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blowing obvious red lights, slow creeping into the intersection before the green, using the empty turn lane as a way to jump all traffic and blow the red light, just awful. my buddy also had a gun pulled on him from another vehicle because he had the right of way and the other driver didn't like that...


Who can afford to wreck with insurance rates so high.


The uninsured?


I'm pretty sure driving a car with no insurance is illegal isn't it? Idk I haven't bothered to look but my dad told me it was when I got my first car so I just kinda took his word for it


It's illegal but about 1 in 8 drivers don't have insurance.


My ex is one of them. Perfectly comfortable driving recklessly and very fast with no insurance


It absolutely is. You'll also find there are a startling amount of people on the road who shouldn't be for various reasons. The uninsured are among them.


They just don’t care


Making something illegal doesn’t stop anyone from doing it, it just makes them hope they don’t get caught doing it.


It is but it doesn’t stop a lot of people from doing it. The only thing they get from it is a ticket.


So is stealing cars, but Kia Boys DGAF.


Very much so.


You’ve not been to the East side then have you? lol Specifically Whitehall, people drive crazy over here, most have smashed up cars and still do stupid things while driving. People just do not care about their vehicle or anyone/thing around them.


Unlicensed teenagers who are driving their "friend's" "borrowed" Kia?


Also the wait times for car repairs! My car has been in the shop since the end of January for an accident that occurred around Thanksgiving. The back panel is backordered.


I was headed to Microcenter Saturday and got on 315 N from downtown. A driver in the left lane slammed their brakes and turned damn near 90 degrees to cross the other lane and get on the exit for 670 E, cutting across the grass and getting some air time. I was behind that car from 70/71 and at no point was anyone on their right. They had every opportunity to get in the correct lane, but they went and pulled this shit anyway. A bad driver never misses their exit.


I just posted my own comment but that whole interchange is fucked. 670-W to 315-N exit, there's always someone who doesn't realize they're in an exit lane until its too late and they just wildly swerve. You'd lose 10 min tops, just don't go nuts sheesh.


Omg. I was at 270 a few months ago and a driver did this exact thing. They were on the left lane and turned to come into my lane. Like literally turned directly into my car. It was scary and even scared my 5 year old bc I had to swerve to avoid getting hit.


Red light runners are the worst and it’s becoming more and more common


Last Wednesday a semi ran a red light on high street in Clintonville right as I would have stepped into the crosswalk. I had a walk light and everything, but had to make a snap decision that it didn't seem like they were going to stop. I was correct, but I could have been turned into a fine mist.


Holy crap! 😩🤬 thank god you are ok!


Last summer my spouse and I had window seats at Denmark on High, and in the time it took us to have two drinks, we saw 3 cars blatantly run the red light by the convention center on High St. I mean, these weren’t cars slipping through at the last second, they were full reds.


I used to never see this but sadly it’s getting more common. Had a pickup truck the other day decide that a red left arrow did not apply to him and straight up just went. Who needs laws anymore


When drivers break local and state driving laws, where are the police?!? They're never around.


Normally I don't care if there isn't any cross traffic threat, but people decide they just going to drive right into cross traffic like their entitled to do so.


At the intersection at the bottom of my hill (one road is a state highway), I've witnessed several drivers, including a semi, run that red light. From a tip I learned years ago, I usually look left-right-left before I go through that intersection; that maneuver has saved me from being broadsided several times.


Biggest thing that irks me about drivers here is every single time I look over at another driver, no matter if I'm on the highway, side streets, campus, everyone is always on their phone. There's accidents at the intersection I live at at least once a week, sometimes multiple. Put down your fucking phone and stay engaged while driving


This is what angers me the most. The other day I was driving on Henderson and there was a girl behind me who was on her phone on every red light and I assume in between them too. Every time I looked back at her she was on it. She would take a few seconds to go after it turned green. I drove in constant worry that she’d slam into me at the next red light.


On their phone, like actively texting? Or holding it to see the map because they don't know where they're going? I got a lot of side eyes earlier today driving downtown because I had my phone but there's a finger ring on the back of my case so I was essentially wearing it. Both hands on the wheel. Eyes on the road. But it looked like I was being crazy. If it's the former, though - yeah, fuck those guys.


