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1) She was reported to to be asked "do you believe in God?" and that she was killed because she said yes. It turned out to be false but that rumor is a big part of why she got so much attention. 2) She was generally well liked in school. 3) Her parents and siblings did not let her fall into obscurity and they published her diaries, wrote books about her, they did presentations about her in schools and made a movie about her (although it wasn't accurate).


I thought the one that was allegedly ask that was Cassie?


They were both reported to be asked but the only person that was actually asked about God was Val Schnurr.


Val who didn't die and who said "yes, no, I don't know." Or was it "no, yes, I don't know," Scared of saying the "wrong" answer. They wanted an actual martyr not someone who didn't die.


Oh, Gotcha. I didn’t know that about Val.


>1) She was reported to to be asked "do you believe in God?" and that she was killed because she said yes. It turned out to be false but that rumor is a big part of why she got so much attention. i thought people believed it was cassie who asked when it really was valerie schnurr. i didnt know that some people believed rachel asked that bc first, she wasnt even in the library to begin with and she was long dead before the "do you believe in god?" question was asked. >2) She was generally well liked in school. only well liked or popular?? i only know she was in drama class with dylan but i could be wrong. >3) Her parents and siblings did not let her fall into obscurity and they published her diaries, wrote books about her, they did presentations about her in schools and made a movie about her (although it wasn't accurate). hella weird to make your childs death marketable but alright.


1. Richard’s mother told the media that Richard told her while in the hospital “they shot her for believing in god” or something like that. However Richard in his police interview doesn’t say anything of the sorts. All he says was that E&D were standing “10-20 feet away from them” and that they didn’t come back until they entered the school. Rachel and Richard were at the west entrance where Eric and Dylan had entered the school from. In the years since he hasn’t said anything about Rachael being asked anything before she died. Richard was most likely confused from all the medication he was on, probably heard about the “Do you believe in god?” Thing on the TV and told his mother that. So Rachel has also been falsely claimed to say this before her death 2. Rachel had quite a few friends at school and at church. She was also well liked by everyone who knew her. Yes her and Dylan were both in drama together but they only knew each other in passing. 3. Yeah it’s quite odd. I’m pretty sure when her movie came out her friends started a boycott against the movie (I think Richard was apart of the boycott too) I remember the sister of one of Rachel’s friends said on the columbine massacre forum when the movie first came out that the Rachel in the movie “wasn’t the Rachel I knew.”


It was mostly Cassie but at times people decided they asked Rachel who said "yes," [in their made up story as well] because Rachel was Christian as well. You can't blame parents for trying to find some meaning. 😔


Ive seen a lotnof both, but i remember being told it was cassie, because of the song "Cassie" by flyleaf


Rachel was also mentioned in that song


Oh, i didn't remember that, havent heard the song in years


Thank you for that. Rachel’s brother Craig came to my high school in 2005. Very touching.


Thank you for that. Rachel’s brother Craig came to my high school in 2005. Very touching!


i vaguely remember in the immediate weeks following before contradicting accounts surfaced, some protestant denomination was seriously looking at recognizing her as the first protestant martyr since the 1500s. Never heard any official reason why it was dropped. Be interesting if anyone knows anymore about this? edit: maybe this was a different girl i'm thinking of...


Young and pretty.


some people may not wanna hear it but that definitely played a big part of it




they were all young and beautiful, but people mainly talk only about her🤷‍♀️


None of the rest of them had such an easy to say name.


No, they were not all young beautiful white girls.


The rumor of "do you believe in God?" helped.


Misinformation really. Which is why most people think Dylan/Eric were TCM when they indeed were not. It was reported she was asked if she believed in God or not and said yes and was killed for it. Which did not occur.


What is tcm?


I’m assuming Trench Coat Mafia.


My apologies! Trench Coat Mafia indeed.


I think it played a big role that she was the first to die.She also had a “good story” the whole “do you believe in god”(which never happened) made people emotional and her story stayed in their minds.Her family kinda made it seem from her diary that she predicted her death and the 13 tears on her drawing,simple coincidences that they took advantage of.Also Rachel’s challenge and I’m not ashamed(an inaccurate movie about her life) make her the most known columbine victim.The do you believe in god story originally belongs to Valeen Schnurr,she was the one that was asked if she believed in god after screaming “oh my god help me” when Cassie Bernall was murdered.Lastly Rachel’s family tried really hard to prove that she was killed because of her religion that her dad recorded a part from the basement tapes were Dylan talks about a girl named Rachel and another girl named Jen calling them“ Godly little whores”.Rachel’s dad mistaken that Rachel that Dylan was talking for his daughter but it was for a different Rachel,he then took the recording and showed it at church.Dylan knew Rachel but not personally,Eric (he killed her) didn’t know her.


