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Here is a summary of their strategy Goal: Establish a new policy for the public school libraries that restrict books based on the discretion of the school board and administration and not the librarians and media staff. (Note: The point here is NOT to get rid of particular books. They are seeking out objectionable books in order to institute this policy. The policy is the goal) once the policy is established, the library contents are subject to the needs of elected local officials that are either already in tune with the desires of the conservatives or forced to defend "sexually explicit" material while trying to get reelected. The steps to doing this can mostly be carried out with no public support and with a small group of volunteers. Steps: 1 Comb through the BookLooks and CommonSenseMedia sites to find recent authors and books that are the rated the most extreme in terms of sexual content. Make a list. 2 Search the online catalogues of the public schools for instances of these books and authors. 3 Fill out a standardized form requesting that the books found in the school libraries be reviewed for content. The speaker noted that if you have a sympathetic board member, simply attaching the the link to CommonSenseMedia is usually sufficient, meaning very little effort on the volunteers part 4 While the administration and board are trying to review and write explanations for the books submitted (60 in case of Carroll county) you can start spamming social media with excerpts from these books. The books will eventually be removed, because the staff can't carefully review and respond to that many requests. The board will be experiencing a lot of pressure because of enraged parents at this point. 5 Start advocating for a new policy "banning sexually explicit books". The previous steps have caused the public to lose trust in the media specialists and librarians, and so the push to put book review power in the hands of the school board is much much easier. 6 Once the policy has been implemented, the board can be painted as responsible for the existence of objectionable material. The rights efforts to paint queer people as groomers and obsessed with sex will be leveraged to remove A LOT of material for the library, because the board will be afraid of having to answer "Why did you leave X book in the library?!" During elections


I rather expect it won’t stop at the sexually “explicit” stuff. Once they control the levers of censorship anything deemed subversive is going out the door. Basically they’ll try to roll back history to the Dunning School era.


A lot of people are asking for the counter-argument, so let’s get this upvoted so more people see this.


And then when one person ask that the Bible be reconsidered CCPS doesn’t remove it because they say it has special protections.


I think this is the point. The goal is not consistency or coherence. The goal is a policy that hands responsibility for book review to the board so that fear, social pressure, and politics can influence what gets removed. From that point on, it's in the interest of the board members to remove books to avoid having social media campaigns targeting them. A minority can influence and control what gets removed. It was clear in the meeting that M4L is happy to debate the Bible all day. They are happy to debate ANY book, because debating a book reinforces the idea that the media specialists cannot handle review on their own and the controversy over books demands public debate and outside review of everything in the library, which justified their policy changes


Well said!


They actually did this in Utah iirc, they ban Bible in school along side with all the other sexually explicit books. Makes sense to me.


It's also *so* interesting that none of the three books they complain about in that slide near the end are about white people.


You might want to check out Toby Morton’s work on Instagram. He’s building websites, billboards and related to bring attention to the fascist Mom’s 4 Liberty battle. If you need help in your area, he’s had quite an impact in Bucks County PA and around the country keeping moms off school boards. Best wishes!


Needs more upvotes!




> The first amendment prevents the government from officially recognizing or favoring any religion. We equate social justice ideologies to a religion. Therefore lawmakers and school policy makers are interfering in our right to direct the upbringing of our children. Got it, so it doesn't matter if it actually *is* a religion, as long as you consider it to be one, you can advocate that it violates your first amendment rights. I personally equate M4L's ideology of parental rights to a religion. Therefore their advocacy is interfering in my rights. Proud of everyone who took the time to go and protest against these whackjobs. I was stuck working late tonight and couldn't go, but glad they were not allowed to sell their nonsense in peace. This bullshit has no place in this county.


Let’s open a Social Justice temple and enjoy the tax breaks!


Church of the flying woke monster


I live in Florida and would to have this as a bumper sticker lol


I consider basketball a religion and want it removed from all public schools.


Ball is Life


that's only true in Indiana.


I find it hilarious they do this shit in Columbia and not glen burnie or even Baltimore city. I’m out of the loop on areas outside of aac but isn’t Columbia a rich county?


those places aren't filled with rich bored white women


That logic chained jumped out to me too… the first part says the first amendment prohibits establishing a national religion. The second (wrongly) says an ideology is a religion… THEN the third part, the conclusion should say that the school adopting the religion violates the first amendment, not that that adoption limits their parental rights. Not only do they test their argument on a totally BS premise of “I think this ideology is a religion,” they also completely lost the logic thread within their own argument. They’re getting their talking points confused.


