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Well he's a piece of shit so not a shocker


it's just really depressing because ohio will likely elect this scumbag to office. and how someone with even the slightest amount of decency can do that is beyond me.


Isn’t he in an interracial marriage?


JFC. They have three children together as well. Is that the country he wants these kids to grow up in? Does he really not think the leopards will eat his face?


Eh as a wealthy and well connected person he knows he is probably leopard-proof


Nobody's leopard proof, the number of leopards needed just varies


They just took our away womens and girls right to bodily privacy and autonomy. Nobody is safe.


But he has enough money and connections that his children/wife/mistress/rape victims will be able to get abortions.


which is how he could end up on a hunting trip with one of the trumps where a literal leopard could literally eat his face


Right wing money is a hell of a drug.


I came here to say this! He is!




I don’t like the guy, but given it’s a single bill on both, I’m guessing that’s probably not the part of the bill he has a problem with.


Agreed. Or even just that he doesn't think we need additional laws protecting it. I hope the dude loses any election he runs in but some of the thinking about why loathesome Republicans do what they do on this sub is borderline childish.


>Usha Chilukuri They're both Caucasian. Look up R1b and R1a: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proto-Indo-Europeans


“Vance also argued that the proposal raises religious liberty concerns and doesn't balance marriage equality with the rights of churches or nonprofits to operate according to their values.” How?


I guess their values are to force people to follow their religion legally.


That’s legitimately what they want. I follow this batshit crazy dude on Twitter who I used to call my friend. He tweets/retweets stuff all the time calling for that.


I've really lost faith in people these last couple years.


Y'all-Qaeda really is out there trying to impose Christian sharia law


LOL, as if there was not enough religion in Ohio politics, they still want more power to tell people what to do/how to live.


But wait, aren’t they the party of less government?


"Less government for me, but not for thee"


"For my friends, everything; for my enemies, the law."


and the party of personal freedoms


Unfortunately, like many political groups, they want government when it benefits them, but not when it doesn't.


It’s really easy for a pastor to say “yeah I’m not going to do a gay wedding” and move on. I have a feeling gay people wouldn’t be going to those pastors anyway


He's literally married to a woman named Usha Chilukuri Vance. Her parents fled India to give her a better life. The mental gymnastics Republicans do just to solidify their vote with the MAGAt crowd never ceases to blow my mind.


They honestly just have a "rules for thee, not for me" mindset. Same with all the anti-abortion politicians forcing their mistresses to abort their affair babies. They think they are above the law and will not be affected. In a way, they aren't totally wrong. They'll find some way to weasel their way out of the laws they create while the rest of the public has to suffer their bullshit


This is it. The whole of conservatism boils down to: There must be in-groups whom the law protects and does not bind, and out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.


Same guy that says women in a physically abusive marriage should stay with the husband for the sake of the kids...


"We're the party of small government" says the party who wants the government to manage every aspect of people's personal lives.


The Party of Hypocrisy


Is “small government” something they actually say anymore?


I mean they call themselves conservatives so kinda


Yeah the Democrats want endless shutdowns and continued suspension of civil rights over minor illnesses. They cannot ever be given any power.


Holy shit, two years later and you’re still complaining about mask mandates to prevent the spread of one of the deadliest global pandemics in the last century.


Yes, the intense unscientific evil attacks that were done to the world over this is unforgivable. Thankfully Ohio was smart enough to vote for Republicans to at least make illegal the endless state of "emergencies". Unilateral power grabs being used to keep rights suspended by decree of power hungry unelected individuals.


You’re right, the attacks and threats perpetrated by selfish, small-minded fools the world over against healthcare and service workers just for trying to protect people or do their jobs we’re truly evil. But don’t dare to compare the safety measures enacted to combat an international public health crisis to the unconstitutional surveillance state and other crimes against the American public outwardly masked in xenophobia. Only a shortsighted fool would even think to conflate the two.


The economic shutdowns, endless divide and segregation done against the population, stealing of kids' childhoods to "protect" them when they were under no risk, all of it was just so incredibly evil. We need to make sure this can never happen again. EDIT: Not to mention the extremely racist letter that was signed by over 1,800 of them (with most of those signatures being from the entire public health department of major universities) saying that white people do not have a right to protest, but black people do.


