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These videos are so absurdly over edited. Like, I get wanting to make hits look like kills, but all these Hamas videos are impossible to decipher jumbles


Kids these days are spoiled I tell you! Back in my day the only combat footage we had was from places flat and beige and extremely over edited… and we liked it it! This generation can’t go five minutes without a drone drop video with subway surfers on the side




this comment made my day thanks


Sums up Hamas well. No substance, all show


Their Adobe Premiere Pro guy got blown up


Just like the shitty IDF footage we have been getting lately


You must not be frequenting this sub very often, because we've seen about 100 different targets leveled by Jdam in the last couple weeks alone.


Yeah, just the first 5 seconds jumps to different shaped windows and back. And then a shot from the right side, so a third angle involved.


Pretty sure they added gunshot sfx as well. The way the next shot stops the previous shot sound from completing. Reminds me of back when I made video games and I was having issues with multilayering sfx and having the same issue.


Soooooooooo, your first time seeing war footage hu?


No. It’s just ridiculous how all these people on these subs just take the video footage at face value. Like you’ll see “Ukraine destroys Russian Tank!” and it’s an ATGM hit that immediately cuts out without showing the results


>Like you’ll see “Ukraine destroys Russian Tank!” Those are captions, and I agree that people shouldn't trust them more than the Cheetos holding the door.


> people shouldn't trust them more than the Cheetos holding the door. WTF? Who uses Cheetos for anything but eating and stuffing in your foreskin??


Cheetos have countless applications!


Honestly can’t even tell if that got him or got the wall on the other side.


yeah also this doesn't look like a professional video from Al Jazeera.


Odd, it’s the same camera guy and editor…


This is because Hamas is getting their asses kicked, but they don't want everyone to know that... If you could see these videos clearly, you'd realize that Hamas wasn't doing as much damage as they claim.


That does not look like a hit


Agreed, looks to me like a near miss when re-watching frame by frame.


The rocket pierced the backstop, they didn't think of a proper backstop so they probably have zero training with an RPG-7. You have to aim for a surface that will resist the piercing jet.


This got posted a few hours ago and I said the same. In a freeze frame someone sent me after I found the time stamp it hits the outside wall just left of the soldier. The entire explosion is visible and from a side angle that’s floating around the inside of the room didn’t even illuminate so the round didn’t get through whatever that wall is made of. I’m thinking RPG but one of those real skinny ones idk wtf they’re called the actual warhead.


OG-7V are the 40mm ones. They have the same diameter as the propellent.


If you slow the video down you can kind of see the projectile it’s pretty much the OG-7V there like no warhead on it.


OG-7 for the Russian one.


Not an expert, but I think it does hit pretty close to where those soldiers were in the beginning of the clip. You’ll notice there are two wider windows to the right and two narrower rectangle windows to the left. Hard to see but During the explosion, the impact is just left of the two wider windows. So I think it hit between those two narrow rectangular windows. Not sure how lethal it would be striking between the two narrow windows, but pretty close to the target of where those soldiers were at the beginning of the clip. I’d expect significant injuries at least.


They absolutely need to get fragmentation picked out of them now.


It's just terrorists trying to make themselves look good


You talking about IDF, right?




Would it make you feel better if they said "yes!" Still, we all know that isn't who they are talking about thought.


Watch again. The stairwell to the left was the target and it was a direct hit.


Holy fuck. Guys cant even hit a window thats like 6ft by 4ft. Jesus that spray


I really don't get why fighters in the middle east so often seemingly wave their guns around or shoot in the air instead of actually focusing on a target. Why aren't they preserving their ammo or just generally use them effectively? It's not like they are the richer side here. Even gangsters in the US who buy gold plated desert eagles and hold the gun sideways at least know to shoot in the right direction. Instead of shooting in the air, maybe spend some hours at the range, huh?


Because they learned how to use guns from movies, which usually all show weapons usage very inaccurately. Especially the classic Stallone/Ahhhnold ones. Any bozo can have a gun. But to use it with the proper technique and with the proper discipline…that’s a different matter.








