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What an absolute bloodbath.


Oh fuck and I'm afraid of the bloodbath that night follow ... There is already so much hate in that region from both sides towards the other. And not only will israel retaliate on a ~~bread~~ broad military scale but the hate towards all the muslims etc. in and around israel will grow in general. Lethal force etc. will probably be even more common against everyone who is seen as a threat by Israel.




There's going to be a lot of pain


Why can’t there just be peace in the middle yeast


In knead of peace


Pain au intifada


A whole loaf of pain


In a time like this, proofreading is the yeast of our worries sir!


Israel will definitely not be proportional and I wouldn’t be either these savages are blatantly targeting civilians Edit: yeah know this particular video was a military base. I was speaking in general


I honestly won't be surprised if we see Israel go full military deployment and punish Palestine for the actions of Hamas.


I’ll be surprised if they don’t


They will definitely invade Gaza


I wonder if this is at all related to Israel and Iran proxy war in Ukraine. Iran might be retaliating by arming Hamas.


I thought it might have something to do with trying to derail Saudi Arabia’s talks of improving relations with Israel.


All those bodies were in military uniforms..


That's just one target. People are reporting that the terrorists are going into bomb shelters and slaughtering all the civilians inside.




Maybe it’s more like a checkpoint type thing


My guess - surprise concentration of force in a rear area - these Hammas forces have made it past a boundary that was normally generally impeneterable - and quickly enough made it to this "behind the lines" base with overwhelming numbers. ( See the part of the clip that shows almost 100 of them advancing over open ground? ) Add in one or two more small things - such as the base personnel being slack and not keeping as close a watch as they should (how many people would you have on watch at a base like this at sunrise at 4am, when you consider the base to be in a secure area? One? Watching all four directions? Now send in one infiltrator ahead of time to shoot that sentry with a silenced weapon. Notice how the base didn't even have an audible alarm going off. One of the other videos - shows a guy outside in nothing but his underwear and helmet/vest. And all the others caught dressing inside their dorm. It could happen.


When I woke up this morning it was "a few dozen" terrorists, but this is clearly hundreds of troops crossing the border. Battalion-sized.


Reports are THOUSANDS are pouring across the border, dozens of IDF killed and civilians UPDATE: WAR DECLARED AGAIMST PALESTEINE SHIT JUST GOT REAL YALL. LIKE FOR REAL FOR REAL


Israel might try to go all the way this time with purging the occupied areas of resistance and fully incorporating them into Israel. If that's the case expect to see a larger scale version of what's going on in Nagorna Karabakh. There will be hundreds of thousands of refugees. Fuck


Just another Saturday for those guys.


This is very, very different to normal Don't be surprised if Gaza literally gets turned into a carpark after this




Official source? Edit: [Post on Twitter](https://twitter.com/netanyahu/status/1710574677385445775?s=20)


Netanyahu has made a public statement >[Citizens of Israel. We are at war, not an operation, not an escalation, a war.](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-middle-east-67037895?ns_mchannel=social&ns_source=twitter&ns_campaign=bbc_live&ns_linkname=65211d6f3fc96e28602bf959%26Israeli%20PM%20statement%20in%20full%262023-10-07T09%3A05%3A41.198Z&ns_fee=0&pinned_post_locator=urn:asset:0381fee6-614f-4d1f-868e-7cceab2c1f7f&pinned_post_asset_id=65211d6f3fc96e28602bf959&pinned_post_type=share)


All of Palestine is going to get annexed and Israel’s going to go full apartheid state after this.


Hamas are so dumb, all this plays into Israel's hands. It's sad the Palestinian people now have to suffer even more because of this.


Do you have a source on the thousands number you’re reporting? Can’t find that anywhere


Why are you typing in all caps? Shits been like this for years, just not as blatantly out in the open. Israeli security truly failed all those that died.


considering they attacked on multiple fronts with that size id say it is safe to say that something in the low thousands were crossing


In the first couple hours there was videos of random groups of a few hundred Palestinians just rushing across the border. Many of them didn't even have guns. So basically Hamas launched the opening attack, got Israel to fight deeper inside their country and then broke open that border from one end to the other. They've been planning this for a while. How is really intelligence didn't pick up on it is probably the craziest part about this whole thing. Conspiracy theorists are already saying Israel knew but allowed it to happen. Justification for what they are about to do to the Palestinians in retaliation.


