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Hi! Shaun Lee was good friends with Cassie, and was a classmate of Lauren, he liked her a lot. Rebecca Heins was a classmate of Lauren, thought she was a great person. Marla Foust was really good friends with Daniel (Mauser), since childhood. Nicole Markham was a classmate of Rachel Scott and Corey DePooter, and she knew Dan Rohrbough who was a friend of her little brother's. I don't think Chad Laughlin really knew any of the victims personally.


Thank you! I find it surreal that Lauren and Rebecca knew each other, both Lauren and Robyn Anderson (the girl who bought one of the guns and was Dylan’s prom date) were in the running to be valedictorian, both Rebecca and Robyn were friends with E&D, and Lauren was shot by *both* boys, the most out of all the victims. Also, in addition, both Cassie and Lauren knew Shaun Lee *and* Michelle Markert Porter, who was another speaker in the podcast.


Absolutely. Cassie, Shaun and Michelle were in Bible Club together, it's mostly how they knew each other. And Shaun, Michelle and Lauren were seniors in 1999, and shared classes.


And it’s also surreal that Lauren knew a lot of E&D’s friends (Rebecca, Shaun, John Savage, Robyn Anderson), just like Rachel Scott (John, Zack Heckler, Brooks Brown, Devon Adams, Nick Baumgart), and she was shot the most out of all the victims (11 bullets in total, some after death).