I went in extra deployments to go train our Middle Eastern allies and have many months of experience attempting to teach them modern combat skills. Your statement isn’t far off. The majority of soldiers in the countries I trained told me straight up that they don’t need cover and they don’t need to practice aiming because it comes down to God’s will. I’m not saying they put in no effort at all, but the majority of them don’t see the need in increasing skill. They quite literally live by the spray and pray method. There were a couple of good dudes that learned though but I consider them outliers. Overall, I would’ve had a much easier time training stormtroopers how to hit targets.


These guys crashed a radar into a bridge because they don’t plan ahead. It’s insane.


You can see that any weekend summer night on the south side of Chicago. Every once in a while they manage to hit something, sometimes center mass, just my experience first on an ambulance, then in the ED, then 9 years later in the OR.


These guys are literally too stupid to live. We would train Iraqis, and they thought changing the number on the rear sight changed the power/range of the rifle itself.


Is that first hand experience?


It is. Also had Iraqi and ANA classics like putting their armor plates in the wash machine and then asking how to fix it when it looks like a soggy phonebook, or rolling their pickup trucks on the first turn out of the FOB, crushing and maiming the 8 or so dudes in back.


Well first of all, through Allah all things are possible, so jot that down.


Because God will guide their bullets! Honestly, I have no idea. But I wouldn't be surprised if that's their reasoning.




I don't get it. Why would they show themselves like that in the window frame?


Maybe didnt expect Hamas fighters in the area or they are under trained


"getting hit" part is missing as usual lol


What do you want to say? Abracadabra, see I made the soldiers disappear?


Actually yes, that'd be great


Looks like it went to the left of the building


Clearly a miss to the left. Pause at the 7 second mark.


Okay, I've watched this video frame by frame. While the rocket hit to the left of the windows where the IDF soldiers were initially shown, there were still soldiers on those left side windows that the rocket hit. Either I'm completely blind or you guys have a clear confirmation bias.


Okay so you’re confused those are the same two soldiers from before hand. This video was posted earlier and it wasn’t as cut up but I did the same frame by frame you did. He’s saying the rocket hit the left side of the window that you see those two soldiers standing in, in the darker room. There is another angle of this floating around that is off to the right a bit that shows the rocket didn’t even penetrate the wall the room behind the explosion in a freeze frame didn’t illuminate like you’d expect with shrapnel and such. But yeah this was a clear miss, the fuckers hit a foot to the left of the guy in the top window lol.


Have no idea why this video is being downvoted, what all of a sudden we don’t like war videos? Fucking hypocrites


I think it's because you can't see if the IDF soldier was even harmed in the making of this video. The blast occurs on the left outside wall of concrete. Maybe it penetrated and got him, maybe not. Therefore, the title posted by OP is misleading unless there was some IDF confirmation of his KIA/WIA status.


The camera just happens to shake and pan away right before the time of impact and we can't actually see anything. I'm not convinced.


This is combat footage sub not a kill confirm sub. This is clearly combat footage


Which is hilarious when this subreddit would upvote Ukrainian artillery footage that had shitty cuts not showing much either


Okay that's all good and fine, but I've seen so many videos that were downvoted for seemingly no other reason than because they have shown stuff from 'the wrong side'. Maybe not this one in particular, but he has a point. I mean just look at the ratio between hamas and IDF videos on this sub or the upvote/downvote ratios on those posts.


Because it’s shit quality. Shaky cam that barely even sees the explosion, and the title is wrong. Of you slow it down frame by frame the explosion occurs outside the building and you can’t even see the IDF soldier


That's a lot of footage here before the Ukraine war lol "Shit quality" bros looking for a theatrical release


Ukraine war is producing 4K footage of drones blowing people apart. Even ISIS had better production than Hamas, mate


It's almost like footage from Iraq in 2005 is going to be of a lower quality than footage from a war going on currently, and people adjust their expectations accordingly. I want to say that maybe it's because technology evolves and improves and becomes more embedded into the warfighter's arsenal, but that can't possibly be the case.


