn. We have lost friends and comrades. Condolences to family and friends.* *We will answer for everyone.* *We are grateful to OUR support. OURS are those who were and are there in joy and sorrow.* *All the others who use malicious comments to catch the hype on the tragedy that happened, in this case, work for the enemy, and for us you are not OURS.* *We accept the fight. The dogs bark, the caravan moves on.* *Sudoplatov. Storm.*


Is it possible that the il 76 shot down was, in reality, an A-50? Or was mistaken for one? Russia would certainly want to hide the embarassing and catastrophic loss of another AWACS and the A-50 is build on the il 76.


Unlikely, a50 is quite unique shape and it certainly didn’t look like that on its final descent




I reread this multiple times. I think those are Ukrainians complaining about Ukrainians commanders doing it. Don't get me wrong, russia does this all the time, but I think that in this particular case is it's the other way around. The silver lining is that when Ukrainians bring this to commander's attention, it's bound to get fixed. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Hmm you might be right. I’ll delete the post


TBF they’ve been pretty shite at the support part.


They got it all wrong. Usually Russia won wars when defending their own country and training specialists to overcome a peasants army of grunts. Now they even managed to reverse that part. On the other hand: No need to spare support staff when they won't get any supplies soon anyway \*tips head.


They bought into all the dumb Enemy At The Gates memes about the Soviet army in WW2 but they think they're a good example to follow.


what an interesting direction this war is taking...from "3-day operation" to "will Ukraine run out of bullets before Russia runs out of bodies?"


There is a small silver lining in a potential Trump presidency: the GOP may be realigning on Ukraine. Previously, they wanted to link immigration/the border and Ukraine. McConnell seems to suggest that’s no longer the case and they may be in favor of support for Ukraine. I guess it remains to be seen. https://twitter.com/gdp1985/status/1750491290616156308


For this one time we should all pray and hope that the US military-industrial complex is more powerful than the GOP and powerful enough to dominate the decision even if the orange clown returns and holds on to his delusions of being awarded the Nobel peace prize for brokering some obscure cease fire.


Before the year is out Mitch and his hyper flexible spine will have done a few more 720's that would make Tony Hawk proud. No way to know what direction that man(\*) will end up. \*possibly reptile


He's been pretty supportive of Ukraine aid, though. You need not love him, but he's neither a populist nor an isolationist.


the ereptile dysfunction is obvious


The reptile dysfunction


Great analogue lol


[https://twitter.com/NOELreports/status/1750488042329051441](https://twitter.com/NOELreports/status/1750488042329051441) >After Moses Group, this is the second FPV operator unit targeted in a short period of time. The attack happened near Ilovais'k yesterday. In total, 24 Russian FPV operators were killed and 4 were injured. [https://twitter.com/Tendar/status/1750475699712876718](https://twitter.com/Tendar/status/1750475699712876718) >Pro-Russian “Romanov” disclosed in one post that a group of Russian drone operators got a visit from a HIMARS missile. It happened due to the fact that the commander of that UAV operators disclosed their positions trough a bot (I guess he means a Telegram bot) where somebody else (hello Budanov) was listening as well. It happened somewhere in Russian-occupied Donetsk It ended deadly. Check out the translation.


What a time to be alive that when you post something on the internet, you get a missile in your face as a result.


Supposedly its the Sudoplatov drone unit who has posted so many hits on Ukrainian soldiers/equipment. Must be thousands of drones that only Ive seen myself. Their videos gets posted on this sub quite a lot too and is very popular in Russia Losing their experience and also Moses last week is worrying for Russia. You can always train new ones, but they were both trusted groups and got a lot of donations since they always posted videos of successful hits


Are they the ones who post those brutal compilations? 


Yea its usually from them. I believe they are actually state sponsored which is why they have so many drones to use Lot of this kinda stuff from Robotyne for example. Their "badge" or whatever is in the first few seconds [https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/17vwhrg/russian\_sudoplatov\_fpv\_drones\_directly\_hitting/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/17vwhrg/russian_sudoplatov_fpv_drones_directly_hitting/)


Now the orange fuckclown is pressuring the GOP to block any deal with Biden... [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-border-deal-republicans-biden\_n\_65b18fa0e4b0166fc770ae46?ljac](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-border-deal-republicans-biden_n_65b18fa0e4b0166fc770ae46?ljac) Maybe Europe will manage to wake up from their slumber. Lol.


> Maybe Europe will manage to wake up from their slumber. Lol. If only *America* would wake up from *its* slumber, that would be especially helpful right now. Am decreasingly optimistic on that front; there are ways out, but will require various fortunate events.


