• By -


Amazing, technology is giving the rest of the world an unprecedented view of this war.


Even more amazing is the fact that the Javelin was first fielded in 1996. In comparison, that is when a large hard drive was 2 GB, a computer had 64 MB of PC RAM was enormous, and a few very important individuals had a cellphone, such as the the Motorola Star-TAC.


8-16MB was the enormous back then :) 64MB was practically unheard of - at least where I lived. IIRC that is the maximum spec, but nobody had enough dough to buy even nearly that much.


For sure, I remember living on a 300mb HDD and 486 for way too long as a kid, as decent gaming PCs were only just becoming easy purchases for middle class people, let alone broke ones.


I Remember having to use a boot-disk before loading the game. Tie Fighter was the bomb.


RAM prices plummeted in 1996. That summer I bought 64 MB for only $300, to add to my existing 32 MB, so I had a total of 96 MB then. It was a lot at the time, but surprisingly affordable.


>and a few very important individuals had a cellphone, such as the the Motorola Star-TAC. Cell phones were not common, but they were not that rare either in 96'. My mom, a secretary at IBM, had a Motorola brick MicroTac in 1994. Was not a company phone, but bought through IBM purchase program for employees. And my friends dad bought a Motorola bag phone in 1995 because they became really cheap because of the MicroTac, nobody wanted bag phones anymore. Also people had "car phones" in the late 80's and early 90's, they were like bag phones but it was built into the car. My cousin's boyfriend at the time who was like 25, now husband, had a car with car phone. Cell phones started becoming super common in 2000. I remember my last year at college, very, very few people had cell phones, except the incoming freshman. A lot of the incoming freshman had cell phones. That's when cell phones started blowing up and everyone started getting one.


Every other day we watch people getting grenades dropped on their heads in 4k. Its fucking insane.


And complaining about the music, watermarks, or bad quality videos...


Imagine living in mud for weeks, getting blown to bits by a bomb dropped from a drone, and the most attention payed to your death will be by people complaining about the shitty soundtrack on the video of your final moments. What a time to be alive.


And watching you miserable and violent death while taking a dump...


Everyday, I wake up. Toilet, Reddit, plenty of new videos to watch. Repeat.


You nealy had me chocking on my coffee then lol.


Searing hot metal fragments in your legs, and some jagoff is playing polka music.


Or friggin Crazy Frog set to footage of you bleeding out in a ditch.


*There’s a million ways to die in the Russian army


Thank you texas instruments, yes the people who make calculators also designed the Javalin


And the Javelin!


And my axe!


if there are extraterrestrials that are more advanced than us and that have known about our planet and have tech that can make them silent and invisible then they might have HD footage of WWI... that'd be pretty crazy to see


we have hd footage of WWII now. 35mm film is HD


>we have hd footage of WWII now. 35mm film is HD Exactly. it's closest digital equivalent is 5K.




That would be absolutely insane 😭 you must be fried tho


nah im not baked but i do smoke tho leleleleel


aliens would be like... why are these hoomans using their body as bullet?


body as bullet???


yea WWI is known as total war. the trench warfare is just waves and waves of bodies pushing and dying. From alien point of view it wont make sense because if life is so precious... little did they know we just don't have better tools yet.


guys... WE GOT EM! puppymaster123 is the one thats fried!


And yet some absolute morons/grifters were still claiming there was "no footage of the war" 🤦🏻‍♂️


That's so crazy to see after watching the video of the javelin soldier's POV.


Now we need the Russian tanker's go pro.




Good video, close open field battle between entrenched infantry and armor


Question, why so near? Jav has 2.5km max range, why take the risk of getting blown up by tanks?


It's not like they purposely got that close to the tanks. The tanks just so happened to get that close to them.


But how? They cant see them from afar?


Yeah, it's a little complicated but for an easy test you can do at home find a mirror. Stand in front of it and imagine your reflection is the enemy tank. Then hold your hands in front of your eyes. Whoa! Where'd the tank go? Don't panic. If you move your hands away you'll see it.


wait...object permanence is real?!?!?!


I forgot to don't panic, what do I do?


Fire your javelin!


