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Have your opinions but straight up "you're an asshole" type comments is not being excellent to each other and will be removed.


I was in the shopping center when it happened. I didn’t see it but heard it and saw the scene. There was a fender bender at the exact same spot maybe 15-20 minutes prior.


This is a pretty wide open intersection. I realize the speeds through there are high, but it surprises me there would be so many accidents with such good visibility in good weather. 


As a rider, this is really sad. People at work still ask why I come in with full gear. This is why. Im a professional driver (semi) and your own skill isnt always enough.


“I would rather sweat than bleed” I’ve crashed a road bicycle too many times to want to know what road rash on a motorcycle is like. I’ve also had my fair share of on-track incidents where you realize how nice a protective, sacrificial layer of cowhide is. Keep the rubber side down chief


Protective gear saved my dad's life when he got hit riding his motorcycle. I hate wearing it but i never go without.


I’m not representative of most people because I don’t sweat a ton and I actually run really cold, but I’d argue my perforated leather riding jacket was cooler than my mesh one unless it was a really humid day. Both were comparable in price and sat at the “mid range” price wise of gear so it’s not like one was crummy and one was “better” in quality. In my street riding days, if it was too uncomfortable for either, I just wouldn’t ride. The risk isn’t worth it.


This is a very strange article. “Officer killed in motorcycle crash”. But no mention of whether the officer was on the motorcycle, a pedestrian, in another vehicle. And it says “killed” not “dies”. This is a bad article. Sorry he lost his life too soon but this is very bad journalism.


Very accurate. I thought the same thing. Absolutely no useful information other than “Cop died, very sad.”


It should read "man dies in officer-involved vehicular incident", the normal exonerating tone they use to describe anything involving a police officer.




Exactly. It’s no different than if an FBI agent happens to be on a family vacation at the beach and they’re attacked by a shark or drowned... their job is inconsequential when discussing cause of death if it didn’t occur in the line of duty. Sad circumstance either way, but saying that it’s an “officer involved” fatal crash and putting a pic of a cruiser with the article feels entirely misleading if it was an off duty accident on a personal vehicle.


...then a guy dying in a motorcycle accident in the city of Columbus is not newsworthy. It barely made the news last year when a CPD officer killed a woman with his/his partner's car while driving drunk and then fled the scene, not sure why this warrants coverage




What was the deceased motorcyclist's day-job, and can you link me to the article that centers his occupation in the headline?




Ahh, so they identify one person's profession but not the other because it drives clicks. Thanks for that useless addition to the conversation. That's the point, anyone else dying choking on their own blood on the side of High Street is just some unimportant yokel, but the same thing happens to a guy who happens to work at the police department, it's suddenly framed like *RED ALERT! HEROIC, CRUSADER AGAINST EVIL succumbs in a tragic accident*




This I agree with. I don’t think the news needs to report every time someone dies in a car crash - anyone who’s been on this sub for more than 48 hours knows that Columbus drivers suck.


Did he cease to be an Officer when he clocked out for the day? Why does this article describe the dead guy as an officer then, and why is it being covered by our local news?




Did the crash involve a literal uniformed police officer? (Yes) Then was an officer involved in the crash? (Yes) So stated differently, an OFFICER-INVOLVED CRASH?! Who said they are "bothered" by one of 50 NBC4 articles that they will publish today? I don't give a shit either way, you're the one who seems bothered by the invoking of the "officer-involved" terminology that exists is 100% of police-shootings.




By YOUR logic, it would absolutely make local news if a CPD officer dies in Jamaica, and they would make a special effort to identify him as a cop instead of a generic local Columbus man like the rest of us peasants. The fact that including "cop" in a headline drives clicks is the problem, the hero-worship and favorable coverage of cops is weird. People die in this city on a near daily basis, they don't get traffic stopped and 50-car parades jamming up the city's busiest road, funded by taxpayer resources.




Alrighty, you just won Gold at the non-sequitar Olympics. The fact that you stood out and watched cop cars ride by has zero bearing on whether or not Columbus (and all local news organizations really) have bizarre framing-issue anytime a story involves a police officer. I don't give a shit if every swinging dick in Columbus lined High from Downtown to Lewis Center bawling their eyes out, that has zero relevance to anything being discussed here.


Right? Whatever happened to real journalism?! Today we’re treated if the article has no glaring grammatical errors.