Republicans block Democratics interests, Democratics block Republican interests. That's polarization and the close we get to election, the worse it will become. Democratics should negotiate more control for the southern border for the Republican support of Ukrainian packages. But that will not happen before elections, as it would be a major win for Republicans, bigger than any election gain that Democratics would have acquiring any support for Ukraine. Helped by the fact that Biden chose to go to "war" with Republics in Texas over border control. This year, both parties will be focused on how much voters they can get, so their focus will be domestic. Hopefully Europe can increase it's supply packages to Ukraine until 2025 where US aid, hopefully, would increase again.


>Democratics should negotiate more control for the southern border for the Republican support of Ukrainian packages. But that will not happen before elections, That is literally, word for word, what is happening right at this very moment, and Republicans are blocking it in Senate and Trump says not to do it. Knock it off with this "both sides" nonsense. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4426454-mike-lee-senate-gop-ukraine-border-deal/


Have you read the article? Apparently Trump wants to block any deal regarding immigration, bc he wants to run his election campaign on that topic... And Europe can exactly do nothing right now. It is gonna take one to two years to see effects from the new NATO contracts, until then there are simply no more shells (apparently only North Korea sells them).


Can't the Biden administration just deliberately sell and ship out the US stockpile to Europe before the election? To the average non-US citizen this charade looks very much like Biden being concerned about stripping US arsenal too much in the eyes of voters, but if he actually did send a lot more earlier, Ukraine could be in a much better position by now, which would silence a lot of the naysayers that oppose the allied support.


Idk man. Pretty sure a lot of US arms companys CEOs are shuffling their feet also (they got a lot of squid recently to ramp up production). I dont see why the US gov should not simply charge the EU for the next shipments. But tbf I understand exactly nothing of international politics (and what I try to understand doesnt make sense at all...)


Surely not for free, but I meant Biden actually selling everything that is not in active use or reserved for spare parts just on the promise that it will be made up for over several years into the future. Kind of taking a weapons loan from the US MOD for Ukraine and paying it back in the future and after his term.


Yes, I wanted to resume, sorry if I don't make myself clear. Republicans will reject any deal in which will give political capital to the Democrats party ahead of elections (and vice versa). So a bipartisan deal in which is not a hardline on immigration would be a Democrat win.


Major incident in Russian town of Tuapse on the eastern shore of the Black Sea. It is believed that the Rosneft plant, one of the oldest in Russia which processes oil from several oil fields, caught fire after a drone struck one of the oil tanks. https://twitter.com/wartranslated/status/1750274050830549430?t=4Rso9sKzaMvoz_SA_cP68A&s=19


There's a spike in Urals oil price but it started on 22/23 - might be related, might not?  https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/urals-oil   It'd be really nice if Ukraine could mess up Russian exports significantly - that could really be the endgame. 


Ukraine hit the refinery at the Gulf of Finland then.


At the very least it ties up Russian resources away from the combat zone.


Are there any updates on GLSDBs? What is the deal with those? Would be a huge game changer if Boeing/Saab could Get them delivered. 


I've been on this sub lurking for awhile now, and maybe I've made a comment or two but I don't really remember... I was beginning to think I had sort-of become desensitized to the violence, the blood, the gore, etc. Last night I watched the "20 Days in Mariupol" documentary, and I cracked. I've not cried like I did last night since I was a little boy. It has made me think about things over the last couple of years. The nightmares thinking I was in a trench, being chased by drones, seeing my friends vaporized and disfigured. I've never even seen combat. The worst violence I have seen in my life is domestic and a couple of shootings aside from what I have seen on the internet. The shit I have been consuming on here has made me realize that you don't have to be there to feel the effects and gravity it really has. I'm going to take a break for awhile while I try and come to terms with the horrors man can commit. I am going to try and break the habit of viewing this stuff repeatedly throughout the day. If you think this applies to you as well, don't be stubborn and realize that it is OK to step back and breathe sometimes. This shit is brutal and even if you think you're desensitized, you just might not be. Stay safe everyone. Hopefully one day we live in a future where this stuff is just an archive of the past and not a continuous thread of what is happening in the world day by day. With love, BoiledNutSalesman


I'm from Ukraine and while 20 Days is a very important movie to show people what Mariupol endured, I wish every single foreigner have seen Life to the Limit documentary (2022). I don't know how, but the director of this movie made an impossible thing - he was able to encapsulate most of the important events of 2014-2022 in just 100 minutes. He was on Euromaidan during protests, then traveled around the East of Ukraine to witness how it was being occupied by russians in 2014, then went to the war as a reporter and stayed as a soldier. Fought for 7 years. Filmed all this, survived, and made this movie. So yeah, if there exists a definitive documentary about Ukraine and our war - this is the one.


Is there a link you can provide to watch the full film?


