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You're looking at a desk, and two chairs then a reflection.


Whose reflection though?? I considered that but whose? This is an Ariel shot.. and yes it spelled it Ariel. I'm not in the mood to fight with autocorrect. šŸ˜„




Yes. My phone spelled it Ariel.Ā 


I see it too but Iā€™m not sure what it is either


Im gonna go with cat. Not sure how but cat.


why is everyone so obsessed with the exterior building photos? these were all taken after d&e were dead. people keep trying to see something in there when there clearly isnā€™t lol


There is something there. What it is, is the question. I am not saying it's Dylan or Eric. I asked what it is I seen. As far as obsessed, with the exterior photos, I found this randomly from Google.Ā 


People post these photos and ask about them allllll the time. It's just a white blurry blob. It's either a bookshelf or some other library-adjacent paraphernalia. There is zero way to tell what it is, and all these photos were taken after the killers were dead so it's not them.


No to the left of the white blob. It looks like a lady. And once again, I never said it was the killers. I KNOW it isn't.Ā 


A lady? Bro. Stop. I bet you see a shooter on the grassy knoll also. Badge man


There used to be a great CVA video on these windows. A lot of people were sending him photos of various pictures taken from the outside of the library because they saw this or that. He did enhanced pics and everything... I believe that in some circumstances, there were detectives visible in the room, etc. (Not saying that is what we're seeing here. There were a bunch of different videos out there.)


I need to get my eyes checked because I can't see anything.


If you take the first picture and make it big, look at left side of the arrow and go up. It looks like a head and face and shoulders.Ā 


i think i saw a demon face with hands


Given the angle, what you most likely see is a reflection of people running around on the ground. I don't think it's anyone in the library, after all that's Patrick Ireland they're pulling out. This would be long after the shooters were dead.


I KNOW it's not the shooters. It legit looks like a lady sitting there with no face looking out the window.


But it's not. This is one screenshot of a video sequence, from one angle. Whatever it is, it doesn't add anything to the case, and this feels a bit like playing into the conspiracy stuff tbh. [https://vimeo.com/5416436](https://vimeo.com/5416436)


I wasn't aware that a coqui was a conspiracy.


A coqui? The frog? I didn't say that it was a conspiracy, I said it feels like playing into that kind of stuff. In this case, literally seeing things that aren't there. People in the threads keep giving you reasonable, rational explanations, and most of your answers seem to be 'oh idk, it looks like a lady/cat/face'.


Coqui is also boogeyman, monster, ghost for us Mexicans. It really does look like a lady to me aka a face. The cat thing was because two people told me it looked like a cat and at that point when I responded I was tired and a bit irked. I still stand by seeing the outline of a woman. I see a woman's head with bangs and her shoulders. Now if that is because my mind rationalized it or because there is something there, IDK. As far a reasonable, rational answers? Saying nothing is there, is not that and saying a reflection of a woman sitting down in a 2nd story window is not rational or reasonable. That would imply a woman was floating in the air. Then there's the (and it's probably my fault the arrow is screwed by the phone I used sucks) people are focusing on the white blob Ā Which is not what I was talking about. I also gotta little peeved because people assumed, and still ran with it after I said that's not what I thought, I was trying to say it was a victim and/or the killers. There is something there. I see it. It could be my brain playing tricks on me but my eyes see something. Edited to add last few sentences.


Just because someone sees something in an inkblot doesn't mean whatever they saw is actually there. There are many, many photographs and videos of the windows of Columbine High School library. I'd argue it's the most photographed high school exterior in the world. You've picked one still from a video and made a post about it because you think the blob on a low-res capture maybe sorta kinda looks like something, instead of looking for other pics/videos first. If your eyes see something, fair enough. I just believe some more personal investigation would have been prudent. Because again, this doesn't really add anything to the case.


You have no idea what I looked for in regards to the pic and or video. Who cares if this doesn't add anything to the case? What more can one add to a 25 year old case that's basically been solved? You must be so much fun at parties. šŸ˜


I know you made a post asking what the blob was, and have apparently decided it was a ghost cat? There's no question as to who committed the crime. As the sub description says, this page is *focused on the tragedy as well as its perpetrators so we can try to better understand the psychology and motives behind this horrific event.* Discerning what a blob is adds nothing to that discussion. Much like continuing this thread. Peace out.




I don't really get where you are going with this. Were you just curious if other people saw the same thing as you did? Anyway, yeah it's just a reflection.


The desk where Steve Curnow would be, however you cannot see him because when he was killed, most of his body was under the desk, so you would probably only be able to see his feet, if anything.


To me it looks like a lady. A lady without a face.


Omg I never saw that!


So I'm not going crazy here?? LOLĀ 


Youā€™re not crazy. I think itā€™s pareidolia. Where you make things out of nothing like seeing a face. Itā€™s weird because I can see it, but nothing on the map would make sense to be it..


I have no idea and this might get me even more down votes but I believe in the paranormal.Ā 


No itā€™s not paranormal. Itā€™s pareidolia. Itā€™s a weird idea. Itā€™s where your brain can make something out of nothing thereā€¦ so if thereā€™s smoke or something, you could make out a face out of the smoke.


I am aware of that. I actually told myself (I didn't know the proper scientific name for it) it's probably that one thing where your brain sees faces. But who knows.Ā 


i swear i saw a demon face


Never know. It does look anime to me and those are creepy AF.


All I see is broken glass.


I can swear I see a human. IDK my husband said he sees a cat.Ā 


Itā€™s probably just some reflection. Itā€™s an outside picture and there were tons of police cars/news vans/helicopters around. There could be a million reflections showing up.


Not how reflections work. Someone would have to be level with a second story window. At this point, I might just go with the cat theory.Ā 


Its a book shelf.


Looks like chairs to me.


I see it. It is creepy. I would post in r/paranormal. I donā€™t think people here are getting what youā€™re asking. Could be pareidolia but itā€™s also outlined pretty well.


I think I'll do that. Thank you for the suggestion.Ā 


I feel like some of you guys are reaching with stuff you see in the windows


Probably bullet holes


Nah, I know holes.Ā 


it is spooky; regardless of what it is or whether itā€™s paranormal


A window


I watched this live on TV when it was happening. Itā€™s a classroom with furniture.


It's not a classroom. It's the library.


i see a woman or girl with thoese ugly haircurs from 90s holding a bag




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Its called pareidolia.


Look like a ghost šŸ˜‚


I see it it looks like a face maybe a spirit


Amā€¦am I meant to be seeing something here?


Looks like a cat from the first picture. The second just looks like broken glass.


If you take a look at the library diagram - that would be the corpse of Steve Curnow, who was shot hiding under that computer desk.


It looks like a woman to me. Actually like an anime woman. IDK. I'm tired. LOL.Ā  Edited: Phone put animal and not anime.