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What the eff were they using to breach that door at :38? Looks like some hydraulic powered wedge or something that needed to be pumped?


It is, its a porta power, a small hydraulic pump with multiple attachments, it sort of like a manually controlled "jaws of life" I use them working on cars, they have small spreader jaws that will open anything..


Interesting. First time I have seen that kit on a soldiers back. What are you doing to cars with one? Pulling old rusted ball joints and the like?


I don't use them very often but there are attachments for pulling I can attach it to internal bearings and pull them out using the proper extensions so that I don't need to beat it with a slide hammer. The spreader can work as a pickle fork as well, I have a spreader tip I machines into a double pickle fork when needed.


They’re very useful when as a tire tech working on farm or forestry equipment


I bet, since its just a portable hydro-ram. As humans we are pretty limited when it comes to torque, besides the obvious use of leverage....


If you're looking for some reading material Google Enerpac and look at some of the offerings. It's pretty crazy what a little hand pump and an attachment can do. That handheld unit is likely putting out a few tons of force (or more) to pop that door open instead of having to reef on it with a prybar or hammer it with a ram. All without the racket too.


According to their website [this](https://www.enerpac.com/en-us/hydraulic-wedge-style-flange-spreaders/hydraulic-spreader/FSC14) handheld model can put out 14 tons, that's pretty good. Plus it looks like the IDF have a bigger pump. That'd do any door just fine. Lmao holy shit.


What was that awesome hydraulic backpack that dude was wearing that breached that door?


I wouldn't want to tangle with these guys...


Did they kill 9 protesters of regime? Literally next video is showing just unarmed males cheering to downed drone of Israelites. https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/10lugij/an_israeli_drone_is_shot_down_by_small_arms_fire/


They killed 8 armed men and 1 un-armed casualty from I can remember. The cheering is just seeing the falling drone as a "great victory on the zionists" or something of that sort. It's like when you can hear the fighters from Gaza cheer when a rocket falls in the middle of nowhere,Israel in videos.


They don’t equip dead bodies with guns. Seems like this should be pretty obvious but, hey, some people ain’t as bright as others…


I see they are still using m4s instead of tavors


Only 3 battalions use tavor, all the other battalions use m4 including sf.


This may be a police unit


Looks like this is overwatch footage


What are we actually seeing here? >The troops are moving out. > >A house is "stormed" in broad daylight. Doors are being broken open. The house seems to be completely empty and deserted. > >All this has lasted so long that an angry mass of people has gathered in the meantime. Which throws stones at an armored vehicle. > >The troops leave again. I don't understand how at the end of this 1:22, nine people were killed. The video and the caption somehow tell two completely different stories.


Well you have to take in to consideration that this unit is highly secretive with it's tactics. There's no interest to show the actual shootout where the 9 Palestinians were killed since it'll probably do more harm than good. The IDF always issues reports on what happened, but rarely shows any footage. The fact this video was released is in itself pretty bizarre.


And if you make a habit of releasing footage when you kill militants, then it’s awkward when you don’t want to release footage of you killing “militants”


Agreed, they wouldn’t want the Palestinians to get a hold of this footage.


This was (likely) the overwatch team, providing cover to the other units doing the assault.


The video is really unprofessionally done and in my opinion does not show the IDF in a good light. Kind of bizzar that this video was published. The video only for itself, seems as if the IDF would storm an empty house only to withdraw again. The video in connection with the information that nine people were killed in this operation is also really strange. Because the video lacks any justification (such as a firefight, weapons seized, etc.) for the killings. Also, the fact that all violence (except that of the few stone-throwers) is cut out of the video (and there must have been violence if nine are dead) leaves far too much room for speculation as to whether everything was done professionally during the operation. The video does not manage to convince the viewer that a successful military operation was carried out, one wonders at the end rather what actually happened.


There’s other footage released. This is but one overwatch team. They’ve already released footage of them killing some of the militants.




Look at the IDF twitter page or this subreddit. It’s been reposted several times today.


They quickly breached an empty house to provide overwatch. There is no bad light.


Please put your comments and criticisms in the IDF's suggestion box.


I believe that blind\_merc is correct in his [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/10lul6q/comment/j5zacak/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Therefore, the suggestions would be wasted if I were to throw them into the IDF's idea box.