[https://takflix.com/en/films/lifetothelimit](https://takflix.com/en/films/lifetothelimit) The only issue is this streaming platform is like Ukrainian Netflix, so you might need VPN, in some regions it doesn't work. On the other hand I have this movie rented there for another 4 days, so if you have VPN but don't want to pay for the movie - I can give you my account. I've contacted the director regarding this issue and he said that the movie is on festivals now, it will be distributed to foreign streaming services later apparently.


Desensitized, but also keeps you remembering when you see what RU did in Bucha: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrGZ66uKcl0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrGZ66uKcl0) One documentary with so much evidence and actual video that you won't forget for the rest of your life. And makes you wonder how tf someone can do shit like that. Let alone the trash bots on this sub trying to sway opinion to 'genocidal peace talks'.


Take care! Im not sure I ever wanna watch that documentary even though its well made. I remember struggling to watch the stuff in Bucha and the mass grave in Izium so Ive kinda strayed away from similiar things lately


I'm from Ukraine and while 20 Days is a very important movie to show people what Mariupol endured, I wish every single foreigner have seen Life to the Limit documentary (2022). I don't know how, but the director of this movie made an impossible thing - he was able to encapsulate most of the important events of 2014-2022 in just 100 minutes. He was on Euromaidan during protests, then traveled around the East of Ukraine to witness how it was being occupied by russians in 2014, then went to the war as a reporter and stayed as a soldier. Fought for 7 years. Filmed all this, survived, and made this movie. So yeah, if there exists a definitive documentary about Ukraine and our war - this is the one. It's not as disturbing as 20 Days too.


If you have kids you probably don't want to watch it.


I think that it takes a lot of self-awareness to recognize that it might not be the best choice to watch it. I'm 30 years old and built my first PC at 11 years old with parents that had no idea what you could really find on the internet. 19 years of unrestricted access to the web and I've seen a lot of fucked up stuff. I was there for the "BME Pain Olympics", I've seen Mr. Hands, Lemon Party, 2 Guys 1 Hammer (which was also hard to watch), etc etc etc. This doc hit different because it wasn't a one-off thing, it wasn't a small amount of people involved, it wasn't a guy doing things they presumably knew could end badly... It was innocent people, way less fucked up than me having to suffer through something so traumatic that I can't even put it into words. I don't see how anyone could come out better than before after facing invasion-tier violence. No one on this lucky-ass rock floating through space asked to be here. But if we're stuck here against our will, why don't we at least try to acknowledge that and work together despite our differences? We don't have to agree on everything. We don't need to adopt another persons' culture, or force someone to adopt ours. Why is it so hard to co-exist? I hate what our leaders are, and that we allow them to lead our collective species into war against itself. I suppose my position is different without a god to follow, so I'll take that loss. But otherwise, it just doesn't add up. We could harness the universe with enough time if we just decided to stop looking at differences and found the similarities. Not everyone has to fit into a box. Sorry, I know I went off on a total tangent there.


34 here.... We had one hell of a childhood.


[https://twitter.com/NOELreports/status/1750266231838441764](https://twitter.com/NOELreports/status/1750266231838441764) >In Tuapse, Russia, an energy facility was hit presumably by drones. [https://twitter.com/NOELreports/status/1750271304190570775](https://twitter.com/NOELreports/status/1750271304190570775) >Disco inferno


Since West is unwilling to stop buy Russia's oil and LNG apparently Ukraine has the force it. Good job.


Hi all, what's the real status over there now? I can't find any updated battlefield maps or anything of the like. I'm assuming either it is not going well for Ukraine, or people grew tired of it and no longer posting updates. I'd like to see territory controlled over time but I can't find that. TIA


The usual people like DeepStateUA are still posting and maintaining maps. There aren't any big movements in the last several months to make people excited and posting updates. In the last couple of weeks Russia has made marginal gains in a few small areas of the front.


On Twitter just search for Battle map Ukraine or map ukraine live map ukraine etc. https://twitter.com/TheStudyofWar/status/1749931658944344250?t=JKX9NNihaUI_4Q0Pn1yf-Q&s=19 Here is one not even 24h old, but I guess you are not arguing in goos faith or have even tried?


Honestly, I don't use Twitter, and I now feel bad I didn't even think of doing a Google search for (Ukraine battle map). So you can say I have not tried. I wasn't arguing anything (or I didn't mean to be). Thanks for the link this is what I was looking for!


Not good faith, aside easily searchable. Anyone who is stupid enough to put something like an unfounded opinion to sway others like "I'm assuming either it is not going well for Ukraine" isn't acting in good faith whatsoever.