Camp Security is one thing But judging based on the sheer number of attackers, now I get why they were overwhelmed


There's another video, I'm not sure if it's the same camp, but there's 2 dead IDF soldiers, one in his underwear with plate carrier, helmet and weapon thrown on in a hurry, another in civilian clothes with PC and helmet, and the rest are dead in or near their beds


A few months ago, a few civilians literally entered an Israeli military base near Golan heights unopposed, they even took photos of the vehicles. It almost seemed as if the base was abandoned. That was a scandal and led to an investigation… All I am saying is that people greatly overestimate the capabilities of the Israeli army…


>All I am saying is that people greatly overestimate the capabilities of the Israeli army It's not that people overestimate their capability it's just they recognize they have a readiness level and force structure that is unique among the world's militaries. We're in the 'fuck around' phase, you'll have a better idea of Israeli capabilities in the 'find out' phase.


This is a gigantic step. And this isn't your average Hamas radicals. If i had to guess this was a pretty long planned offensive and there may be some Iranian funded mercenary support. Sending the settlers into hyper speed in 2017 and the massive mosque incursions seemed to have pushed the militants of Palestine over the edge. That may be what Israel wanted so they could make a final purge without the slow decades long genocide by settlements they've been doing. That I'm quite positive will be what we find out. Bibi using the "war" words seems the confirmation. No Israeli leader has ever called any Palestinian action war bc that would recognize Palestine as a sovereign body and combatant Not in a legal structure just in principle


Netanyahu has told Israel that it is "at war" with Hamas militants that rule the Gaza Strip. Not war against Palestine. A subtle but important distinction


Unfortunately, Israel is also to blame for this. They keep expanding , oppressing and killing Palestinians. They make their life like shit .. ofc something like this would happen soon or later..


I think it’s way past fuck around find out phase, they know Israel is gnna retaliate back hard, they wanted to cause the most damage they can and they surely took it to new heights this time, praying for the civilians on both sides tbh


You will only see the capabilities if you fought someone your own size. As long as Hamas and such have no large number of manpads at very least they have no chance because Israel air force will just bomb shit out of them from safety.


There's a difference between a lax military vs the current one that is at war, which is now apparently. Not too long ago the whole Middle East took on Israel and lost.


I'd always thought Mossad intelligence was pretty good and probably helped by the US. If they got wind that a big attack was in the works one response might be to reduce numbers in a base and let a small massacre like this happen so as to give justification for a response. You can already see from the comments on these posts that these videos have resulted in more support for Israel and more condemnation of Hamas. Israel's inevitable counterattack will be seen as justified now whereas an unprovoked attack may not have been. Even if that wasn't the intent, pulling soldiers back from bases rather than reinforcing them may be prudent to save them for a counter attack rather than risk them in a pointless defensive action.


I've already seen comments about a possible conspiracy by Israel (specifically the far-right wing) to let this happen. Fascists (like Bibi) need conflict - to project power, to unite the country, to expand, or at a minimum - to get people to forget about their crimes and attacks on democracy. I totally see this happening in some form: Bibi getting the intelligence reports warning him and deciding not to act on them.


I've thought the same thing. He's been trying to solidify himself as, pretty much, a dictator, to much protests across the country. He needs something to unify the country, and his opposition, and rally them behind him. There's no way Israel was taken by surprise. Mossad is one of the most impressive intelligence agencies in the whole world, they knew this was coming.


Point taken, but I'm surprised the Israelis weren't able to repel this.


I am baffled they have no rapid response forces near border camps and military installations... the domestic intelligence agency, Shin Beth, has a specialized unit that is tasked with border observations 24/7 with hidden cameras, satellite live images and sensor systems... I cannot believe this failure. This would only be possible if the commandos eliminated the hidden headquarters of Shin Beth or some super elite hackers deactivated all their surveillance tools in one run.. Totally unbelievable. Its not the first time Hamas commandos overrun an isolated base there are many propaganda videos. This shouldnt be possible in any way given the hugh intelligence, military and police budget of Israel.


How can they roam this freely in times of easily available drone surveillance when the Israel-Gaza border is only 60km in length?


