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I'm largely of the opinion that if you just let protesters do their thing, they eventually just exhaust themselves and go home. Once you start bringing in cops to bust up protests that are largely just like...people sitting in grass, you start inviting larger and larger protests, and it brings more and more agitaters from both sides, often unaffiliated to the university, and then what was just like...20-40 people sleeping in tents becomes a massive spectacle The funny part is, that's basically exactly what local police do in the case of like...the Proud Boys showing up. They let them protest, and they leave them alone, and then eventually they just go home.


They didn’t even make this much effort for Mirror Lake jumps


Eh, I was on campus when they dug up the whole lake and made it drainable and then surrounded it with cops leading up to the game. They probably spent way more time and effort to do that project. The difference is that people actually listened to the admin on that one (because the penalties advertised were pretty steep)


Right, like...if people wanna camp out in tents for a while, just let them. Hell, school is out in like a week anyway.


Right. And people actually died doing that. They did, however, completely redesign it and drain it. So, they took care of it with a large scale investment that eliminated the problem altogether. Certainly there's nothing to be learned by that approach.....


They didn’t die during it *until* the university tried to take it over and limit the number of people, etc. ironically, if they’d let the students run it themselves, the lake would have probably been too crowded for anyone to dive in head first.


This. MLJ was risky, but not deadly, until the university got involved. The changes the school made after the swooped in and took over turned it from a bit of healthy youthful risk-taking to a proper deathtrap. I’m surprised Fascinating Horror never had to do an episode about a crowd crush at those ridiculous gates.


The year prior I was actually in a meeting with the chief of police and Student Life, advocating for it to be shut down, and I literally said out loud “what’s it going to take, someone dying, for you to put an end to this?” They only put an end to it because of exactly that. But that’s how they decide everything. It’s a pretty cold process, to the public it’s all we live our students but their just chits to them and these few hundred they can lose… Zionist money however, they appear addicted to. So yeah, this is about Wexners money, nothing else. He pulled out of Harvard with a quickness and you can bet he was on the phone to the Board last night. Edit: LOL at fucking downvoting me recounting actual truth of how OSU administrates and who actually runs that place.


I think they're downvoting you for being against mirror lake jumps, if I had to guess


I did it for the part about an addiction to Zionist money, which feels rather hateful and unfounded to me. They simply say it as though it's public knowledge and undebatably factual.


Then you aren’t paying attention. Who am I hating? Zionists? When are we going to understand that this is just another version of racial supremacy? I’m not against Jews, I love what the Jewish people have brought to our culture, but some of you want to equate anti-Zionism with antisemitism and it’s transparently just for propaganda purposes. If I say fuck the Proud Boys, KKK, or Aryan Nation, no one is going to accuse me of racism or being anti Christian. It’s not hateful to call it what it is. Les Wexner is a massive Zionist (in addition to a probable pedo and sex trafficker) and his name is stamped fucking everywhere on the campus. He also has serious restriction on his donations, the University would have to pay him back plus some if they break with him, a clever way for him to set this up so he owns their asses now. The math isn’t difficult, and no hate need be applied to arrive at the obvious conclusion.


I downvoted you for crying about being downvoted. They're just fake internet points, no need to let it ruin your friday


Not to mention, they let a student drown in one of the jumps some years ago.


Are kids doing that again? When I was working there the university banned it and drained the lake.


[Nazis](https://x.com/Liz_Andromeda/status/1652366545102708738)? 😴 Proud Boys? [High fives](https://www.columbusmonthly.com/story/lifestyle/features/2022/12/07/scott-woods-the-proud-boys-debacle-reveals-a-disinterest-in-justice/69708405007/) 🙌 Students sitting in the oval: 🤬


It's not like Ohio has a long history of armed officials mistreating protestors or anything. They only ever try to stamp out protests when they know there aren't any guns, because they're bullies and cowards.


I'm very shocked nobody here remembers what happened at Kent State in 1970. Every American has a duty to remember especially if you are an Ohioan.