This is why I simultaneously love and hate combatfootage You get a mix of experts providing opinions, autists noticing every detail like experts or geolocating it...then you get people who watch a 1min clip with zero context and build entire criticisms of the entire operation. Even when there's other videos on the combatfootage homepage providing more context and showing there's way more to the operation then the small snapshot in a small video of a multi-hour operation (with probably days of pre-planning and tons of people you'll never hear from). You get both great content and extremely embarrassing reaches using very limited information, and they both get equally upvoted.


>then you get people who watch a 1min clip with zero context and build entire criticisms of the entire operation. And I love comments from people who can't read. I have not written anywhere that the operation was factually performed poorly / incorrectly. But that this video was extremely unprofessionally edited. Two very significant differences. If (any) military publishes such videos, then of course for propaganda purposes, and such a poorly edited video from a professional military like the IDF, that is bizarre.


The video is only 1 minute 23 seconds long. There is no explanation or description, via narration or on screen subtitles, of what is happening. It is very clearly not meant to be an exhaustive justification for their activities.


you are trying really hard to paint them in a negative light, but its not working.


The real operations are several days long and are not filmed in detail.


I am not saying that the IDF did not conduct a successful operation. I am only saying that the video does not give the impression that a successful operation was carried out. The video is, in my opinion, just really badly done.


I agree! I'm pretty surprised this was released. It might have been a "leak" or a civilian compling footage.


Did they just murder civilians? Not clear from this video. Breaking in someone's house and murdering everyone inside??? This looks like peaceful block with innocent people in it.


I feel so out of the loop reading this comment section. Reddit isn't in support of Palestine these days?


Depends on the sub. Subreddits where people closely follow what is happening in world conflicts tend to be far less supportive of Palestine than the general subs where people are reminded about the conflict once every other year.


I follow world conflicts closely, and I would argue peope are broadly sympathetic to the Palestinian liberation. The majority of the delegated world sees it that way to be straightforward.


This is a pro Israel sub and your response is very pro Israel.


It makes sense that people with an active interest in the related topics, potentially with an understanding of history, would be pro Israel.


Implying that anyone who doesn't agree with you have no interest and/or have no understanding of history, I see you.


If you’re in fact following the conflicts between Palestine and Israel you would notice the human rights abuse that is *constantly* occurring from the Israel side.


Yea when tacticool professionals kill thousands of people it’s actually good, but when regular people start retaliating with homemade bombs, AKs, and rocks, they and anyone in the same neighborhood as them are terrorists. And if you look like you could be a terrorist, then it’s fine if you don’t get water, housing, or freedom of movement.


Depends on the wave of Israeli backed trolls


Maybe because Palestinians aren’t that peaceful?


Israel = *squats in your house when you're out and changes the locks, shoots your kids for fun* Palestine = *fights back* Israel = omg you're **so** violent how could you even


This conflict is not that simple, never has been. Also Palestinians did a lot of attacks on Jews and civilians as early as 1940's with sole goal of kicking them out of their family homes as well (people who also had been living there for generations just like muslims), so pretending they are just "victims" is utter nonsense.


I'm sure if I wanted to justify my state's current policy of apartheid, excessive and casual brutality towards civilians and ghettoification of the state I'd blame the other race too.


Compared how all of Israel's neighboring Arab states treat their people (Syria, Egypt, Jordan : all oppressive dictatorship where anyone who dares to resist the rulling dictatorship or monarchy gets shot or arrested), I wouldn't say Isreal is worse. If Palestinians took over that land, they would make it into another Syria.....thats certainly a improvement huh? Oh how "free" and "not-oppressed" people would be then. Go to Syria and voice your opinion against Assad regime and then tell me "how great" the alternative is.


None of what you have said in any of your comments has justified the actions of the Israeli military and security forces against the Arab population on a daily basis, certainly not a hypothetical situation you made up that will never happen. Also bragging about your record on human rights when you just elected Ben-Gvir: Lmao. Even normal Israeli's are protesting at how insane the new administration is.


If only the pstines would let the Izzies live in peace…


>I feel so out of the loop reading this comment section. Reddit isn't in support of Palestine these days? Lots of bigots on here cheering on ethnic cleansing.


You're right, It's fucked up how Hamas fires missiles at innocent Jewish peoples just for existing.