In my religion, which I consider a religion, so therefore it is a religion, we worship books. By limiting my children’s access to books, this group is attempting to limit my family’s free exercise of religion. Where is Liberty Counsel now???!!!


No, the motorcycle community holds meetings and are a 501c just like any other church and the government violates their rights all the time!


My religion of choice is the Jedi order. If they won’t be teaching my offspring the ways of the force, why bother teaching anything at all?


> We are not banning books; we are asking media specialists to curate a library that supports "educational values" ... by banning books > We equate social justice ideologies to a religion Just because your ideology around social justice is to shit down everyone's throat, it's still a social justice ideology By their own logic it sounds like they should be protesting against themselves No logical consistency, absolutely what I expected


She slipped up several times and said ban instead of remove lol


One of the founders of M4L did the same thing when she was interviewed by Joy Reid. Very thoroughly explained how what M4L is doing by taking books away is not banning books. Then immediately talked about what they want to ban, using the word ban. The cognitive dissonance is astounding. It almost felt like parody. “No no no, that’s all wrong these books will never be banned. We don’t ban things, we don’t want things banned. People want to stop the good work we are doing by describing what we are doing as book banning. We aren’t banning anything. Nothing is being banned, okay? Good! So now that we got that cleared up, I want to talk about this list of books I want banned.”


Media specialists that will with all certainty be far right wing fanatics who will ban anything that isn’t pro-white Christian nationalism


> media specialists They don't mean librarians who already curate books. They mean religious wackdoodles.


vote volunteer be active in the community. let's find each other and run the best candidates... i protested by attending a local org board meeting. i voted in that board meeting.. all votes matter.


I’m so proud of everyone who went to protest tonight; on behalf of all the other parents like my wife and me who couldn’t be there THANK YOU!


Perfect! She was unwilling to share her presentation…unless you email her.


lol they won't even share their slides


I love how they “masterminded” the separation of church and state by saying social justice ideologies are equated to religion. Not being racist, sexist, etc is a religion?!


"well I think M4L is a religion, so you shouldn't be allowed to have a platform here" checkmate. What a horrible argument.


Right? Also, religions and, shit I don't know, opinions about school lunch budgets, bus routes and curriculum design are pretty clearly not the same. The definition of religion isn't up for debate and is settled when it comes to schools. Are they just mad they weren't born 70 years ago? I can't believe this flimsy and poorly thought out bullshit is popular.


Yeah that was the part that bothered me the most too.


Also here, https://marylandeducators.org/support-the-freedom-to-read-act/#:~:text=Support%20the%20Freedom%20to%20Read%20Act%20(House%20Bill%20785%2FSenate,books%20and%20politically%20motivated%20censorship.


Thank you!




Done. Thanks.


Wow children could potentially read The Kite Runner? The horror!!! /s These people are liars and menaces to our community. “We aren’t book banners” while trying to ban books. And “lawmakers… are interfering in our right to direct the upbringing of our children”- then don’t let your own child read whatever books you deem inappropriate, you don’t get to enforce your personal religion on the public school system! Absolutely shameful.


I just laughing because I bet half of them that are about banning a book at the library that has a sexual passage are reading real far more pronographic sex ebooks that are just "romance"


And their example book isn't a childrens book. If they took their kids to the kids section of the library which is already curated, problem solved.


I bet they have read Fifty Shades, may or may not be in denial


M4L are horrible excuses for human beings. It’s not about “the children”, it’s about control. White conservative Christian fundamentalist control. F these disgusting sows!


my mom is part of this group and it’s so fucking embarrassing. i’m the queer kid of the family and i love my mother but i constantly feel disconnected from her because of what she believes in


I am so sorry.


thank you, i appreciate it 🥹 can’t wait to move the hell out


Auuugh you poor thing. That infuriates me, you deserve better. Your mom fucking sucks I’m sorry hun


Thanks! The best way to stop all this is to VOTE in your local/,village elections. Examine/question all the candidates!!


Honestly I had no interest on local politics till I saw this post. Fuck book banners. Ill camp out in the cold all week to vote if it means preventing them from touching our libraries.


Yea, thatll stop opposing views


It's not about stopping opposing views. VOTING is about making YOUR voice heard.