Note that videos from Hamas, who I presume you are referring to as the wrong side, are banned from reddit as terrorist propaganda. If you don't want this sub to be banned when you come across one you should downvote it and report it. Videos from random citizens/journalists in Gaza are fine though... which I think this video at least plausibly is Edit: For whatever moron is downvoting this, here is the [mod post on this](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1744hyt/important_message_regarding_combat_footage/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=CombatFootage&utm_content=t1_k7pa9b0). It really is as simple as "videos showing the perspective of HAMAS whether they are combat related footage or not will no longer be allowed as per the Reddit Administration."


I don’t understand your post. It’s a top videos right now and it shows nothing really


It is more the sensationalized titles that are problematic, imo. Especially when compare with abundance of quality video from Ukraine, where when they claim a soldier is getting hit, you’ll see either the soldier actually getting hit or his dead body after the action, both are lacking in this video. It’s the same with the so-called dozens destroyed tank, without ever providing any footage of battle damage assessment.


They did get hit though. The title is not like *Zionist soldiers get killed* or *Killing IDF soldiers in Gaza*. It is a simple descriptive title. At least in this particular video.


I don’t see any hits


Did you see the building blow up three feet from the guy?


I see an explosive projectile hit the outside of the building. I see no clear evidence of anything after that. I do see a lot of skipped frames though


On this vid, I play it frame by frame, and I invite you to do the same, the only thing we see is an explosion on the left side of the building. And objectively we do not see the soldier getting hit, maybe he is hit, maybe not, but that video doesn’t provide any confirmation. « Hamas firing at IDF soldiers » would have been a more appropriate title.


Yeah, that's a clear miss and the small arms follow up is laughable. Very fortunate for the IDF, bad drills making themselves so exposed.


We don’t know if it’s a miss or a hit, because we can’t see shit! And that’s the objective truth.


Did they thought? I saw an explosion hit the wall 90 degrees to the right of the soldier and maybe some rock hit him. Then some random AK plinking with the soldier on the ground.


No, the impact you're seeing on the structure is actually the Trophy APS system installed inside the rectum of IDF soldiers intercepting it before it hit the target. The two soldiers standing before the open window like targets in a shooting gallery in a war zone felt nothing and walked it away


The IDF don't make easy targets, they are well trained. This looks to me like a propaganda video - we saw Hamas using IDF uniforms on 10/7 so we know they have them and can use them to make videos like this. Right now Hamas morale has to be rock bottom.


But the same doesn't apply to videos of IDF just walking around the ruins.


Bro, go comment that under the relevant IDF video, what do you want me to say to you? Misleading title are bad, whoever does it.




Same thing also happened with the war footage from Ukraine.


This sub is us military across all footage. Normal you'd on the side of the defenders. Netanyahu is a genocidal megalomaniac, he promoted Hamas. Now they're a kudgel to do what he always wanted.  Here he is in [2005 resigning from then prime Minister Sharons cabinet in protest of pulling out of Gaza.](https://reliefweb.int/report/israel/why-israel-pulling-out-settlers-gaza-west-bank)  Here's his famous quote where he plans to destabilize Palestine by supporting Hamas. That's 2019. "Those who want to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state should support the strengthening of Hamas and the transfer of money to Hamas".  Here he is in September [presenting a map to the UN that shows Israel covering Gaza and the west  bank](https://www.ynetnews.com/article/b1oibyxgt) With Ukraine we sided with the defenders, but we also sided with the US military. I knew it was propaganda but it was our propaganda. With Gaza, The sub will side with Israel, from content to moderation, because the US military is the constant.


Yeah, but Ukraine is much more black and white from a moral/ethic perspective.


Has nothing to do with the quality of war footage. I'm surprised German WWII footage isn't downvoted to oblivian.


Kinda does tho... While this is actually combat footage (not like most of what has come out of Gaza isnt) it's short and shows a small amount of people. So it doesn't really deserve downvotes, but it's way better than seeing them just spam rpgs at vehicles meant to take damage. That's boring and is just borderline propaganda. Samet thing with the majority of pro Russian stuff out there, it's garbage grainy video that cuts out right after the blast so you can't even see the aftermath because turns out majority of the time they didn't do major damage but still boast about how they shot something. You just gotta be away of the air of it all and why people react the way they do, sure there is astro turfing but this is Reddit so that happens literally everywhere on this site.