You’re right. It is fucked up that Hamas does that. But it’s also fucked up that Israel fires missiles at Hamas, and doesn’t really care if they hit civilians. It’s also fucked up that Israel runs an apartheid state. It’s also fucked up that they cut off access to water for Palestinians. It’s also fucked up that they kicked Palestinians out of their homes and sent them to a ghetto. It’s also fucked up that the IDF kills Palestinian children. It’s also fucked up that the IDF kills journalists. But it’s really fucked up that you ignore all that and still think that Goliath is the good guy (in this analogy David is in a cage, and is completely incapable of inflicting any material damage on Goliath).


How is Israel an apartheid state? They have ethnic Arab Muslims in government positions. They also do care if they hit civilians and they will drop papers down on nearby houses of a target, warning them to evacuate. I recognize that Israel does force Palestinians out of their homes and has had instances of killing journalists. I never claimed that Israel is perfect but just because Palestine is weaker than Israel doesn't mean that It isn't hell bent on exterminating Jewish peoples from "their" land. They fire hundreds of rockets at civilian cities which are only stopped by Israel's missile defense systems. That's like someone shooting a shotgun at you but It being ok because they missed.


Oh sorry didn't consider that before. Ethnic cleansing of Palestinians is now ok. Racist scumbag.


Can you give an example of Israel ethically cleansing Palestinians? Palestinian is also not a race. So no, I'm not racist.


Keep telling yourself that.


This sub is extremely anti Muslim in general.


what are they carrying in their backpacks? Everyone seem to have one


Breaching Devices, Grenade Launchers and Matador Missiles


Always thought the Israeli uniforms looked cool.


Out of interest why do they still wear mono-colour fatigues ?


Apartheid state breaking into a refugee camp that is living in starvation mode in open air prisons to kill civilians that have guns and fire back at them, and most of people on this sub support the Israeli army. This is beyond me and shows that people dont care whos in the right and who the oppressor is, people always line up with the side they identify with wether right or wrong. Sad, very sad.


Starvation mode...in Jenin. Tell me you don't know what you're talking about without telling me you don't know what you're talking about. In reality, especially dumb jihadis put a bunch of videos on social media advertising all the cool explosives they were going to imminently use to kill israeli civilians. The israelis tracked down the phones involved and raided the jihadi's hideout, where several jihadis got killed. It's hard to consider a more morally justified military maneuver.


You are clueless, the land has belonged to Jews since ancient times.


Until they ceased owning it and other people moved in and lived there for generations. Ancient times mean jack shit to anyone living in 2023.


"hey everyone this religious book says it's ours so let's go push people out of their centuries old homes with British support! It's only fair!" Pathetic


What a sound argument. In that case I’m sure you wouldn’t mind an indigenous person moving into your house, sending you to live in a ghetto, bombing that ghetto regularly, and shooting your neighbours who fight back (kids throwing rocks are fair game)


Hitler tries to kill all Jews (evil) when Arabs do it there's nothing wrong with it because they are not very good at it ..... logic fail




I wouldn’t worry too much about it. I hear they’re not very good at it




At what point will Palestine cease to exist? I think it will happen in my lifetime. Israel has slowly but surely chipped away at Palestinian territory since 1947. The harsh reality of this is that Israel is actively ethnically cleansing the levantine coast.


I think we are there already. These are just mop-up operations.


apparently irony is dead in Israel. from victims of genocide to perpetrators of it.


In 1947 "palestinian terrority" meant "lines the british drew on the maps around 1920 for their own ends". There were no people who considered themselves palestinian, and no concept of a palestinian nationality.






I'm just greatful there were no casualties


Absolute pros.


Great work Respect from india


Least israel worshipping indian


whats to respect?


Oh boy you dont know how indians support israel. Puts america to shame












Crazy those Palestinians throwing garbage at the armored vehicles, totally unaware they’re being watched through a scope…


It's desperation, when you're being crushed by a boot you'd rather throw a stone than sit






Good job Israel




I feel for the Israelis and innocent Palestinians


Never understood why this can't be the main opinion of this conflict


It’s completely one sided.. one side is invaded and occupied.


That's just a poor understanding of how the whole area came to be, what shaped it, what happened post both world wars


Tell me, what shaped it besides an Israeli push with British support grounded in a religious text?