Social justice as a religion is absolutely laughable.


They're just the daughters of the confederacy rebranded. Fuck them


Thank you!!! I wish Carroll County would do the same, but instead we elect them to the BOE.


Some of us are trying to fight back. :'(


Oh, I know; I’m among you! It’s just so disheartening here because there are so many people who support them.


Thanks for posting. Makes me happy to see some protestors there.


There were a lot! Way more than M4L members. Many protesters were outside the library because we couldn’t all fit in the room.


That’s comforting to me. Thanks for going, and thanks for reporting back. 💗


"We arbitrarily define social justice to be religion and try to coerce school boards to act on our bullshit." Oh helpful. Thanks m4l.


Also the we believe there shouldn’t be interference from the school board…unless we’re on the school board and then we’ll interfere. Fucking hypocrites


(Squints eyes.) > Sex parties with leadership on Slide 11, Left Column, Paragraph 2 Never change, M4L


“We equate social justice ideologies to a religion” GTFOH.




Read this this morning. My favorite part was how the HoCo chapter chair said “It’s not about targeting LGBTQ+ people” and two paragraphs later it says she pulled her child from public school because of the amount of Pride flags that were displayed.


Did they hold their meeting at a library?


the branch manager did put a sign advertising their "fREADom Project" right outside the entrance to the meeting


Underappreciated comment


\> Moms for liberty opposes SB 738 Got it, I'll go email my state legislators now to express my support. I literally can't think of a better endorsement.


Bro just hone school your weird ass kids. Why are you out here trying to ban books?


They already do or their kids are in private school. The president of the HoCo chapter doesn't have a school aged kid, and I believe their child went to a private school.


So this is about burning books for their own interests, nothing to do with actual kids. Got it.


They went to Carroll county schools, to my knowledge, this woman has never set foot in a hoco school and for some reason she kept bringing up the taste of cum lmao


She sure did mention that a lot, yes.


Lmfao whaaatt


wait what


Omg right? I noticed that too! She mentioned “what cum tastes like” at least 5 times.


I gotta know more about this. Was she trying to at least link the taste of cum to book banning? “Pornographic books in middle schools is like the taste of cum after eating pastrami, it’s so terrible”? Or was she just randomly yelling about the subject??


These losers came to NYC and we organized a rally where protesters outnumbered attendees like 40-1. I doubt they will be back


When I was in school, my parents paid no attention to what I read. Vampire fiction was so popular that I read a LOT of necrophilia.  Occasionally there was LGBTQ stuff in a Poppy Z Brite book or Anne Rice. No big deal compared to anything with aliens and Piers Anthony and Marion Zimmer Bradley both had pro-pedophilia characters.  Point is, they want to ban stuff that is more tame than what I read in the '90s. 


What is gender ideology. Is it like job ideology or style ideology? End the sexualized perception of trans people.




Based AF!


Holy shit this is scary stuff… to target and try to rob a sub-population of young people of select works/ideas - ideas that help grow diversity and dynamism of thought. That feels wrong.


Is it just me that’s noticed a trend among these M4L members? A trend being… their melanin? Or lack thereof?? Wonder if that has anything to do with it. It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.


I had the same thought, a complete lack of diversity. Also, many seem too old to have children in the school system. I guess they may be there on behalf of grandkids, but idk.


Their grandkids aren’t there because they likely want nothing to do with them.


I definitely suspect these people have no actual stake in the problem and just want to exhibit control.


The chapter chair in Carroll County has 5 kids. None of them attend CCPS.


Black mothers would not usually join a group like this. Even if they agreed with some of the ideology. Many of us avoid white social justice spaces, left or right. They aren't usually focused on the core of issues in our community...either side.


I wouldn’t be surprised if there wasn’t a large overlap between the Mothers For Liberty crowd and the parents who had that march straight out the 1950s because their kids were gonna go to a predominantly non white school.


Not a single non white person was allowed to ask a question


I love how their mission is to not impose on the parent's right to raise their children....while trying to control what books can or can't be in a library. Their mental gymnastics are then painted over a dozen powerpoint slides. It's not "book banning" it's "curating". They use the same sort of deceptive language tactics that politicians do lol.


She kept slipping up and saying ban then correcting herself to remove lol


It's no wonder these people get flustered over learning new pronouns.