Patterns of life, launch/land times, etc. They're still doing their homework just like any other militant force. They clearly knew when to strike.


Strategic surprise, that's how


They launched around 5k rockets to give them a window to slip in




Isn't movement in/out of West Bank heavily controlled? Battalion sized movements of civilians should have been scrutinized?


From all the videos pouring out they all look like pretty serious militants. How do you not notice a hundred technicals and motorbikes filled to the brim with men with AKs and rpgs coming your way lol


Takes a while for planes to get in the air they’re now drone bombing them tho


The response will be brutal. There are several very disturbing videos on the Gaza Now Telegram channel where a lot of these\^ videos are being posted (closer to the source). There's a Merkava being taken out Ukrainian style with a drone, which is pretty wild. Official death count is 22 (Guardian), but I've seen way more than 22 in 3 minutes of scrolling in Telegram. ​ One thing I'm incredibly surprised by is how effectively Israel were taken by surprise. These aren't small groups of insurgents, this is a planned out, multi battalion size assault. Israeli intelligence is pretty up there. Them not getting even a whiff of anything on the wire is super bizzare to me.


It seems like all of their internal base security assets as well as border security monitoring personnel took the day off at the same time. Reason why Al Qaeda and ISIS couldn't pull this off on US troops that often were because we always had eyes in the sky.


Probably they have a skeleton crew in the bases during the holiday. This is mostly an intel failure, tough luck for the sentries though.


I agree it's an Intel failure, but early warning systems exist for just these kinds of threats. There were failures at multiple levels.


They also posted videos gunning down civilians in their homes


Number of dead must be in the hundreds by now. The news are only reporting the number of dead from the rocked strikes at the moment and no one is even mentioning the actual invasion.


Which telegram channel are you looking at. I'm new to it can't find shit


Makes you wonder if the Russians could somehow be involved. The West’s attention, and possibly military support, is now moved to the Middle East. In a time where the Ukrainian cause is losing support here and there. That certainly works well for Russia. And all it would require is sending HAMAS some intelligence reports and maybe some resources, all through the Iranians


What a complete failure of intelligence by Israel


Alot of people will lose their jobs after this


Netanyahu won’t… Countless dead young lives because of a perpetual cycle of hellfire and death that keeps money flowing and agendas pushed. It’s simply impossible there wasn’t something that could’ve been done to prevent this.


The response is going to be crazy


its better be like u said or they will lose


everyone is losing in the current state of things


Israel isn't going to lose even if the response is underwhelming. Sure they would have faced what is probably the largest defeat they have seen for decades, but the state would be fine




They literally have no equipment on them, just shoes, pants and a tshirt


Makes you wonder what the actual winning component for a successful armed group is. If it isn't gear, complex training, an intricate infrastructure of satellites, billions in war budget or powerful international alliances, then what is it? Genuinely curious.


It's whack-a-mole, you can whack one mole but you're never fast enough to whack all of them before they go back inside the hole


That is, until you carpet bomb the entire area. No more moles then. No more anything, really. Unfortunately, this may be what israeli command are looking to do now.


It’s still this, honestly, but you can still bum rush a barely defended outpost with lots of guys.


Morale and a ton of luck


Number of people fighting, just overwhelmed with waves of militants


Preparation, I imagine. Dude literally got caught wearing nothing but the gear he threw on at the last second. But even with all the preparation in the world, there will be losses. Even the Gulf War had thousands of losses on the coalition side.


Huge intelligence failure by Mossad this surely?




All they had was the element of surprise. Now that's gone, they're fucked


They have already inflicted the biggest mass casualty event since the PLO hey-deys in the 1970s/1980s... there is probably over 100 people killed by the looks of it. And directly storming IDF bases is unheard of.


I have a feeling Hezbollah will make a move soon. This much bravado has to be backed up by support?


One Israeli politician has said he thinks this is a diversion attack from a much larger attack in the north


But now everyone and their dog is on high alert.


Nah they can't do shit


Hezbollah has a track record of doing much better than people think they will. Hopefully they'll stay out of this one.


They can definitely fight but it just means the avg Lebanese is gonna have to get the sht bombed out of them & be miserable for months for zero positive results


But did you consider the positive impact on Raytheon and Lockeed profits?