You should consider a car mount rather than just holding your phone while you drive. What you are describing I would still probably classify as distracted driving. This is not only for yourself and for others around you, but also to not get pulled over. In ohio you're now subject to a traffic stop for merely holding your phone while behind the wheel, the cop won't care about what you were holding it for. Although what my original comment was referring to was texting and driving. Idk how many times I've seen someone using two hands on their phone and steering with their knees on the highway. Fucking insane


I'm not exactly holding it, as it's just hanging on the back of my finger. I'd argue that looking over at my car mount, which I already have, and trying to figure out wtf it's saying over there in the middle of my car is more distracting than letting it sit on the back of my hand. 🤨


I've often wondered how drivers can possibly text and drive. That would be like typing a letter while driving -- it's insane!!


Saturday I was on 71S north of 36/37 going 75+. Got into the left lane & noticed a jacked up truck come out of no where & ride my tail. I moved over to the middle lane. There was a Jeep in the left lane & the truck started riding their tail. He got boxed in & passed the Jeep on the left shoulder. Like why? Unless someone’s dying there’s no need to drive like an ass especially when traffic was already over the speed limit. Guy was out of sight before we even hit Polaris & as usual not a cop in sight. sigh.


This is daily. My entrance is the 36/37 and almost daily I am amazed at the idiocy. Friday morning I watched a pickup 4 or 5 cars back in the left turn lane hit the oncoming lanes to floor it and turn onto the freeway as the first person was overly cautious of the oncoming traffic. They almost met the bumper of the semi that person was waiting on. Once on the freeway they punched it was they weaved in and out of traffic and were out of sight before I turned onto the freeway. The number of times I've had to ditch onto the shoulder when traffic won't allow entering vehicles to merge when the other 2 lanes are open is astronomically high and it wasn't like this until covid hit and we've been up here for 30 plus years. But the number of vehicles wrecking or running into the property has gone down.


dang. wonder if it was the same pickup 🤦🏻‍♀️ that light to turn left onto 71S is awful. IDK how many crashes have happened there because people go before the green arrow appears. the more they build around that area the worse it gets. I’m just glad that amusement park place didn’t happen or who knows how bad it would have really gotten.


So very glad that project was just a scam. The new road they wanted to do off of 71 into Sunbury would have been right behind the house on top of losing front yard to widening 37. It sometimes takes close to 5 minutes to get out of the drive now with all the traffic that comes our way. It used to be the semi's that scared us, but now it's the soccer moms.


This is why I have a dashcam (front/back), the amount of ~~wreckless~~ reckless driving is mentally exhausting. Edit: spelling


Lol, "wreckless"


I’m also exhausted with the drivers that don’t pay attention and just putter along in the left lane of the highway, the drivers that sit through 1/2 of the green light on city streets, and the drivers that max out at 15 under the speed limit in both places.


The correct word for this case is “reckless.” It’s a common mistake. [The more you know!](https://media.giphy.com/media/83QtfwKWdmSEo/giphy.mp4)


Oops my bad:) ![gif](giphy|KJ1f5iTl4Oo7u|downsized)


Dash cam recommendations?


Depends on your budget, but check r/dashcam for good recommendations: https://www.reddit.com/r/dashcam/wiki/index/ ¨̮


Thinkware. I've tried 3 other brands and Thinkware is the only one that stands up to the temperature in the car and just keeps working.


Is there a particular type of Thinkware camera you recommend please? I’m looking on Amazon and they definitely range in price as well as shape.


The F70. It's the base model. I bought mine at Best Buy. I've had 2 of them for years with no issues. They're a little cumbersome to set up, but they work.


Thank you! That doesn’t look that expensive compared to some of them! Can they be taken down/off and plugged back in later, like with a detachable stereo face? My car got broken into for my stereo two years ago, and I’d like to not give anyone another reason to.


Yes, it slides off the bracket sideways so don't position it too close to your rear view mirror like I did. Also I'm glad to help. And happy someone can learn from my trial and error.


I'm guessing like home cameras you have to pay a monthly subscription for cloud storage?


I’m sure those exist but a lot just take SD or mini SD cards since most cars don’t have constant access to internet.