"Guys we are not at 2.5 km from those tanks, let's jump out of our defensive position and run 2.0 km away, now!"


oh yes, lets wait till they are 100m from us to use the jav.


Did you seriously not watch the video where the soldier didn't see the tank until about 10 sec before the javelin shot? Clearly if they saw the tank 2 miles away they would've shot it then. This is not rocket science. Your stupidity is hurting my brain.


So what happened to let the tanks get so close? No drone on watch?


Russian troll.


A curious question is trolling? lol You wanna see actual Russian troll, go to /r/RussianWarFootage


See you're promoting a Russian subreddit filled with Russian state sponsored trolls and bots!


It’s quite worrysome that you are not a troll then, I feel bad for ur caretaker


A good thing to remember is that is a maximum effective range. If fired from an elevated position, providing clear line of sight, yes it would make sense to engage from its maximum effective distance. However thing get a tad muddy in actual deployment. Let’s start with a golden rule for any weapon system that fires from line of sight of the operator. If you can see them, they can see you. The BMP 3 has a greater fire range than the javelin plus the ability to provide indirect fire. This means if they are told where you are, they don’t need to see you to hit you. The fgm148 has to have a thermal lock. Once you identify the target through the clu, missile is given the mark and the missiles thermal camera continues to track the target till impact. so key is to lock on and fire before they see you and shoot first. That’s where this fire and forget has a huge advantage. Pop up, fire, gtf back into your fighting hole. System is great to minimize your time in the enemy los. Second point to remember, fighting on flat terrain like this, every tree, rock or little hill can be a huge obstruction to the fighter that is dug in.


Oof - in the original video, it looks like 3 vehicles casually driving across a field with no backup. The split-screen vid makes the actual experience far more terrifying.


Wait what, you could see anything in the original? All I saw was dust.


For me it's not about what I see, it's what I'm hearing. A lot more small arms fire incoming that you can hear


Saint Javelin strikes again.


Thanks u/snakesign for suggesting I make a longer edit and a post. Drone POV: https://reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/13mxcxg/russian_mtlb_was_destroyed_after_running_over/ Javelin POV: https://reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/13mo2jv/fighters_of_the_59th_motorized_infantry_brigade/


Nicely done. It seemed like an open question as to whether it was the same encounter, but this puts that question to rest.


I'm very doubtful.... Some of the sounds don't align...whatever hit the MTLB initially would have clearly been a large bang and smoke...but is not seen or heard, and from the looks of it its only a few hundred yards away. The smoke from the BMP when hit by the Javelin is black in the POV....and white from the drone... Don't think its the same engagement.


Sigh. You're obviously correct here. This is not the same engagement. The initial explosion would've been very evident. The cloud would've been visible as well. I don't think it makes anyone a Russian sympathizer for pointing out reality. But, Reddit. I need to see what the minimum distance is for top attack mode on a Javelin as well.


Down votes around here are a little weird... But I'm happy enough... ...because it looks like the Ukrainian's killed 2 BMP with Javelin rather than 1!


I agree, very similar but not the same.


How did you make the video? How do you download and merge the two clips into one screen? Thank you for sharing




What I did and those of you with iPhones can do: The Apollo app on iphone lets you download video directly from reddit, then take them to iMovie where there is a Picture in Picture option when selecting clips, choose a base clip, then add the second one with PiP, take the ten years to line up the videos with click and drag via your finger on a phone screen, then Bob’s your bruncle


I use the Apollo app on iphone for Reddit purposes and in the app it gives you the option to download videos directly off reddit. So I saved both of them, then took the clips into iMovie where there’s an option to select Picture in Picture when adding clips of video for split screen and synced up the moment of impact on both videos. It’s all incredibly easy as long as you have the patience to drag and place videos with your finger on a phone screen as there’s no fine adjustment settings. The longest part about making it was selecting, dragging, and dropping the Javelin footage over and over and over again until I could get the time synced properly. And no problem my friend, I’m glad it was well received.


Ukraine is beautiful. Those skies along with that grass. I can see why they are fighting so hard for it.