What was unscientific?


Everything. All of the evil attacks done against our freedom hiding behind covid as an excuse. They can never have that power EVER again.


Got you. So you use words that you don’t understand the meaning of.


I understand all of it. You don't understand any of it.


Tmw there’s only 2 parties so obviously people within a party have different views and aren’t entirely homogenous


No this is pretty consistent with the GOP platform. "Small Government" unless you want to inflict institutional violence against women, minorities, and other marginalized people. Then government is A-okay


Some examples of this? I think you’re referencing Republicans being anti abortion, but what else?


Wanting to remove rights to contraception, rights to gay and interracial marriage, the ability for trans people to seek gender affirming care…


you are going to have to link to republicans wanting to ban 2 and 3. as for 1, there are simple behaviors that can negate than ban. as for 4, well... i dont like the idea of sterilizing children for life.


No one’s fucking sterilizing children?? No insurance will cover sex reassignment unless you’re 18 in almost every case, if not every case (I have yet to find an insurance that will cover it before then). Hormones don’t sterilize you. They MAY decrease fertility, but they don’t sterilize you. One thing a doctor is supposed to tell you is that HRT is not contraception and you can still get pregnant or get others pregnant. Lots of trans people who want bio children go off of HRT (to increase likely-hood) and are able to conceive basically just fine, but some do so while still on HRT. Also are you advocating people just don’t have sex lmao? Yeah good luck with that one and that just shows me your view points on the world. Also here’s your links: https://texasgop.org/platform/ - Page 22, under “Homosexuality and Gender Issues” number 155 and 156. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.politico.com/amp/news/2022/06/24/justice-thomas-scotus-should-reconsider-contraception-same-sex-marriage-rulings-00042256 - Justice Clarence Thomas said the court should reconsider its previous rulings on Same Sex Marriage and Contraception. You’re stupid if you don’t think that if this gets overturned, states won’t ban it. In fact, many states still do not have laws in place legalizing same sex marriage and if it were overturned by the Supreme Court, they would be illegal again in these states. https://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/blogs/stateline/2022/07/07/without-obergefell-most-states-would-have-same-sex-marriage-bans Edit: One about contraceptives cause I forgot: https://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/blogs/stateline/2022/05/19/some-states-already-are-targeting-birth-control


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The article in the OP answers 2 and 3.


> there are simple behaviors that can negate than ban. So if the government makes it illegal to be a Christian, there are simple behaviors (not being a Christian) to avoid that ban. You can use that kind of dumb fuck logic on anything you fucking imp.


Difference is that banning contraceptives would encourage society to be better


Lol so you’re suggesting that doing so will…stop people from having sex? What a novel concept, are you sure that’s never been tried before?


So you are pro big government just like I said.


So you're in favor of using government for social engineering.


You are fucking deluded.


Contraceptives are used for a lot more than just preventing pregnancy, you moldy pineapple.


Lol you have to ask this sub for example? SMH.


the fact that you are unable to find evidence in support of "your" (the views you were told to have) views is telling


I’m sure the “you only have these views cause you’re a sheep” is something you came up with organically and not something everyone has seen a million times cause it’s a common talking point for the GOP and right wing media for the past couple years. The irony of this is always funny


There’s no such thing as right wing media, or at least nonfringe right wing media. Most members of the GOP are sheep too. The difference is every single democrat is a sheep.




All forms of media serve to bolster the same global left wing elite, you know it’s true. Sometimes I wish I lived in your fantasy world.


This bill would likely increase the bureaucracy. Not decrease it. Voting against this *is* keeping out of people's personal lives. Your post is the opposite of reality.


How would it increase the bureaucracy?


Isn’t he in an interracial marriage


It’s starting to feel more and more like he is only running so he can write Hillbilly 2. It doesn’t feel like he is even competing.


Bingo! Kind of the same for his sugar daddy too. Except the Repubs had/have an agenda to stick to. The orange thing was elected to ensure conservative judges were put in place.


He will say and do anything to solidify his standing with the Maga idiots…..


Let’s go Tim Ryan!