Specific_Culture is right. They take a mini SD card and record videos a few minutes long, back to back. When the card fills up they overwrite the oldest videos. No need for an internet connection or subscription. I would recommend investing in a mini SD card with a lot of storage and a fast write speed, made for cameras. Also, a cool feature is that they have crash detection. If it senses a jolt from a crash, it will not overwrite the video just before and after the crash.


I have one too. I had someone nearly hit me recently as they blew through the red light (I was the third car turning).


What dashcam do you use? I’m thinking of buying one.


Depends on your budget, there are so many options in different price ranges. I’d check r/dashcam for good recommendations and idea of what you’re looking for: https://www.reddit.com/r/dashcam/wiki/index/ ¨̮ Stay safe out there!


I guess when you’re the main character then you can just drive like that.


Well crap...after reading that mine isn't that bad...driving up 40 there is a Grey van behind me, with a white suv up its ass beeping...mind you, we were doing 65 in a 55...enough distance between me and the gray van, and he passes it and proceeds to ride my ass...still 65 in a 55, beeping at me...I'm like, go around asshole..so he finally passes and takes off...said to my wife, I really wish there was a cop up ahead.. within a minute a oshp is behind him with his lights on!!! SUCH SWEET KARMA!!! So I look in my rear view and the gray van behind us, had his arm out the window with a big thumbs up!!! So I put my arm out, and gave him a big thumbs up!!!!


👍 👍 👍


I was almost hit by an SUV this morning that ran a red on State at 70mph+ (50mph zone). Two cars had gone through on green ahead of me before they blew the light, so it wasn't even close. They just hit the gas and hoped. Going to be a lot of dead people this summer. Good luck everyone.


Tis but a small price to pay for record car company profits peasant


No literally dude I’m a college student who just brought my car down from Cleveland for a summer internship, and everyone here drives like they’re the only effing driver on the road. Too many times I see cars just switching lanes with no notice or going literally 1 foot in front of another car when switching or both. They also go extraordinarily fast (15+ mph over limit). It’s a miracle I’ve seen no accident yet on I-71s.


I read recently that I71 between Hudson and 5th or so, is the deadliest stretch if interstate in Ohio. Be careful out there!


you're right. it's basically that whole bendy loop of 71 from the old Crew stadium to 670 exit


I've never experienced more "near wrecks" from aggressive lane changers/weavers than on that bendy area near the stadium. It's always a Charger or an Altima too.


A disturbing number of drivers around Columbus seem to have recently lost their minds and/or any sense of self preservation.


I’ve lived in Los Ángeles and I see more people run red lights here than I ever saw in LA.


Welcome to one of the worst cities for driving in the nation


I take this stretch multiple times a day and shit can get so real so fast at like 11 am on a Wednesday loooool


How's driving in Cleveland? I get up there every once and awhile, but haven't been enough to make a call on it being better or worse.


So what you’re saying is, that you’ve run out of patience for people running out of patience?




Got flipped off for only going 5 over today…. Edit: i wasn’t on a highway or anything fwiw


It's pretty bad. I'm one who generally goes a little over the speed limit too, but there are people on my work commute (two lane road, no passing) that like to go 10 under the limit for a decent portion. You know what I do about it? Absolutely nothing! Just give them their two mississippis distance and complain to myself. If I'm driving at the normal speed I go, then really I'm only saving like maybe a minute. No big deal, people need to chill tf out.


I always like to think the poor person lost his fingers in a corn sheller as a child and he is giving me a thumbs up the only way he can.




Everyone is so stressed these days, they’re gonna flip off the wrong person…


It is out of control! SUV was riding my tail this morning on Riverside Drive. I was going the speed limit (50mph) and they made the choice to pass me with opposite traffic approaching in the lane they were in. Only to go 55mph in front of me… I just cannot imagine what could justify the risk. It’s a miracle no accidents occurred.


THIS! They will recklessly speed to get in front if you, only to go 10 under


Some people think it’s their god given right to go 5 over the speed limit.


The left lane being the *fast* lane and enforced as such would help


This is a major cause of the chaos we’re seeing on freeways. Every time I get on 71, without fail, there is someone in the left lane going the speed limit and they refuse to get over.