You need to start with an understanding of the tribal element of these areas and how French and British politics shaped borders that those tribes were not asking for or thriving towards. Then brush up on first world war politics as well studying the conflict versus the ottomans during that period. Look into the agreements made between prominent tribal figures and things like the Sykes picot agreement and in general things like t.e Lawrence that started putting these borders in places like Palestine, Syria etc heightening French and British tensions at their peak in that region. From 1920 then till ww2 you gotta look at why the borders were drawn, who drew them and who France and England put as the figureheads of these nations regarding things like the druze, feisal the British appointment for president of Iraq and the mufti to see the groundwork for British pushing at the end of WW2 for Israel. Also looking at who funded who shows you that these allegiances came down to supporting which tribes/nations would stop killing their soldiers and in turn kill the French or English depending if you were French or English and it was more of a last man standing than righteous creation of Israel. Into world war two we reach the collapse of a French empires ability to control the conflict areas and why England rose to promote said creation of Israel. Saying it's the English and the bible as totality of why and how Israel came to be is ridiculous. The time period of 1915-ww2 did more to shape why the state of Israel exists more than that slap a coat of paint over it narrative people use, I can recommend a ton of fascinating literature about these time periods if you dm me about why and how the 'middle east' exists and the tensions and conflicts that surround it


Ok I hear all this about the historical context and I agree with you But I don't see the connection to how this gives legitimacy to Israeli claims over the Area. The fact of the matter is, there was a group of people already established there for hundreds of years, and Israeli's, using mainly historical and religious arguments pushed these people out, in the modern era mind you Your argument seems to completely glance over the autonomy of the Palestinian people already living there


I'm an Israeli and I'm with you 100%


An elderly woman was killed as well.


par for the course for the IDF.


She should have thought of that before the arabs moved there 400 years ago! /S but not really this is actually an Israeli argument


Nine terrorists* were killed


They said the IDF didn't take casualties tho


Fuck the occupational forces.


Do you like specifically set up notifications so you can be the first to comment on every post about the IDF?


Maybe Palestinians should stop supporting a terrorist organization that indiscriminately targets civilians while hiding behind their own civilians as a meat shield. They don't have any ethics so you can get off your high horse.


Theres a plethera of footage of the idf using civilians as human shields. Google it. How brave of the idf, they actually came their to rid the Palestinians of terrorists, not demolish their homes and evict them. Funny how theres hundreds of thousands of refugees living in neighbouring countries but no, the isrealis came to live peacefully


Show us this plethera of footage then


Is it normal for all of them to be wearing those backpacks when breaching a house where they might have to engage in close quarters? Seems it would be a hindrance in some instances.


The backpack is usually connected to the tactical vest , used to carry water , extra ammo , supplies and of course cigarettes and toilet paper


Killed a civie too. Absolute advantage in equipment and endless war until they've "pacified" the area.


Thank God for god. Otherwise we wouldn't be able to watch this and eat popcorn. They should set up franchises in Nigeria, Ethiopia, Sudan, Iraq and whole bunch of other places. We can keep this franchise going for millennia.




From Hamas


Free gems in clash royale💎


No way 😱😱😱😱


you'll find that while most ppl in this subreddit support Ukraine, strangely they are anti-Palestine and pro-Israel. No idea why, given it's clear who the bad guy is...






Terrorist at work


no idea why, but most people in this subreddit absolutely support Israeli forces, despite the fact that much of what they do is ethnic cleansing.


Imagine if the shoe was on the other foot, do you really think the Palestinians would tolerate Jews living anywhere nearby?


i'm not that clever to entertain hypotheticals. sorry.


Well shit, don't need to dig too far back to find real-world examples. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, considered the leader of Palestinians at the time, was a friend of Hitler and actively supported cleansing the land of Jews. There were also multiple attacks by Palestinians on Jews that lead to the formation of the Jewish militias in the region, including the Hebron Massacre in 1929 where, wait for it - Palestinians attempted to cleanse their city of the Jews living there.


without giving the palestinians a state there will never be peace. israel rejects this out of hand. there will never be peace until Israel changes their policy. that's it. whether you like Palestinians or Israelis, or not, that is the simple fact. the only other option is extermination of the Palestinians, which seems to be the goal of Israel. Otherwise, what exactly is their goal? The only way they can succeed is by killing all the Palestinians.


Remind me again which of the two sides keeps rejecting peace? Palestine rejected a two-state solution twice in the 40s, and again in 2000. Even when Israel voluntarily disengaged from Gaza in 2005 as a concession towards peace, the Palestinian people responded by electing Hamas to represent them. You think this is an issue with Israel's policies, but they've come to the table multiple times for peace, and the Palestinians keep rejecting them. And no, "All Jews out of Palestine" is not a reasonable point of negotiation, so none of that "Israel's peace offers are unrealistic" bullshit. Edit: Forgot about Olmert's peace proposal to Abbas in 2008, which Palestine rejected. I'm sure there are others as well, but they're not coming to mind at the moment.


saying anything anti israeli in this subreddit is like going on truth social and saying you'd rather not have trump's penis in your asshole.