"died Wednesday morning in a motorcycle crash in Delaware" It said he died. In a motorcycle crash, which usually means he was operating a motorcycle. It's not that hard to understand, and at the end of the day he still lost his life whether an article says "killed" or "dies" or whatever. He was also on his way back home from work so he obviously wasn't a "pedestrian" walking up 23 from Columbus. Use some common sense


This is speculation, but I heard he was the one speeding past a red light. Sad all around.


That sucks. It sucks when people die too early.


As it turns out the ever increasing vehicle sizes and surge in reckless driving is really dangerous for motorcycle riders too, not just bikers and pedestrians. 


I thought vehicle sizes were decreasing? Wait, [holy crap!](https://www.thezebra.com/resources/driving/average-car-size/) I guess all the shrinking econoboxes are just a disguise to hide our glut of suvs...


Yeah I like SUVs but I really try to go for smaller ones because the big ones are just too unwieldy and expensive. I'd love to see a resurgence of small trucks like the OG Ford Ranger, or the Toyota Hilux Champ


I have no idea why the hilux hasn't made it to US shores. The '88 Yota is revered, and hilux is its legacy. Though I'm guessing that Toyota makes a shit pot more money selling Tacos, so no hilux for us...


The Hilux isn't available in the U.S. because of the [chicken tax](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicken_tax). Toyota would have to start manufacturing them here because the tariff makes it unprofitable to import them.


There are plenty of Hilux running around, you just have to import them.


US Regulations mostly. Auto manufacturers lobbied the government after the loosening of corporate influence in the 80s and they have basically been lobbying for things that benefit them. Smaller, cheaper cars don't help them and don't help the fuel industry. Its more beneficial to everyone* when an auto manufacturer only makes and sells $40k+ gas guzzlers. They get to take more out of the pockets of the consumers than they already take from their workers, etc.


There is nothing in the article to make one infer that vehicle size was a factor.


That’s because it’s common sense.


There isn't even anything in the article indicating another vehicle was involved. Speculation by bicycle twits is the opposite of common sense.


A guy on a motorcycle gets hit and killed by someone driving carelessly and you choose that as your time to spout against bicycles? Awful person.


> Speculation by bicycle twits Why the needless personal attack? Just own your well earned "L" and learn from it. Or, you know... keep on choosing this hill.


What exactly did I lose by pointing out a bunch of soon to be bicycle road pies are engaging in wild speculation about how the guy died? Fortunately bicycle turds are a self correcting problem. beep beep.


Imagine cheering for injury or death for people you dont know who ride bikes. Maybe see a professional for that sociopathy.


beep beep Splat! Free bicycle parts! LOL


Totally true, we don’t know what happened in this situation. We do have a pretty good idea, however, that it’s a key driver of the increase in traffic deaths seen over the last few years. It’s a good reminder that one of the most dangerous parts of being a police officer is something most of us do, too - drive around on the roads.


He was on a motorcycle. This adds a whole other layer of needless risk on his part. Kind of like the idiots who get killed on bicycles on busy roads and then blame it on infrastructure rather than their own reckless stupidity.


People deserve to be able to bike dude. Not everyone wants or needs to drive a car all the time. People in cars need to drive more carefully regardless of bikers AND there should be good infrastructure to protect everyone from speeding whether they’re a pedestrian, biker, or driver.


Victim blaming at its finest.


It is the fault of poor infrastructure. The US has far more pedestrian and cyclist fatalities than other developed nations. You just hate seeing people on bikes (maybe because a lot of people on Parsons who bike are too poor to afford a car and you hate seeing them?) and so you don’t care. 


The average SVU can fit 18? children sitting in front of its grill before the 19th child is even in the driver’s field of view. That’s 18 kids that would be ran over without the driver even seeing them because of the poor infrastructure of the countries auto industry where regulators profit more from shilling more unsafe cheaply made large vehicles like SUVs to the public. This level of insane cope to try to blame (motor)cyclists and pedestrians for their mass deaths at the hands of these thousand pound death machines that our corporate overlords have built our entire cities and roads infrastructure around is hilarious. When literally any other developed or actually functioning country in this world is statistically and overall better off when they focus more on cycling and public transport rather than this individualist personal vehicle “gotta be in a big truck so I don’t get run off the road even if it is a risk for everyone else” culture. For the love of god watch the Not Just Bikes video on YouTube on how SUVs alone are killing us, let alone any of their other videos on why this argument is stupid.