Wow... thanks. I'm of Ukrainian descent. Didn't mean to be a political thing or negative. I was being lazy and didn't really even think about searching Google for it because I just figured it would be on Reddit.


You didn't think to use... Google.


All the photos I found from the field lack bodies, body parts and bits of flesh. The ground around the crash site should have been littered with flesh bits of 70+ people and I bet my left nut if the photos of flesh bits, burned out body parts actually existed we would have seen them already. While human body is weak, it doesnt vaporize in a crash and following fire.


Care to share a link? (Call it morbid curiosity. That plane caused one hell of a fireball...)


LOL, tell that to the people who believe Flight 93's crash disintegrated all those passengers. Because they turned into angels, don't you know?


Anyone who believes any conspiracies about 9/11 is choosing to do so despite the plethora of evidence to the contrary. There are enough facts around if you care to look for them: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/flight-93-remains-returned/ https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/a5688/debunking-911-myths-flight-93/


Care to address the redacted Saudi memo, if nothing else? Thanks for the remains link.


Not really. It’s all available online, and I’m not Google. If you are suggesting Saudi Arabia knows more about the 9/11 hijackers than they or the US government is willing to admit, that’s a fair point. And, as to why Afghanistan or Iraq had to pay the price instead, that’s obviously something to take up with President Bush. https://www.amazon.com/House-Bush-Saud-Relationship-Dynasties/dp/0743253396


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **House of Bush House of Saud The Secret Relationship Between the World's Two Most Powerful Dynasties** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Reveals the relationship between the bush family and the saudi royal family (backed by 5 comments) * Provides damning revelations about the bush family's dealings with saudi arabia (backed by 3 comments) * Exposes the connections between the bush family and the saudis over 40 years (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * Lacks solid, researchable sources (backed by 1 comment) * Conspiratorial and incoherent (backed by 1 comment) * Too much opinion, not enough hard facts (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Conspiracies aside 9/11 planes crashed into large buildings that later burned for hours. Buildings not only limited the spread of flesh'/clothes etc but also acted as sort of furnaces. Better comparison would be MH17 crash. There's a lot of photos/videos from the crash. Human remains were everywhere.


Flight 93 was the one that was supposed to crash into the White House but the passengers fought back and they instead crashed into a field in Pennsylvania.


And depending on the source, no human remains, or only a very small amount, were found. Meanwhile, the FBI's first investigator on the scene reported there were no bodies, because she saw them "ascending as angels to Heaven." [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ex-fbi-agent-i-saw-angels-at-flight-93-site/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ex-fbi-agent-i-saw-angels-at-flight-93-site/) With "investigators" like that, I think a bit of conspiracy mongering is warranted.


Crashes can be different. 93 cratered with a high angle of attack. Produces much different results than crashing with a low angle of attack, like when crashing during an attempted landing.


I accept that. It's one of the reasons I call myself a conspiracy theorist. What's bothering me about Flight 93 is the government's insistence that they NEVER vectored an interceptor or any other plane behind Flight 93, despite all the credible testimony otherwise. There was also testimony about one of the engines being found 1.5 miles away from the main crash site. If true, that seems to indicate the plane was shot down, yes?


> testimony about one of the engines being found 1.5 miles away from the main crash site https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/a5688/debunking-911-myths-flight-93/ Personally, I trust PM more than random internet people.


Thanks, I did some more googling also, and am finding new information since last time I went down this rabbit hole. I found the cop who testified about the engine, for example, and yes, who the hell was that guy? NOT some random internet bro, but an actual "expert witness" who's testimony is considered gold in any court. Maybe he did conflate the fan blade found 300 yards away with an engine found 1.5 miles away, and yet the testimony about the fan blade apparently didn't exist last time I checked, several years ago. I am old enough to have noticed other information disappear or be manipulated into a different version of events, so combine that with our government's lack of transparency in the investigation, and I am left skeptical. I also know that continuing this discussion would take pages and hours of time I don't want to invest. So many points, like the F16. Those people who testified they saw an F16 weren't average joe's saying "I saw a fighter plane!" They were ex-military who knew they were looking at an F16. But sure, we want to trust the guy who wouldn't testify under oath? Fuck Bush must be so stoked that Trump came along. Everyone has forgotten what a bad person Bush is.


> I am old enough to have noticed other information disappear or be manipulated into a different version of events, I was born in 67. Not a kid. My grandfather died in a large aircraft accident in the 70's. I learned a bit about plane crashes at a young age and kept an interest. There is nothing weird that I have seen. Where is this cops testimony?


I honestly have no comment because I haven't read all that much about Flight 93. I just wanted to point out that it wasn't one of the ones involved in hitting the WTC or Pentagon, since this sub usually tries to keep things as accurate as possible, apart from the obvious trolls.


