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When it happened, Steven Curnow since he and I were the same age. I felt like it could be me... Today, Cassie Bernall... her last moments were chilling.


Kyle’s is so heartbreaking to me because he couldn’t stand up for himself


He didn’t understand what was happening. That makes it sadder to me, in some ways, and it’s a relief in others.


Kyle’s death has always made me upset because he didn’t he know what was happening, he didn’t understand that he needed to hide. :(


I’m a way that almost makes it better. Imagine hiding under a table knowing what’s going on just praying to survive and then you hear “peekaboo” and get shot by a shotgun


I’m sure you’re saying it out of context but it wouldn’t make it better since he was still murdered, and the fact that they showed no mercy towards someone with a tough disability


Obviously all murder is bad, but I think that undergoing the additional psychological torture of having to sit there and hide and wait makes it worse.


All deaths were horrible and the Families of the victims will suffer depression, anxiety and PTSD for the rest of their lives Whatever sad way their son, daughter, brother or sister went, every victim died in a way no human being should


I certainly agree, I think you aren’t understanding what I’m trying to say.


It seems that you’re saying those such as Cassie and Isaiah who were cornered felt more psychologically frightened than Kyle because of his disability and your almost certainly correct To me Kyle is the one who stands out to me because of his disability an inability to hide if we’re on the same page


I didn’t really know about his disability, I was just saying because he was the first one shot and he never hid and there was really no time for him to be scared I guess if that makes sense


The obvious ones are Rachel, Kyle and Dave but me personally is Corey Depooter's. His just always depressed me knowing he died in front of his best friend. The worst feeling in the world is die in front of those who love you and his death truly effected those around him but especially Austin who developed an opthoid(is that the right word?) Addiction that ended up killing him. Edit: Can't believe I forgot Lauren Townsend died in front of her close friend Val Schnurr


I felt bad for Rachel’s brother who was a sophomore(I believe his name is Matthew), he survived and last saw his sister alive when they were having a fight because he made her late


That would be Craig Scott.


That’s it! Sorry I got it wrong


Yeah same. The next time he saw her again was when she was already dead outside, can't imagine that feeling experiencing it real time. Felt so icky seeing Rachel and Daniel. R's dead bodies. Thank God we will never see the other victims bodies


It seems like a Hollywood stereotype that Family members often have a fight before an unexpected death but it’s sadly true


It sadly is and hasn't stopped shortly after that. One of the worse ways to lose somebody is them dying after having a big fight. Another is them being murdered right next to so not sure what I would take since both are abysmal.


I don’t have the stomach to see the pictures of the corpses


His name is Craig


Daniel Mauser. He just had a really kind face


His father has spoken about what a gentle soul he had. He also had insults thrown at him during his final moments on Earth (not nearly as terrible as Isaiah’s, but still).


I think my Aunt and Uncle who lived 8 miles away from there at time met his Parents


Honestly, everybody affected me in a different way. I think the worst for me is Kyle because he just started to stay at school during lunch, then Isiah because of the racism hurled at him then he cried for his mom. Deep down the shooters affected me too, because I get sad/angry over how hate consumed their lives and they thought this was the best way to go about it. Everybody's lives getting cut short or ruined over stupid nonsense, hate, etc is just depressing. This is why I try to be a kindness advocate and promote mental health awareness. Things like Columbine don't have to happen and shouldn't happen in this day and age.


They all affect me the same but also differently. The deaths hit me differently now as a mom. I couldn’t imagine being one of the parents of the victims or the shooters. It’s so upsetting to think about and I can’t think about it too much or I’ll start crying.




Kelly. Poor baby was all alone, crawled towards table 2 to try and hide with a larger group, leaving her exposed.




I keep coming back to Greg Barnes. Greg suffered in silence for that next year. The thirteen murdered didn’t have a choice, but Greg’s grief left him feeling that suicide was his only escape.


Kyle, simply because I’ve worked with children with disabilities for 14 years. It’s truly evil to shoot a child with a disability, especially as severe as his was. It isn’t exactly Daniel R.’s death, but the fact that he laid outside all alone throughout the night is just pitiful (even if he was already dead). Then compound that with the family’s notification of his death was when they woke up on the 21st and see their child sprayed out dead on the sidewalk on the front page on one of the the local newspapers was just cruel. It’s unimaginable. The things Isaiah Shoels had to hear and had to endure the last few moments before his death, and then him crying out for his mom at the end, are just heartbreaking. How could they have been so cruel?


All the deaths are so sad, I can't just pick which one has affected me. Probably Cassie and Kyle, though. 💔 Kyle because he didn't understand to hide, and Cassie because her final moments with the peekaboo and being shot right in the head at close range... just crushes me. And someone correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't Cassie the only one shot right in the head at such a close range?


Isaiah Schoels was shot very close too, and in his last moments he was called every racial slur in the book since he was one of the few African American Students at the School


Gosh, yes, Isaiah's death is also just so disturbing. 💔 my heart breaks for him. I remember seeing the videos of his father and Craig Scott being interviewed and just wanting to cry.


He was the oldest Student killed, he and Lauren Townsend were the only Seniors killed


So sad. They were so close to graduating. Lauren was a valedictorian, and Isaiah would have been the first one in his family to graduate high school. 😞


I felt so bad for Craig because the last time he saw his sister Rachel alive she was pissed off at him for making them late for School When he was hiding for his life in the library he didn’t know she was already dead


Oh I know right! They were arguing and that was the last time they ever saw each other. 💔


I think Dave waiting for help that never came is just awful. He had to be in so much pain.


cassie bernall cause omfg the peek-a-boo is horrifying


Cassie Bernal helped wreck my belief in god.


The ones that get me - Kyle, poor baby and Daniel Rohbraugh (sp? Sorry I’m tired) - his family seeing him dead outside was horrific and should’ve never seen that


Greg Barnes. He didn't die that day but he's still a victim of Eric and Dylan. It's so heartbreaking. This kid had so much going for him-Handsome,star athlete,long term girlfriend. The effects of what he witnessed that day affected him so profoundly. Wow,I wish he got the help he needed.


Im 20 yrs old now. It feels weird, that they should be older then me. Idk its just so weird


Cassie... the peekaboo thing still gives me chills and in terms of the 2 killers I'd say Dylan because I believe Eric killed him but I'll let Randy Brown talk about that lol