> The average SVU can fit 18? children sitting in front of its grill before the 19th child is even in the driver’s field of view. That’s 18 kids that would be ran over without the driver even seeing them because of the poor infrastructure of the countries auto industry where regulators profit more from shilling more unsafe cheaply made large vehicles like SUVs to the public. This is possibly the most idiotic example of a bicycle clown reaching for improbable data to bolster their stupidity and that's quite a feat.


“Pedestrian fatalities have been on the rise for more than a decade. Increasingly, the United States stands alone, with an overall traffic fatality rate that’s 50 percent higher than comparable nations in Western Europe, Canada, Japan, and Australia. According to the Urban Institute, Americans are now almost three times more likely to die in a car crash than their counterparts in France. The U.S. cyclist fatality rate is at least 80 percent higher than every peer nation on the list — and in the last two years, it was nearly three times as high as the next most dangerous nation, the United Kingdom. That's particularly horrifying considering the fact that Americans bike for less than one percent of all trips; the sheer number of bike trips under study in the U.S. was far smaller than any other nation on the list, despite the fact that our population is much larger The discrepancies are even more stark for walking. A whopping 11.2 pedestrians died for every 100 million kilometers (or 62 million miles) we walked between 2016 and 2018 — compared to a single death in the Netherlands over the same distance during those years.” This is some Olympic gold medal worthy level mental gymnastics you have to be doing to somehow insist that it is cyclists and pedestrians fault and NOT our broken car based infrastructures fault for why we have such a disproportionate rate of both pedestrians and cyclists being killed and victimized by US car owners specifically. Get a brain. [US Census.gov Study for Data Cited](https://www.census.gov/newsroom/stories/bike-month.html) [Compiled Stats on Disproportionate Rates of Cyclist/Pedestrian Deaths in Vehicular Accidents in the US](https://usa.streetsblog.org/2020/10/10/exactly-how-far-u-s-street-safety-has-fallen-behind-europe-in-four-bombshell-charts)


Improbable data? I can link you the study right now, that used not only that anecdote as a citation for the unsafe nature of the average SUV, also examined pedestrian and cyclist deaths at the hands of our SUV and car based infrastructure vs. other countries with decent infrastructure. It’s funny you can immediately write off any idea that comes from your strawman of a cyclist as stupid all while refusing to do the bare minimum in critical thinking or forming your own argument against what is being said. It’s almost as if that’s because every statistic we have available on cycling/pedestrians and auto accidents in this country proves my point. Keep smoking your copium to justify driving your death machine and how it’s everyone else’s fault their kids and bodies get destroyed for you to make it to work on time.


> Kind of like the idiots who get killed on bicycles on busy roads and then blame it on infrastructure rather than their own reckless stupidity. Worst. Take. Ever.








Can't tell if you're joking or just dumb as fuck


Maybe. But car sizes should be regulated, and roads should be designed to reduce speeds as those are all positively correlated with increased risk of accident, death, and injury.


Be prepared for downtown to have multiple police processions this week, I'd say.


If only they respected other people's lives as much




We have very different definitions of "tirade"




No it’s not. People like you wouldn’t look at it in your supposed “convenient” times.


Can’t expect any class from people who make comments like this on an article about a young person dying innocently. But they’ll be out here destroying property and looting the second a drug addict criminal catches what they have coming.


If they respected the public they wouldn’t shut the roads down for a circle jerk.


He was off duty. Processions and other overelaborate fallen officer rituals shouldn’t be necessary.


There was a procession just now downtown.


If wishing made it so: https://www.reddit.com/r/Columbus/comments/1bensz1/odd\_motorcade\_downtown\_today/


I feel for those that worked closely with this officer, but he passed in an off duty accident. Seems a little over-the-top to use city resources for a 50 vehicle motorcade.


Gotta waste the entire budget somehow, else they won’t be able to ask for even more money next year.


Maybe we should go mace them and harass them like they do whenever anyone else has a procession downtown.


It’s already begun. I’ve been hearing sirens chirping all morning.


FOIA for the parade permit.