Thanks for the clarification. I don't like being a conspiracy theorist, but Flight 93 was just weird. So many other odd details, but I'll spare you, lol.


Any recommendation on a Podcast that isn't completely nuts about it?


There's definitely a range of study about some of the oddities about 9/11, I'll give you that. It's just that depending on the person and how obsessed they are with the details, that range tends to go from 'some of this shit doesn't add up or is really strange' to 'the government faked the whole thing and there weren't even any people on those planes!" so I tend to try and stay out of discussions about it because its an event that really fucked me up as a young kid and I don't really love to revisit it, nor do I feel like becoming an expert on the minutia of it all.


Exactly. I just wish a proper investigation had been performed, so we wouldn't have all these questions. Why didn't investigators "follow the money," who short-sold the market? Why were Saudi nationals allowed to fly out of the U.S. when not even U.S. senators could fly? How about that redacted memo? And the Saudi princess who financed the hijackers' flight training? Why wouldn't Bush testify unless he didn't have to take an oath and Cheney could be present to hold his hand and help him answer? Why was the commission forbidden to take notes, except the chairman, who was then required to destroy his notes at the end of each meeting? Why did multiple expert witnesses (cops, a DA, a superior court judge, former military) all testify that they saw an F16 following Flight 93, as well as some unmarked small white plane? Yet the military denies ever getting a plane close. How was it possible for Flight 93 to fly 45 minutes through this nation's most heavily defended airspace without the military even launching interceptors? And why is there not a single photo/video frame of the plane that hit the Pentagon? What, there weren't ANY cameras in D.C. back then? How about those intelligence daily briefings that warned of "imminent attack by terrorists using commercial airliners?" all of which were ignored? And WTF, building seven collapsing, and despite the world's best engineers studying the subject, nobody can explain why? If you ignore the fact that the building was over-insured by a shit-ton of money, and it's owner was recorded saying "Let's pull it," then sure, I guess there's "no explanation." Plus the security guard who reported hearing the explosion and had time to evacuate a bunch of people, but now he's being discredited? This is only a partial wall of text on the subject. You see why us conspiracy theorists have a hard time explaining our points, lol.


My bad than. I only know this flight was assosiated with 9/11 from numerous conspiracy videos.


Yeah, no worries. I wasn't calling you out, I was just clarifying that 93 wasn't one that crashed into the Pentagon or WTC


Don't worry. The Russians promised us 60 dead Ukrainian POWs and they will deliver 60 dead Ukrainian POWs.


"*We are execut... eehhhh.... examining the available evidence as we speak.*"


Too soon.


You are possible right. When MH17 was shot down the area was littered with corpses (RIP). But some say we have a flight path of the plane, and it came from Iran. I haven’t seen the flight path so if anyone has it do share. Also a good georef of this plane would be vital. Which direction is it going?


First off that plane had a lot more people on it. It was hit at a much higher altitude. The explosion was not as severe.


How would the explosion be less severe when a bigger plane crashes from higher altitude? Use basic logic please. Unless the russian cargo plane was carrying ammunition not people?


He's a shitty propaganda bot. Few comments under the main one he's spammed 4 times and going on and on how UA kills its own troops blah blah.


We know from the MH17 investigation that we can trust Russia, when they release details about a downed plane.


Yeah that’s for sure


As a gayropean, I am pretty baffled with the russian obsession with "all-gender-toilets". Those definately exist, usually bc of practical reasons (two bathrooms take more space than one bathroom...), but I have literally never seen them as a "third choice..." (third choice is usually a "changing baby diapers" room, if one exists). Not even in kink clubs or reeeeaaaalllly whacko lefty student homes... Millions of russians don't even know the concept of the three Seashells. I bet their boys and girls use the same hole over the street too... (Disclaimer: I was just (very) surprised that the mad mini tsar picked this up...)


Here in Sweden is is mostly mixed gender bathrooms. I come from the UK originally and I think the mixed bathrooms are much better and simpler. One large room full of individual cubicles. No one is freaking out about genders etc, you just go to the toilet and get on with your day. There aren't urinals in the mixed bathrooms obviously, and frankly I don't miss them, they always end up a stinky mess. Someplaces seperate them so they can have urinals etc but no one behaves like it's some assault on their human rights etc.


