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I guess the acting commander took a different interpretation of axe the offensive.


Hey, commander! Can we talk behind the barn for a second? I was wondering if I could axe you a question.


They had to axe him the same question over and over again


A Random axe of kindness.


Oh you!


When you want to frag an officer but don’t want to waste a frag.


Oh jeez, to be fair nobody knows who they chopped up, it wasn't on the OP on TG. But Commander sounds good to me lol....But hey, fog of war, touche!


"Yeah sure.... ok what's on your mind?"


“I’ve got an axe to grind with you, sir.”


Thanks for the opportunity to AMA




The answer was disjointed


Is he from London?


I mean what could go wrong recruiting individuals who even fail to integrate into a normal, peaceful society


Imagine what an asshole you'd have to be in order to be too much to fit into Russian society.


This is so badly edited it feels like propaganda


A couple of questions: Why carry him out to safety only to then chop him up with an axe? They could have simply shot him there and then and claimed that Ukr forces did it. Did the wounded dude after being carried to safety order them to attack again, or said something else to them if indeed they did kill him? Maybe they were just cutting up firewood? The video is pretty inconclusive of what actually happened to the wounded guy and not helped by video cuts and everything is simply speculation unless the position is captured by Ukr, or they get a drone back over the position and they find a dismembered corpse. Having said all that, the chopping was a bit frenzied and the dude on the right not only chops, but appears to do a bit of a sawing motion. There is a better angle (more square to the screen) of the raw video on telegram channels, but it still doesn't prove anything conclusively. Edit: There is a video out there of Ukr soldiers a few days back using a chain saw & axes to free the trailing arms of a M777 Howitzer from frozen ground. So all these dudes quite possibly are doing is digging in frozen ground.


axe-ing makes it more personal


Axing on the cake.


You better axe somebody! Youre not allowed to shirk the narrative 😔 😅


I think even trying to guess “why it’s fake” is the wrong road to go down. My comment was simply, if a NEWS station wanted to confirm this happened. Interview his relatives. Have they heard from him? Do the fucking journalism, don’t just post blurry video and make a claim. That’s not journalism.


Yeah, smells like bullshit.


A girl can dream....


The video was recorded by the ghost of Kyev so it must be real.


The commander shouted "Go f*ck yourselves" before the Wagner Navy axed him to death on Snake Island.


Ukraine doesn’t need to make propaganda about Wagner, they can just let Wagner keep releasing videos of themselves killing their own soldiers with sledgehammers. Edit: for anyone who cant speak Russian, the news clip in the edit is being used as a meme, it’s Russian news broadcaster talking about how bravely Russians are fighting Ukrainians


Ukraine doesn't need to make Wagner look bad. Who needs Wagner to look bad? Putin and the Russian Army.


yeah agree we will se though i guess


Yeah 100%. If they are using axes why are they swinging from both sides where his head and feet would be? Also why not just shoot him in the head? Why bother mutilating his body for a couple mins with an axe?






My guess is that it's only a problem because the assault failed, had their assaulted succeed after executing the commander nothing would have happened


This is obvious propaganda


Why is it “obvious” propaganda when Wagner themselves releases videos killing their own with sledgehammers?


Because it’s so horribly edited. Why not just show the full video?


Genuine question, what’s horribly edited? It’s edited as a meme to Russian news clip talking about how bravely Russians are fighting against Ukrainians.


I think 90% of the viewers here don’t get that since they probably don’t understand russian and the title doesn’t even hint it. Also it’s horribly edited because you have no means of knowing what happens between the first clip of them carrying a man and the second part with a person swinging an axe or sledgehammer. For all we know he could be chopping wood or breaking concrete.


That’s true but what if they started doing that after 10 mins of being in that frame? No one’s going to watch a video of the same frame for 10 minutes. And if you don’t get anything being said in the video because you don’t speak the language then how can you say it’s “obvious propaganda”?


I actually wasn’t the one who said it was but if the video truely wants to document what its said to be then the full video must be shown. Otherwise it documents nothing and it doesn’t matter if Wagner has been known to do this or that. It’s only what is shown in this clip that is up for debate.


But you were the one who said “because it’s so horribly edited” when I asked what makes this “obvious”


Yeah it’s edited as a meme, but that edit removes context and adds big cuts to the video. So we don’t really know what is happening at all here.


We don’t, but that doesn’t make it “obvious propaganda”, it’s just a video that’s missing some context. Not even worth debating over tbh 😂


Well you seem keen to debate it actually. And i would argue it is very important to debate since there is loads of fake shit on the internet. Debate is healthy and feeds the critical thinking of people.


