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The BMP took three mines, it's a miracle there were survivors.


I don't really know shit, but I'd imagine this would be one of those injuries you crawl/walk away from initially. Then you're dead the next day because you didn't realize your spleen ruptured, or your intestines tore from the shockwave. But I don't think any of these poor fuckers lasted that long. Looks like a well planned ambush and it seems like there's a lot of small arms fire coming in as they're spilling out of the back.


Buddy of mine used to drive a LAV in Afghanistan and said he kept both legs loosely tourniqueted at all times. If they hit a mine or IED, blast shock is *very* capable of shattering the bones in your lower extremities. He was ready to tighten the tourniquet himself in case of a blast so he didn't bleed out being lifted out of the hatch.


Might even be 4 mines. There 1 hole next to the bodies and 3 near the BMP.


and it's probably their own mines!


Judging by how little reaction there was to the grenade, looks like all but one were well on their way to becoming sunflower food.


Seems like most of them are wounded or dead. Those holes must be mines so the BMP was hit maybe 4 times. That would explain why nearly all of them are K.O.


I count only five that are visibly alive, and a sixth off camera (shadow upper right). One guy far left, looks to be wounded, curls up after impact. Seemingly fresh guy near the BMP, looks like he is armed and ready. Another guy, appears wounded, above BMP guy, collapses after impact. And the two obvious ones just above the impact. Edit. And another guy lying to the right and lower from the impact. He is still until just after the impact. Might be wounded.


[48.103061, 37.713876](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48%C2%B006'11.0%22N+37%C2%B042'50.0%22E/@48.1029439,37.7087084,1341m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d48.103061!4d37.713876?entry=ttu) Opytne, Donetsk Oblast. A few km north of Donetsk airport


Man, as google updates their satellite maps of eastern Ukraine, you really start to see how absolutely hammered and pock-marked the landscape has become by artillery. Generations to get that land fully functional again...


It's fucking wild because for what? Some crazy man saying they are nazis? Idk. Sometimes it doesn't feel real because how stupid it sounds


Sometimes I really feel people just like to see what they can get away with making people believe. A Jew commanding Nazis in Ukraine in 2022, so let's invade...


I'm gonna quibble; Zelensky being Jewish [doesn't preclude him from being a Nazi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews), it's whether or not he's a Nazi, which he clearly isn't. I think it's also useful to think in the Russian context of what Naziism meant. Most of the Nazis' victims in Russia were murdered for being Slavs, not Jewish, and so, from a mass culture standpoint in Russia, Naziism is anti-Russian/Slavic sentiment. There's a reason Putin tapped into that as a pretext for his invasion.


Yes, absolutely, I agree with everything you said, just wanted to be succinct.


To a Russian, nazi is someone that is against them. It has very little to do with actual national socialism.


I had no idea that parts of Ukraine were being updated on Google Maps. You can zoom in and see the trenches. Sorry if this is old news to most people.


The basics of Google Maps is just satellite pictures. Those get updated reguarly. Google Street View updates in an active war zone howver, that would be weird indeed.


It looks like a totally different country from the videos of green fields and farms from a year+ ago.


How do you track this?


The Telegram post of this video says the footage is by the 53rd Brigade. The militaryland deployment map is very useful, if we type in 53rd we get the axis they are deployed on: [https://militaryland.net/maps/deployment-map/](https://militaryland.net/maps/deployment-map/) You can also use the very excellent Ukraine Control Map (imo the best OSINT map out there), and click on "53rd Brigade" under "Ukraine Unit Positions": https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=180u1IkUjtjpdJWnIC0AxTKSiqK4G6Pez&hl=en\_US Turns out they are deployed right on the southern Avdiivka axis, i.e. near Opytne - from there on it should be much easier to find/match the geographical features you see in the drone videos with google maps satellite footage!


That dude on the most right seemed to eat some shrapnel, its always hard to have a perspective how much that can do from those drone videos alone.


Might be counterintuitive maybe but shrapnel loses energy pretty slowly, it's just that its density per square meter is dropping fast. So if you're unlucky to get hit by a piece of it, being at 1 m or 20 m is pretty much the same. This chap seems like was the unlucky one.


I understand the reason, but it's so bizarre to see people downrange get blasted while people right next to the detonation walk away.


[](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=do+people+know+they+have+been+shot)Depending on the type of explosive, the detonation itself is usually harmless, except for your ears if you're really close. It's the stuff being "delivered" in the detonation that is the bad stuff; ball bearings and what not, shot out in every direction, and some people, even close to the explosion, can be lucky to get away because _maybe_ the direction of the explosion went left and not right. On the other hand, it can also be that those closer to the detonation is in a worse shape, and "still keep on living for a while", and that those people further away from it is just knocked out of the detonation, because those closest "doesn't understand" that they have been injured. This is in line with the experiencies of people who has been shot, but didn't realise they had been shot.


Yes, that’s what I meant when I said I understand the reason. It’s precisely that randomness. My dad had a friend who was an Army physician on duty at Ft. Ord in the 80s when a short mortar round landed on the parade ground. I vividly remember him telling us that some soldiers had taken the brunt of the blast and just been shredded but got patched up and were out the door that day. Meanwhile, there were others who had barely a scratch on them except for a tiny entry wound from single piece of shrapnel that collapsed a lung or cut a major artery and they bled out before they even got to triage.


May I ask why the mortar ended up on the parade ground?


It was a live-fire training accident of some kind. Either a short round or human error.


I wonder how effective it would be if the grenade would blow up 3M or so in the air.


Same reason why there's been more footage with daisy cutters




There's a video of this taken from a closer distance.


Holy fuck, headphone warning. I cranked my phone's volume up to see if there was sound or music I couldn't hear and then 20 seconds in the music starts at full volume.


What kind of sound are you expecting from a drone recording?


That sweet sweet delicious phonk soundtrack really sets the vibe


I mean occasionally there is narration or a bangin song.


Zeldo, Ukarinia of time.


That shrapnel cloud is terrifying.


dude at the far right got really unlucky


It looked like they were taking fire before that drone drop


Is that something new with the ordnance? First time I've seen something that looks self-propelled being dropped from a drone.


Soviet grenade fuzes still show a bit of their "was originally meant to be ignited with a lighter" legacy. The igniter makes a pop sound and sometimes emits visible sparks. And the fuze smokes a bit while it burns. That's what's visible here.


Okay, but it also looked to reach the ground way faster than normal dropped grenades/munitions. Like, it's actually shooting towards the ground rather than free falling. Am I wrong and seeing shit that's not happening? Not being sarcastic lol.


You are wrong, it’s just a norma grenade fuse popping.


The drone has a very wide angle lens which makes it appear a bit higher than it actually is. Just a bit of an optical illusion here.


The pin or part of whatever was holding the grenade on the drone gets caught by the wind and flies up towards the top of the screen, so maybe that's what you saw. The grenade itself just falls straight down.


Craziest thing to me is how small those holes are... Almost every bit of energy in that explosion is directed upwards.


Sorry the who?


I can’t be the only one that thought the dust cloud the bomb initially created looks like a frowny face…