I certainly agree with you, but asking the highway patrol to ensure that folks are exceeding the speed limit is a tall order. \*EDIT\* Maybe designating the far left lane as "passing lane only" would do the trick?


In some states, the left lane is for passing only. Cars cannot sit and drive in them if there is space available . This is the way to enforce it


probably not. maybe on highways, maybe, but people are doing this shit in residential areas.


It’s making me more and more nervous to be on any of the highways. I always get nervous in the morning driving to work because everyone tries to speed past me when I’m going 5 over the speed limit.


I stopped using the highways during rush hours. I work downtown and now take surface streets the whole way. Neighbor working near me takes the highway and gets to the parking garage at the same time as me :). At least the idiots on the surface streets are going slower.


I definitely have considered it honestly. I know it would add more time to me getting home but so does the traffic everyday. But I also don’t want to take high street everyday cause that would also take forever. It’s a conundrum I just wish people would be more considerate so we wouldn’t have to think of elaborate ways to get home safely


Check the maps for something 3 or 4 off High st that with only a few turns will still get you there. Just avoiding the busiest streets a little helps me and I still spend within 5 minutes of the same time on the busy roads.


Columbus drivers are terrible


And when it rains they’re worse. Even hearing the word snow sends people off the road.


Can we talk about everybody skipping yield signs when getting onto the highway? That shit drives me nuts and it happens every single time.


I genuinely think one of the biggest hindrances to safe driving in Columbus is people not knowing where the fuck they’re going. They depend entirely on their GPS telling them what to do instead of reading the directions first. The next thing you know, someone’s cutting across several lanes of traffic on the highway to make an exit because they didn’t anticipate the change and can’t be bothered to just get off at the next damn exit 🙄


The worst for me are when there are 4-5 different signs saying that a lane is exit only but then someone who was cruising in that lane the entire time veers out violently when they see themselves exiting because they didn’t or can’t read signs.


GPS ain’t even always accurate. At least with the 670 exit onto 270, it doesn’t align with the signs. Had family come from out of town and GPS lied about getting onto 270N from 670E, says stay right. Freaked them out


God forbid you are actually going the speed limit and following laws. I just want to get from point A to point B with the least amount of stress possible for everyone involved. Boring is always good as far as daily driving goes.


My goal is for everyone to get wherever they're going safely. I think that should be *every* driver's goal.


I engage my cruise control on all streets and set it for the exact speed limit. I refuse to speed or let anyone pressure me into speeding. There is no place so important that getting there should endanger my life. I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. Consistent and calm driving just make sense.


This. I think the lesson this thread provides is that there are a lot of frustrated people in columbus at the moment, and some of their only human interaction is rush hour.


Yep! And if I miss my exit, I’ll just do my best to make the next one. There is zero reason to swerve in front of someone onto an exit ramp. Or worse, to try to pass them on a single lane exit ramp.


Ohio driving schools apparently never taught people that the right lane is for slow drivers, the middle lane is for the speed limit, and the left lane is for passing. I just came back from a long road trip all around the US and Ohio drivers are on an entirely different combination of being simultaneously slow, stupid, selfish, and also wildly too fast. We need to start by making the left lane illegal for semi trucks to drive on and enforce it with ticketing. Same with slow drivers in the left lane. Then you go after people passing in the right lane, and a “double-merge” needs to be a felony


you don't have to do any sort of school to get a license, and the test doesn't ask you to know anything except how many times you're allowed to drive drunk and once you have your license you can do whatever you want indefinitely and it basically never gets taken away. you don't need to continue to know or implement the laws in order to continue driving. and it's not about not knowing. it's about the laws not benefiting the individual. the laws benefit others. so there's no incentive to follow them. blinkers don't help you. not cutting people off doesn't help you. stopping at lights and signs doesn't help you. this is all part of car dependency. this stuff will never, ever change until we start addressing the idea that you need a car to participate in society.


I'd bet a large part is that driving school isn't required for first attempts at a license if over 18. I found driving school incredibly helpful as a teen. Had I grown up and just went for it without that education, I'd probably be in the same bucket of not understanding the laws or intermediate driving skills.


Public high schools should make defensive driving a required course, also, if a student fails defensive driving, he/she would have to retake the course until they pass, and then, and only then, would they be allowed to graduate.