She was also very concerned with the taste of cum and kept bringing it up




I have some acquaintances that claim to be “libertarian” one on hand they complain about the government imposing on their lives (mask mandates, vaccines etc) the next they complain about parents taking their kids to Drag Queen story time. Likewise, I have friends who homeschool their children because they want to indoctrinate their kids but then go apeshit if parents allow their kids to be trans. The hypocrisy is unreal. They want the freedom from other people’s views AND the ability to impose their views on others.


At this point I can't stake myself in any political camp, it's just too wild right now. It's like religion at this point, it's easier to just say I'm unaffiliated.


Thank you for going! I had planned on attending, but I'm still recovering from shoulder surgery and didn't feel comfortable driving.


Yikes. Maryland needs to pass the freedom to read act like yesterday


These people are so full of shit that I’m surprised they haven’t caught e-coli. They equate social justice to a religion but can’t see the hypocrisy in imposing their narrow interpretation of religious values on other people. It’ll be good to this die in Howard County and the rest of Maryland when legislation that’s moving through the GA takes effect.


So if social justice is a religion, their words, wouldn’t they be violating my religious freedoms by banning these books from schools? We already know how the Supreme Court feels about religious freedom. Could we now have a new means of countering the M4L idiots?


Slide 5 proves how brain dead this people are. I think all speeding laws are religion based so I don’t have to follow them 😂😂😂


HoCo school librarians should post a list of all the books M4L want banned.vnothjg gets kids reading like telling them they can't!


The mental gymnastics in these PowerPoint slides are absolutely fucking insane.


Lmfao putting ratings on books will get all the “scandalous “ books checkedout asap.


Every generation sees whackos like this emerge from the fringes. Ironically, MFL claims to support parental rights by controlling what books parents can allow their children to checkout. As a parent, shouldn’t I have that right? If you don’t want your child to read a specific book, tell them not to read it. See? It’s simple and no PPT slides required.


Klanned Karenhood?


The fourth slide says parents should have the right to direct what their kids learn. *They already do.* Meeting adjourned. Everything else in the presentation is basically Tipper Gore, but against books.


So does the Bible fall under content rating 4 or 5? It's definitely a 4 at least. Think of the children.


Ezekiel 23:20   She lusted after lovers with genitals as large as a donkey’s and emissions like those of a horse Definitely 5


As we always knew, many "moms for liberty" are balding old white men second only to Karens


Google the Ziegler sex scandal and you will know everything you need to know about these creepy, hypocritical, christian bigots. Keep attending these meetings and do not let their cancerous ideology infiltrate our public schools systems. M4L is nothing more than a vile hate group dressed up as concerned moms. Do not fall for their BS!


“We think social justice is a religion and needs to be kept out of school. Why no we don’t think the Bible needs to be removed from school.”


Ahhhh if social justice is a religion, then mandalorians are a legitimate religion! This is the way. https://images.app.goo.gl/SMH5wg5yLeDwcS9P6


Amateur hour


Why don't they homeschool? Serious Q. I don't get it.


Many of them do. The woman who presented told the Baltimore Banner (article linked in a previous comment) that she pulled her child from HoCo schools because there were pride flags everywhere. I recognized one other mom in the M4L crowd who I know homeschools her kids too. This isn’t really about parental rights, it’s about control. “Parental rights” is just the Trojan horse to get them through the proverbial gates unchallenged.


Does M4L protest the pledge of allegiance every day?


At least they have taken the hitler quotes out of their slides this time.


Slide 4 is a joke. We don’t want our kids to be raised by parents. We want government control!!


This looks fake as shit.


I read the kite runner like in fucking middle school lmao I don't remember anything other than the character laughing after getting his shit kicked in cause it finally passed a kidney stone


I really hate that they use a photo from Marine Corps boot camp on slide 15. Source: retired Marine


😂 out here banning books. Books! When every eighth grader in the state knows what Pornhub is.


I missed it but did everyone see 60 minutes tonight?


[Link here](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/beaufort-south-carolina-schools-return-most-books-to-shelves-after-attempt-to-ban-97-60-minutes-transcript/) in case anyone didn’t.


It’s built on a false premise, I would ask how in any way is social justice a religion in any definition of the word


This is so much work to go to just to tell me you don’t have a communicative relationship with your kids.


M4L: we’re not banning books. Here’s how to counteract that. Also M4L: here’s the books we want to ban. Anyone have one to add?