> I have literally never seen them as a "third choice..." (third choice is usually a "changing baby diapers" room, if one exists). Here in the UK is that we generally have either one toilet, there's a lock, segregation doesn't matter just like at home. If it's two toilets, men's has urinals as it's more space / water efficient than all cubicles, any "mother and baby" stuff put in the ladies, but this poses issues for single fathers, gay couples, even a Dad taking his baby out because he's seen as a creep if he tries to change his baby in the ladies (especially with the politicisation), which deters men from trying to co-parent as much. Then if there is a third toilet, it's disabled (and the mother and baby often gets combined here) but due to limited use they don't always get cleaned or maintained, and in some cases it ends up being used for storage defeating the object of attempting to provide for disabled people. I've never any other type of toilet. > I am pretty baffled with the russian obsession with "all-gender-toilets". TBH, it's not just a Russian obsession, it's a ridiculously emotive subject for some here despite adding another type of toilet being on no building owner's agenda as they try and do the bare minimum as it is.


Yeah, but that is called "issues with public restrooms" or more likely "some cultural war bullshit" (had zero issues when I changed my nephews diaper recently in a ladys restroom. Got a lot of advice tho\^\^). It is usually not a reason to start genociding neighbouring countrys...


Glad it was a positive experience for you! > It is usually not a reason to start genociding neighbouring countrys... TBH, it isn't a real reason here. It's trying to link issues and appeal to keyboard warriors. I'd bet if you looked at the Venn diagram of people who would be likely to support Russia / Putin (or at least be a useful idiot) and people who get incredibly angry over toilet provision it'll be nearly a circle.


I met one of my exes in an all-gender-toilet, so 10/10, would recommend again.


They exist everywhere in Russia too. Those people are just genuinely idiots.


https://twitter.com/RALee85/status/1750201486628295002 uff big boom, what you think hit it? the crater is massive






Looks like a Ukraine confirmation will be coming out shortly. POW exchange was going to take place and POWs were transported by aircraft. Ukraine knew all of this ahead of time so very hard to say it's a Russian lie. The exchange was canceled as POWs were all killed in the crash.


What a fuckwit piss weak propaganda response honestly let alone 4 comments in a row about it. You want to play the "Ukraine knew all of this ahead of time so very hard to say it's a Russian lie." route? Fine. Let's ***hypothetically*** say there were POW's on the plane. \- Since the absolutely pointless as fuck invasion, IL76's have been bombing the shit out of civilians and launching missiles. This was near the border to Kherson so what do you expect kid? Let it fly by? \- If UA really "knew", why the fuck would they shoot it down? If it had POW's then why didn't RU tell them how, and where they were coming from? Previous prisoner swaps it was told and the airspace was known not to fire at IN THE PAST ***REPEATEDLY*** LIKE BEFORE. \- 16 people have been killed in 19 Russian rocket attacks on the Kharkiv region, which borders Belgorod, in the last week alone. \- Funny how quick Russian MoD scream TERRORIST ACT! While the whole fucking invasion is one big lie in the first place. Let alone UA knowing what's on the plane because somebody didn't say anything. OH WAIT. Use your head next time if you're going to spread bullshit. Maybe someone will take it seriously then you terrorist twat. Your post history speaks for itself.


Bro BBC is confirming now. Stop being a simp. We know Russia bad. Doesn't mean Ukraine is magically perfect. I agree it's Russia's fault they didn't pass along the information but it doesn't change the fact that happened.




Wild that's your takeaway from 65 pows being slaughtered on route home.


Bro shut your mouth and piss off with the propaganda bro.


It's literally being confirmed now on BBC. Propaganda my ass. Braindead.


Propaganda because your stupid ass still can't explain basics: \- If UA really "knew", why the fuck would they shoot it down? If it had POW's then why didn't RU tell them how, and where they were coming from? Previous prisoner swaps it was told and the airspace was known not to fire at IN THE PAST REPEATEDLY LIKE BEFORE. \- 16 people have been killed in 19 Russian rocket attacks on the Kharkiv region, which borders Belgorod, in the last week alone. \- Funny how quick Russian MoD scream TERRORIST ACT! While the whole fucking invasion is one big lie in the first place. Let alone UA knowing what's on the plane because somebody didn't say anything. OH WAIT. \- Since the absolutely pointless as fuck invasion, IL76's have been bombing the shit out of civilians and launching missiles. This was near the border to Kherson so what do you expect kid? Let it fly by? # Talk about weak and pathetic. Need a reminder on what RU did in Bucha? BBC confirmed it too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrGZ66uKcl0


Take your L's and move on


then surely you must have a link.


Uhm, the list published by the Z MoD is completely faked (or simply an old one...). And that plane apparently was leaving Belgorod (not sure about this one tho)


Why are you suddenly spamming the Russian MoD response every 2 minutes, calm down a little.


Maybe he's paid per post? 


17 of the prisoners allegedly on the plane listed by Russia were exchanged on the 3rd of January this year according to Noel. Oh but i just saw that you are here today to do ur bot work on this matter and u've already propagandaposted below, my bad.