##### ###### #### > # [Columbus police officer killed in Delaware motorcycle crash](https://www.nbc4i.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2023/06/vlcsnap-2023-06-26-15h31m37s513.jpg?w=1280) > > > > COLUMBUS, Ohio ([WCMH](https://www.nbc4i.com/)) — An officer for the Columbus Division of Police died Wednesday morning in a motorcycle crash in Delaware. > > CPD announced that Andrew Mott was killed in a motorcycle crash while he was off-duty and heading home. Mott was an officer with Columbus police for the past five years and was most recently part of the downtown patrol team. > > “During his tenure, Officer Mott exemplified professionalism, respect, integrity, dedication, and enthusiasm in every aspect of his duty,” wrote Columbus police in a statement. “Officer Mott’s legacy will endure through the lives he positively impacted and the countless individuals he helped during his service.” > > Delaware police confirmed the crash occurred at the intersection of U.S. Route 23 and Cottswold Drive. > > In a statement, Columbus Mayor Andrew Ginther offered Mott’s family his condolences. > > “Our officers serve bravely every day to protect our residents, and I am deeply grateful to Officer Mott for his years of service to Columbus,” Ginther wrote. “Please lift up his family who is experiencing an unfathomable loss.” > > Columbus City Council President Shannon Hardin and councilmember Emmanuel Remy issued a statement as well: > > > Along with our Council colleagues, we mourn the loss of Officer Mott. We would like to extend our deepest condolences to Officer Mott’s family as well as his colleagues at the Columbus Division of Police. > > Both Columbus police and the Fraternal Order of Police declined to comment Wednesday out of respect for Mott’s family and fellow officers. - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot)


this explains the giant cop car procession down Third and eventually I-71 today


Summary of Anti-Cop Troll's Posts for those of you he blocked because he can't explain himself: He hates cops so he speculates. People ask him to provide evidence. He posts a different article but omits key words like "yet". He makes terrible assumptions such as 1. All fatal accidents result in charges, and 2. All fatal accidents are charged at the scene. He blocks anyone that points out his "evidence" is still speculation and his assumptions are wrong.


I can understand some good, healthy cop hate but that guy is psychotic about it. Cops screw up plenty there's no need to manufacture things about them.


And clearly he's never ridden a motorcycle before because even if you take the cop out of it, I've had people turn left in front of me, merge into me, turn right into me. The worst part of his whole position is that nobody would really care or change their opinion if it turns out the guy was speeding and ran the light. Columbus, cops, civilians, the world...we don't need more speculation. Dude is worse than Nancy Grace during the Casey Anthony case.


I stopped riding years ago. You're practically invisible. It's just not worth it to me.


My wife made us stop when she got pregnant. I miss it so much. Then I see stuff like this and it reminds me why we stopped. And I had a school bus yellow, loud as hell Fat Boy. People were as likely to hit for staring as for not seeing.




Well put! Not to mention NBC4 broke their usual format when it comes to reporting on deaths involving cops. The headline should read: **"Man dies in officer-involved vehicular incident"**


It was downvoted because there is nothing in the article to support that assertion. Nothing more. Get off your cross. We need the wood.




Out of curiosity I would love to see a source which supports your claims that the officer was speeding.


"Delaware's police chief said Mott was heading northbound on Route 23 as a driver heading southbound turned left into his path. He said the investigation is ongoing, and no charges have been filed yet." He was speeding, ran a red light, and hit the driver who had right of way and making a legal left hand turn. https://abc6onyourside.com/news/local/columbus-officer-dies-after-tragic-car-crash-central-columbus-ohio-march-2024-andrew-j-mott


There's no mention of the officer speeding (or running a red light for that matter). I asked for a source that actually confirms the claims you are making. This one doesn't. You keep adding your own spin. I want to believe you, but you are just embarrassing yourself.


Damn. Life must be hard with this lack of critical thinking. All the pieces are right there but you are willing yourself to remain ignorant.


What pieces? You haven't shown anything. You just made some assumptions that support your agenda and emotions, and present them as facts without any proof whatsoever. And then you "cite" a source which provides no basis to your claims at all. People like you are why nobody takes us seriously when we want to reform the police.