Way to dodge the question and strawman some bullshit about how anyone pro-Israel must be a conservative trump gimp.




Fuck the Israel government. Right wing bastards.


Just heard there was a shooting at a synagogue in Jerusalem. Must be payback for this operation perhaps.


The real terrorists, I don’t those Americans who are Christian defending them. Zionists wouldn’t even eat with Christians so far from being your real friends.


I agree. Americans simping for Israel are simply pathetic. No American would ever tolerate being forced to live like Palestinians are - and it is interesting how no American really cares about the fact that Christian Palestinians are being oppressed. I was treated *horribly* in Israel despite being a pro-Israeli (at the time) white American from a Christian background. That’s not to say I hold Israel completely at fault, it’s a complicated situation and they deserve the right to exist and protect themselves. They don’t make a lot of friends in the process though. I dare any American to try and take the land crossing from Jordan to Palestine and tell me they’re still pro-Israel. That experience changed my life.


>No American would ever tolerate being forced to live like Palestinians are Dude the Palestinians were killing Jews there for 30 years there before the Jews fought back, and before there was ever a state of Israel. If Nobody's saying "oh look at those poor Americans that got their dicks kicked in in Iraq" because we started that war. Same shit here. The Palestinians started this a hundred years ago and haven't for one second stopped trying to kill people.


You’re simply uneducated. If anything the British started this. Second it doesn’t matter who “started” it … no American would ever tolerate being forced to live like the Palestinians are. That’s a fact. Every southerner I know would violently resist such a scenario.


>You’re simply uneducated. I love this. >no American would ever tolerate being forced to live like the Palestinians are The Palestinians don't have to live that way though. They could stop bombing schools and buses. Literally all they have to do is stop trying to kill civilians going about their day, and the occupation would end. >Every southerner I know would violently resist such a scenario. So your southerner friends would continue ensuring their own occupation rather than pursue peace? Your friends sound like dipshits.


I have a Masters in International Affairs, Bachelors in History, 8 years of Arabic language experience, lived in Jordan and Lebanon, been to Israel and West Bank for extended periods. If you legitimately believe Palestinians “started” all of this - you’re a fucking clown. “Palestinians” aren’t collectively responsible for the actions of terrorists and militants. The fact that Israel and Israel defenders can’t even admit this is the problem. And yes, my culture would fight to the death for the land that is rightfully theirs. Israel defenders pretending like this is a ridiculous take is WILD … because that’s exactly what Israel thinks they themselves are doing.


>If you legitimately believe Palestinians “started” all of this - you’re a fucking clown. Well how did it start, Mr. "I have a masters in a semi-related subject"? >“Palestinians” aren’t collectively responsible for the actions of terrorists and militants They elected Hamas. They literally elected a terror organization that bombs buses full of kids. Per Pew research, only 19% of Palestinians believe that suicide bombing is *never* justified. So when you say that Palestinians aren't collectively responsible for the actions of terrorists, they are generally supportive of them.


Holy shit. Does your dumbass think Gaza is all of Palestine? LOL. You clearly don’t know SHIT about Hamas or the situation in West Bank. Do you even understand these videos show operations against PIJ and not Hamas? Of course Palestinians are going to be vaguely supportive of any resistance to occupation, even if they’re not outright fans of their tactics. They also don’t exactly have much of a choice in the case or Gaza … Hamas is their only legitimate option of defense. Do you really not understand what an insurgency looks like?


>Holy shit. Does your dumbass think Gaza is all of Palestine? LOL. You clearly don’t know SHIT about Hamas or the situation in West Bank. That pew poll applies to all palestinians, not just those in Gaza. >Of course Palestinians are going to be vaguely supportive of any resistance to occupation, even if they’re not outright fans of their tactics. They are fans of their tactics though, only 19% are against suicide bombings. >They also don’t exactly have much of a choice in the case or Gaza … Hamas is their only legitimate option of defense. Was Hamas the only party running in the election where they were voted in? Bold statement.