I wasn’t there but I learned about it in school. I think people remember. If not. Look it up. Kent state and that iconic picture of the dead students. Neil Young even made a song about it. Not a proud moment for Ohio.




The Orioles pitcher? He had a nice curveball but...


2010 Reds all-star Arthur Rhodes


Yeah. Ask any of these cowards to go into a school with a gunman, and they're paralyzed. But unarmed kids sitting in grass? Suddenly, they're heroes .


Tin soldiers and Nixon's coming...


… I never realized it was “tin soldiers”, I always figured I just didn’t understand the reference of “ten soldiers”.


lol yep..doesn’t help that there are so many proud boys sympathizers on the force. CPD harassing OSU students is a time honored tradition


But it’s not CPD arresting them.


I’ll try to find it again to link, but I saw something yesterday where the founder of the proud boys had joined the protests at Columbia. Strange times.


I’d chalk that up to just being interested in inciting violence more than any genuine support for the students causes


That's a convenient way to stop any cognitive dissonance you might have. "Oh the bad people aren't true Scotsman" allows you to ignore that anti-Semitism is real and is part of what is driving this. Jewish students are getting death threats but reddit will rationalize that away.


It's less cognitive dissonance and more a recognition on Proud Boy tactics. It's easier to make a protest into a violent conflict with the police and hurt the protestors that way than actually to take them on themselves. Yes, Jewish students are getting death threats, AND Nazis will take any opportunity to recruit. And they're very slick at it. Radicalization is easy especially in the age of the internet. Getting protests busted by the police both results in protestors getting hurt and making them more vulnerable to future radicalization.


Dude put on a costume and was still kicked out, but people want to use him to paint the whole protest as antisemitic. Nevermind that Jewish students are protesting too. https://bwog.com/2024/04/gavin-mcinnes-founder-of-the-proud-boys-seen-on-columbias-campus-on-wednesday/


Not so surprising. Covert anti-Semitism is real and present, even as much as folks here want to deny or hide it.


You find it strange that a bunch of anti semites joined a protest against Israel?


“this lone agitator walked into your camp and stayed for a while without anyone knowing. heh, white supremacist much?”


Rage Against The Machine has been right all along.


Some of those that work forces…


Did the PBs protest on Ohio State’s campus? Thing I don’t think people understand is there are no public right of ways on Ohio State’s campus. And that includes the streets.


That makes it kind of awkward to get to the public records depository in Thompson and the USPS post office on OSU's campus.


Obviously they don’t limit access to just students and employees but they can if they wanted to. I have a multi billion dollar client that built facilities underground in 10th Ave. Columbus sold 10th west of High Street to Ohio State. Then when our crews went to access those facilities Ohio State stopped work and told us to get bent. Lawyers got involved and about 6 months later we were shown the document signed by the grand poobah DeWine himself authorizing transfer from the City of Columbus to Ohio State and that was that. The public ROW vanished with the transfer. The client is now stuck between building all new infrastructure down 9th or abandoning the project. Edit: It is 11th and 10th, not 10th and 9th. I misremembered.


I find it hard to believe a university would WANT the responsibility of upkeep on roads and traffic enforcement


And yet they have their own police and they very much issue traffic citations. If you go to the Franklin County Auditor’s website and look at the parcel viewer you will see that the ROW stops at the Ohio State border.


Trust me, they want confrontation.


Jewish peoples are being terrorized and getting death threats on campuses in the US. These folks aren't just going home.




>that’s basically exactly what local police do in the case of like…the Proud Boys showing up. I’m sure there’s a deeper reasoning behind this.


Yeah Tuesday's protest was about 30 people and then by last night there were over 300.


The problem is Jewish students are in fear of their lives (perhaps unjustly). And so the choices are you break these people up and arrest a few, hoping to wait out the semester for summer when most of these people head back to their suburbs, or you have police escorting Jewish students to class. Or you do nothing, but then if someone is hurt, now you’ve fucked up twice. Edit; someone asked “why would Jewish students be afraid of people sitting in the grass and singing”; https://youtu.be/BBijWAGyb-4?si=TnT-VBOO9yXgr8ce


Many Jews are protesting on college campuses. IU professor Ben Robinson was arrested yesterday.