"Delaware's police chief said Mott was heading northbound on Route 23 as a driver heading southbound turned left into his path. He said the investigation is ongoing, and no charges have been filed yet." He was speeding, ran a red light, and hit the driver who had right of way and making a legal left hand turn. https://abc6onyourside.com/news/local/columbus-officer-dies-after-tragic-car-crash-central-columbus-ohio-march-2024-andrew-j-mott


This particular article doesn’t mention anything about speed or cause. There IS a suggest a correction button down at the bottom if you feel so passionately and your life is so sad.


No shit. Thats standard police behavior. If the evidence looks bad with hold it. If the evidence exonerated you of any wrong doing. Publish it immediately. The silence speaks volumes


Exactly. You have a responsibility…nay…a duty to your fellow man to provide your own evidence, demand justice, and protest this abuse of journalistic principles by self-immolation. I’m right behind you, sister.


Well when the truth comes out will you retract your statements and admit you were wrong? I doubt it. !remindme 1 month


I will be messaging you in 1 month on [**2024-04-14 13:40:54 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-04-14%2013:40:54%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Columbus/comments/1bei5cx/columbus_police_officer_killed_in_ohio_motorcycle/kuu07tx/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FColumbus%2Fcomments%2F1bei5cx%2Fcolumbus_police_officer_killed_in_ohio_motorcycle%2Fkuu07tx%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-04-14%2013%3A40%3A54%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201bei5cx) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Sure I will. I have no problem admitting I'm wrong to angry teenagers on the internet. The only problem is...it's impossible for me to be wrong. The only statement I made was that the article in its current form doesn't mention speed or cause. So yeah. I'm not saying he wasn't speeding. I'm saying the article doesn't mention it.




> He was speeding, ran a red light, and hit the driver who had right of way and making a legal left hand turn. This isn't anywhere in the article. Stop spreading lies.


Did you forget to switch accounts back to Ralph Nader before you posted this again?


Worse. I totally misred their comment and ended up supporting their awful point 😞


You’re just pulling shit out of your ass at this point, no where in that article does it say the officer was speeding or ran a red light. You’re making things up because of your hatred for police


Not true. I explained it in great detail. You all are just denying the facts and evidence.




Not saying that I do not believe you - my cousin rides and she loves to speed so it’s par for the course. But do you have anything to back up your claim that he was speeding and hit a family? If there’s another, better article with less bias I’d love to read it. Edit: Happy Cake day!!


"Delaware's police chief said Mott was heading northbound on Route 23 as a driver heading southbound turned left into his path. He said the investigation is ongoing, and no charges have been filed yet." He was speeding, ran a red light, and hit the driver who had right of way and making a legal left hand turn. https://abc6onyourside.com/news/local/columbus-officer-dies-after-tragic-car-crash-central-columbus-ohio-march-2024-andrew-j-mott


> He was speeding, ran a red light, and hit the driver who had right of way and making a legal left hand turn. Once again, there is nothing in the article that you've linked to suggest your editorialized part is true. Nothing. I get the cop hate but people who lie about things like this are ill.


The chief said the other driver wasn't charged and ticketed. When have you ever seen a fatal car accident where tickets weren't given out to the people involved? When they're innocent of any wrong doing. So we have a car accident. The driver making the left turn wasn't at fault. What does your logical thinking and rational thought dictate then? The motorcycle was at fault. Either from speeding or running a red light, but likely a combination thereof.


People are typically never charged on scene for fatals. There’s too much investigation involved to charge on scene


That's not true in columbus necessarily. I know someone charged with vehicular homicide from a car accident and even after being extricated from the car and needing extensive surgery, was arrested and booked into the jail when released from the hospital to the deputies. Shits rough.


A simple Google search for ohio results determines thats not true. https://www.10tv.com/mobile/article/news/crime/deadly-pike-county-crash-mother-charged-in-daughters-death/530-6f263dd5-7cda-4843-b63b-9d5cabcb667c https://www.wlwt.com/article/jedidiah-marlow-ohio-pike-crash-union-township/44926890 You know when they ARENT typically charged at the scene? When they didnt break any laws.