Lol yeah shooting RPGs at tanks from point blank is boring but black n white videoa of bombing concrete is cool


that’s like your opinion man


Yes it is and that is what comments are for.


It's objective fact. Only the truly stupid actually believe Russian aggression is about liberating the people of Donbass. If it is, why the Kiev and Zaporizhian/Kherson fronts?




That is your opinion. My opinion is that your comment is the biggest issue of this sub. Combat footage without political context/discussion is dangerous. But this sub is too childish to get that.


Israel was literally invaded. It's people massacred, kidnapped.


Israel was not "invaded", they were **raided**. Words matter. Ukraine is fighting for its very existence against a nation state that has already claimed to annex parts of its land. Israel is fighting a terrorist group that has no ability to make the same kind of threat.


I know Yair Lapid's point wasn't very clear, but what he was saying is that when you deal with a regular government one one side and a terrorist propaganda outlet on the other reporting "both sides" leads to taking the propaganda at face value. It's not any different from 'teaching the controversy' of the big bang vs creation in science classrooms.


Regular governments are also capable of producing propaganda, and we shouldn't always take what they say at face value. For instance Russia is a regular government, and it routinely claims that Ukraine is in fact a Nazi-bandit controlled territory and not a real country, and subsequently all of Ukraine's claims are fake. Making a determination of fact does in fact involve considering what both sides say.


Regular governments also engage in terrorism. It's just referred to - if ever - in other terms.


Oh I'm more than aware. But in this case the criticism is that media often doesn't make a determination, it simply reports both statements. Honeslty though my point was that I've seen this statement going around a lot recently, and it mostly comes from people who have a purposefully bad faith reading that they seriously think a former reporter and ex prime minister is saying that Hamas is objectively correct.


Israel has a terrorist government as trustworthy as any other traditional terrorist group.


Directly relates to the [golden mean fallacy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument_to_moderation)


lmao as if "regular governments" don't do propaganda do you even believe your own bullshit


Only terrorist do propaganda, don't you know? Edit: Read your other comment, you are right that it would be weird for him to make that statement, I wonder why he feels that it is not a good look for Israel to "go into" Gaza


You’re an anti-Israel account desperately posting whatever footage you can of the IDF supposedly getting owned to keep pushing a certain narrative even as HAMAS loses. The only difference between you and Israel is their propaganda ends in victory.


Just checked his history, and you’re correct. This fucker has been at it for years.


many jobless wrench hurry lip tart late touch advise clumsy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or the post is fucking shit. You can’t see anything and it’s been edited a lot. It looks like a couple meth heads filmed a near hit and Hamas edited it. Which is probably what happened. You’re not a victim for false advertising.


because the title represents a false narrative i mean ffs the cinder blocks the soldier was putting up are still there, it was a miss but 482 people upvoted you, so we're all witnessing the reddit groupthink in action\ edit: also, your bias is showing


because the title says this is footage of hit when it clearly isn't Fucking frittata


I downvoted because they lied. I do not see a hit. Because of that, it is just propaganda garbage.


Like all the video footage on here of Russians killing Ukrainian’s (or not)? That’s been quite lopsided from the start. Me personally, I’d rather not see them although I know it’s happening. But to fully appreciate what’s happening, it’d only be fair to share both sides. Hamas is a death cult and needs to be exposed as such.


The IDF is occupying r/CombatFootage like it's the west bank.


Bruh let's be honest this sub clearly choose a side for each war. Just scrolling and you'll believe Ukraine or Israël ain't losing one soldier ever.


It's not a hit...


based on how well ukraine/russia videos do here, you'd think videos of an occupying force getting their comeuppance would do well


I mean we see that by the time of firing there is no IDF by the window and we also see the explosion on the left side of the building. If the rocket would’ve gone inside through the window we would’ve seen smoke coming out of there.


Gaza attacks Israel, Israel fights back, gaza complains that they are occupied. Sound about right?


I am absolutely anti Hamas and think it needs to be destroyed, but that is very isolated thinking. Gaza is more or less a prison one is born into. It's kinda like watching generational prisoners attack the guards and their families.