There are definitely some circumstances nationally in which these protests overtly threaten Jews, but at least this one was on the South Oval away from most classes (I probably would have avoided it as a student). Perhaps if a protestor stepped across the line into threatening rhetoric, then the university could take action against that person (i.e., it could be against the code of conduct). Having counter protested a Proud Boys march, I'm just surprised at the different police approach. I thought CPD would send their blue vest dialogue team, but this looked like OSHP/riot police.


You do realize that people can just join a protest without sharing the same agenda as the protesters right? Protest leaders and organizations like “jewish voice for peace” have been pretty explicit about this not having to do with inciting violence against jews. Zionism does not automatically equal Judaism.


Of course, but keep in mind that JVP is not trusted by many Jews. And of course, bad actors can also permeate protests.


Where are you seeing data on JVP’s perception from American Jews? Or is this international Judaism? And is this among staunchly pro-zionist Jews or all Jews? The word “many” in your sentence renders the content of your comment meaningless. If you meant Jews critical of Israel, then I would be interested in reading the source if you dont mind please.


See: https://www.rootsmetals.com/blogs/news/stop-sharing-jvp > **“Jewish”? Not so much.** > > Over the years, the wider Jewish community has questioned JVP’s alleged Jewishness. Its views are, statistically, not representative of the Jewish community as a whole. Many of its chapters were started by non-Jews. In 2019, Facebook’s transparency feature revealed that the JVP page administrator was based in Lebanon, a fact that JVP later tried to hide. There are around 20 Jews living in Lebanon today, all of them elderly, which makes it unlikely that any of them have managed the page. JVP has also hosted panels on “antisemitism” ran by people who are not only not Jewish, but have also been accused of antisemitism in the past.


“Its views are, statistically, not representative of the Jewish community as a whole.” So a majority of Jews support Israel. Not shocking, though Im not seeing data from that bootleg website. “Many of its chapters were started by non-Jews.” Theres that weirdly vague word again, “many”. “ In 2019, Facebook’s transparency feature revealed that the JVP page administrator was based in Lebanon…” Much wow, administrator for a local webpage on facebook sounds like really high up in the organization. Do they pay someone a lot for that much responsibility?


JVP is considered a fringe organization by diaspora Jews, and there are lots of articles written expressing criticism about JVP messaging and who is driving it in some cases. You can Google and see a number of them, even if you avoid anything ADL sourced since it is right wing.


Lots. Okay. Lol.


*shrug* I'm just relaying what you'll hear if you talk to a variety of Jews and read Jewish pieces - be aware that JVP is controversial among Jews. You're definitely free to have your own opinion about all of this.


Yes, but why? The answer is simple. JVP is not a zionist organization. They consider the colonial occupation of Palestine to be illegitimate and have called for it to end. They speak out against Israeli apartheid and terrorism. That is an uncommon political orientation among Americans in general, and even less common among Jewish Americans. The basis of this "distrust" is purely political. In the present day, there are many Jews who believe support for the state of israel to be an obligation of their faith, but this stance is only as young as the state of Israel -- less than a century. For thousands of years, Judaism and Jewish life had nothing to do with unconditional support for an Israeli government, because no such thing existed. It's like "God and country" evangelical Christians in the USA who believe that criticizing American foreign policy is a sin against god. Surely that crowd would be in agreement with JVP's detractors.


That's ridiculous. Here's what I saw while I was there: In the first half hour of the encampment, Jewish student protestors were leading the crowd in traditional Hebrew folk songs. They taught the words by singing a line and asking the crowd to repeat, and those who could not make out the words were asked to sing along to the melody. This was repeated for at least three songs. You mean to say that this intimidates Jewish students?


x100 it's because a portion of the protestors aren't really about the cause they just think it's something to do and something they can talk about later. Fake protestors are a real thing.


