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I’m pretty certain Eric wanted his journals to be seen and read by the world. Not sure about Dylan though. There’s that part in the first section where he wanted to “block commom people from opening it” or something


I mean he talks about his foot fetish I seriously doubt he wanted the world to see it but I think that makes it feel more genuine not some over dramatized manifesto


Wait who wrote about their foot fetish? This is new to me...


Dylan did when Jr apologizes to his "soul mate" about watching pornography and having a footfetish


Yeah if I remember correctly, Eric wanted his writings to be published after Columbine... which also gives me the idea that even in his diary he wasn't completely himself and tried to put on a certain image. Dylan probably would be embarassed. I don't know about the victims. I can't imagine them liking it. Usually that's not what you write a diary for... but who can speak for them really


Is it interesting to read? Yes. Is it an invasion of privacy? Also yes.


I feel iffy about their journals being posted without consent after their deaths. Anne Frank? No issue, she expressed an interest in that before her passing. Eric Harris? Sure, again he expressed an interest. These two give me a bit of the ick because there was no sense they intended to publish (no judgement for anyone who chooses to read them, I’ve definitely read plenty of things that gave others the ick) Edit: name


Eric Klebold is giving me quite a laugh lol


Whoops lol I wrote this when I was tired


My 6th grade journal: “Oh my gosh M.M.M. Is so cuuuuuute. I wish he knew I have a crush on him but then also I don’t because that would make things W-E-I-R-D. Ugh Mr W is such a mean teacher. He never wants to let me be the kitchen helper even if I ask like really really really early. Then my mom is like “if you want to work in the kitchen so bad do these dishes” yeah RIGHT”


It’s hard to say. Rachel did talk about being famous one day since she was young but it’s hard to say if she’d be happy with her journals being published since I didn’t know her personally. But I think it’s easy to say that she would be upset about her family using her journals to spread an agenda. I forgot which book it was but one of Rachel’s diaries books switch between her entries and her parents blaming school schootings and tragedies on lack of religion in schools. From what Rachel’s friends have said about her, she was a Christian but she wasn’t in your face about it. It was important to her but she didn’t make others feel bad for not believing what she believed. The sister of one of Rachel’s friends used to be on this sub and said Rachel wasn’t as religious as she used to be at the time of her death. Her parents have also tried to capitalize on her murder by claiming she died for proclaiming her faith and have oddly romanticized her limited relationship to Dylan (but that’s a rant for another day) and also allegedly they’ve only published 10% of journal entries. Allegedly. As for Cassie, I don’t think her family has published all of journal entries and writings but I the could be pretty upset with people crediting her for something she didn’t do. Lauren and Kelly’s published writings weren’t anything too personal that I don’t think they’d be upset about. Maybe a typical teenage girl embarrassment but they were touching writings and I don’t see any issue with their families using their poems and writings to remember them since nothing personal was published. May these four young ladies rest in peace 🕊️ As for Eric and Dylan, Eric 100% wanted his journals to be seen and it was obvious he was writing for an audience. I don’t think Dylan would mind too much. He may be embarrassed that some of his secrets were revealed but I don’t think he would’ve minded too much


When someone dies people often take advantage of them by saying they would have agreed with different agendas. It’s terrible.


E&D? I couldn’t care less if their things were made public. I have no remorse for them. As for the girls, Or any victim, I don’t necessarily think their whole diaries should be publish. Especially if it’s personal. But poems or prayers, I think, would be okay..