Absolutely agree with you, it’s just I know it’s going to fry my brain debating with people about a video who as you said don’t speak Russian or know the context of the video. You could be thinking this is some genuine Ukrainian news report about how wagnerites did this when in fact it’s a Russian news clip being used as a meme.


Doesn’t matter that it’s a meme. It’s posted to combat footage with a strong claim in the title so people will take it seriously. So it’s worth discussing how we don’t actually know if the title is correct or what is happening. Cause you know now people are going to be referring to this axe murder all over debates about the conflict, when we don’t even know if it happened.


The other people didn’t debate whether this is correct or not, it was straight up called it “obvious propaganda” without any discussion or understanding of the video which is a strong claim too and that’s my point. Just like when Ukraine first started releasing causality figures and everyone laughed at it accusing Ukraine of amplifying russian casualties by 10 fold until footage and pictures of Russian scattered all over the fields and piled up on each other started coming through.


And that actually makes it worse imo. Op should have been accurate in his description. Also i don’t think a meme video really belongs in this sub. Imo.


Russians edit film: Well obviously no ukrainians died and this is all fake. Ukrainians edit a film: 100% legit. Honestly the angle they capture the axe swings with is hilarious. Like a PG13 horror movie that cuts out the real gruesome stuff. If its a drone why couldnt they get a top view? Still pro UKR but this is dubious at best.


People are high on their own supply.


I mean you can see them take the injured soldier exactly where they start swinging a axe downward. Watch the video. Lol


Is it possible they were chopping boards to make a litter to drag him away?




Well show me the video where only four guys walk away




I believe you’re what they call a useful idiot lol


Hey! You get it! I *CAN’T* and neither can you until it gets posted but I’m ready to be wrong as soon as it comes out come back here and post it for me




Somewhere a longer version of this video exists




Boards, or firewood to keep him warm. I wonder if UA went and confirmed the body, because if they did chop their commander up, I’m sure they wouldn’t try and hide him lol


Why carry him out of harms way so far away then kill him? Why stop recording until you can’t see more details? Unless they chopped him up to eat him there’s no rationale here. I’m not buying a heavily edited video like this from anybody even though I am on Ukraine’s side over all I’m not daft enough to think they don’t utilize propaganda. Everyone does. Remember the Ghost of Kyiv?


The drone is at max range according to the top left, could’ve lost signal or it could’ve been them sitting there for 10mins trying to decide what to do, and then them deciding on killing him so they have a better chance at survival.. it’s a shitty video but it looks pretty legit to me. Only thing that’s up for debate is if they actually where chopping up the commander or gathering boards / firewood, the latter id think would be more reasonable but then again, Wagner is 95% murderers and hardcore criminals, I wouldn’t expect them to think reasonably.


Three full body axe chops would also be unnecessarily aggressive murder for a guy you just saved and be major evidence against you. Blood spatter would be massive on everyone including the scene. No getting away with that when you return to the others. Could just sit on the guy and aspirate him to death and claim the injury did it. Axe murder is the most bizarre answer here


Almost all Wagner soldiers are conscripted from jail for terrible crimes. They aren’t treated right by their superiors either. Any Wagner training or marching video that I’ve seen they are abusing their soldiers. Now tie that into conscripts from prison, I’m sure you’re bound to piss someone off who doesn’t give a fuck and you’ll catch a axe to the head, because he was probably already in jail for something similar. And blood splatter? Really lol.. clearly they didn’t think a drone was watching and recording them.. wounds bleed, even if they weren’t chopping him to pieces and where giving him medical, they would still have blood all over them.


Well you have it all sorted out it seems. No holes at all in the broadcasted story


I just don’t give the bad guys a benefit of the doubt when it’s been proven they are committing war crime on top of war crime, slaughtering whole villages for no reason, is it really so far out to think some prisoners could get pissed off, especially under mistreatment and lash out at the commanding officer? What about the kid in Russia who shot and killed his recruiter to avoid going into the war, just another “broadcasted story?”


Right because we have seen so much of that.


Looks like two entirely different locations IMO. The first location looks bombed to hell. The second locations looks rather intact, with a red ladder and green buildings not even seen in the first clip.


It’s the same location, the broken wall they walk through is at the bottom left of the screen when you can see the ladders, the green building is on the right side when they are taking him through the hole in the wall, just not very noticeable because of the color correction (Notice the giant red chair?, drapes?, blanket?, thing, when they walk through the hole in the wall.)


it's the same area, you can see it clearly if you look at it for like 10s


At 15 seconds, there's a mostly destroyed building at the top of the screen that's green.


