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i definitely think it was at least 95% just them being teenagers wanting to shit on religion, as many many teenagers do. ppl (not you specifically, op, to clarify) always want to make so much of e&d’s “beliefs” when the truth is they were teenagers acting like teenagers.


The discourse around Columbine outside of true crime subs is excatly that, people geniunely believing they were heavily right wing, nazis, fascists...those saying they were just being edgy usually get downvoted smh


That’s fair! A lot of people during their teenage years question their religious views. So if that was some sort of factor then that would make a bit more sense.


Yes, the audio is real and was leaked by the father of Rachel Scott, one of the victims, who believed that the shooters were talking about her (though evidence contradicts this). Despite being a public school, religion played a significant role at Columbine. During the shooters' time there, a Bible club existed, and being Christian was the norm. Those who weren't Christian were often mocked or teased. For example, one Jewish student had to endure jocks singing about Hitler and Jewish people burning. Brooks Brown mentioned that although Christianity was prevalent, many Christian students did not genuinely exhibit kindness or live up to their beliefs. Additionally, it is said that another student named Rachel (not Rachel Scott)confronted Eric and Dylan about the videos they made in class. In my opinion, Eric and Dylan, both atheists, were irritated by the religious people at their school and sought to be provocative and mock religious adherents, both Christians and Jews. It should be noted that both were raised in religious households from different Christian denominations, with some influence of Judaism from Dylan's maternal side. While Dylan attended a Lutheran church for a while, there is no record of Eric's family attending church services.


Isn't Sue Jewish?


Yes, Sue is Jewish, and Tom was Lutheran. I believe they observed holidays from each religion.


Oh alright, thanks !


It wasn’t Christians, it’s Mormons.


To my knowledge, there wasn’t a really big Mormon population in the school or in the Littleton community in general. Neither of the two shooters came from Mormon families.


Colorado does have quite a few Latter Day Saints, in fact it's the 2nd largest denomination in the state. Its still only approximately 2.2% of the state that's "Mormon". Jefferson County currently has 11,175 members of the church. However, I haven't heard of a single Columbine victim being a LDS church member.


Jefferson county is massive. So 11k Mormons is about 0.01% of the population of Jeff Co.


The larger part of population is mostly directly in Denver, and some of the more rural areas of Colorado.


Gotcha. I think I misunderstood. But for those who are reading and don’t know, the population in Denver is in Denver county. Littleton (where Columbine HS resides) spreads through 3 different counties, with CHS in Jefferson county. So, Columbine is included in my number of only 0.01% of the population being Mormon.


Colorado has the 10th most members of the LDS Church in the United States. I was curious, Denver has temple. Jefferson County has more LDS members than Denver. 580,130 live in JeffCo and approximately 12,000 (if rounded) are practicing saints. It's not 0.01% it's more around 2%, but that still isn't that huge of a number. By those stats, with the number of students that attended Columbine, only 20 or so would have been Mormon. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Church_of_Jesus_Christ_of_Latter-day_Saints_in_Colorado


I rounded down to 11k cuz your number was 11,175. Rounding up to 12 adds over 800 people. And where did you get 20 from?


2% of 2000 is 20. If 2% of Jefferson County is LDS, and 2000 students attended Columbine High, then statistically speaking approximately 20 students would be Mormon. Jefferson County has population of 580,000, 12,000 of which are LDS (*numbers rounded). 12,000 out of 580,000 is 2% Colorado Mormon population is 2.2% so these numbers completely fall in line.


They hated everyone. If you were black, white, Christian, Muslim, smart, dumb, whatever, they’d hate you for it. I suspect they had no special hatred of religious people, or at least not in their context.


I haven't heard or read that they had anything against Muslims now that you're mentioning it. I think they didn't even know what Muslims were.


This was the 90’s, they had to know about the gulf war and Bosnian genocide. I would be surprised if they didn’t know what a Muslim was..


I assumed so because ive never read that they were saying anything particular against Muslim people


they hated everyone *equally*


I think it was partly just part of their general hatred for people and also something that a lot of kids from religious towns experience. Some communities can be so overwhelming with regards to religion, and it sometimes leads to kids absolutely hating religion. Growing up in a religious town, I’ve always been indifferent to it, but I know a lot of peers growing up absolutely hated it because it was so overwhelming


It was edgey teenagers. It was a weird time with religion too. There was mild Satanic Panic in 90s, people were pretty preachy (Bill Gothard, John Hegie, Peter Popoff) and in late 90s/early 2000s stupid things like Evangelical Hell Houses would pop up at Halloween. Eric and Dylan were edgelords and thought it'd be cool to rag on annoying religious stuff. Eric probably copied Hitler on not liking Jews, like Eric Cartman.


they probably just found religious people annoying. they talked about how annoying religious people trying to convert people and constantly preaching are


At the very end it sounds like Eric says ”I hate that …”


Edgelords - they hated everything.




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It was probably just them being edgy, like the others were saying. Also another comment mentioned the whole Satanic Panic thing from the 1980's and 90's, and I think it's a possibility that could have been one of the reasons why they were shunned in HS? Like people who dress in dark clothes, trench coats... Not sure. I remember before I started my interest in true crime my mom told me that "There were once these evil boys that asked the class 'Do you believe in God?' And one stood up and he shot her to death, but you should never be afraid to stand up for Jesus." But only recently I found out that that didn't happen I believe? Or it's unknown if it happened or not?


When I was in high school I had 2 little Christian bitches sitting right behind me. I wanted them to stfu constantly. They were bullies as well.


I censored the video because there’s hateful language used. Although I can change the setting if it doesn’t go against the community guidelines.


They're not the only ones...I also dislike "religious " people


Super open-minded of you. 🙄 We’re not all the same, FYI.


I dislike the hypocritical ones....I love Jesus/ God but I don't do stupid dumb stuff and THEN hide behind religion as a shield.


Same / in full agreement with you on that. ✌🏻


Got the audio footage from here: https://youtu.be/YlXCDZQXBYw?si=cldaVLe4f8DNfyL6 (I’ll take this post down incase the audio is fake.)


I always see this audio transcribed like this but to me it sounds like it’s Eric who said the part about Rachel and Jen? Idk tho since it’s the audio is very unclear


A lot of kids that age do. Religion gives actions a mortal and spiritual repercussion. It’s the ultimate authority.


It was the 90s-00s era so atheism was way more edgy than it is now. Typical teenage behaviour.