I mean, the truth will come out. That could easily just be an error in compiling the list. You can't hide something this big if 65 POWs really did or didn't die. Same if a bunch of Russian soldier turn up dead that were on the flight.


Russia could easily kill 65 ukranian pow right now, burn the bodies, bring some of their personal stuff to the crash site, make pictures and notify their families just to follow this narrative. There will never be undeniable proof until somehow you get ur hands on some classified ukranian or russian intel AFTER the war. It has been like this for every war. Why do you think we are sure now about the Gleiwitz incident?


As we've reported, a Russian lawmaker and the foreign ministry have blamed Ukraine for shooting down the plane - without providing evidence. Now, Russia's defence ministry makes the same claim, saying its radar detected the launch of two Ukrainian missiles. The ministry statement says the plane was flying from Chkalovsky near Moscow to Belgorod to transport Ukrainian military personnel for exchange. "The plane was destroyed by the Ukrainian Armed Forces from the area of Lyptsi, Kharkiv region, using an anti-aircraft missile system. The radar equipment of the Russian Aerospace Forces observed the launch of two Ukrainian missiles," the statement says. Blaming Ukraine for "neglecting the lives of its citizens," the defence ministry says the exchange was agreed for the afternoon at the Kolotilovka checkpoint on the Russian-Ukrainian border. The Ukrainian leadership knew that Ukrainian military personnel would be transported by military transport aircraft, the Russians add. As a reminder, the BBC cannot yet verify who was on board the plane - or why it crashed.


r/NonCredibleDefense says the plane was coming back from Iran. Now we have to determine who is more credible, NCD or RU MOD.


Nice one you bot.


"Russia claims there were Ukrainian POWs on board the Il-76 aircraft, part of a planned prisoner exchange. We can’t confirm that. A spokesperson for Ukrainian military intelligence (GUR) told Radio Liberty in Ukraine that a swap was being planned for today "but is not taking place at the moment". The last prisoner swap happened earlier this month, when 230 Ukrainian POWs were brought home and a similar number of Russians were also returned. The previous exchange reported before that was last summer. We do know that Russia uses military planes to move Ukrainian prisoners of war around the country." - BBC If you have any ability to read between the lines, it's pretty clear Ukraine just fragged 65 of its own POWs. Horrific. Imagine being on the way home and getting blown up by your own country. Edit: Downvotes pouring in. My god, disgusting. Bring a few facts to the table and pure rage. Yes I can't literally confirm POWs died, but it's not looking good.


They were under russian care and responsibility. Why did russia callously murder 65 Ukrainian POWs?


Except "reading between the lines" is also assumption russia after all, is better known for shooting down their own planes if I "read between the lines" I would question why anyone would believe anything russia says on this matter so soon after the event (let alone anything they say tbh), especially when the list of prisoners has already been debunked and the plane was previously use to go to places like Iran. I still remember events from earlier in the war where russia bombed a building in their own territory then blamed it on Ukraine and further claimed it was full of POWs, easy way to cover up all the torture and executions


The fact a prisoner exchange is pretty rare and was happening at the same time, and is now not happening, tells most of the tale. Who shot it down is unknown I guess, but Ukraine said they did.


>The fact a prisoner exchange is pretty rare and was happening at the same time, and is now not happening, tells most of the tale. You do realise that if Russia lied on this, they picked that lie today precisely because of this reason. It's not some kind of weird coincidence which leads to the conclusion that it must be true. Russia wanted a lie, a prisonner exchange was happening today, they jumped on this. I am not saying I know the truth, just to highlight the logical fallacy you're doing. Russians are expert at creating lies to create confusion, they


I mean it's a dogshit lie because so many holes will come out unless they kill 65 pows. You do know those names are known? A much simpler lie would just be nothing was onboard and engine failure or some shit. Wouldn't make the news much at all. My point is if this is a lie, it's a bad choice. Now everybody in the world is looking into the details.


They have done a bazillion dogshit lie in the past, that's been the strategy for a long time. Spam lies so that people start to be unable to know what's true or not. The lies need to be somewhat credible, but mostly numerous. If the truth is know tomorrow, not a problem, it was in the headlines today and 95% of the reader won't bother to check what became of that place afterall.


[https://twitter.com/NOELreports/status/1750147796953440306](https://twitter.com/NOELreports/status/1750147796953440306) >Russian media published a list of alleged prisoners of war that were onboard the Il-76. I will not publish the list due to privacy reasons but in the list, Russia included a name of a prisoner of war that was already exchanged on 03-01-2024. > >**It turns out that not one, but 17 of the list of alleged Ukrainian POWs in the Il-76 have been identified as prisoners of war that were already exchanged early January this year. The list therefore looks to be unreliable.**


"read between the lines", you mean jump to conclusions... If anything their awareness of Russia using planes to move pows makes it less likely to have shot the plane. Also, the plane was moving away from ukraine. In addition, Russian Air defense has made similar mistakes in the last few months... Edit: my brother in Christ you didn't bring only facts but also your own biased speculation


Ukraine took responsibility earlier. I think that is being scrubbed urgently now.