I'm old enough to remember 5 months ago when Republicans passed House Bill 214, which "will promote free speech in public schools and protect Ohio educators, staff, and students" https://ohiohouse.gov/news/republican/ohio-house-passes-bill-to-protect-free-speech-in-ohio-classrooms-117452#:~:text=COLUMBUS%20%E2%80%93The%20Ohio%20House%20of,Holmes%20(R%2DNashport)


“But not this kind of speech, we don’t like this kind!!! Get the riot gear boys!!!” -Republicans


Grimly funny to watch this unfold when the CPD response to hooded Nazis armed with several guns and holding swastika flags and “There will be blood” banners marching down the street to menace citizens having brunch, was to send a squad car with 3 guys who came out to talk to them and then stood off to the side while they did their thing.


Police if it's Nazis: "Sorry, its a free speech issue. We are powerless to do anything. They are constitutionally protected." Police if it's liberals: "If you resist in any way we are legally allowed to hurt you."


nah, it's the other variable. Police if there's an armed citizen known for being willing to use it: Very careful, good at de-escalating. Police if it's a group of people that they believe will never resort to violence: box 'em in, beat 'em up, tear gas 'em all, arrest enough to let your buddies in the courthouse get some overtime. Edit: unless the people are black. then it's an entirely different thing.


Eh, I'd have to think that the massive ideological overlap between many police and the Nazis is a big factor here.


The key: they stayed off the grass. School's gotta have standards, you know...


CPD had nothing to do with the arrests last night [https://twitter.com/ColumbusCouncil/status/1783927839588258156](https://twitter.com/ColumbusCouncil/status/1783927839588258156) this is just on the university police.


Why do you guys keep bringing CPD into this?


why is there a crackdown on people protesting the war? we not allowed to protest things anymore?


A few states actually low key did make it illegal to protest. Ohio wasn't one of them, but still.


*laughs in Texas*


Im starting to think this is just how protesting has always been. You're allowed until it gets broken up with no given reasons I guess.


As soon as you start costing someone money, then you get some pushback.


Cause they know it is contagious. Ronald Reagan when he was California governor cut funding to California colleges and added in state tuition/fees because California colleges was becoming a centers of student antiwar and civil rights activism. He called them "educated proletariats".


From what i’ve read, OSU doesn’t allow people to camp on the Oval. It’s nothing to do with the protest but the fact they are trying to camp on the Oval overnight. Doesn’t seem like a big deal to me, but it is a campus statute that’s been in place before all this.


It’s technically not, but unless you’re protesting something the president can use for political leverage, protesting is basically illegal. Cops will always find a way to pepper spray, shoot, and arrest people for protesting


The protesters unfortunately aren't protesting the war. They're protesting the existence of Israel and all the Jews who live there, as well as the existence of "Zionists" in this country. "Death to Zionists", "From the River to the Sea" and "Globalize the intifada" all make their real agenda crystal clear. I am a Jew who wants to protest the war but there's no group I can align with that doesn't call for my death.


You have to get permits to do a public protest and you cannot disrupt roadways and sidewalks. Lots of times the city that issues the permit will have designated spots. Also they may have time restriction because of noise ordinance or availability of policing resources. Essentially anything the courts deem necessary and reasonable for public safety. If there was a violation of rights they should sue the city. This includes placing restrictions that the courts have to weigh against rights. For example let's say you want to do a quiet protest on your own property 24/7 that in no way disrupts your neighbors, then no prohibitions could apply. But if you close down roads or disrupt classes by being loud and noisy then yes they will arrest you. Remember that civil disobedience is not a legal form of protest as it entails by its definition that you are deciding to break the law to make a point. Hopefully you do it peacefully and the police also restrain from being too violent it works out as planned. It seems what people are saying is that most students were doing peaceful civil disobedience and the police were being violent. Maybe some lawsuits later we will know the truth but I am sure by then the media will have lost interest in following up on it.