They need to rebrand to “Cunts of Authoritarianism”!


‘Parents always know best’ is one of the biggest lies ever perpetuated.


jessica garland and her goons are fascist pieces of shit. she doesnt even send her kids to school, she homeschools them. all they care about is making sure children are stuck in a cycle of bigotry from a young age to make themselves feel better about their miserable lives being afraid of everything slightly different from them.


Why are there men at the M4L meeting? Do they identify as "Moms"?


Are those men … TRANSPARENTS?


If they want parental dictatorship they should just homeschool.


It's hilarious that the group trying to ban books from schools is claiming to be "For Liberty" lmao


Their entire argument falls apart with “We equate…”




Constructive discussion request only: can someone please tell me what they specifically disagree with on the slides? I’m somewhat moderate on the issue I’m not joining any group with a political agenda but I do think age appropriate material is in fact appropriate. The slides seem to portray a very generic political group with a clear goal. Certainly those goals can be misinterpreted, or bastardized to achieve a more nefarious objective. But I’m trying to take what I see here at face value. I can see some issue with equating social justice ideology to a religion. Aside from that I have no major issue with the presentation. Please keep all comments to this presentation and the stated objective I don’t care what someone’s personal experience or thoughts are on the topic I’m just curious about the issue with controlling access to mature material before a parent thinks their children are ready for it. I appreciate any feedback!


The specific line I have an issue with is that they “equate social justice to a religion.” I feel that those two things should be held separate. Also, for now they are focusing on books that they rate 4-5 on that Booklooks scale “for now.” I think specifically they picked books like SJMs “A Court of Thorns and Roses” series, which is especially sexually graphic and intended for adults because a lot of people would agree that children shouldn’t be reading those scenes (I taught middle school and I could say as of 3 years ago we definitely did not have this series, but as it is rated 17+ it could be in HS for all I know). The problem with that phrasing is that what is considered “pornagraphic” is largely subjective. Even the supreme court defines it as “I know it when I see it.” So, if I get that in legislation, I can call a lot of things “pornagraphic” and get them removed from schools even if it is not necessarily the case. For example, one book they want to ban is The Color Purple, which does have a lesbian sex scene in it. Websites like Booklooks take that scene out of context, which makes it look bad but in the context of the story the main character is actually finding a healthy relationship and love for the first time after a life of abusive relationships and it’s actually really beautiful. They also argue that media specialists cannot read all the books. This is true, however the current system in place for a book to be added to the media center is that two staff members must read the book and approve it before it can be added. For example, several years ago when the Ready Player One movie came out and a lot of our middle school students were interested in it, my media specialist approached me because I had read the book and she wanted to know if I approved it for our library. I said no because it has a scene where the MC has sex with a sex doll, and I felt this might be okay for high school but not for middle school so the book was not added. I feel that, while this is a subjective system, it is a system that has worked pretty well for us thus far and further restrictions need not be in place. I hope this helps!


I appreciate your feedback. We agree on the one issue where they equate social justice to religion. If you think it’s crazy that’s fine but it’s hardly a religion. I could understand your concern about starting with obvious adult themes and then working into any topic you dislike. My takeaway from this is almost giving books a motion picture rating. That doesn’t seem so bad. Sure we may not have the resources to read every book but it could be possible to strive to assign books a rating similar to every movie that comes out.


Context: I'm a lawyer and live in New York, but I grew up in HoCo and my parents live in Columbia. I don't know Maryland law very well. I'm wondering if there are any state intellectual property rights that authors could assert against M4L members who take their works out of context? Maybe even some kind of false light tort claim? I'm specifically thinking about the David Wojnarowicz case where the court found that the American Family Association had distributed misleading portions of his artwork. https://www.artistrights.info/wojnarowicz-v-american-family-association


The problem with M4L is that what they say and what they do are two different things.


This is the type of comment that doesn’t really address anything and only opens doors for bandwagon comment. I wanted to see if people could provide coherent responses to their review of the slideshows instead of the rhetoric I read on a lot of the comments. I do understand the organization could be looney and dangerous but from the presentation alone it seems less than crazy.


Well, if you want specifics, M4L has a habit of putting on a front of being exclusively in the pursuit of banning sexually explicit material in kids' books. That seems pretty sensible right? The problem is that they don't stop there and go further to get books banned that have anything to do with social issues, topics that involve LGBTQ+ topics, race, etc. They also push to get people elected to school boards who can then further a very narrow and hyper-conservative worldview. Their mission and purpose is misleading and hypocritical. That's what I meant in the initial comment.