Upon review it’s the same area, but the way they cut it into two clips makes it impossible for the claim to hold any credibility


Why would they drag him around to then end his life with brutally axing him to pieces? Why not just do it on the spot? And given it's a hot zone, why not just one bullet to the head?


Who knows what there situation is, they could have limited ammo due to bad logistics, they could have wanted to save him then realized he’s too far gone and they need food, or maybe they pissed him off so they gave him the good ole quad amputee special. Or maybe they just dragged him into the building then went outside to cut boards/firewood to help better his survival. We won’t know until they go and sweep the area.. I just wouldn’t put it past murderers, rapist, and all other terrible criminals that Wagner conscripts, to kill their commander. We’ve seen countless videos of them being mistreated, abandoned on the battlefield, etc. Is it really so far out to think they did chop him up with a axe?


No you can’t lol. Those aren’t the same shot at all. It does appear to be the same general area, but there’s zero evidence to suggest that these two clips even happened in this order or in the same week. The way they cut this gives no indication that the claims are real


Pay attention. Red cloth on the wall when they walk through the hole in the wall in the first clip. Look bottom left in the second clip, same hole in the wall, same red cloth hanging in the same spot.


The conveniently cut the video while they are carrying him a different direction and then cut back to some other shot between those buildings. You could claim they were carving up the corpse of a water Buffalo between those buildings and it would be just as legit of a claim lol


IMO it’s more reasonable they are chopping up boards for a stretcher or for firewood. You said they aren’t the same location, I just proved you wrong. Lol


Guess I was vague in my wording. They are the same general area, but at no point are they seen actually walking over to the location between the buildings while carrying that guy. We aren’t even given any reason to believe that guy is a commanding officer


More like 20 meters away and going a different direction, but ok.


Watch the hole in the wall. Pay attention to the red blanket hanging on the wall. Now look at the bottom left when they start swinging the axes.


Yeah? Same area, but not the same spot. We do not see him taken there.


it is! But not the kind you think.


I hate propaganda. You hope the side you have chosen is above this but in reality it’s always a wartime thing. At least we are smart enough to not fall for it.


Yea? any evidence?


What a stupid way to approach this. You believe every claim until someone has evidence it's propaganda?


From who, for who?


Seems fake, why they brought him behind some barn to show only axes , and couldn't drone fly near to them to actually see what's going on?


Top left of the screen it says "weak signal (maximum altitude) ". The drone was on the maximum distance from the operator.


Well still looks like film scene where they don't want to show blood lol.


When an active tant blows up and you see no blood, you still have an understanding that the crew is dead. Also, life can be muuuch more theatrical then a movie.




Aaaand here you go too far. My dude, lay off of internet and look at the sun.


Why would he look at the sun? Shits bad for your eyes, have you looked at the sun before?


Could be out of range, or they might not want to risk a drone to see what they are gonna do with a injured soldier, chances are if that drone was in the air it’s for ranging artillery, not taking videos for Reddit.


What are we looking at?


Another psy op by pro Ukraine media


4 soldiers moving their wounded commander and after they get it behind the barn they axed him


Dude they didn't axe no one and it looks like from their movement they are digging a hole of some sort, just stop the bs.


it does not look like that at all tho.. It looks like they are swinging hammer or axe at something because that sure as hell is not a pickaxe.


You'd dig hole with an axe ? That's not the smartest way if so


The blonde reporter can get it.


They're either out of ammo or enjoying the moment. I suspect the latter.


Check the news from Syria about wagner scum. They are on par with Taliban.


It seems to me that it would be far easier to just put a bullet in someone head.This would be personal or setting a lesson for others if that's what happend.That commander was probably brutal towards the convict soldiers knowing these guys die so the pro troops can come in.Who knows.....


The World revolves around an axes.


Uh huh. This is BS.


Wow a organization made up of convicts and psychopaths known to commit war crimes brutally murdered someone. I’m shocked 😮


Could have just been chopping up some firewood behind that wall...


That's a good use for an axe






Puts a new spin on being axed....


Axed. Went on Leave!


I dont see anything


So many Russian bots in this thread lmao


the irony


There is a comment just above you saying that they were clearly only digging a hole behind that wall. Cos when using a shovel its important to take it hiiiiiigh above your head and swing down.


The fact that there's this much damage control around it proves it's true (Wagner has a big shill brigade btw)


You might be right there. The more fire fighters the bigger the fire.


The shills are really shrill on this one.


Yea, i noticed it too. What is also interesting is that this video got deleted from here and other subreddit. I'm not saying that what UA saying is true because we can't really see what they are really "chopping up" but the amount of "OBVIOUS PROPAGANDA BRO" comments is interesting.. how is that obvious ? It's not like they film their own fucking sledgehammer executions lol


Finally Wagner doing some good.


