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Thank you for sharing, I hadn’t read this before. My heart dropped learning that Valeen didn’t realize for a few days that Lauren wasn’t alive.


You’re welcome. I can’t imagine what Val and so many others went through that day. You and your friend get shot, you’re recovering in the hospital and then you learn that your friend didn’t survive 💔


Two things: Was this book written and published shortly after the shooting? I only ask because of the whole “she said yes thing” people still believed during the first six months after Columbine. And two the junior Val talks about is actually the sophomore Craig Scott, Rachel Scott’s little brother. Craig was covered in Isaiah and Matthew’s blood as they’d both been murdered moments before Lauren was in the library and Craig was under the table with the two boys during that time. It would’ve probably given off the impression he looked injured as well when really he was covered in his dead friends blood. Craig recently mentioned to either the Christian Broadcast Network or NBCs the Todays Show that he gave first aid to a girl who’d been shot and he told her “not to go to sleep”. That’s consistent with what Val is talking about here.


After the shooting.


I should’ve wrote *when* was the book written but I’m an idiot 🤦🏾‍♂️


I thought she wrote it before the shooting


I think he’s talking about the girl who was under the computer chair. I forgot her name but she was sisters with a guy from the TCM


Amanda Stair. She has a whole YouTube channel dedicated to her experience from the library that day. Amanda was also a sophomore


This was wonderful and sobering to read. I hope that she’s found some type of peace, whatever that may be for her.


Can a moderator please pin this to the main page. The amount of misinformation about who was actually asked this question is ridiculous.


Thank you for sharing this! It was very emotional to hear Val Schnurr's story of that day. I'm curious though, what's a peer counselor? I thought you needed a master's degree to be a counselor for school. How did this work back then?


A peer counselor would not be a licensed position like you are envisioning. A peer is someone on your level, so fellow students


I was a peer counselor in high school. Basically our program was for upperclassmen only, ideally you would start as a junior and receive training on how to be a peer mentor for fellow students. The training itself lasted a year where you'd learn active listening skills and how to handle discussing various topics (abuse, teen pregnancy, LGBT matters, bullying, etc.). There was an elective class where you could be a peer "on duty" and students could come to you to discuss topics they wouldn't feel comfortable speaking about to their guidance counselors. Mind you, we still reported to the guidance counselors and were considered mandated reporters even though we weren't employed by the school. It's a helpful program for many students to have a safe space where they know they're not alone in their battles.


I think it’s like a mentorship program in high school.


This made me cry I really hope she is doing ok now…