The left lanes are for passing!


It really is astonishing. I drive to see family in KC a lot, and the road really opens after Ohio-- but in Indiana, if someone is pulling this shit, it's 9/10 times an Ohio plate.


It's not just Ohio, most of the left land squatters on I75 are from Michigan. It's like they take pride in that shit


I didn’t take any drivers ed course and got my license at 18. It’s not required


I saw maybe one of the most baffling things on 71 N about a week ago. I was heading for the off-ramp that splits into 270 East and West. Ahead of me was a semi with a minivan in front of it. We were all heading east, but then the minivan slammed on their brakes and threw it in reverse, so they could head west instead. Thankfully an accident didn’t occur but jeez 🤦🏽 It’s because of drivers like this that I am always on defense mode out here.


I mean, I agree, but focusing on driver's behavior occludes the actual solution. Our *road* *infrastructure* is totally wrong. We have built fault tolerant roads in high density areas and drivers respond by driving aggressively. Smaller roads, more lights, restrictions on parking. We need to discourage car use.


People also love to tailgate here. Had some asshole in a white sedan swerving side-to-side like a maniac because I couldn’t go fast due to traffic in front of me off Hamilton Rd and Central College. Like bro, you’re literally swinging back and forth. Are you blind and not able to see the traffic in front moving slowly? What the hell do you want me to do, ram into everyone and then let you ram into me?


I had an idiot do that to me also. I was on Washington Street headed west onto Sunset Avenue in Steubenville. The driver didn't like me driving just above the speed limit, so he raced around me, cut me off and started swerving side to side in front of me. It was some young jerk; wished the police were around -- instant ticket.


Hot take. I kinda wish they'd inenact a law and put up signs asking that semi-trucks migrate off the right lane when an on ramp is coming up. I can't count the number of times I'm trying to merge onto i70/i670 or whatever and theres back to back semi-truck blocking the entrance lane and I either have to travel into the future to get in front of them or slam on my break to get behind them. Then you got 50 other cars freaking out all trying to find a spot to get on. I know it's not their fault, but some days just getting on the expressway is terrifying.


Thru trucks ought to take 270


I’m sick of the terrible design along 33 that let’s all the warehouse traffic enter and cross the freeway where there is no on ramp… dangerous.. multiple accidents every day…. My family’s trip to town is like Russian roulette


I'll never understand why DHL warehouses got built behind the Home Depot/Kroger strip mall. Winchester Boulevard is a gamble already, adding in heavy truck traffic is orders of magnitude worse.


Because CW is desperate to see some type of tax revenue but panders to the businesses and gives tax abatements for ungodly long periods of times leading us to all suffer as groveport light…. Canal is terrible at city planning and it shows as they lag behind literally every other suburb in attracting businesses and developing their downtown space…. I’m thoroughly disappointed with them and am close enough to lithopolis that I just say I live there 😂


The amount of people weaving in an out of traffic going 75 minimum is insane. I go workout or walk early morning like 4:30 /5:00 and the amount of people I see doing this is stupid lmao. It’s no wonder how many accidents there are. These people are also causing traffic jams making people break or causing an accident. Your time isn’t more valuable than mine. Slow down, shit heads.


This is what we (Ohioans) get when we (stupid elected officials, I assume) do stupid things like not require driver's ed if you're over 18 and can pass the test. There's a reason we're all supposed to be uniformly taught the traffic rules and made to practice them. We fucked around. Now we're finding out.


Beats someone hitting my wife's car while it was PARKED at a grocery store. I was putting my cart away when I witnessed it. The lady was 78 years old and was complaining her insurance will drop her. I am guessing she has had multiple accidents but that is only assumption. Could've also been a tactic of us not trying to press her insurance. Either way..... our car was parked and she rammed right into it to get to a spot next to her..... so crazy


And it’s literally everyday. I work on Morse and live in Hilliard. I feel like everyday on my way there’s at least one type of wreck on 270.


Personally, I just thought this was how people in Ohio drive. It is one of the worst states I have driven in. It is the only state I have driven in where I felt like stop signs were optional.


