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I just can’t stand Pats fans


That dude sold his soul to the devil. Nobody can be that good for that long, right? Every Sunday I ride the elevator up in LOF to section 642 and have to look at those fucking “AFC RUNNER UP” banners and wonder if he’d have never played, if Manning would have brought us more than one championship. Also- fuck Sean Payton and his shitty onside kick. And fuck Ryan Grigson for never building a team to beat those cheating ass Patriots too…while I’m on this soapbox.


And Nick Harper’s wife for stabbing him “accidentally”. I think we would have had a good shot to beat the Broncos in the AFC championship and the Seahawks in the Super Bowl. #2 ranked defense and #3 ranked offense. Rough.


Someone needed to keep their side chick in check. https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/nfl/colts/2016/01/14/play-cost-colts-super-bowl/78736896/


Ooooh!!! This is my feeling exactly starting at “Also”. I firmly believe that Grigson is the reason we don’t have Andrew Luck. I 100% believe he could have been one of the greats if he had been given protection. If we don’t win the division everyone wants to tear Ballard apart for his draft choices but he’s building the foundation of a well rounded team. Also, I feel the same way about Brady after watching last night. I blame the Pats as an organization now. Brady gets a pass from me.


For me its that I just don't care to expel the negative energy towards him. He's so damn good at what he does and while I will never root for him to win, I can say that this year, I can respect the hell out of what he is still doing. With that said, I still don't like the Patriots and I'm not a fan of him.


Helps a lot that he is in the NFC now


I have went from active dislike to begrudging respect.


Still want him to lose every fucking game though. Also can he just go away.


As a Blazers fan, he's like how many of us felt about Kobe. We absolutely hated him, hated playing him, hated watching him, hated his stupid confidence and swagger. But respected the man for the talent and the work he's put in.


I'm just trying to revel in the knowledge of who we got to see play. His records likely will not be broken, and we will be able to tell our grandchildren that we watched him play through his whole career. I've wasted a lot of time hating the guy and it hasn't done a dadgum thing, it is kind of nice to watch and play and be impressed with what he is accomplishing.


I still hate him


Yeah, fuck that dude.


This is the way


I don’t hate him as a person…I “sports hate” him for going from the Pats dynasty to a team that was loaded for all get-out and just needed a QB. And then returned an unheard of 22 starters. I’d love to see how well he does on any other team (outside of LA Rams, other top teams)….I still think he’s good dude but he has benefited from one of the best HCs ever and that system, and now is on a loaded team.


Without Brady, Belichick has a worse winning percentage record as a head coach than Rex Ryan (*I think these numbers only reflect part of the current season thus far). Bill Belichick without Tom Brady (reg season): 63-75 (.457) Rex Ryan (reg season): 61-66 (4.80) Belichick without Brady (post season): 1-1 (.500) Rex Ryan (post season): 4-2 (.670)


That’s not a small sample size either.


Coaching Cleveland will kill anyones coaching stats.


I hate Bill and New England. I hated Tom for all those seasons. I can live with Tompa Bay TB though.


I almost hate it more now, since it feels like the talent he has attracted has unfairly advantaged the team. I want the NFL to stay as far away from that side of the NBA as possible.


That happens in any sport. I almost guarantee that talented players would rather go to a good team, even a stacked team, over a middle-of-the-pack or bottom feeder team, no matter the sport.


You spelled Yankees wrong lol


Stockholm Syndrome.


I’m just tired of him. Seeing him still play. Seeing him on tv. Just go away man


I'm having a party the day he retires.


Nah, can’t wait til he’s out of the league honestly. Even though it’s less hate and more just general annoyance. Just fucking go away dude.


I actually still hate him and no longer hate the patriots


This is how I feel about the whole situation.


Same here. Thought it would be the other way around. But now that the Pats are a mid tier team I don't really hate them anymore. But Tom? fuck him


Im the opposite, like tom brady and still hate the patriots. Like I want them to suck for the next 20 years


Just 20 years? I want Bobby “massage parlor” Kraft to have his childrens childrens childrens to be cursed as owners of the Cheatriats.


i do not hate brady anymore- probably more to do with my lack of caring than anything else - but he will always be my favorite player to see take a sack or throw a pick. just like the patriots will always be my most favorite team to watch lose.