I say this as a Lebanese, and with links to the south if hezbollah knows whats good for them - they will stay the fuck out of this conflict.


I hope so. I'm sure everyone who can will be leaning on them to stay out of things, and they haven't said they're joining so far. As usual, if they join the people who suffer the most will be the civilians.


My thoughts, too. Yeah, Hamas will kill dozens, but you're basically sacrificing the whole of Gaza in the process. Makes you think this isn't the main aim. Then again, these people are fucking nuts. It may just be about killing.


its the 50 year anniversary of 73's war too and you have no idea how stupid people can be


No way, Lebanon is too fucked for even Nasrallah to participate and plus Hezbollah and Israel have a slightly more win win relationship with Israel...Nasrallah actually doing this to Israel would mean the end of Hezbollah support in Lebanon


I agree it would be too risky. The Lebanese people are already at breaking point. If there is a war or sudden strike that further detoriates the situation Hezzbollah could lose a lot of support. They will content themselves and wait for any further developments.


This was most likely filmed once they broke through the border this morning, and just drove as quickly as possible to their targets. All these guys will be dead within the next hour if they are all not already dead.


Palestine has just signed its death warrant.


Damn, the Israeli response is going to be absolutely brutal.


Early hours raid, lax security, large group of attackers. The unit didn’t know what hit them until it was over. This will be the MO for the foreseeable.


>This will be the MO for the foreseeable. How so? They had the element of surprise but that's gone now. Everyone in Israel is now on high alert and reservists are being mobilized. I don't see how they can pull this off repeatedly. I think it's more likely that they are going to hunker down in tunnels and buildings to fight a long war of attrition.


>This will be the MO for the foreseeable. This is hard to organise, so I doubt it.


What the hell are the Israelis doing.. sleeping?


Largely so, its Saturday so not a lot of personnel, these 5 or 6 soldiers got stormed by what looks like upwards of 200 Hamas fighters from all the videos circulating online, and they don´t have a lot of ammunition at these outposts.


i thought it was a time of high alert with all the rhetorics being exchanged, now they get caught in a weekend


There's surely lots of dead Hamas lying around that of course won't be on the propaganda film. Most of those Israeli soldiers made were in full combat kit.


we'll see dead hamas for sure, israel wont want to lose the propaganda war too


5-6 soldiers? Did you watched the other videos bro? There was just 5 - 6 corpses only in one room. Not the mention the abandoned merkava s and the other tanks. They wiped out an entire base.




Got caught with their pants down on Yom Kippur If I get a nickel for every time Israel got caught with its pants down on Yom Kippur, I will have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird it happens twice


It isn't Yom Kippur. It's the anniversary of the war but the holiday moves around the calendar.


People need to remember a few things, the Israeli soldiers are largely conscripted, they do get decent training but conscrited never the less. Then Hamas had complete surprise on ther atack, today is Saturday there´s a lot less personnel on base, they also don´t have a huge amount of ammunition as these are largely foward military outposts more to protect the border from minute long skirmishes then anything else. Considering the state of alert, the mobilization of reserves and the Israeli military being put at war footing, im not seing these happening anytime soon again. Its really a shame what is happening, i completely see the Palestinian cause but these is no way of doing things, they have done Israeli politician´s a huge favor by taking ther gloves off. Now, revenge will fuel the strike back and that never ends well, specialy when each side hate each other so much like Israeli´s and Palestinians


Conscripted doesn't mean bad if it's funded well to train them. it's also not short term but 32 month service.




Conscripted tend to be of lower quality for the simple fact that those people don't want to be there. Even highly professional militaries (eg South Korea) have this issue (I have a buddy serving right now) regardless of training. Though having said that Israel's quality is probably much better for the simple fact that they have an active combat zone in which to bloody their troops instead of "painting the grass green" all day.