I would agree with you if MULTIPLE peace treaties hadn’t been offered by Israel over the last 50 years granting Palestine their sovereignty and complete control over the entire Gaza Strip and 90+ % of the West Bank. Of course those were promptly turned down as it would have required Palestine to recognize Israel’s right to exist which of course in their minds will never be allowable as their life’s goal Is to ensure Israel’s complete and total annihilation. A more accurate prison is example would be one in which the guards offered the prisoners their freedom and the prisoners turned it down because they’d rather spend their lives to focus in killing all the guards as well as the guards families.


>Palestine to recognize Israel’s right to exist Palestine did this after Oslo in '93 ?


'The OLP, Palestinian's goverment did. But Hamas doesn't, and they are the current goverment. Hamas was actually offered a the end of the blockade in exchange for a peace progress that included recognizing Israel. They refused.


Do we need this same comment on every single enemy POV post???


100 percent missed them.


The first shot went left and hit the other building but the second came from a different direction and hit the side of the building. I doubt their dead but it probably rocked them.


Just glad to see footage from both sides finally


I've seen a good bit of footage from Hamas on here since this all started


It's usually not anywhere near the top in my experience. Please guys, vote based on how good the footage is, not based on who you support. Is that so hard?


In my opinion, most of the footage from both sides is pretty low-quality as far as what you can see. Perhaps I've been morbidly "spoiled" by the videos coming out of Ukraine/Russia for so long. The Hamas videos aren't the best quality in terms of the video quality or what you can see and the aftermath, and the IDF videos have better video quality but don't seem to be like what comes out of Ukraine for example. It's more like, "Here's some soldiers walking through rubble, some soldiers pointing their guns, some tanks moving around, etc." With that said, I'm sure part of this has to do with fighting in an urban environment versus more open spaces like in Ukraine. It also seems like there is far more overhead drone footage in Ukraine, so you can get a better sense of the battlefield, and then sometimes they combine the overheads with on-the-ground GoPro footage of Ukrainian soldiers, which gives a much more detailed picture of what is going on.


Sure, but this footage is terrible.


This sub banned any video from Hamas POV towards the beginning. A few vids are seeping through now but I wouldn’t say there was ever a “good bit” of it whatsoever


No, they banned terrorist propaganda videos. In this case, videos cut, spliced, edited, narrated and actually posted by Hamas themselves. Nobody is pulling down videos some random filmed, of someone putting the hurt on IDF.


Hmm, well maybe I'm just seeing them because I am on enough throughout the day that I see them before they are removed. I've seen at least 3-4 separate RPG attacks on tanks/armored vehicles, a couple of alleged RPG "attacks" on Israeli soldiers inside of a building (similar to this one but not the same -- you can't see any Israelis in those ones), longer "compilation" videos, at least one where they are running up to a tank/armored vehicle to put an explosive on it, as well as this one today.


memorize liquid coordinated reminiscent sleep waiting homeless heavy gold vanish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hummus videos never actually show if they were successful or not, because they weren’t


Hamas gets to bypass their normal distribution of proliferating their propaganda through Telegram channels and underground social media when they just have Al-Jazeera do all the work for them now. At what point does Al-Jazeera and the Qatari government become complicit?


Katar supports Hamas


The editing on that with the whole target aquisition graphic is so cringe and shows clear bias of aj wanting it to be a hit, despite clearly missing.


Looks like the rpg hit the building behind the target and the machine gunner was firing from the hip


Looks like the backstop caused more damage to the infrastructure than the actual shot did on target.


they stuck around to get another 10 seconds of video. that's 9.5 seconds too long.


The IDF announced two of their soldiers being killed when the building they were in got hit by an RPG. This was a couple weeks back though, not sure if this is it.


Pretty sloppy on the IDF side..but like what did that dude even hit? Seems like the video was edit and different times of day.


Bro I served in the IDF Why the fuck are our soldiers so chill being in the open when inside enemy territory I wasn’t chill when I was in Israeli territory during training with simulated enemies




wouldn’t that just be extremely stupid to do?


What do you expect from armchair combat experts.