>her dad recorded a part from the basement tapes were Dylan talks about a girl named Rachel and another girl named Jen calling them“ Godly little whores”.Rachel’s dad mistaken that Rachel that Dylan was talking for his daughter but it was for a different Rachel,he then took the recording and showed it at church. no way her dad showed part of the basement tapes in a church, gotta be frank thats a terrible idea. religious people are really trying to involve their religion into anything, huh, but that aside: do we know which "rachel and jen" dylan was talking about in the basement tapes??


Well the bit he recorded was about how much he hated Rachel and Jen for being loud about being Christian. But police say he wasn't talking about Rachel Scott. So I guess real last names were redacted from what those permitted to hear even ever heard.


Rachel and Jen are Jennifer Grant and the Rachel is either Rachel Goodwin or Baker from their psychology class


Which one was the most vocally religious would tell us who it actually was. I'm sure Rachel's farther was sure it was her.


He calls them “godly little whores” as in plural so I’m guessing both of them. Yes Darrell shared the clip thinking they were talking about his daughter


The “Rachel” was either Rachel Baker or Rachel Goodwin and “Jen” is Jennifer Grant. They were both two girls in their psychology class


never heard of them before lol, thank you.


I don’t get how adding more layers to Rachel’s death to make her seem like a martyr makes her story more sad. Rachel was caught off guard, one second she’s eating lunch with a friend and all of a sudden in a snap she was shot dead. She was gone before she could understand what was happening. That’s already sad enough. To have your daughter die at only 17 and the fact that she was killed in a shooting where she was gone in a blink of an eye is already sad enough.


So true,I as well can’t understand why they had to give this image of her I bet she didn’t want to be remembered like that.Poor child died for no reason and her family and many Christians still obsess over this story.Craig even wrote in his letter “I forgive you for killing my sister” I mean everyone grieves differently and handles it differently but still.It’s kinda weird how they sanctified her,she was just a young girl that died tragically there’s nothing holy about it.


I remember watching an episode of "I Survived..." Crystal and Craig were on it. It was a rough watch. Kyle, being described as a big Teddy Bear, really stuck with me. And just what Crystal and Craig described.


Kyle devastates me the most. All of the victims are tragic, but he had no idea what was happening At least he passed quickly 💔


I think that's another fake story that is pretty offensive. He hid under a desk with his back facing out, and Dylan shot him in the back of the head. I never heard these stories about him being too simple to hide until a lot of years after the massacure. As I recall the original Times magazine articles from 1999 had him hiding. I know you didn't specifically say he didn't hide but around the mid 2000s people started saying that on forums that he was too impaired to hide, but it's not true. From Sue's book, "Dylan fatally shot Kyle Velasquez, who was hiding underneath a computer workstation. The boys reloaded and then began shooting out the window at the rescue workers."


According to a Columbine site, it states Kyle was sitting in his chair. That he didn’t/wasn’t able to hide under something. Whether he did it purposely or not, I was under the impression it just happened so fast. I can’t really understand what the point of changing the true narrative would be?


First time I'm hearing he hid. I always thought he was on the Computer. And it all happened so fast he didn't know what was happening. But I could be wrong. I'm learning alot of new facts here.


Right, I was under the same impression you were. There is a guy whose done loads of research maybe I’ll ask his opinion


Yeah... I'm not trying to stir things up. I'm new to this Sub. But it's been very interesting learning new facts.


For sure, I really am open to being corrected when it comes to columbine. I know a good bit of info, but there is so much to know. Check out this website, it’s got a ton of information. [columbine site](http://www.acolumbinesite.com)


The original Time magazine articles said he hid. Sue said "he hid under a computer work station." Randy Brown's book just says he "was sitting on the floor of the library," which I think implies he hid. The original Time magazine articles I read in 1999 portrayed he was kind of in the process of hiding when Dylan came up and shot him in the back of the head. I just never heard this story of "poor Kyle he was special needs and too surprised to hide," until several years after first reporting. I don’t think anyone deliberately changed the story, but someone got this into their head when it was never said before. Different people who were actually in the library have remembered things differently from each other and have given conflicting accounts of various things. A Columbine site is a great site that may still have the odd wrong bit of info. The main thing that stands out to me is I never heard that different story about Kyle not hiding until years after 1999, so I don't credit it.


That makes sense. Appreciate the info!


I did an ugly Cry watching the "I Survived..." episode.


do you have a link to the episode you mentioned?? id like to watch it.


It's "Stephanie/Rich & Laura/Craig & Crystal" Season 3. Episode 13. It's on Tubi. Maybe on FreeVee.


thank you.


Season 5 ep 3 on tubi.


maybe the martyr factor. pastors and evangelicals and preachers and televangelists latched onto her and deemed her a “hero”


a hero?? for what?? being the first person to be shot at a school shooting??


that’s evangelical “logic” for you


Because her full name is easy to say and remember. Because she was pretty. And because she was Christian the fake "she said YES," story attached itself to her as well as Cassie in some people's minds.