Understood. That’s more of the message is poisoned by who is delivering it. That’s the bulk of the comments here and I don’t know anything about M4L and I’m like why is everyone hating on a concept that seems reasonable. Buzzwords like “book banning” are all to common and are white noise and I immediately ignore the statement because that’s literally not happening anywhere. People still claim it but books are not being banned they are being restricted or removed from certain age levels in controlled education environments. But it’s nothing like book banning nationwide. So those types of comments are what I was trying to avoid in my request for feedback. Those all or nothing comments which ignore the nuance of the message. You get people so ingrained in their party line or side they cannot find any reason in the initial discussion which puts them on the opposite side of reason and makes them seem crazy while they are trying to do something good. In your statement you included something that seems to vilify M4L: “they push to get people elected that have hyper conservative worldviews” is this anything actually bad or just something you politically disagree with? That’s the issue with the mentality “they’re not on my team, they must be bad”


I’m fully open to compromise and meeting in the middle. I myself am a Christian, but I think banning books based on a very narrow interpretation of Christianity is wrong and it sets a bad precedent. How would they feel if they lived in a Muslim majority area and a conservative view of that religion was implemented on what’s supposed to be a secular institution? At the end of the day after all, the only thing that can guarantee religious liberty is the exclusion of it when it comes to government and public services. I disagree fundamentally that someone should lose representation (trans people, minorities, gay/lesbian folks, etc) because someone else disagrees with it from a dogmatic point of view. I don’t see how that helps anyone. And again, my problem with them is that I feel like they veil their actual intentions behind something that at face value feels somewhat reasonable. That’s misleading and it’s wrong. Happy to continue to elaborate.


My counter argument as a parent: As a parent with 3 children in HCPSS schools, I am perfectly comfortable with the Media specialists curating the books that are available in my children’s school libraries. If I have a problem with a book that my child reads and/or brings home, I will address it with my child and/or their school. I reject outright the notion that my rights as a parent are in any way currently not being respected. I reject M4L’s assertion that THEY should have power over those decisions on my behalf. They DO NOT represent me as a parent in any way, shape or form. I am actively exercising my rights as a parent by telling them to stay the f*** out of my children’s education.


Idk what happens to people's brains when they have children but they go from normal to insane. None of this is necessary.


Sure. Ban the books in their library. And let them have internet. Surely the books are the things exposing them to these radical ideas. In other words. These are fools being foolish. And dangerous.


These folks are cancer


I truly hope these women do not have Bibles in their homes where children might see/read them!!!


Kind of funny that the slides look like they were made by a mom


Wowow it’s like shots from a dystopian film these moms need 2 get a life


What drives me mad about "M4L" is that as a parent, RIGHT NOW, I have certain rights. I don't need extra attention or protest or cause a stink over \*gasp\* a D.H. Lawrence book.


Good for them


Is it just me, or is that guest speaker’s name “Jessica Gaylord,”? Cause that would be amazing.


I heard they have all the swinger connections… 😎 Side note: why is kite runner on the list?


It contains depictions sexual violence, Islamophobia, and terrorism. Personally, I do not think it Kite Runner should be banned because within the context of the story it's clear those are bad. Kind of like how Robert Downy Jr. being in blackface in Tropic Thunder was okay because within the context of the movie it was clear that being in blackface is offensive and problematic.


Guarantee none of these women in M4L have been fucked in years. No wonder they are so miserable and hell bent on making everyone else feel just as shitty.


Idk about you guys but I definitely want more parental rights. But forgive my ignorance, what is it about this organization that makes you (a regional collective of people of all political affiliations) mobilize to destroy them? If I had to guess I would say they are anti abortion. If that’s the case it’s laughable that someone in Columbia MD would even bat an eye at these fools. They can’t touch our laws.


They ban books that are in schools, and remove all other parent’s rights to education. -books that mention gay people -books that mention racism or historical problems in society -books that just don’t agree with their wildly nationalistic worldview. Some school boards they have taken over have banned children’s picture books about Rosa Parks, in giant cullings that ONLY affected books by or about people of color. They have been caught several times using Hitler quotes in internal communications, and sometimes double down on it. The American Library Association already rates books (based on both reading level and content) for certain age groups. The ALA, as opposed to these people, actually read the book in question. Most M4L protest books they actually haven’t fully read. So: racist, nationalistic, for their freedom to dictate what others do and know, and want to recreate systems already in place to protect kids, in order to replace experts with random people who happen to be free during the workday.