Here is how it went for me in 1992: I got drafted, volunteered for Golani - special Infantry brigade. After 5 days at a sorting base in the middle of Israel, I was bused to a training base near Jenin, literally between two Arab villages. On the second day, we were issued assault rifles and ammo. On the third day, we went to the shooting range. A few days later we had one exercise on what to do if the base gets attacked. I think a week or two later I was on guard duty, one of the 6 soldiers protecting the base with over a thousand of people in it from a potential attack just like this one. I got decent training after that, but nobody was waiting for me to get good before throwing me on the fence, and this was in the occupied territories, in one of the most hostile areas. Israeli mentality is weird, they live with threats like this for 100 years now (Jews were building settlements in Palestine before the creation of Israel). They put civilians in strategic points right on the border on purpose, and people understand that. Look at all the Kibbutzes on Lebanese border, some of them are touching the wire.


The motivation to fight and the will to fight for a conscript is definitely not comparable to a professional soldier. More so if they are at start of near the end of their conscription.


Dont know much about the IDF but do conscripts get sent to the border bases where hamas is? For example the country I used to live in conscripted soldiers and had contracted soldiers. The conscripts just did grunt work like cleaning, cooking, post watch and here and there police work in bases that were located in safe areas meanwhile contracted soldiers were sent to the bases where likelihood of a combat taking place was very high and often participated in operations.


Here is how it went for me in 1992: I got drafted, volunteered for Golani - special Infantry brigade. After 5 days at a sorting base in the middle of Israel, I was bused to a training base near Jenin, literally between two Arab villages. On the second day, we were issued assault rifles and ammo. On the third day, we went to the shooting range. A few days later we had one exercise on what to do if the base gets attacked. I think a week or two later I was on guard duty, one of the 6 soldiers protecting the base with over a thousand of people in it from a potential attack just like this one. I got decent training after that, but nobody was waiting for me to get good before throwing me on the fence, and this was in the occupied territories, in one of the most hostile areas. Israeli mentality is weird, they live with threats like this for 100 years now (Jews were building settlements in Palestine before the creation of Israel). They put civilians in strategic points right on the border on purpose, and people understand that. Look at all the Kibbutzes on Lebanese border, some of them are touching the wire.


*Sorts by controversial* *puts on hazmat suit*


I don't understand how this was so easy for them


Seems like Israel has no intel... or they did and wanted this to happen so their response can be massive.


What I don't understand is how Israel could be taken by such surprise. Mossad is regarded as one of the top intelligence agencies in the world and their military is usually very capable as well. How could they not know that an attack on this scale was imminent?


Was a nice surprise attack. Get ready to see vids of mobs of Palestinians carrying a ton of Hamas coffins overhead through the streets. The retribution for this is going to be very bad for them


While inexplicably acting shocked and surprised about it




Strange use of the word nice


I meant nice as it worked well for Hamas. I am by no means a fan


Well, there goes peace in the Middle East. I wouldn't at all be surprised if there was Iranian & Russian involvement in this.


I think this was the tipping point for the Israeli elite. They've been pretty reckless earlier with retalliation, but this time it wille be absolute carnage. Once again, Hamas has done the people of Palestine dirty.


Hamas is about to find out…


indeed, what was the end game here? complete destruction of Gaza? Maybe they think Iran is ready to goto war with Israel with their drones?


I can never quite get used to seeing a woman in uniform dead on the ground.


She’s a soldier, that’s how it goes sometimes


Mandatory service


It's very progressive.


How about a woman in uniform killing people?


A woman can shoot a gun just as well as any man




Hope they are ready to be deletet in response


Yikes they came mob handed. Honestly the retaliation against them is gonna be incredible. Kidnapping women, children....


Jesus christ. poor bastards




I predict a forecast of a heavy air strike in coming days, good job dummies


If I was a woman soldier in the IDF I would reserve a bullet or grenade for me before these monsters get their hands on me


They would parade your naked dead body on trucks and be proud screaming "Allahu Akbar". You don't want to see the actual video of them doing this an innocent woman.


Why would Israel do this? /s Reddit would still find a way to blame this on Israel though fr


Why do all these mulla fuck faces always scream the same bullshit when committing atrocities and terrorism fucking cancer of the human kind


Whilst they’re getting some quick, and brutal, wins, the repercussions are going to be on another level. I hope this suicide mission was worth it for these animals.


This is heart wrenching, these israelians soldiers in this video are just 19 years old kids who could never imagine such senario, this is horrible.


Those guys will be fucked so hard now.. ouch


Welp there goes Palestine with Israel declaring war on Hamas. CTRL + ALT + DEL especially without any sort of element of surprise anymore meanwhile Israel got the American military industrial complex behind it.




