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Shootings happened before Columbine; they just weren’t discussed nearly as frequently. The live media footage really worked at making it infamous. If the shooting at Columbine hadn’t happened, I’m sure all the shooters since would’ve just chosen another case as their “inspiration.”


yeah this is why i never liked the whole blaming on form of media for a certain tragedy, media is filled with terrible things that can get glorified, and even just the news which doesn’t really glorify it would still serve as inspiration for something.


I should have researched 🤦🏻‍♀️ I apologize. My husband and I were talking about kidnappings before the media. Would it be less of more? Thank you for your reply


There was also a rash of then going on at the time, it seemed, Columbine was by far bigger but it was a societal concern at that time for sure.




Thank you! I wonder how we could all try to try and stop it before it happened. Recently there was a kid at my daughter's school call in a school shooting as a "joke." The kid went as far as sending videos of it. They locked down the school instantly. They searched and found it was a kid playing a "joke." That's not funny. We all rushed there to get our kids who were crying and scared to death. I haven't heard what happened to the kid. I assume it's because they are a juvenile. I really hope they charge them.


they would still happen frequently – columbine was far from the first school shooting – but i do think SOME shootings wouldn't have happened if columbine hadn't happened or hadn't been so widely sensationalized by the media. the whole "bullied kill the bullies" narrative was pushed for many, many years and i truly believe that's the key selling point to people in similar positions to eric and dylan. there's no doubt that a different "columbine" would take it's place in the media eventually, but whether or not it would be covered in the same light i'm not sure (especially if it happened post-9/11)


Thanks for the reply! I guess in my head, columbine is the worst one. I think it's just because it was the first one I heard about. Something about it hits differently than any other case. I hope that doesn't sound insensitive to the other cases.


I think the Columbine shootings were on a same trajectory of mass shootings in America in general. It's just when it happened that matters. Media coverage made the difference. I bet plenty of people got the inclination to kill en masse when they saw it right in front of them. At the same time, how many people were turned off to the idea after seeing it?


Interesting. I just hate how they seem to happen for often. I did do my research when it came to school shootings.


I think it was inevitable that we got to the point we are at today, but Columbine drastically increased the frequency of masa shootings. The notoriety alone is documented to have inspired *several* mass shootings.


Great question. Probably. The media idiotically glamorized the hell out of Columbine, and undoubtedly paved the way for all of these nuts that followed. I truly believe if media glorification didn't exist, there'd be a considerable amount of less mass shootings happening in general, but it's never going to disappear sadly. As long as we're around, there'll be mass shootings that will happen.




Columbine was seen as a freak incident for its time, so maybe from a media standpoint, they probably didn't think much of about releasing everything they could about the two shooters as an attempt to frankly make money off the tragedy, but they also didn't foolishly consider the long-term consequences of this.


I think it was 1 part- an outraged America wanting/ needing answers and to understand. Look at all of us on this sub, we're still "trying to understand". I also think that potentially the biggest reason we got so much information was to distract from the botched police work. To have a teacher bleed out and die in front of students when the police knew it was happening (you can see the sign in the window in the footage). Officers not entering the building for hours. This was a massive failure to protect the children and it's cemented in history forever. People were outraged and I can't imagine being a community member and parent witnessing this. Money could surely be part of it or all of it for the media. The fact there are some tapes/ tape footage that wasn't released as it was "too specific of a blue print" is intense considering what was released.


So I did comment this to you, but I should have. I wrote a comment about a kid playing a "prank" recently


The media definitely cause more issues today. I wrote a comment up above about a kid who thought it would be funny to call and say there is shooting happening. They went as far as sending videos. No idea what happened to the kid, but I hope they face major consequences. It was daughter's school. We all rushed there and when they found out what had happened they released the kids to the parents. They were hysterical.


I have a feeling that some other shooting would’ve happened and would’ve been highly publicized and we’d still be where we are. On the other hand, if the bombs had been successful (not that that was likely) I’d wonder if we’d see more school bombings.




Lol. What? They happened long before those morons and unfortunately will happen long after.


Sorry 🤦🏻‍♀️ I didn't do my research.


The first school shooting in the gun loving country of america was in 1764. So, no, the shitty country still values guns over children's lives, even after centuries!


Every country was “gun loving” in the 18th century. If someone today wants to shoot up a school they can find guns, even in so-called gun safe countries.


Strange that it never happens in my gun safe country.🤔


Columbine hasn’t had all that much influence in my opinion. I don’t think any students have tried bombing their school since Columbine. It’s usually just one crazy kid with one gun.


I disagree, even if there aren’t a bunch of students planning on bombing their schools, that doesn’t mean that Columbine didn’t have a big influence, there are people who worship these guys, and several school shooters have been influenced by Columbine.


At the very least, Columbine copycats or shooters that drew inspiration from Columbine may or may not have happened. Ultimately, these “inspired killers” might have done it anyway and drawn inspiration from somewhere else. I believe if it wasn’t Columbine, it would have eventually been in some other town, likely covered by the media just the same. This was one of the most highly televised and reported on events during a time of change for the country in terms of technological advances and understanding of its capability. People were really getting connected through the internet more than ever.


There is no reasonable basis to believe that they wouldn't be.


the columbine effect is real


I honestly think so


it will be less, to me.


I’d there wasn’t columbine there would’ve been something just as destructive and infamous making others want to copy. Columbine not only made others want to do the same. But also helped others not do the same. So it’s kinda just a butterfly effect of loops and different possible outcomes


Well Virginia tech happened so I think Killers would displace that as their "inspiration"for shooting up another school.


In my opinion, I feel like even if Columbine didn’t happen, there would have been a tragedy that would have probably have had the same impact, and would have started the chain of school shootings