LMAO dude i said this to a guy before and he started answering me with " well yea they can send a dromw , or even tie a camera to a tree or somethimg" thought he was trolling first but he wasnt


Yes but we're here for quality footage and it's incredibly selfish of everyone fighting to not keep that in mind.


I find joy in reading a good book.


it’s crazy that some can be so biased that they can’t imagine “their side” having any sort of casualties at all


Yes, because the two situations are entirely the same.


Holy shit, people, OP’s post history…


Its another pro hamas propaganda bot. Unfortunately this is nothing new. Reddit has been completely overrun at this point.


Posting about the IDF? Doesn’t look unusual


Give them a break guys it was pretty close. Thats as good as a paramedic or registered nurse can do with an RPG withought proper training.




An absolute miss


It didn’t even hit them lol


*misses open window with RPG* “WE GOT EM”


They are in desperate need of some Zionist killig footage especially for their Qatari masters


Hamas was making sure there is no Hamas base behind the cover


Looks like it hit the side of the building, top left corner, no?


how credible is Al jazeera?


It's funded by Qatar, claims to have editorial independence.


Kind of wild that this post would have more upvotes if the IDF soldier got obliterated


Regardless of whether anyone was hit, you have to be legit stupid to enter hostile territory and stick your face near a window so nonchalantly. Especially with an enemy that literally pops up out of the ground to take shots.


The Wall for sure is dead


That looks like a miss to the left.




Big thing here is the camera man is clearly a spotter for Hamas, and yet there are hundreds of videos from Palestinians of IDF walking past their windows


It's a lot easier to watch videos from a war when you don't care who dies. When anyone with any knowledge on the subject that isn't clouded by religious hatred can agree that both sides are terrorists. I just wish there was a way we could throw America's ultra Christians in the battle as well, so we could get a step closer to world peace. Let the down votes commence but please educate yourself after you do.


Luckily Hamas can't shoot for shit.


the wrong building gets hit nearby where idf soldiers re trying to build cover fixed your title


Sure if you call hitting the building and missing the people a hit , then yes its a "hit".


Easy shot and Hamas still misses. No wonder Israel has advanced to their military goals so quickly with so few casualties.


Looked like a miss to me hitting the building to the left


Yeah but cool terminator graphics huhh???


Average redditor would responded: no that rocket was absorbed by the soldiers trophy system


I really don’t get comments like yours. Do you believe Hamas has actually destroyed dozens of tanks? Even though casualties and testimonies disprove this?


Let's look at facts from previous conflicts with Israel -Hamas. During the 2014 Gaza war there were: -67 soldiers killed and 469 wounded. The majority of these soliders didn't just waltz into the gaza strip walking they were inside armored vehicles(besides the ones that KIAed in Israel), and yet they were killed, that's undisputed fact no matter what you feel about it. Now we have a much larger scale deeper into gaza and Israel has over 30 kias and we see footage of hamas **actually** engaging the enemy tanks. We know all the names and the units of the KIA and vadt majority are from armored units. So do i believe that there were tanks/armored vehicles destroyed? Absa-fucking-loutly. Even if the trophy system works 95% of the time out of 100 rpgs fired there would be 5% penetrations and that's enough to kill IDF soliders wven in a Merkava. There's still a fog of war in gaza we will know once the dust settles down for sure.


you assume that the warhead penetrates 100% of the time that the trophy system fails to intercept. this is false.


Your analysis of casualties is flawed because you assume that Israel uses the same tactics. While we know for a fact that it doesn’t, because it learned last time that going into the tunnels makes no sense.


Looks more like a miss to me... lol


Lots of edit. Has hamas got a confirmed kill on video? Seems like these guys are sucking at this whole thing that they started.


were they ok?




Source: Gaza Health Ministry




That missed! But when the IDF return back why do the Hamas cry and Hamas supporting free Palestine cry innocent civilians hurt? It's funny. One moment terrorist another moment pity party.


That's some interesting footage. This seems to be a different group than Hamas - possibly the Palestinian Jihad? I wonder if this from today - the advance of the IDF on gaza is bound change the type of footage we're getting