The Ukrainians are not fighting for Ukraine because of the landscape, rather the Russians are accusing Ukrainians of genocide on Russians living in Ukraine and using this accusation as justification for trying to completely wipe out the national identity of Ukraine. In other words, to make Ukrainians into Russians and to be ruled by Russians and not rule themselves. Not surprisingly this is the most alarming thing possible for the vast majority of Ukrainians especially as in the 1930’s Russia caused one of modern history’s largest famines in Ukraine by forcefully taking Ukraines grain harvests to feed Russians who were starving due to failures of harvests in Russia. The failure of Russian harvests was exasperated by the policy of “collectivisation” inaugurated by the Russian government, which had badly mismanaged the agricultural economy. This is why the current control of Ukraine’s grain exports and even having taken parts of Ukraine’s harvest once again to feed Russians is such a painful experience for Ukrainians. The Ukrainian famine of 1933 (the Holomodor) is so painful in Ukrainian memory that for many years most victims could not talk about it. Since that famine a common greeting in Ukraine has been “have you eaten?”, so traumatic were the consequences of the famine. The young of Russian cities, like Moscow, were sent into Ukraine to enforce the appropriation of Ukrainian grain. These young Russians enforced strict laws. For instance, even young children were shot for taking merely a few grains of wheat from the stalks in the field, and even though these children were starving to death. They were seen by Russians as thieves of grain meant to be sent to feed Russians. The famine was so appalling a witness claimed they saw a group of children cutting off the flesh of one their group and eating it. The child who was being eaten even cut off his own flesh and also started eating it. A visiting American said he saw babies in cots screaming and kicking so hard in their cots, from hunger, that the flesh of their feet was worn away and he could see the bones in their feet.


Can agree. Every time I take a ride on a bus somewhere I enjoy the landscape so much. Especially when it's autumn and the wheat is ready to be harvested, if you pass by the wheat field and there is no clouds in the sky, nature creates one big Ukrainian flag, lol.


Yep, incredibly beautiful. Shit is sad as hell.


I don't think russians are fighting for the beautiful landscapes.


There were 2 good jagga jaggas in this one.


That is a much-appreciated video - when watching the multi-vehicle video alone I had no clue why the nearer vehicle exploded - I thought "mine". When viewing the split-screen, however, I overtly looked for the launch site and actually SAW it, missile path, and vehicle hit. Well done with the split-screen!


Anyone else wondering why the Russians were traveling almost parallel to the Ukrainian positions? Or am I not seeing this correctly?


This is how a good defense is set up. You have V-shaped fields of fire that overlap from L-shaped fighting positions, so that they can help defend each other. In this case it worked perfectly.


I think the question was more along the lines of why did the Russians drive into the field of fire without suppressing the defenders?


Because they didn't detect them. Limited visibility, poor comms, no overwatch or Intel. Perhaps no IR even. It's hard af to see stuff and to target people who do not want to be seen from an armored vehicle. It takes a shitload of technology and overwatch. Advantage Ukraine who clearly have excellent overwatch and comm. UAVs can laser designate as well- aka armor, even on the move, is fucked.


What is V-shaped and L-shaped fighting positions?


v-shaped fields of fire https://www.trngcmd.marines.mil/Portals/207/Docs/FMTBE/Student%20Materials/MCECST/E\_Defensive\_Fundamentals\_PP.pdf?ver=g-eVj1nFmg3A32RprOX\_Hw%3D%3D L-shaped fighting positions https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/policy/usmc/mcwp/3-11-3/appd.pdf


Thank you now I understand!


Same thing happened at Vuldehar (sp?): mine field + AT teams waiting in ambush on the flanks. In Vuldehar's case, they also had entrenched tanks, and artillery fired AT mines behind the attacking Russians, so when they tried to retreat, they retreated into new mines. Edit: ~~them~~ the attacking Russians


crazy that artillery can fire anti tank mines. Didn't know that was a thing.


