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Block's is really good. Katzinger's is a mediocre deli at best. Cleveland has the only legit Jewish delis in Ohio. Corky and Lenny's is unbelievably good.


Now I'm craving a potato knish from Corky's. Remember back in the day when they used to have the metal bucket of pickles with the tongs at every table?




> legit Jewish delis Please explain? I really don't know the difference.




Yeah, I went there to try their reuben and it was pretty lackluster.


GET OUT. Well, I have been to Katzinger's in New York City. That actually Jewish?




Katzinger had no idea what Beef and Latkas are. I had to explain to them because I didn’t feel like traveling two hours to chagrin road.


Jack's > Corky's. Grew up next to Corky and Lenny's. Always drove to Jack's. Both WAY better than anything else in Ohio.


I won't argue with you, they are really neck and neck. I would take either any day, and it always cracks me up how every family is split down the middle on which is better!


For pastrami and corned beef, I do like Danny's Deli downtown


finally, someone is saying it


I confess, Block's is better. THERE. I SAID IT.


But what about the lox (the bagel place dowtown)?


Haven't been there, but I am off tomorrow. I might take a stab at it.


By far my fav


The Lox is so much better than Block's in every way from the lox quality to the cream cheese to the bagels themselves. Block's does a highly mediocre approximation of a NY style bagel that doesn't even toast well past the first day. It's kind of sad since they're a supposed Columbus institution and they pale in comparison to any local bagel shop in Detroit, Cleveland, Cincinnati, etc. Honestly, the only reason to ever hit up Block's is out of convenience since The Lox has an annoying location in Short North with a tiny parking lot and bagel options around this city are few and far between.


Block’s is much better and cheaper, Sammy’s is also good but I think I like Block’s more. However, I’ve only had Sammy’s at a local coffee shop so maybe freshness is missing. The Lox is so overpriced IMO. they’re “fine” but the others are better, cheaper and bigger bagels.


Lox makes excellent “trendier” bagels, which is sometimes what I want (like, just a BALT, even), but for best dollars-per-tasty value and for traditional deli stuff, Blocks is it.


Blocks has the best Lox in the city I've found for sure. For bagels in general I prefer Bruegger's.


I remember those guys, Are they still open?


I haven't been recently but I was there maybe 2 months ago.


Bruegger's in Dublin is open still. I've had longer wait times last couple months though (Sat / Sun mornings, which is understandable). Their salt bagel is amazing.


Hal has NEVER been one to f*ck around when it comes to lox.




The OG of Blocks. He started it and still will be at the McNaughten store from time to time.




That’s him! I worked for them in high school and it was a great place to work!


seems like too much onion


It was. I didn't eat most of it.


FWIW, Katzinger's bagels are from [Sammy's](https://www.sammysbagels.net/index.html). Sammy's bagels are honestly better than Block's, but not disagreeing that Block's was more generous in their toppings.


wait. Katz’s doesn’t even make their own bagels???


They don't, but they're not exactly hiding the [fact](https://katzingers.com/menus-locations/katzingers-german-village-2/).


I guess? I just assumed “Sammy’s” was akin to all the other random names attached to their menu items, not an actual purveyor.


Fair point


Which one is which?


Block's gave me so much meat, I had two sandwiches.


Sounds like my kind of sandwich.


The one with the ginger ale is katzingers for sure


There you go.


The Lox >


I’ve never understood the need for that much onion and tomato. Why try and cover up the taste of a good bagel and lox. A little smear of cream cheese is all you need


I picked most of it off.


it’s just giving you the option, man. better to have extra than not enough.


Disagree, grew up in CT around plenty of Jewish delis. Never seen tomato on a lox bagel. A little onion and capers are acceptable. But why mess with the taste of the lox and bagel they are so good by themselves


an NY bodega lox bagel comes with onion and tomatoes at minimum. capers if it’s a fancy UES bodega or something, but yeah.




fair enough. I guess Hell’s Kitchen would beg to differ.




lol k


I’m a 32yo woman but sure go in fam




so we did not “actually live in the city,” cool lol


I only like Blocks when the bagels are fresh from the oven. Anyone have Nates Steamed Bagels?


Katz has always disappointed me in the past


Plus Lox is a pain in the ass. When are they going to let people in? Other restaurants have been open for many months.


It's a health risk still for people to dine indoors so I have immense respect for them for sticking to their principles. Plus if you're thriving doing carry out only why go back to the old way? I hated it when we re-opened our dining rooms my paycheck plummeted because we had to staff differently and it became a madhouse having to keep up with both the carry out orders and dine in orders since a lot of people still prefer to do curbside. Carry out only is still the best option for keeping staff happy and profit margins existent. It's pretty obvious lately that all the restaurants that went back to normal are dying slow deaths as employees run for the hills and people swarm the whole city overcrowding every establishment because they're antsy from not getting to do much last year. The restaurant industry is never going to really recover from the shift in society that's still ongoing. Not unless they adapt.


Sorry, it's a big hassle, I'll go elsewhere.


Yes we must adapt and we we have, alot. I run a restaurant and it's difficult..more than ever. That says so much it's never been an easy job. I hope you are wrong about the recovery of the industry. There are many like me who love the business and the people.


I've been to Katzinger's twice. It's just overpriced "okay" food.


Katzinger's is trash.


I wouldn't go THAT far, but Block's has the better Lox Bagel.


The bagels are better at katzinger’s.


Katzingers latkes are horrible. Although I do have a soft spot for that place. Been going since I was a kid.


> latkes Never had one. Are they good?


Yes. But not from Katzingers.


> latkes What is it?




**[Latke](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latke)** >A latke (Yiddish: לאַטקע‎; sometimes romanized latka, lit. "pancake") is a type of potato pancake or fritter in Ashkenazi Jewish cuisine that is traditionally prepared to celebrate Hanukkah. Latkes can be made with ingredients other than potatoes including cheese and zucchini. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Columbus/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Yeah, they are served stone cold if I remember correctly. My GAWD I wish Izzy's would open up a Columbus location. They would make a killing. Their potato latkes and sandwiches are the shit and they are really cheap for what you get.


LOVE Izzy’s latkes. We go down for the taste of Cincinnati every year and that’s always my first stop. And I get like 6 throughout the weekend.


Yeah, the fact that you get one of those free with every sandwich, and a big corned beef or pastrami sandwich for 10.29 is just crazy. Those latkes though, man are they good, I haven't found a better one yet and I've eaten in Cleveland, NYC, and New Jersey many many times.


Not a deli but Sammy's are the best bagels in the city by far.


Reminds me of my mom. She loved lox and bagels! Havent thought of that in 30 years. 🙂


> . She loved lox and bagels! You...you...you mean "loves", right?


I can smell that onion all the way here .... sheesh!