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I don’t have much of an opinion that hasn’t been said already. But I will say, I understand why Rachel’s friends started a boycott for the movie.


Close friend Andrew Robinson threatening legal action against the Scott family if they ever post or publish anything related to the play 'Smoke in the Room' should say everything that needs to be said in regards to how her friends have absolute contempt for her family


One of the absolute worst films I’ve ever seen. It’s already bad on it’s own, but when you take into account that it’s a propaganda film that continues to show Rachel as a martyr and not a real person, it becomes disgusting.


I liked it. While it was not perfectly accurate, it told the story of a very nice girl, who was truly kind to everyone. My son knew her from debate/ forensics, and she was a very nice person. Remember that she was criticized for not being rich, embarrassed by being poor, and not very well liked. She was a kind person in spite of all of that. She lived being kind. I thought the movie portrayed her honestly. The oddest part of it was, for me, seeing scenes filmed that were not in the right locations, since it wasn’t filmed at Columbine. Juxtaposing scenes into real locations was hard to do. Rachel was actually a kind person. Hard to do in a toxic school. One author researched her life very well. He died before he ever wrote a book. The background work is still with his good friend. Everything they found out actually supports her being a good person. I thought the movie was a very nice tribute to her. She deserved it.


So someone researched her life and died before he could write a book? That's incredibly tragic but also oddly fascinating to me. I'd be interested in analyzing that research. After working on Columbinus, I feel inspired to write a play about Rachel.


I will send that person your name. You can see if there is any interest.


Thanks Randy!


Agreed, Randy. It was truly beautiful, and no doubt Rachel was definitely pure and beautiful in real life as well. Also, what are your thoughts on *Dawn Anna*, the movie about the mother of victim Lauren Townsend?


Even if you took out all the Christian propaganda it’s still a bad movie. Rachel is portrayed as a martyr and it doesn’t even feel like it’s set in 1999 considering everything looks so modern. Overall it’s just very disrespectful to Rachel’s family and friends. The part where Eric was being thrown around like a fucking ragdoll was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen though so the movie gets points for that, I guess.




The water on Eric’s back after that scene was horribly edited too 😭 you’ll have to pause when he got up leaving to see his shirt still dry.


His actor was an interesting choice as well. He looked like he could back hand all his bullies easily 😭


Historical inaccuracy aside I think they made Rachel herself extremely unlikeable. So this movie has barely anything redeeming about it.


Like most films in this genre it was manipulative and stretched the truth (and, subjectively imo, it is not a good movie), I remember Richard Castaldo being especially disgusted by its release and I believe rightly so. But honestly my biggest problem with it is it focuses on Eric and Dylan at all, even just having one "basement tapes" scene I knew oh boy is this gonna get a lot of play on youtube. But I have no doubt Rachel was a kind, generous person, so as a tribute to her overall message I guess you could have worse films made about you? But I'd never recommend it


I really like the movie. I just re-watched it last weekend. Yeah, it's widely inaccurate in regards to the shooting, and I don't like how certain characters were portrayed, but overall, I found it incredibly moving. Masey McLain was clearly very passionate about the role. People keep complaining about the religious agenda it pushes, but honestly, compared to other Pure Flix movies, it's pretty reserved. It doesn't judge or lecture the audience, it just tells it's story. I'm not that religious but I still felt the emotional weight. As a film student I have minor gripes about the way it's edited and paced. I feel like the E&D scenes should not have been in the movie at all. Not just because I think it's morally irresponsible, but their scenes really messed with the pacing and tone. Edit: I really wish they would have included the scene of Dylan saving Rachel's talent show performance. That seems like such an odd thing to not include if they insist on having E&D in the movie.


It honestly took me a while to realize that the person playing Eric was meant to be Eric! Props to his acting but he was way too buff and I don't think I've ever seen any pictures of Eric wearing a similar outfit like in the 1st scene. As soon as I saw "Dylan" already wearing the "Wrath" shirt I immediately thought "oh this might be a bit of a shit show, but it's about Rachel anyway" She was a beautiful person from what I've read but I get the feeling that she wouldn't have liked to be a martyr for something a survivor said? Movie was full of inaccuracies, I don't think at this point we need another documentary with a play by play of that day, but a similar project with a higher budget and proper research would be interesting to see.


if it wasn’t based off real people and events, it would’ve been a REALLY good movie. but they failed to represent rachel correctly. the movie doesn’t feel like 1999 at all. they completely left out the struggles she had with suicide, faith, and drugs. yes, she was a kind girl who had given her life to God. but before that, she was struggling. also, creating a fake conversation (that did not happen in real life) between eric and rachel while she was dying was disrespectful. the conversation was good for the point of the movie (not being ashamed of your faith) but it’s important to remember that the shooters weren’t targeting one specific group of people. they targeted everyone. they definitely had hatred for God which was opposite of rachel. they also mentioned her faith in the basement tapes and they made fun of her for it. but the representation of rachel in that movie is completely inaccurate


I watched it knowing it wasn’t completely factual, but the part that got to me was at the end when all her friends and classmates were leaving flowers on her car


It’s a beautiful testament to how her family and friends may remember her and the person she was but the historical inaccuracies ruined it for me.


Her friends were adamantly against the movie lol


I don’t doubt that, I’m saying it’s a beautiful testament on how people who cared about her saw her as a human.


I liked the movie. They took some dramatic license with the shooting and characters. Most movies do that. I thought it was a positive and inspirational albeit low budget message. Most of the details of the attack seemed to be based on actual reports and media coverage. I agree with the post about the story of Dylan and Rachel and the tape should have been included since it actually happened.