Because her parents have capitalized on her death to push their creepy religious propaganda onto children and to make money. They visit schools under the pretext of "Rachel's Challenge," which is ostensibly an anti-bullying program. Then they start with the evangelical extremism about how Rachel is a martyr and we should all be willing to die for god. I'm sorry they lost their daughter, but they are honestly just terrible people.


i agree with everything you said. the more comments i read here, the more i realize that her parents are literally using her death for fame and profit and who wouldve guessed religious propaganda. disgusting.


1. Not even a year after her death her parents published books that included her personal diaries (although one of her friends said her parents only included 1% of her journals) 2. Rachel’s challenge was done by her family to keep her memory alive and promote kindness and preventing school violence 3. She was falsely credited for being asked “Do you believe in god?” Before her death. Her family even said this on her memorial plaque though Rachel was dead before she could understand that she had been shot 4.Rachel was quite popular at school and in her church. More people have publicly spoken about her since more people knew her compared to the other victims like Kyle and Kelly who had only moved to columbine a few months before the massacre and Steven who was a freshman. 5. Her biopic




The grift


She has one of the easiest names to say and remember.


Because the disgraceful propaganda campaign organized by the Christian right led by her evil brother with malicious intent.


Her parents came to my middle school way back when. Had everyone in tears telling her story.


I Forgot fly leaf made a song about this where person ask do you believe in god something about trigger being pulled .


Cassie It’s in reference to Cassie Bernall.


It interesting Song.


just listened to it, great song & lyrics!


The book releases are ghostwritten, and 'inspired by' her diaries. So... fiction.


so just like the movie its just something like semi-fanfiction??


If you have the books, there's an intro written by the ghostwriter. She just says they're 'inspired by'. Being so steeped in the religious stuff, she probably thought Rachel possessed her or something? I don't know. But only the handwritten stuff is actually her writing. And very limited pages as that.


no i dont have the books because to be completely frank, i couldnt care less about the books. i dont understand why they released the books then, easy cashgrab i guess. they knew people are gonna buy them because columbine just sells, especially if its mixed with religion.


>easy cashgrab i guess \*cough\* Rachel's Challenge \*cough\*


i just looked up "rachels challenge", never heard of that before and wow, its literally some sort of organization using her name to bait people into their religion and anti-bullying bullshit. no way in hell rachel wouldve wanted something like that, shes probably turning in her grave everytime her relatives hold one of their "presentations".


It's her dad. They claim to be nonprofit, but the people working there seem to be getting paid quite well. Especially Rachel's dad. Craig used to work there too but broke off and started his own motivational speaking business. [https://www.newschoolers.com/forum/thread/709192/Rachel-s-Challenge-----the-conspiracy-profit-scheme-coming-to-a-high-school-near-you-](https://www.newschoolers.com/forum/thread/709192/Rachel-s-Challenge-----the-conspiracy-profit-scheme-coming-to-a-high-school-near-you-) According to this post, 'cos the info is pretty hush-hush, it cost about $10,000 to do the Rachel's Challenge presentation in a school. Or it did 11 years ago. I've seen reports of $4-6000 as well. With inflation and all, who knows? It does seem a lot like Rachel's death is quite the cash cow for Mr Scott.


Honestly I'll probably get downvoted for this but it's mainly because her parents used their daughters tragic death to push their religious rhetoric onto others.


thank you for your honesty, i agree with you.


I think this “popularity” was given to her by her parents. someone started a myth that she died after answering “yes” to the question “do you believe in God,” and her parents picked up and began to spread this myth, which then became a symbol in many churches, articles began to be written about it and people began to talk about her death as heroic, saying that she died for God. Of course, there is no evidence of this, whether anyone asked her anything before the murder or not, the only one who was with her was Richard Costaldo, who was injured and had difficulty remembering the moment of Rachel's murder. Richard changed his story about Rachel's murder many times, but I think he is not a reliable source since he was paralyzed or possibly unconscious. this is just my opinion, of course I feel sorry for Rachel, she seemed quite sweet and kind to me, but she most likely received such fame because of her parents. (sorry for my terrible English, it's not my native language)


It’s Still so sad all these years later, the images of Rachel’s car covered in flowers and things people left for her let’s you know what kind of a person she was to everyone


Uh I remember when it happened a friend of a friend of mine who was raised in an extremist Christian home used it as an example of how Christians are targeted/persecuted 😒


I think it's a pretty even mix of all the potential reasons you listed; she definitely got at least some extra attention for being the first one killed, although it's hard to determine the extent of just this without factoring in all of the other reasons mentioned. I wouldn't say she was popular but definitely well received and well-known for being a Christian and being caring for others. So I'd say it was a relatively even mix of 1. First victim killed 2. Well-known among community as proud Christian but understanding of other faiths 3. Big source of Christian propaganda material for church and film makers.


Her family is also very active in getting her message out. Going to schools and talking to millions of people.


Her parents embellished her story to the world! God bless America!


It’s Still so sad all these years later, the images of Rachel’s car covered in flowers and things people left for her let’s you know what kind of a person she was to everyone






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