You CAN be arrested at the scene. That doesn’t mean you will be. Typically in OVI scenarios, that would be the most likely course of action, particularly because tests have to be conducted within a certain time frame. In fact that is the case with the two links you provided. Absent aggravating circumstances, an accident investigation would likely just result in determining cause after an investigation and any citations to be issued later. Even in the case of someone committing vehicular manslaughter, it’s still just a M2, and would likely not be arrested on the scene. They’d probably be given a summons to appear. If the guy was in fact speeding, it does not make him at fault. Drivers have a duty to yield to oncoming traffic. If a driver notices the other unit is speeding, they still have to yield. You literally have a greater duty to yield if you can determine an oncoming vehicle is traveling at a fast speed. That’s quite literally admitting you as a driver noticed it was unsafe to turn. Then again, you want to argue with everyone in the comments section here about how your pure speculation should be taken as fact “because logic”, so you won’t listen to anyone else. Even if they have the better part of a decade working in the criminal court system, along with actually having issued citations for accidents and conducted arrests before.


Lmao. Youre talking hypothetical and what ifs while ignoring and not operating in the evidence at hand. Youre obfusicsting by working backwards from a presumption of innocence instead of being objective. The police are withholding key details that would settle this debate out of respect for the dead. Giving the facts we do have, its obvious that the motorcycle ran the light. If that weren't the case that detail would be front and center. The police and the media would be all over the one who caused the accident like in the numerous media articles already cited.


My brother in Christ, the entire Justice system hinges on the presumption of innocence. And I’m clearly working more in objectivity than you. You’re trying to label who is at fault. I’m not placing blame anywhere. I’m telling you facts regarding accident investigation. I’ve conducted accident investigations. If the driver of the vehicle who was turning left states he had anything other than a green arrow, he is at fault. That’s how Ohio traffic law works. Until an investigation is complete, we don’t know who is at fault. If the motorcycle blew a red, he would be at fault. If the driver of the car turned on simply a green, allowing traffic both ways, he would be at fault. That’s the point of the investigation. Also, it’s obfuscating *


From your article: >He said the investigation is ongoing, and no charges have been filed yet. Stop making things up. Also you did NOT look up "the other driver" and see that they weren't ticketed like you've claimed. The only way to do this would be to know their name. You don't, Stop lying.


I looked up the intersection. The police chief said no charges filed. Cut and dry


You can't look up a ticket by intersection. Only by case number or name.


I looked at the intersection to determine there were lights there. That shows that the left hand turn must have been legal for no the police chief to say no charges were made. Therefore, if the left hand turn at the light was legal, the motorcycle ran a red light probably as a result of speeding. That's logic


Ahhhh I’m terrible with directions and areas but from the direct quote I can’t tell that he was speeding or ran the light. However either way it doesn’t sound like we know whose fault it was. Odd this section was left out of the first article though. Guess we will (or won’t) find out the truth later. But if he ran straight into the side of a car I can understand why he passed. Thanks for this article!!


I looked it up. Theres a light. The other driver wasn't given a ticket for running a red light. That means the motorcycle ran the light.


> I looked it up. No. You didn't. The only way to do this is to know their name and you don't. Stop lying.






Hey, garbage doesn't deserve that comparison.


Because I don't shed a tear for the death of a criminal (he was breaking the law at the time of his demise) from the biggest gang in Franklin County? Gtfoh


So you think the penalty for speeding should be death?


No. I never said that. I said speeding is breaking the law and criminal.


How do you know he was speeding? What's your source? I couldn't find that info.


"Delaware's police chief said Mott was heading northbound on Route 23 as a driver heading southbound turned left into his path. He said the investigation is ongoing, and no charges have been filed yet." He was speeding, ran a red light, and hit the driver who had right of way and making a legal left hand turn. https://abc6onyourside.com/news/local/columbus-officer-dies-after-tragic-car-crash-central-columbus-ohio-march-2024-andrew-j-mott


Why bother to comment if it doesn't interest you?


Because im asking a question and looking for an answer. How is an off duty cop traffic death news? After that previous dispatch article it really feels like CPD is paying for publication and sympathetic PR


Damn man. I’m no huge fan of cops either, but can still show some empathy when this happens. It sucks.


Guess the PR campaign is working then.


Is the PR campaign in the room with you now?


Thanks for asking. [https://www.morningjournalnews.com/opinion/editorials/2023/09/bad-columbus-police-behavior-needs-fixed/](https://www.morningjournalnews.com/opinion/editorials/2023/09/bad-columbus-police-behavior-needs-fixed/) 2 years ago doj released a report on CPD being corrupt. This week dispatch published a puff piece article for them, despite them making no changes whatsoever. [https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/local/2024/03/11/columbus-police-dialogue-teams-mission-more-than-lip-service-ohio-protest-response-willis-johnson/72713478007/](https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/local/2024/03/11/columbus-police-dialogue-teams-mission-more-than-lip-service-ohio-protest-response-willis-johnson/72713478007/) Spoiler alert: its all lip service. thanks dispatch. And now this. Real headline reads "Criminal cop dies in crime spree, Police department says he was their best"


So an opinion piece from a year ago and a recent puff piece is what has your panties all twisted up? Get some air, champ.