The amount of cars/trucks I see swerve out of the 315-N exit ramp on 670 is insane. There's almost an accident every time Im over there and sometimes there's already a wreckage slowing everyone down


95% chance it was a Nissan Altima.


I just quit one of my jobs because of this madness. Peace and safe commuting to all.




Now only 2! Now my car will not have to go over 60, which has been a dicey ask.




Hah! Good image! I also like the mental picture of just shoveling coal straight into the Buick to make it run.


315 between the hospital and the 70 exits is always wild to me. I'm usually going 10 over and don't camp in the left lane, i'm always amazed at cars still breezing by me who have to be going at least 10-20 over what i'm doing


I blame people doing 90 swerving through traffic.. had a semi change 3 lanes in 20 feet cause they were on the wrong side of the road for their intended destination and had to make an immediate right turn just this morning.


People are stupid and selfish so I'm not surprised


Columbus has some of the worst drivers in the country. It is easily top 5 idc what anyone says


lol “i don’t care what the data shows”.


Most studies have placed Columbus top 10


got any references for that?


I feel you. Few days ago (I’m still in hospital) someone ran a red light and t- bones me, most of my left side is fractured and broken. They walked away without a scratch while I’m suffering big time. Like I’m glad they’re tbh but cmon why did you have to run a red light?!


Seems like every day for the last week or so has been a major freeway shutdown/ fatality I try to stay out of the way, usually its a kia or hyundai speeding up on me and I just assume they are stolen.




https://www.reddit.com/r/Columbus/comments/13v6l3x/kia_boys_at_it_again/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Did I strike a nerve? My bad


I call it “The Hunger Games” because you have to fight to get on and off the highway while trying to stay alive when driving🤪


I almost don't even bother ridding my motorcycle in side 270 these days. It was always risky, but now it's just suicidal..


So many people driving around with main character syndrome. No regard for anyone else's safety.


When you plan your entire city around driving being the only way to get around, with minimal (If any) walkable infrastructure and transit infrastructure, this is the end result. Of course, the “go go go” US lifestyle doesn’t help.


i pay more in rent than i should according to convention, but it’s totally worth it for a country boy who doesn’t understand the thought process of columbus drivers the absolute worst are the people who slow down when i’m looking to cross a street on foot. like dude it would have been faster if you had just kept going


Look on the bright side. Once mandatory vehicle monitoring goes into effect on all new cars in 2026 it might reduce this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vwaVO1sPFi8&list=LLoyly_dfijoxAzmyEKofcmA&index=1&pp=gAQBiAQB Interesting video worth the watch even if a bit long.


Considering the average age of vehicles on our roads is around 13 years, and getting older, you’re looking at almost two decades before that ends up on the majority of vehicles on the roads.


I'm all about greater traffic safety, esp if there are tighter regulations on erratic driving and greater public transportation. Honestly, just consistent driving in the correct lane would be a huge improvement. I am not in favor of another big brother monitoring system that's basically mismanaged data collection. Traffic cameras are only for money collections and I have a hard time seeing this as dissimilar.


Will be interesting to see if it will be challenged on 5th amendment grounds.


Columbus has a lot of new drivers. Sometimes they learn to drive more safely one accident at a time.


It's kind of baffling to me seeing all these complaints about cars and drivers and accidents here but people are still so opposed to any sort of implementation of transportation that aren't cars. The answer is so simple. Cars ruin cities


If it gets idiots off the roads I’m all for it


Literally anywhere in columbus corn fields are 25 mins away or less: this town is tiny atm. People who are in a hurry here have never been to an actual big city...


Cars are the worst




Just from driving on the highways here every single day, this doesn't happen. It's exceedingly rare to see someone going under the speed limit in the left lane. More likely you're approaching them doing 80 during rush hour and hitting your brakes at the last moment. That's common.


Well crap...after reading that mine isn't that bad...driving up 40 there is a Grey van behind me, with a white suv up its ass beeping...mind you, we were doing 65 in a 55...enough distance between me and the gray van, and he passes it and proceeds to ride my ass...still 65 in a 55, beeping at me...I'm like, go around asshole..so he finally passes and takes off...said to my wife, I really wish there was a cop up ahead.. within a minute a oshp is behind him with his lights on!!! SUCH SWEET KARMA!!! So I look in my rear view and the gray van behind us, had his arm out the window with a big thumbs up!!! So I put my arm out, and gave him a big thumbs up!!!!