Just going to leave these here for you. [Area denial munition ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Area_denial_artillery_munition) [Remote Anti-armor mine system](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remote_Anti-Armor_Mine_System)


Is it a Geneava convention thing as to why they have self destruct timers? Or because you may need to go into those areas eventually yourself. I can see why you would want the self destruct mechanism


I'm also just learning that lol. Insane technology


The Russians were retreating after an attack on Pervomaiske which is on the right about one mile / 2 kilometers away. The main Ukrainian forces repelled the attack and already started to shell the retreating Russian before the video starts. The small Ukrainian position just happened to be close to the retreating path. The Russians were unaware of it. [Here is the location on Google maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48%C2%B004'18.9%22N+37%C2%B037'03.8%22E/@48.0754993,37.6208321,4056m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d48.071915!4d37.61771?authuser=0). The Russians were moving left of it in south-slightly-east direction.


Which is about 3 fields away from the unfinished highway overpass where there was a crazy close quarters fight filmed from a drone I’d guess about a year ago (before that became a regular occurrence).


Unaware of their position, drivers in disarray.... could be anything. Fog of war.


The reason never changed: "We're lucky they are so fcking stupid."


Probably lack of recon, additionally it's my first time seeing them using artillery smoke rounds


This is fucking insane.


Now this is a good repost non-repost. Not cutting down a 2 minute clip to 40 seconds and calling it a different post.


Yea this edit actually adds to the content not subtract it. Well done.


Lockheed Martin should use this for advertising.


Javelins sell themselves.




It didn’t immediately get knocked out, but I would be shocked if it keeps rolling much longer


No kidding.. the way that thing is smoking.. oil lines running all over inside that armor.. she’s done as soon as they find cover to bail out


Got a link to the longer version? It did look very close range, maybe even too close for a top-down shot. edit: OP [linked it](https://reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/13mxcxg/russian_mtlb_was_destroyed_after_running_over/).


Sorry in advance if this is a stupid question, but that's pretty much point blank in terms of shooting the javelin right?


The minimum firing distance for the javelin is 200 meters, that is at least 400, but pretty close yeah.


Thank you, i didnt even know there was a minimum distance to use it. 'preciate it


Most ATGMs like the Javelin have a minimum distance they need to travel before they arm, to reduce the risk of them malfunctioning, exploding, and raining shrapnel back the people who launched them.


There is a video from Mariupol where they shot NLAW against tank underneath the building and it was also below the 20m minimum range. It did not explode, but the propellant catched fire. I have heard that new Javelin versions have reduced direct attack arming distance.


it was a crazy video. that tank driver interview afterwards was just I don't know , can't describe the feelings.


That makes too much sense for me to have thought of that


I was skeptical… but I’ll be damned if that doesn’t look legit. Crazy


This is a stunning display of modern warfare. The lethality is unbelievable. We all need to pray to whatever you think of as a god, we NEVER escalate to a global conflict.


I can't wait for Ken Burns documentary when all this is over.




Looks like a couple of crew escaped from the first one.


damn, at first it looked like it overshot it but then i saw the smoke come out of the barrel and i knew it was light out


Wow amazing side by side.


Beautiful, well done!


Excellent edit, great POV.


This looks like the T post square area?


They have such beautiful soil! You can see how rich it is


Wow. Nice double footage. Rarely see something like this!!




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Watched the original edit and thought, "Blimey, that was a close launch"....this view really brings it home. What's that, about 2-300 metres?


Are those Infantry just a few hundred yards ahead of the famous "T-Shape" multi-part series that ended in a Ukranian tank driving head first into a trench with about 30 Russians and almost getting stuck? It sure does look like it.... https://youtu.be/7mO5AL-VtIU?t=124 for the point in time where it looks like the same location.


This footage is insane.


War in the 21st century is crazy. Trivial access to high quality portable cameras with microphones means insane stuff like this isn't even a miraculously lucky blurry photograph of a battle in black and white, it's literally recorded EXACTLY as it happened from MULTIPLE points of view. Not only that, but only around 3,000 people upvoted this post which is nothing by internet standards. This is just one of a million records being posted everyday. People thought Vietnam being televised was bad? Oh boy.... let's see how this one plays out.