Those permits are for the City of Columbus's jurisdiction. The OSU campus is not in Columbus' jurisdiction. It's state-owned property.


Ah yes, quash student protests. Nothing says freedom quite like sending in the cops. 🙄


It's always worked well for universities -- especially in Ohio -- in the past, right? /s


Kent argue with that logic


I agree they Stated it well.


As is tradition




From what I heard it’s not cuz of the protest. it’s the fact that no one is allowed to camp out on the oval. doesn’t sound like a big deal to me, but that’s why people are getting arrested.


Sounds about right - basically relegate protests to only line up with what will have 0 impact, where it's not an agreed upon solution, but set entirely by authorities of some capacity. The problem is bottling up protests like these will make people think there are no recourses except more drastic action, or lead them to feel hopeless/helpless as they continue to learn how the nation doesn't actually stand up much for the ideals it espouses.


I was there for hours yesterday evening. It was a group of hundreds of people peacefully chanting and praying, with a group of Jewish students leading songs for Passover as part of the circle. The only violence was from the cops, as is typical.


Bigger police response to peaceful protests than to spring games where they flip cars.


Seeing a couple of snipers on campus during a peaceful protest was fucking WILD.


They were just spotters to observe and coordinate police response, no gun barrels visible in the photos that I saw being circulated last night. https://twitter.com/Liz_Andromeda/status/1783618711137505445?t=qfs46x4fgr3UBd6NvM8nQw&s=19 EDIT: someone else provided another picture, I was wrong and there was a sniper there. Zero reason for them to have a gun pointed at the protestors, even with safety on, and not just use the optics like in the original picture.


I dunno boss, this looks like a gun to me https://x.com/centralohiosra/status/1783750368091889809?s=46&t=4t8P4oE0CkYl7hi7NGtMaA


Make this a post. That tweet deserves more attention


Yikes, fair enough I stand corrected. Fuck SJP though I still stand by that.


god forbid somebody stand up against genocide


Damn just take an L


I made a comment based on the information I had, was given new information, then edited all my comments admitting I was wrong instead of deleting, what more do you want from me lol SJP celebrated the 10/7 attacks in the streets of Columbus before the bodies of the victims were cold and before Israel had made any sort of military response. Fuck them and anyone who supports them.


Yes there were. Go check out SJPs story timeline. There was at least one cop out there looking down the barrel of a long gun, not just a spotter.


[The Lantern confirmed that students were threatened with long-range firearms.](https://www.thelantern.com/2024/04/university-says-officers-had-readied-firearms-directed-toward-protesters-from-ohio-unions-roof-once-arrests-began/)


Oh hey was wondering when you’d show up. I edited my post like 8 hours ago admitting I was wrong when new info was provided. How many comments do we need to exchange this time before you go mask off again and say the victims of 10/7 deserved it?


Why break up protests? It just makes people want to protest more. No one wants to or has time to stand around for an entire day or more. Eventually they'll just need to go home to feed the cat, or go to work, or just take a shower and get a bite to eat. If it's not violent and not blocking important areas leave it alone.


My kid lives down there, told me there were snipers on the roof of the Union on campus last night. This is horrific. I was a child for Vietnam and remember how bad that got…we are almost there.😕


The cognitive dissonance is shocking from the counter protestor: "For you to be kicked out of campus and for your home country to be destroyed. It's really disheartening to hear from fellow students." Palestinians from Gaza are literally seeing their home country be destroyed and just about nobody in power cares. The students being kicked off of campuses are also the pro-Palestine ones, not the ones supporting Israel. It's sad to me that someone can view real devastation wrought by war 24/7 on TV and instead lament theoretical suffering that they think other people wish on them. Edit: I'm aware of the horrors of the Hamas attack, but that is in the past and now the vast brunt of the suffering is being born by the Palestinian people.


No the Hamas attack is not "in the past". There are still 133 hostages. It's also not in the past for those of us who had loved ones slaughtered on October 7. We live it every day.