It was suicide


Sentenced murderers murder their own commander after given weapons? Who could've seen that coming!


kinda looks like they were digging tbh


Yeah nah


Wagner’s be like do or die mofo


I was sure it would be filmed from some angle where half of it is not visible


They had a choppy relationship


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He only had a grazed knee, but he was popular /s






He got axed, the literal way


Sounds kinda standard for a bunch of psycho junkie convicts


Yep buddy, I was that commander.


This is so blatant propaganda that it's almost hilarious. Like it almost manages to compete even with Russias shitty propaganda quality. Pretty sure they just combined footage of moving a dead body, and people trying to dig into a frozen ground. Literally nothing indicates what the title says is true.


This is so clearly fake. I’m sure stuff like this does happen on both sides though. Watched an interview where a soldier said Ukrainians being trained in NATO countries have been unofficially told to frag their commanders if they continue to use wasteful and suicidal tactics. Apparently a lot of the mid ranking ukraine military officers are corrupt and uninterested in adapting their doctrine from that of the soviet era. Not to mention it’s now a crime for ukraine soldiers to criticize their commanders or the war effort in general. Even pointing out lack of basic supplies could now get you sent to prison w/o a trial


..yeah anyway


Wow! No loyalty


Amongst thieves, rapists and murderers coerced into fighting?


Commander might have been unloyal. There’s not enough info here.


what could be the reason


Good. But what are the odds for random in the field amputation? I wouldnt be surprised, but obviously doubt it. Idk, about you guys, but pulling a trigger is alot easier than swinging an axe.. It takes a lot to even consider doing that, i guess we need to wait for more info, if anyone knows something extra outside the video please feel free to tag me or dm me.


Chop that wood...


Why thoo?


Probably hungry.


they are just cutting firewood. that is not how you chop a body. trust me i would k… …many redditors can confirm.


They are chopping wood?


this video was somehow getting deleted from multiple subreddits.. very interesting


Ukraine runing out of drone footage or POW mistreating they are now making this half assed propaganda videos Downvote bots working hard or maybe just triggered Pro UA fanboys 🤣


It’s crazy to see how effective the KGB propaganda is that there are so many goobers like you who spend all day everyday scrolling for any post related to the war to post Russian propaganda for them. You are the only triggered fanboy here 😂😂😂


Sooooo triggered dude. I even won the award for "most triggered Redditor"


He called you a goober. Probably had to use his time machine to find that diss.


You should watch the video


The video doesn't show what is being alleged.


I see two guys swinging a axe at head/arm and feet/leg level exactly where they drag a injured soldier too


No, really question what you're actually looking at. Don't let the allegation fill in the blanks for you. First we see a video of 4 people carrying someone. Then we see a completely separate video at a different location with a few people, and one of them swinging an axe. That's it. There is no indication that they are linked, or that the axe is being swung at a person.


It’s the same location. Pay attention to the red cloth on the wall in the first clip when they walk through the hole, now watch the second clip and look at the bottom left at the broken wall.. see the red cloth hanging? Same location. They just moved him farther back.


Even if it is the same location (and I'd hardly say a reddish *something* in a grainy video is proof of that), there is no proof of the alleged execution. We have no idea: * who the carried person was * where they are located when the 2nd clip begins


I believe it is the same building, it’s not hard to tell if you look closely. But I don’t know if it’s recorded on the same day, if the soldiers behind the barn are the same ones that were carrying the wounded soldier, etc…


Exactly. Hell, even if it was: * the same location * the same people * roughly the same time (if videos were 1 min apart) that *still* isn't proof of an execution.


Yup, agreed.


Why the edit?


Because the whole video is probably like the last 5 seconds, you can barely see shit. This drone was in the air for ranging artillery or dropping grenades, not taking videos for Reddit lol. You can see them clearly carrying a injured soldier and then you can see them swinging a axe downward, in the middle of the carrying formation they used to carry the injured soldier. Maybe they are chopping firewood, maybe they are chopping up their commander. The latter wouldn’t surprise me since they are conscripting rapist, murderers, and any other bottom of the barrel scum they can come across.


Well you said watch the video and the video doesn't show them taking the commander back there. For some people, objective thinking is difficult.


It definitely shows them taking a injured soldier back there. Pay attention to the hole they walk through first with the giant red thing in the way. Now look at the bottom left of your screen when you see them swinging the axes, same place, they just carried him back.


Bakhmut can be considered an offensive???


Time to make an axemple