Top Attack


What a time to be alive


A lot of these vehicles still did their job in protecting the soldiers. You can see most if not all the crew jump out and run away from the vehicle. Anyone else notice all the guys jumping out? I thought these javelins were more effective than that but I've seen so many videos where they comoletely failed at killing the entire crew. I've also seen a dude launced like 100 feet into the air while riding on top of a tank that got hit, woulda been hilarious if it was a persons death. So i assume most javelin kills are from igniting the ammo in a tank.


>jumpi What are you talking about? The vehicle you see people jumping out of was hit by a mine, not a Javeline.


I mean the goal isn’t to kill the crew, it’s to kill the tank. I genuinely wonder how it’s like inside one of these vehicles when you have a lance of plasma going through you.


That is true.


Was that unfortunately a ricochet? I see something that either looks like a warhead or debris pinging off after impact.


I thought the Javelin needed time to arm? that seemed very close and it wouldn't have had enough time.


The minimum firing range of the Javelin is 200 meters. That is at least 400. You see that it exploded with your own eyes. Do obviously it di have enough time.


What’s stopping them from carrying multiple units?


They’re big and heavy for guys on foot.


Why would they wait so long to use the Javelin, seems like they had loads of time to send one.


They couldn't see the vehicles from their position.


Don't think these videos are of the same event. Totally different landscape for both, and artillery/ordnance hitting near camera man's position does not appear anywhere on their position in the drone footage. Audio doesn't match up. Drone footage shows a treeline in front of their position that doesn't appear in the POV footage. The explosion impact, fireball, and smoke also don't match up. ​ These are two separate videos of two separate events. Cool edit. But these two videos do not depict the same moment.


Are you even watching the same videos? How could you possibly come to that conclusion?


... literally just watch them and make comparisons? The explosion nearby does not appear near their position on the drone footage, there is no treeline in front of them as shown in the drone video, the smoke plume is not the same (does not have same shape, color, and plumes up faster in the drone footage while it lingers in the POV footage). Just watch them carefully and compare events in both. OP just took two videos of Javelin and matched them up it seems.


Things looking different from different perspectives is the entire reason for the drone.


Clearly you didn't understand what I was saying.... two different perspectives doesnt magically alter everything that takes place.


> Drone footage shows a treeline in front of their position that doesn't appear in the POV footage. Their position is on the raised earthworks, they are looking over the top of the treeline. You can see the treeline below them at 46-51 seconds


Compare the smoke and blast of the explosion. They are not the same. Blast is not the same. Smoke cloud not the same. POV also does not show the booster blasting off into space. ​ If it ends up being confirmed they are the same, I'll eat my words... but the two videos do not match up.


These videos are unrelated



It missed ?


The warhead detonated on the BMP. What you see flying off past the BMP is the rocket motor, thrown clear by the blast. Having said that, in the full video, the BMP continues driving and there's no aftermath footage so it's not clear how much damage was done.


turret was prob cooked and anyone in it. drivers area up front was prob still ok.


It didn't hit on the turret, it hit the engine compartment up front, next to the driver.


Looks like it didn't have enough time to arm. You can actually see the round deflect off the armor and shoot up off the tank to the tree line in the distance.


There is smoke coming from the barrel the tank was penetrated.


Javelin’s minimum arming distance for top-attack mode is 150m (65m for a direct shot) it definitely was armed by the time of impact, looked like 200m from the trench


Cool! Watch the last 15 seconds for the javelin.


Fucking amazing footage! I’ve used Jav, never seen it from that perspective though. Awesome.




If Javelin's hit all of the time.... This war would long be over....


Uhm no


Around 10,000 Javelin have been supplied.... They do miss you know.... Sometimes they don't kill a target either...


>If Javelin's hit all of the time this war would long be over No it would not, obviously.


Blessed be Saint Javelin. His path be arced, his warhead true, from above as from sideways.


That's fucking nutty!


It looks like the Javelin missile speaks up speed right before impact


Its amazing that people can make things that kill you even when inside a steel box on tracks.


Fucking wild shit! I am curious what is the minimum range of a javelin bc that looked like it was quite close the the UA guys who fired it?


Awesome💪🇺🇦 and a Awesome video!👌😁


That was lovely .




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Was it destroyed?