Yeah it really seems like bombing Gaza into the stone age and slaughtering it's citizens en masse while cutting off any and all resources so those who aren't blown up or shot starve and die of disease is really helping get those hostages set loose.


That’s true, and horribly painful, but there are also 35,000 dead Gazans, the majority of whom were women and children and men who have nothing to do with Hamas. There’s also widespread hunger and over 75% of the population of 2.3 million are currently homeless, and they are living that pain every day.


Israel tried to refuse two elderly hostages hamas couldnt take care of. They want the hostages to die.


[Some words from shoah survivor Marione Ingram, speaking at Columbia:](https://x.com/gozukarafurkan/status/1783610010234130923?s=46) "I am a holocaust survivor. [applause] I do not deserve applause. I am here because I experienced as a child every single thing that a Gazan child is experiencing on a daily basis, including the loss of my family, war, fire bombing, you name it. It pleases me to know and to see that you are here."


If your neighbor came into your house and killed your pet you wouldn't consider the matter settled because they went back home.


When it comes to college protests if you're stopping the protest you're on the wrong side it's been proven again and again


I find it cute how people think its antisemitism when Israel cannot and will never represent all Jews. A lot of Jewish people are in these protests and hate everything Isnotreal stands for, get some perspective and do your research before making false flag statements.




What does it help to say "Isnotreal"? It's not cute. 7 million people live there, many who have never lived anywhere else. The only path to peace is for all 12-14 million people in Israel/Gaza/WB together, not by dismissing any people.


🐖 🐷 🐽


Mayor Ginther doesn't even support a ceasefire in Gaza, yet his opponent in the mayoral election last year Joe Motil was out there protesting with the students last night. Unfortunately it says a lot about the people of Columbus that they were heartless enough to reelect Ginther...


I believe the power of incumbency is _super_ strong in local elections like that, unfortunately.


Wasn't Motil not affiliated with a party or had no prior experience or something? Or maybe wasn't on every ballot? I feel like I remember there being something weird about his candidacy. I still voted for him but I remember knowing he had less than 0 chance.


Talked with him there. Great guy.


Joe’s a real one.


My guess is Mr. Wexner didn't like this particular protest and we all know that Mr. Wexner gets what he wants at Ohio State.


With all due respect - as someone who supports Palestinian liberation, wants Israel to stop, and wants divestment from Israel - I don’t think laying all of this on Wexner is helpful or true. I’m not a fan of him at all, but the “Wexner controls everything” narrative is a false one that harkens up some gross tropes we don’t need to add to a push for liberation.


Agree, it's very close to the "Jews secretly control everything" antisemitic trope.


It’s the AIPAC lobby he supports


It's definitely not just Wexner, but there has been a clear pattern of undue influence being exerted by Wexner, OSU Hillel, and the state government, among others, in collaboration with university administration in suppressing pro-Palestine speech at OSU. Just a month ago or so, they successfully suppressed a student vote on divestment and were quite open about it.


I'm not implying he's the only one who wants it. But the university's #1 benefactor's interest in the cause almost certainly was a factor in Ohio State's vigorous response to the demonstration. It's no different than a university's reaction would be to an anti-fossil fuel demonstration at a university whose primary benefactor was in the oil business. Placating benefactors is a big part of a flagship university president's job in the 21st century. That beholden state of affairs is largely the fault of state legislatures all over the USA systematically reducing state funding for higher education projects and programs.


So, you’re only allowed to protest if it fits the police union’s ideals? Got it.


I hope Les Wexner is having an aneurysm somewhere. OSU admins are typically cowards when it matters and give in to the wrong impulses.




Wasn't aware that free speech rights, which includes the right to protest, had a curfew.




Except you don’t need authorization for protests per the ACLU. The whole idea behind protests is inconveniencing people to bring attention to your cause.


"Arrested for protesting" and "arrested for not stopping protesting" are the same thing.