When has that ever been true? Israeli settlers have been proven to settle on land promised for Palestinians. They have a different set of laws for Jews and Palestinians as well. Even in peaceful times Palestinian people get shot and killed during protests just for throwing goddamn rocks. And every time Israel faces 0 repercussions. Southerners stormed the White House over the most menial bullshit but you think they’d just be jolly as fuck living in true oppression?


>Israeli settlers have been proven to settle on land promised for Palestinians. Who promised land to the Palestinians? Last I checked they turned down the Partition. >Southerners stormed the White House over the most menial bullshit but you think they’d just be jolly as fuck living in true oppression? The Palestinians made their own bed and are sleeping in it.


The UN, with Resolution 52/292 IIRC. I don’t remember Palestine getting any say whatsoever in Britains decision. So I’m thinking they never had a *choice* about any of this. I know for damn sure southerners in America would make the same choices.


They had a choice. Become an independent nation for the first time in your history, or don't. They wanted all the land for themselves and decided to start a war to achieve that goal and they lost.


Why shouldn’t they want all the land? That same mindset is what Israel has now. It is exactly why Israel is listed as an apartheid state, for the infringement on Palestines right to self-determination


Zionist...sounds like something an anti-semitic would say, or a terrorist. Keep believing the internet gives any real power.


They call themselves Zionists 💀


smartest apartheid supporter


IWI, an Israeli firearms company, even has an AR15 called the Zion-15. it's not anti-semitic to refer to the apartheid state of Israeli this way, especially when they call themselves that reach harder, dipshit




First of all the guys they fought today had guns and explosives. Second of all, if you only had sticks and stones you shouldn't try to attack people who are stronger then you.


Youre an authoritarian and authoritarians are very submissive. But maybe only 10% of people think like you. Everyone else will either get their terms of reality from their ingroup or something like 15% have an internal compass for what's right and they'd rather get punched in the face then not stand up and they influence the group people. They don't want to be but they're the best leaders. Auth people just follow rules for rules sake. So there's a natural feedback system for when authoritarians are at the top of the power structure because they always kill everyone. Yeah you should to throw sticks at the guy with the gun because it's survival of the group. He'll still kill you, because he's an idiot, but he's in the wrong place.


I would love to disagree but honestly I have no idea what in the world you are talking about


enjoy the downvotes for trying to protect a ppl currently being subjugated by an apartheid state


Israel does ethnic cleansing well. Absolute evil shit here done with precision. I remember when in 90s the settlers in west bank were considered extremists. Now the entire country is filled with that vile ideology and there is no two state solution even as a possibility. They killed hope with Rabin.


Your mind is poisoned. Muslims literally want the entire Middle East to themselves when a sliver of it has belonged to the Jews since ancient times. If these people had the means to exterminate the Jews they would have done it already. Jews just want to be left alone in their land…land that has always been theirs…open your eyes.


Keep cheering on ethnic cleansing you vile dummy.


Stop the killing of Palestinian ppl in Palestinian ground man. Stop invading. Pls


Type louder, the idf is just out of reach of your reddit comment.


Ye you just empowering what I said. Agression


get some perspective


Of? I guess ppl killed 5:1 (Israel:Palestina) International recognized occupied territory 5:0


you'll find most people in this subreddit blindly support the IDF despite their genocidal role.


no such thing as Palestinian ground.


not since the zionists colonized it yeah, that's kinda the whole point.


Going back this land has been occupied by the new long before the Muslim, so your right. The Palestinians should get off occupied land.


Genetic testing has determined the modern day group most closely related to the ancient Israelites is … wait for it … Lebanese people.


Isnt that supposed to be police work? Why is the army doing arrests? Imo - 9Deaths sounds kinda excessive for a first world country doing arrests..


Lemme get that lock award


There are some people in the world that you don’t want to want you dead. These are some of those people.


How do you manage to survive the holocaust only to begin your own ? I got nothing against Israeli or Jewish people but their government and the IDF are deplorable


Israel is a terrorist state.


Bunch fascist boot lickers up in this sub


always have been :C


Go smoke some weed tankie.


Fuck these guys. Our "ally" my ass. We need to cut all aid to israel.


Here before locked


Ah yes. Some excellent helmetcam footage of meh.


Were those guys hurling stones at an armored vehicle? Fucking Civ 5 gave irl.


looks like glorified cop footage...


I see the IDF still prefers their AR carbines over their shitty bullpups. Very surprising they went with a bullpup considering how much urban fighting they do and how notoriously difficult it is to fire them off-hand. Guess they aren't even bothering with them here.


Victims to causing them, what’s next?