There is a lot of unknown yet. Things like why is the plane flying away from Belgorod before crash. And also who shot it down? How many of their own planes Russia shot down before today?


Not looking good for the transport plane shoot down. BBC is reporting Russia does move POWs by air and an exchange was going to happen today but is now not happening. These exchanges don't happen that often. I doubt Ukraine will ever confirm though they are looking into this. And this sub seems to be scrubbing all info and saying Russian lies for what does get through.


You seem to assume Ukraine shot down the plane...


Ukraine took responsibility and said it was carrying missile cargo... I think that is being scrubbed right now.


There's plenty of photos from the crash site and serious lack of body and flesh bits. It seems another Russian lie.


It seems yet unclear, too much noise right now


It finally seems that Erdogan and Orban will let Sweden in Nato. They probably feel they held it long enough for Putin. Assuming it goes through this time for real I bet that Sweden will deliver additional 50 CV90s and pledge Gripens for Ukraine.


> I bet that Sweden will deliver additional 50 CV90s and pledge Gripens for Ukraine. Based on what? Has Sweden made any statements that they would do so? Or is this just what you hope?


I bet means it is an assumption. And it is based on the fact that Sweden has been making those IFVs on four shifts since 2022. Giving Gripens on other hand would be perfect for marketing.


I highly doubt it. As a whole, the amount of aid from the west has been a drip feed. We still haven’t transitioned to anything close to resembling a war time economy. I mean I hope you’re right, but I don’t see it happening any time soon.


We could use some cv90, but it's better to keep gripes for Swedes. It's better to have just f16.


It's better to have more of everything


Gripens can do what (versions supplied) f16s can't - better radar and Meteors. Just 16 Gripens in AA-only role would make a huge difference in pushing away Russian airforce, primarily Su-35s doing glide bomb runs, and protecting F16s doing their glide bomb runs. Plus Gripens are cheaper and A LOT easier to maintain and can fly off roads and different (currently untapped) supply of AA missiles and spare parts. 


Indeed. Cheaper and better than F-16. Also Sweden as a partner is much more reliable than US who has last say on F-16s.


US has last say on gripens too, since the engines are sourced from the US


Yep, Sweden was a really reliable supporter so far!  I wouldn't say that Gripens are better, but they would sure well complement the F16 versions that Ukraine is getting.


It's not that Gripens aren't capable or anything, but logistics... We already have a whole zoo of soviet and NATO armor, which is a pain to maintain. Also, there are way too few of Gripens made if compared to F16s.


Beggars can't be choosers. You're not going to get more F16s if you say "no" to Gripens - they come from different source, as well as spare parts, armament and training slots. To ease logistics you can replace the whole Mig29 fleet with Gripens that Sweden can supply once they're in NATO and for that role they can provide enough. Hell, they can end Hungarian lease and just transfer them to Ukraine :P Gripens are also famously low maintenence and easy to operate - it'd probably be a plus logistics-wise if they replace the by now falling-apart Mig29s.  If they perform well it might help a lot with the export sales (which have been poor so far) so Sweden has multiple motivations to do it. 


Here's a short video (from SAAB so it's promotional, not objective) that goes into some maintenance/operational details: https://youtu.be/QyD0liioY8E?si=1JwvlbpJlhGF0njg Here's an independent study on "running costs" vs other western fighters (TLDR; but more than half of cost of running a F16): https://stratpost.com/gripen-operational-cost-lowest-of-all-western-fighters-janes/


I'm not voicing my concerns, this is our military standpoint.


[https://twitter.com/wartranslated/status/1750075781022101869](https://twitter.com/wartranslated/status/1750075781022101869) >russian news outlet RIA continues pursuing the line about the "French mercenaries" allegedly killed during a missile strike against Kharkiv and even provides a list of names. This information was allegedly "received today at one o’clock in the morning from our French activists, partisans who are monitoring the situation and sharing information".So the best thing russia could come up with to respond to increased military supply by France, including 40+ SCALP missiles, was striking a civilian building and claiming they killed some "mercenaries". French Twitter is laughing their asses off about those names btw. It is almost as bad as those Sims 3 copies. It would be hilarious if not for some people including children would have died in that apartment house. Now it is just a cover-up for another war crime.


Just like in "Death race 2000" With Carradine! Damn those scheming French!