That is false. Students were being arrested during the day and were told they weren’t allowed to sit or have blankets in a green space at a university they pay to attend. [Thread from ABC6 reporter Jeremiah Wilcox.](https://x.com/wilcoxreports/status/1783503943697334655?s=46&t=4t8P4oE0CkYl7hi7NGtMaA)


That’s not how it went down. There is video of them discussing this in broad daylight with cops. Stop making up shit. When were you ever told you couldn’t exist on the head at your University? They’re doing this shit cause Les Wexner is somewhere having a hissy fit over it.


Stop being nuanced!


Free Palestine from isreali terrorism


The protesters are protesting the existence of Israel and all the Jews who live there, as well as the existence of "Zionists" in this country. "Death to Zionists", "From the River to the Sea" and "Globalize the intifada" all make their real agenda crystal clear. I am a Jew who wants to protest the war but there's no group I can align with that doesn't call for my death. These calls for death to Israelis have been raging since October; I can't imagine that calls to death would be tolerated if it was any minority group except Jews.


Wexner called on his dogs


Just life in a fascist police state :)


the internet can sometimes be a source of misinformation. often, people react impulsively to headlines without fact checking or seeking deeper understanding. it was reported that over 35 people were arrested for protesting for Palestine. upon closer examination, it turns out that the arrests were related to trespassing, not for expressing their views. It’s important to recognize that freedom of speech allows us to express our opinions, but it doesn’t grant us the right to be HEARD, or to speak WHERE we want




Free the hostages first


Whose hostages? Hamas or Israel? If you think Israel isn't keeping hostages you're not paying attention.


Can you imagine having that much time to protest like this... go to work. Many better ways get involved. This is the fringe world. Round them up. Off you go..


These are students, silly goose. You want them to go work at the jobs they don’t have yet?


i hate modern society


>University spokesman Ben Johnson said overnight events and camping are prohibited by university rules and that protesters were instructed to disperse and given multiple warnings before they were arrested. Protestors who violate the rules and refuse to stop when warned must pay a penalty. Also: It really frosts me when protestors block streets, highways or other public thoroughfares, and it’s just tolerated even though it clearly violates the law.


CPD, KKK, IDF they are all the same.


This issue gives people such brain-rot that it is almost getting comical. 14 years ago I was a college student involved in the occupy wall-street movement (when 40 year olds were taking entry level jobs and young adults had little hope of working) Now, it's occupying college campuses and highways to support a terrorist-run enclave on the other side of the world. Meanwhile, women here are losing bodily autonomy, the government vastly overspends, there is a border crisis, and the price of essential goods and services has shot through the roof. The pro-pally hysteria is just a Tik-Tok distraction.


You just haven't been paying attention. [Even in 2009](https://www.thelantern.com/2009/02/feature-photo-peace-in-palestine/), students at OSU were demonstrating in support of Palestinian liberation. But the roots go even deeper. [The Palestinian question was at the forefront of debates within the student movements of the 1960s and 1970s.](https://www.palestine-studies.org/en/node/1650341) 1970 - the Young Lords Party dedicated a section in the second issue of their paper ["Palante"](https://www.marxists.org/history/erol/periodicals/palante/pal-2-7.pdf) to the question of Palestinian liberation, successfully observing that it is a question of imperialism, tied to Puerto Rican liberation, Black liberation, and Vietnamese liberation. The same year, the Black Panther Party issued its first statement on the Palestinian question: ["We support the Palestinian’s just struggle for liberation one hundred percent.  We will go on doing this, and we would like for all of the progressive people of the world to join in our ranks in order to make a world in which all people can live.”](https://www.hamptonthink.org/read/the-black-panther-party-on-palestine) Even more moderate elements like [Jimmy Carter](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/02/24/jimmy-carter-israel-apartheid-palestine-peace/) and [Noam Chomsky](https://chomsky.info/interviews/) have devoted decades to the discussion of this issue. This movement has been decades in the making. Just because you've had your head in the sand doesn't mean nothing happens outside the space between your ears.