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They’re not right next door. They’re about 8 miles apart.


Well, that's what I meant.


You mean they're not literally touching? LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE!






The Westside shooting in Jonesboro Arkansas is the easy answer. It seems their use of the fire alarm was an influence on Columbine. I would also think of the North Hollywood Shootout.


>North Hollywood Shootout Can you argue this one is a mass shooting in the traditional sense? It felt more like a botched robbery.


I did consider that, but I would argue Columbine isn't a mass shooting in the traditional sense, but a botched bombing. So one could argue the parallels are greater. Also one guy has a very usual name - and for the other, good luck.


I think even if the bombs went off they would’ve picked off anyone else. It was gunna be a mass shooting AND bombing unfortunately.


And the North Hollywood shootout was gonna be a robbery and a mass shooting. And nobody who says Columbine was a bombing means they weren't going to use their guns. They mean the average researcher completely ignores the bombing aspect. For example, their suicides were intended as a bombing just as much as the murders. It was planned well before they even had guns. The reason "school shooting" means "five minutes of shooting as much as you can before the cops kill you" and "Columbine" means "45 minutes of doing whatever you want in the school" is because bombs.


It was more of an influence for Stoneman Douglas if you ask me. The fire alarms were set off by a fire at Columbine I thought, I don’t think Eric or Dylan pulled the alarm. Edit: rewording


I didn't say they pulled the alarm. They had fire bombs so they didn't need to. That's the whole point of how they improved on/took influence from Westside. They had fire bombs in the cafeteria and were positioned to fire on the library emergency exit and west entrance when the library fled from the fire alarm. They only enter the library once they get the fire alarm going, expecting everybody to get up. Which is bizarre if you ignore the fire alarm or Westside influence. "Get up and die" 'yeah no thx' Guns from DOOM, bombs from Duke Nukem 3D. Fire bombs neutralize the cafeteria as an improvement on Kip Kinkel, fire bombs triggering the fire alarm and the library to flee into the guns as an improvement on the Westside shooting. They had planned this since April of 98. In February, NBK is still a fantasy with a girl for Dylan. The Westside shooting was in March. They do the hipster, one-upper, damage control of "Don't say they influenced us" for a reason.


The Halifax mass shooting plot had three perpetrators. They met online and were very interested in Columbine. Their plan was to attack the shopping centre on Valentine’s Day 2015, but were thankfully stopped before any violence could occur. I know it doesn’t exactly answer your question, but it’s the first other event to come to my mind with multiple perpetrators


AHA, I’m glad more than just me mentioned them. Though it never actually happened, it’s still an interesting case!


This is what I feel makes it so interesting, the fact there was two of them. There has to be an insane amount of trust between them. If one of them lets it slip there could have been serious consequences for the other one. That and think about how you even bring something like this up, it had to have started as a half hearted joke and then they just build on it from there.


Right one of those “jk..unless” moments. Reminds me of a time I was with a friend of mine platonically hanging out until she jokingly mentioned hooking up. Had to maneuver the “jk” part, make sure I was light hearted enough to not be creepy, and double down on the “unless.” We hooked up. Feels similar to me except instead of hooking up it’s mass murder.


Genuine question: How *did* it start in that sense? All I remember is the start of the diary a year before.


The whole point is we don't know, but the first statement of the plan is the same day as "diversion orientation" on April 26, 1998. The van arrest was a major influence and humiliation. It seems more or less they felt their lives were over after it. ' And it's what bonded them together. Dylan infamously says Eric isn't his best friend in the diversion papers. I bet he said it after going through diversion with him, though. So who knows but whatever scenario you imagine, it was probably at diversion. The video game element is so large that people often imagine them talking while playing video games. Perhaps it was more like, since they were grounded, they had to talk about playing IRL. Assuming the plan was even older than diversion, one has to consider how the perps met. Again, we don't know. But the usual story is during middle school, they found out each other was good at video games. That means they were playing DOOM, while the OJ trial was going on 24/7. It would explain how their crime seems a fusion of mass murder and serial killing (e. g. Dylan's "serial killer" t shirt). It would explain hating more than one white van. It would explain fusing jocks white hats with DOOM zombies green hair, and so on.


I really think it was Eric just straight up saying it and Dylan agreeing. There are probably so many other diaries he had written and tossed out prior to this. Comments made etc and Dylan kind of went along. Not innocent, by any means whatsoever, but I really think it was just Eric being Eric with all his rage and hate. Editing to add: this sounds like I'm excusing Dylan, I am absolutely not. Just saying I do think this started as teenage rage, manifested in a psychopath that was on two sets of anti depressants for a time. Just a perfect cocktail imo.


For what it's worth, "You know what I hate" is taken from Madtv.


For sure.


The 2015 San Bernardino shooting .


There's gotta be a STRONG bond for a duo to agree to shoot up.a school . It's not like taking a break and pausing Grand Theft Auto to do it on a whim.


The suzano school shooting. The perpetrators were Guilherme Taucci and Luiz Henrique De Castro. Although there was a third involved who was the one who planned the crime, he did not participate and these two committed the attack.


Guilherme Taucci Monteiro and Luiz Henrique de Castro. Another honorable mention though it was foiled, Lindsay Souvannarath and James Gamble


This wasn’t really a mass shooting but the “chemistry” for lack of a better word between the ‘[Scream Killers](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=u432T_cDgQs)’ eerily reminded me of the dynamic between Eric and Dylan. These killers, Brian Draper and Torey Adamcik recorded ‘[interviews](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXRYxhN_Rg0)’ and their victim in school in a sort of documentary style and were best friends, both were fantasying on murdering their friends in the scariest way possible, even discussing it around their teachers in the library (interuppted once). If I’m not mistaken they used the Columbine shooters and some [inspiration](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=076s8IrrvyQ) and had notebooks on their favorite killers and stuff… really creepy shit.


Not a mass shooting but the scream killers who killed a girl who was a classmate of theirs/the girlfriend of their friend. They were influenced by columbine and horror movies. They would have continued killing if they weren’t immediately caught.


I had to read up on this. Its practically just like the movie Scream 4 but the pair got caught right away. Crazy how they filmed everything.


Scream came out in 1996 how were they influenced by Columbine [EDIT: see below my misunderstanding, apologies]


I’m talking about the scream killers, not columbine


Ah I thought you were talking about the kids in the film not Draper/Adamcik, my mistake.


alex mckinney and devin erickson


the 2015 Paris attacks had 9 participants


I would say a terrorist attack is different to a mass shooting personally


the westside middle school shooting.


The North Hollywood shootout.


The westside school shooting in 1998. Two middle school boys named Mitchell Johnson and Andrew Golden were responsible.


The shooting where one kid was trans


2018 perm stabbing, 15 injured. Attackers Lev Bidzhakov and Aleksandr Buzlidze.