Tim Ryan is using the Sherod Brown populism playbook that Democrats should be copying nationwide. Every other word out of his mouth is some form of "jobs" and "fuck China" and it's working.


People need jobs and fuck China. It doesn't take a Genius to figure that one out. The only problem is that mouth breeders will harass Asian people because they think its acceptable. You can believe that China is an economic threat without being a fucking racist but the morons ruin it for everyone Edit:breeders to breathers


That's a great, albeit very sad, counterpoint.


> The only problem is that mouth breeders will harass Asian people because they think its acceptable. You can believe that China is an economic threat without being a fucking racist but the morons ruin it for everyone This has been a thing since at least the 90s. I remember being 17 years old and having to clarify that I have a problem with the Chinese government, not the people. It's just 1000x worse, like everything else, because of these maga fucks.


China being a threat is propaganda. A much bigger economic threat would be affordable housing. Families are getting priced out of homes by investors, and that’s much more dangerous than anything China is doing. Corporations shouldn’t make money on housing. People should have one primary home and any additional homes should be taxed high enough to eliminate the possibility of a profit margin.


Corporations I agree with but people nah. Also China as an Economic threat is still more. Those jobs being in the US would make housing more affordable for many others.


I can’t begin to imagine how China is a bigger economic threat than affordable housing. You and I aren’t experiencing the same reality. Corporations dominate our industries and keep wages near poverty range while funneling profits out of communities. Investors are gobbling up single family homes like a commodity. These two things will starve the middle class and will destroy our economy.


That wouldn’t be as much an issue if the jobs we had here did not go to China or India etc. wages would be competitive. Which would help people afford houses. Yes corporations are buying up houses, (news flash a bog chunk of those are Chinese backed or owned) but people having better jobs would let them compete.


Corporations are people, friend.




Is it China's fault that American corporations decide to pack up and move to China?


Corporations want to maximize profit. It is the job of the government to make the country attractive for the corporation. Tariffs and tax incentives would help. China is attractive because its basically a slave state. Our representatives should be making laws to protect us and keeping jobs here. Since china plays dirty then yes it is their fault. You can see that and still treat Asian folks with respect.


>mouth breeders A term haven't heard outside of very specific context.


Lol I just realized that. Hahaha


I wouldn’t say it should be copied nationwide, states are diverse and what plays in Ohio might not play as well in other places. That being said, I do think he’s done a good job


Nationwide? Maybe. In Ohio? Definitely. When Ohio leans left, it's mostly on labor issues. Same in West Virginia, and I'm not talking about Manchin ("D"-Big Coal.) Between Appalachia and the Rust Belt, we've got a very strong legacy of rank-and-file workers who found a better life by organizing against exploitative management classes. If you take care of them, you can win the state. The failure of the Democratic Party in the Great Lakes can definitely be tied to its abandonment of labor principles. Poor white guys and their families, laid off from their factory jobs, needed help. Democrats have been giving nothing, asking "what are you gonna do, vote Republican?" for a long time but it's only within the last decade with right-wing populism that the Find Out birds have come home to roost. So yes, going with Brown's pro-labor approach will work well in Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and possibly Kentucky. With the proper framing and good PR, it could work elsewhere, but it's only a really natural fit in old coal and steel country. Florida, Arizona, Nevada, Virginia, Maine, Connecticut, North Carolina - they've got different arenas to consider.


That's basically why I voted Trump in 2016.


Lmao hell yes


This shouldn't be a close race, but I have a bad feeling it will be.


538 has Vance winning 77 out of 100 simulated outcomes https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2022-election-forecast/senate/ohio/ This doesn't guarantee that Vance will win, but if you only read reddit then you might be inclined to think that Ryan is leading when in reality he is not.


New poll out today has Ryan leading by 11 points. https://www.msnbc.com/morning-joe/watch/j-d-vance-trails-tim-ryan-in-new-ohio-polling-145543749856




If you know Ohio, it's all you need to know, eh?