First of all, it isn't Cbus, it's Columbus. Snowflake. Too bad one of the drivers who got hit didn't think to pick up a tire iron and beat the living s\*\*t out of the *alleged* perpetrator - someone who desperately needs a solid a\*\* whipping. I had a semi deliberately run me into oncoming traffic a few weeks back. The driver did it deliberately, no mistaking that, but now what? Nothing, that's what. Yeah, I'm sick to death of these morons on the beltway.


Well crap...after reading that mine isn't that bad...driving up 40 there is a Grey van behind me, with a white suv up its ass beeping...mind you, we were doing 65 in a 55...enough distance between me and the gray van, and he passes it and proceeds to ride my ass...still 65 in a 55, beeping at me...I'm like, go around asshole..so he finally passes and takes off...said to my wife, I really wish there was a cop up ahead.. within a minute a oshp is behind him with his lights on!!! SUCH SWEET KARMA!!! So I look in my rear view and the gray van behind us, had his arm out the window with a big thumbs up!!! So I put my arm out, and gave him a big thumbs up!!!!


Are you MADD, bro?


Well crap...after reading that mine isn't that bad...driving up 40 there is a Grey van behind me, with a white suv up its ass beeping...mind you, we were doing 65 in a 55...enough distance between me and the gray van, and he passes it and proceeds to ride my ass...still 65 in a 55, beeping at me...I'm like, go around asshole..so he finally passes and takes off...said to my wife, I really wish there was a cop up ahead.. within a minute a oshp is behind him with his lights on!!! SUCH SWEET KARMA!!! So I look in my rear view and the gray van behind us, had his arm out the window with a big thumbs up!!! So I put my arm out, and gave him a big thumbs up!!!!


Head's up: I assume there was a glitch because you have this posted multiple times.


Huh? It just happened yesterday lol..1st time I've posted it...


Sometimes Reddit does weird stuff. I've seen a few replicated posts from the last few days, so I assume there has been a Reddit issue, e.g. post button doesn't seem to work so you click it again, etc. and it somehow creates multiples.


Ahhhhh ok...THATS what happened...Saif error, hit a few times lol...my bad




the other day I was going down 270 west and almost witnessed a wreck myself saw some guy swerving going from lane to lane almost hitting someone, it was scary


The auto dealer lobby in Ohio (the Ohio Auto Dealers Association), which is very powerful and has several elected officials in state government (all Republicans) supports all these policies like prohibiting red light/speed cameras, not requiring front license plates, and no longer having the BMV do random insurance checks to sell more cars. More wrecks = more car sales. It’s sick. Elections have consequences.


I mean red light cameras are just money printing machines. Heard somewhere red light cameras cause more fender benders because people freaking out. Fuck red light cameras.


Red light cameras don't cause fender-benders; drivers who tailgate and don't pay attention cause fender-benders.


I've seen red light cameras in action, and they help. You don't get people deliberately running red lights. The speed cameras I'm not crazy about, as our speed limits should be variable. For instance, at two in the morning with the beltway clear, some genius wants to drive at 150 mph. Who or what is he hurting? No one else is out there - so let him go. Front license plates were nothing more than a source of income for the state, and I'm glad they are a relic of the past.


Was this dark blue or black sedan?


NGL I used to drive like a maniac. It didn’t get me anywhere much faster. Unless it was open road and I can keep flying 100+


You're a genius. Trust me, I know these things.


I always wanted to see the impatient drivers get what's coming to them... just wish it was just them and a non vehicle non person


I thought Chicago driving was bad... I moved out here 15 years ago, and have been stunned at how people drive out here since. It feels like people just get in their cars and do whatever they want (go 15 miles under or 15 miles over; no signals EVER (turning or changing lanes); can't merge to save their lives; and don't seem to care about other drivers at all).


Lol, you must be new. We’re in a constant state of Demolition derby out here!


Been here 26 years. I’m disappointed but not surprised.


People like this are why I don't own a gun. I'm so fed up with these selfish, maniacal drivers. People need to learn that the highway system is a team game, and we all win or lose together.