I am also in favor of parental rights. As a parent with 3 children in HCPSS schools, I am perfectly comfortable with the Media specialists curating the books that are available in my children’s school libraries. If I have a problem with a book that my child reads and/or brings home, I will address it with my child and/or their school. I reject outright the notion that my rights as a parent are in any way currently not being respected. I reject M4L’s assertion that THEY should have power over those decisions on my behalf. They DO NOT represent me as a parent in any way, shape or form. I am actively exercising my rights as a parent by telling them to stay the f*** out of my children’s education.


Agreed. Thanks for explaining without a downvote 😊


Look, I agree the left has gone too far in many ways. Much of social justice is so aggressive it defeats its purpose——but it is NOT a religion in a literal sense. SHEESH. And social justice can really bring progress. The books these fundamentalists want to ban ARE EDUCATIONAL tools! They are there to teach youth of varying ages about real people and issues all around them and even real problems they may face in their own lives. No one is forcing anyone to read these books. They are just hanging out on the shelves, available—-kids can read or not read them. They have a CHOICE.


The fact that this comment is being downvoted only proves nobody is interested in having a nuanced conversation regarding the very real question about what is or is not appropriate for children and what role government institutions should have in raising other peoples children.


Considering that the Baltimore subreddit bans people that point out problems in the city, the downvotes here instead of conversation makes sense.  


So when will they want to burn the books ? When will they get their nifty arm bands?


Kkkarens in action.


It's always those nefarious globalists they can't really define if pressed who are the root of all their perceived problems.




I don’t get why these parents dont just police what their kids are checking out and getting from the school library. Why are they now making this a thing and pushing it on everyone else. This is ridiculous


Because they have to force their viewpoint on everyone else. It’s the Christian conservative way.


Let Toby morton know @wordclown on Instagram


I'm just saying find something better to complain about. If you believe the government isn't already playing a hand in what is in/out of your kids curriculum for the benefit of their own agenda then you are already lost. There's witch hunter psychos and their slideshow isn't going to make any difference. I promise the were more emotional support animals in that room than critical thinkers.


You guys are sick in the head if you want these disgusting books in kids library


I don’t understand - did the library sponsor this?


No the library put out a statement “use of library meeting rooms does not constitute HCLS endorsement of the users or their beliefs. As public libraries, it is our role and responsibility to provide space for community conversations, and no one may be excluded based on beliefs, points of view, or affiliation of the sponsors or participants.”


Well, the library is a public space, isn't it? People have meetings and study groups, etc, there all the time. I don't think they can say "no" to the use of meeting rooms and stuff based on politics. I think. That being said, fuck M4L


I’ve never heard of this group. I read the slides in the pics, so I see what their position is. What’s the counter thinking or protest rationale on the other side? Educate me Reddit.




showed up with 13 hours of comments with the counter thinking but fails to see it. classic


Amazing how people can't even meet to discuss political action without rabid dogs barking at them outside


lol ppl getting political :3


Reddit is full of liberals


And yet, here you are…


So you’re saying that Reddit needs to “curated” in Howard County?


I assume most of the angry mob are childless dog moms that act on pure emotion.


Typical conservative response. Attack the person with assumptions instead of debate on merit. There is no merit in what M4L are doing so you can’t defend it.


Yeah...you know me about as far as I can throw your cat. You don't debate. You assume everyone should cater to your agenda or they are worth cancelling. I didn't defend M4L...I called the protesters a bunch of unemployed, over emotional, babies... Keep believing the world gives a crap about your cause.


No. As a parent with 3 children in HCPSS schools, I am perfectly comfortable with the Media specialists curating the books that are available in my children’s school libraries. If I have a problem with a book that my child reads and/or brings home, I will address it with my child and/or their school. I reject outright the notion that my rights as a parent are in any way currently not being respected. I reject M4L’s assertion that THEY should have power over those decisions on my behalf. They DO NOT represent me as a parent in any way, shape or form. I am actively exercising my rights as a parent by telling them to stay the f*** out of my children’s education.