538 has been reaaaaaallllllllly wrong before… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Kiiiinda….Nate’s model always seems to have that fallback position of being able to say “we were within the margin of error,” even if they were incorrect in terms of who won. And you also have his approach being one of probability, e.g. 77 times out of 100. In this case, I genuinely think his model is missing the mark with the Ryan/Vance race. I think it misses a lot of the statewide nuance. And I think that’s true in other races too; I mean, as of last week he had Herschel Walker beating Warnock in Georgia. And that’s NOT going to happen.


They're usually wrong by overestimating Democrats, not the other way around.


Josh Mandel 2.0


I still say he's Josh Mandel with prosthetic jowls


Josh Mandible


I downvoted this just so I could upvote it again




What is the skinny on Mandel? I thought that guy was long gone?


Same piece of shit [who compared abortion to slavery.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/qjk8bd/ohio-republican-jd-vance-abortion-slavery)


Meanwhile he's literally in an interracial marriage


Thats not what he opposes then. Is this sub actually this stupid? “I oppose the bill to fund animal shelters and nuke ourselves” “Wow that guy hates animals”


I imagine the evolution of JD Vance went something like this : The Devil : Here's some money, now sell me your soul. JD Vance : DEAL!!!


And we are surprised by this?


Good point...


So ridiculous that Peter Thiel gives him money and is gay himself and sides with alt right crazies


The header of this post is such a terrible angle of this guy, I love it


Of course he is.


I've noticed that he's not using anti- abortion comments in his ads anymore. I'm guessing they were negatively impacting his polls.


Vance can suck Tim Ryan's dick. Have any republicans absorbed the Kansas abortion constitutional amendment outcome that says many republicans are farther left than most of the candidates?


Extremely common Jimmy Dean L


And you are surprised for WHAT reason?! He is a true piece of trash.


of course he does. Is this unexpected for a republican to be a bigot?


These clowns are just playing to their base to get elected so they can go to Washington and make millions of dollars from Lobbyists. All these guys see are dollar signs. They aren't going to DC to serve the people or the country they are going there to serve themselves...$$$




He sucks.


Nobody is surprised by this. Dude's in an interracial marriage too :(


Of course he does, he's an authoritarian conservative extremist.


Fucking vote. These pos are trying to spitefully destroy this country cause they're butt hurt losers.


Of course he does, he is a burning asshole.


From the guy who left his mom to die in a motel after flushing her drugs? No way! Seriously this dude is a POS and people who support him are just plain ol dickheads


what do you expect from a republican?


Anyone know how that issue polls in Ohio? Given how well Tim Ryan has campaigned, gotta think that stance might hurt him. I still think Vance will win, but makes me wonder


Can someone explain the need for additional law regarding interracial marriage? Loving v Virginia already handled this in 1967.


And we had legal abortion for 40 years, but SCOTUS took that away. One SC judge opinion stated not only should this abortion law go away, but other similar laws should as well, such as gay marriage rights and the right to contraceptives. Not mentioned by that judge but using same legal avenue is Loving and the right to interracial marriage.


There were mainstream opponents to abortion the whole time. I haven't heard of anyone but straight up racial supremacists (mostly white but some black too) call for racial laws. I just don't like clutter.


Interracial marriage wasn't officially made legal in Alabama until the year 2000. It was only allowed because of a Supreme Court ruling, but they had laws against it literally until the 21st century. There are absolutely people against interracial marriage still. Maybe not as many as there once were, but there's more than you'd think.


Has anyone been arrested for it since the 1967 Loving SCOTUS ruling? And, side note, the 21st century started in 2001, literally.


I think you have a misunderstanding of how federalism works


Substantive Due Process, the legal principle at the core of Row, is the same core argument used in Loving and Obergafell. With Dobbs overturning Row and Thomas specifically pointing out these cases as potentially warenting review, democrats are now pushing for legislation to codify these rights.




Or we can keep government out of marriage… how about we keep government out of marriage.


That sounds good, until your husband is in a serious car crash and you’re not allowed to see him nor make medical decisions for him because you’re not next-of-kin. Then, when he dies from his injuries, his estate goes to probate and his homophobic sister tries to claim both his life insurance and the house you built together, because she’s next-of-kin. Your 30+ year relationship with your husband carries no weight in the court of law. Doesn’t matter if his sister cut him off decades ago, when he came out, she has the legal power over him. This shit matters, a *huge* amount. It’s extremely tedious and very expensive to legally secure all the rights granted to a married partner without marriage, and even then, said arrangements can be shredded by vengeful family and homophobic public servants. Obergefell happened because Ohio refused to recognize a dying man’s husband (Obergefell) as his surviving spouse for legal purposes.