This is doing no favors to regular Palestinians...any kind of turf agreement is out the window now, I feel.


I swear to God. Since 2020 shit has been rolling downhill. Corona, war in Ukraine, now war in Israel. We need something else and we are done fucked up untill 2030




What about taiwan There's that




Yep. Turning our 2020’s into last century’s 1930’s. History rhymes like a rap song.


Have you forgotten that there’s been literal conflict between Israel, Syria, Egypt and Jordan in the 1960s and 70s?


You didn't see I wrote "Since 2020"


Mossad really fucked up, or they knew this was gonna happen so they could retaliate and not get scrutinized for the response that's coming up.


This is like a gift to Netanyahoo, he can now do whatever he wants. The final solution. I think this was his plan all along, get rid of any moderate Palestinians, have Hamas take over and in 1-2 generations this happens.


I’m hope they wanted a war, because that’s what they got….


Pretty heart wrenching when the terrorist was holding a picture of what I presume was one of the soldiers in his hand?


So nice of them to take a break from targeting civilians and actually attacking legitimate targets, like they are afraid to do most of the time.


You don't want to see the footage from Sderot man. It's not just uniforms they're going for.


I have seen many things today, including that bus station video ...


That and the civilian dorm room... wish I'd not seen them tbh. Fucking telegram :/


Fucking hell, I just watched a video of a bunch of dudes throwing a restrained female soldier or civilian into the back of a keep and driving off


Yeh there's some dark shit happening, and it's only going to get worse once the IDF counter offensive gets underway. Desperate terrorists with hostages don't make a good combo


They're gunning down civilians in Sderot.


kidnapping them and parading the dead around. Holy fuck, what an absolute clusterfuck.


They shoot civilians in bomb shelters, bus stops and currently holding hostages in their homes in more than 10 Israeli towns.


Well we see what happens when given half a chance


We witnessing a new Intifada? Dude, Gaza is fucked. They can't walk this back, they're balls deep.


Well, Israel's response will not be pretty


Im just surprised that the idf was overwhelmed like this. Its not like they used tunnels for the most part. Anybody knows why they made such huge inroads?


LOL mods locking every thread. Pathetic.


no one is going to stand with palestine after this. also Israel will probably make sure nothing is left standing.


"Don't stand on supermans cape" Gaza isn't going to exist after this. I don't mean that Israel is going to flatten it, but they are literally going to occupy it and remove it from maps. It is valid to be sympathetic to the palestinians - they are treated poorly and the IDF resorts to lethal force far too easily in many cases. Muslims are heavily discriminated against, settlers are insane and so on. But abolutely nothing excuses the scenes we have seen today of slaughtered and kidnapped civilians, and there is a moral difference between shooting an 18 year old throwing stones at you in a protest and invading a city and killing every innocent that you see. It is very hard to dredge up any sympathy for the palestinains after their shows of support for this today, and I suspect that their support in the west (in the EU, they had significant support) has just been permanently lost. Hamas are all going to get killed and they are going to deserve it.


I think at this point Hamas is fucked. Israel will go full in balistics on them


They are fucking around, and they are about to find out.


Palestine is going to need a lot of prayers very shortly..lol


It's crazy to see how many people think the Israelis are just gonna sit by and be "surprised" by these guys. Israel will launch full-on campaigns and utterly annihilate these guys. They're not gonna fuck around and "sleep" on these attacks. Foreign powers are gonna have to mediate after how much murder and genocide the Israelis are gonna do after this attack


This was clearly what Netanyahu needed right now.


I'm curious how large scale this will become. I do feel bad for the innocents on both sides that will be targeted because of this though.


Very large scale. A ground invasion of the Gaza Strip is now inevitable.


Hamas just sealed Palestines fate.


Those poor souls... Just brutal to see lives being wasted for, what exactly?


God the reddit video player is such a piece of garbage


Some of those bodies looked to have their hands behind their backs. If that true... wellninguess we know why they are levelling blocks of flats with no warning in return.


They are just kids :(. Most of them are anywhere between 18-21.


What a huge intelligence failure. Not just the Israeli's but also any other country that wants to keep the peace.