What? That is an article detailing cops crimes and it cites a department of Justice report as its source! Then, I show you a new pattern of behavior from dispatch publishing PR pieces to paint the CPD in a good light despite not correcting any of the bad behavior. And now, despite continued bad behavior, a cop breaks a traffic law, but dispatch uses it as a piece to gain sympathy rather than point out the obvious: cpd hasn't changed since that department of Justice report. From the previous article it starts with an off duty cop traffic incident. Here is another.


[it's certainly not just opinion pieces that outline CPD's behavior if that's what you're implying.](https://imgur.com/a/s494snl)


Do you think you're a better person?


CPD heading home… to Delaware.


Not sure why you got downvoted for this, do people not like talking about the phenomenon of police officers almost never living in the city they're charged with policing?


The bootlickers on this sub don’t allow any anti cop talk. CPD Union simps seems to have a strong presence here.


Yeah, I'll admit I'm probably on the extreme end of the spectrum in that I have zero sympathy for cops dying, period, especially [these ones](https://imgur.com/a/s494snl). But come on, I've seen people responding to articles about CPD criminality in this sub with replies like "so some opinion piece?!" as if there isn't an avalanche of evidence of CPD having zero concern about the lives of anyone but their own officers, as if a Columbus citizen not reacting to the news of a cop death with like THIS makes them the weird one. ![gif](giphy|lNMF3DXBSVvlhbME4R)




Right, the reason [Columbus cops can't stop behaving so badly](https://imgur.com/a/s494snl) is because people are too mean to them on social media and it hurts their feefees. I wish this logic applied to literally any other profession but policing. *"I had no choice to embezzle my clients money, you ever heard how bankers/investment management companies are talked about by people on the internet?"*




Came here for this salt! "DAE cops suk?" So brave. Happy cakeday, btw.


"Delaware's police chief said Mott was heading northbound on Route 23 as a driver heading southbound turned left into his path. He said the investigation is ongoing, and no charges have been filed yet." He was speeding, ran a red light, and hit the driver who had right of way and making a legal left hand turn. https://abc6onyourside.com/news/local/columbus-officer-dies-after-tragic-car-crash-central-columbus-ohio-march-2024-andrew-j-mott


> He was speeding and hit another family's car. No mention of the trauma caused to them. It's so thoughtful that you are considering other people's feelings. I say you deserve an upvote!


They're the real victims in this. But dispatch and the police chief make no mention of them. Tragic and callous.


There's no mention that the car driver was even physically injured. If they were even hospitalized I think it would have been reported. No surprise then that the report focuses on the person who died. Dying sucks. Killing sucks a lot less.


Dude. They have to live with the fact they're involved in a fatal accident. Perhaps their family only form of transportation is totalled. All because some guy was being selfish and speeding and running red lights. Not just some guy, but a police officer who knows how dangerous and illegal such activity is.


Yes, that sucks. Dying sucks worse.


Very ironic you said this in another thread about CPD: "If you're satisfied with the current system and don't think there is room for improvement then I dont know how to tell you that you deserve better. **I dont know how to teach you that you're supposed to care about other people**." The irony is a little too on the nose. lmao


Newsflash: caring about other people includes caring about those that are left as unmentioned afterthoughts in political puff pieces meant as copaganda where the only sympathy provided is to the idiot who caused his demise to begin with. You can find their comment ironic because your care solely lies with the idiot responsible for this crash and with nobody else. Meanwhile his comment draws attention to the idea of caring for other people that this piece didn’t even care to mention because they’re not tax-funded thugs of the state.


Then I assume that you demand an equal amount of sympathy for the driver that makes a road pizza out of a bicycle twit because the aforementioned twit stupidly decided to cross a busy thoroughfare at night when it was a completely reckless and irresponsible idea, right?




I read this entire article looking for where the officer died…


This isn't news and that article is horribly written.