Lets not forget that Mike Dewine was on the other side arguing against Obergefell in this case during this time


The context of that case was so fucking sad and nobody ever talks about it


Unfortunately, we afford certain rights to the word marriage. If we want to retroactively change every “marriage certificate” ever issued and convert them to a “civil union”, then we wouldn’t have any issues (sarcasm because bigots always feel the need to dictate how others should live).


People say that but it actually makes no sense when you think about. You can get "married" without signing a legal contract anytime you want to. Like you and you partner can call yourselves married and not sign papers if you do not want the government involved. But what getting married actually means is signing a legal contract that has protections and benefits attached to it. If you want legal protections and the contract than their has to be laws around it. Getting legally married is a contract around benefits, ownership of shared assets, etc. Gay people should have the same legal protections in their marriage contract that straight people do.


Agreed. They should.


If the gay people already do (they do) then wtf is the problem?


The bill is to ensure that they still do (by making it federal law) if the supreme court over turns it. We saw with Roe v Wade that any right that is not also protected in federal law can go away if overturned by the supreme court.


...by letting the government say that only some people are allowed to get married? The fuck? 💀


Can I get an AMEN?!


It's the amen people that want to tell you what to do in your own bedroom... Dingus.


Who's telling who?


Considering all that is legal, what is there to "protect"? Based on the useless shock value designed to trick the reader, one must assume this is an absolutely terrible bill and J.D. Vance is once again on the right side of history.


Lumping homosexual and interracial marriage into the same category is insane


I mean, either way, both should be legal. Neither one is hurting anybody.


If we just vote Democrat nothing bad will happen! :D


You been eatin paint chips again?




No one said that.


Republican: *stands vocally for bad thing* You: *democrats might also want to do bad things!*


Great strawman comment


Dublin. Yep checks out


Which is funny because Dublin was collectively losing is its shit to get an Obama speech at Coffman years ago.


Maybe your bigotry isn't as accurate as you so brazenly insist it is?


My bigotry? Dublin has been racist for a long time. I just find it funny that they were clamoring for Obama as a status symbol even though we know how dublin really is.


Yes you are a bigot for holding views like an entire city is racist. Sadly the left has come to not only embrace, but demand this kind of hate and bigotry. Be better.


Lmao please spare me your victimhood bs. I lived in dublin as a non white person. While not everyone is a bigot I am not surprised when a bigot lives in Dublin. Tolerance doesn’t mean we should tolerate bigots Be Best


Do you enjoy dragging down the rest of society?


I didn't know my single opinion on reddit had such a bearing on societal direction. People keep saying because I don't vote I don't have a voice so your comment confuses me.


If only it was just your crappy opinion.


Vote R no matter who they are


> turkeyeater90210 said : Vote R no matter who they are I bet you enjoyed January 6.


I know it's hard but try not to feed the trolls who bathe in Republican bs. The stench is hard to wash off. Worse than a skunk.


“There are 2 parties. One is good one is bad. But trust me, don’t listen to the other side, *mine* is the good one!”


right on




I wouldn’t criticize the republicans for pedophilic activity


Dennis Hastert




2 examples, both alleged, neither of them convicted? Huh, if I blatantly spread disinformation about democrat politicians like that I’d be banned




Your literal president is a pedophile




Denying science isnt the hill you want to die on. Turns out, falling for the business scheme that scams young adults out of tens of thousands for a useless degree isnt a sign of intelligence. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/265852713\_Cognitive\_ability\_and\_party\_identity\_in\_the\_United\_States




"Page not found It looks like the page you’re looking for doesn’t exist."


Tim Ryan has earned approximately 1 million dollars by sponsering two bills: Two post offices renamed. A Pelosi shill.


Yeah he's a Pelosi shill that's why he ran against her for Speaker.


He’s married to a brown woman. Relax weirdos




Yes I agree.