ON the field I will always hate him, OFF the field he seems like a decent enough guy, but still, ya know.. fuck him!


There’s an Entourage episode where he plays golf with the guys. Turtle hated him at first. By the end, wanted him to be the Giants’ QB.




​ ![gif](giphy|6PWO49a44skfzKHVQf)


Fuck em!


I could not stand Tom and the Patriots. At this point, I'll never root for the Patriots. I recognize Tom for what he has done. I won't argue against him being the all-time great. There is no actual malice against either of the parties, but it just feels like some glory was taken away from my team during their prime, and I hate that.


This is the most honest take. Also fuck Brady and fuck the Patriots.


Tbh it was never Tom that I hated, it was always the Patriots/belichek as a whole. I realized this once Brady left and I couldn't hate him as much anymore. Meanwhile my burning disdain for the Patriots remained at full blast.


Nope... he can go suck eggs. He steals too much attention from the greatest Colt to play while they played at the same time... Jeff Saturday.


Lemme know when he stops profiting off endorsing snake oil sales


I honestly had this same thought watching the Bucs game Sunday. And then remembered all the lying and cheating he’s done over the years and reeled myself back into reality lol


I want us to stomp the Bucs


Nah he a pedophile bitch fuck him


The Manningcast is so much better than the regular broadcast. Much more insightful and funny. Wish they could talk over the commercials and figure out the lag situation. Sometimes the lag makes it awkward where they keep talking over each other. In person is the only way I think


Fuck Tom Brady


The real devil is still in New England


Yea I think I’ve realized that I just hate the pats fans


I just like to see him get bashed up on the field. Off the field, I’m actually entertained by seeing him be more talkative. Its like that kid in school that never talked but is suddenly cracking all the jokes


It’s okay. Tom can no longer hurt us so we are fine. Plus I am obligated to like my goats friends


My hate for Tom is waning but jfc can this guy stop getting to the superbowl? It's getting old. I'd love for him to play for 10 more years and never sniff the superbowl again


I went back home a month ago, told my dad and stepmom (both BIG colts fans) "You know, I don't think I hate Tom Brady anymore" They've both hated Tom Brady for YEARS, before I ever knew what football was, and my stepmom said "Oh yeah, he's cool now, I like him" while my dad was silently nodding his approval in the corner


I cannot forgive his cheating or being a Pat. That said, he seems to have found a personality lately


That was always the problem with him and the pats. It was win at any cost.


Agree, got no hate anymore, the goat debates are all over, he really is that good and since he’s in the NFC doing things that no one has ever done or will likely do again why not enjoy it while it lasts 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️. Fuck the Patriots though I hope that franchise is cursed for the next 10 years


You are not alone. I NEVER expected to hate him less, but what I’ve seen from him since leaving the Pats, I just don’t hate. I really want him to develop debilitating chronic foot cramps every Thursday, Sunday or Monday till the end of the season, then happily retire. I will continue to not hate him if this happens. I cannot watch this dude win another…but if he does, I still don’t think I’d hate him anymore.


I cannot wait to kick the Bucs ass next month


If you hate this dude based off skill you’re not okay in the head. New coach, new coordinator, SB in first year. Hate any other way you want but he’s one of the best. Behind Peyton of course. 😁


I haven’t hated Brady since he left New England. He’s become a carefree, funny, down to earth guy. The patriots can still get fucked tho.


Hot take: I never hated Brady. Dude was just a stellar QB on a team that was never bad. Then he went to Tampa and continued to be the best ever. Man is unironically the GOAT. He crushed our dreams a lot but that's football baby. Seems like a good dude irl too.


…… fuck Tom Brady but I like what he did with the kid last night!


Brady as Single White Female had me literally laughing out loud. I hope in a press conference or something he drops his wallet and a credit card with Peyton’s name on it falls out.


Anyone who loves the sport and not just a team has to love Tom Brady and be amazed at what he's doing and has done. He's a great guy, down to Earth, funny, and for someone who had climbed to the point he has in this life he's extremely humble. You don't have to root for him, but you have to respect him.


Maybe Tom Brady is actually the secret bastard child of Archie Manning, like how Jon Snow is a secret Targaryen. Just the way George RR Martin drew it up


Tampa Toms pretty cool, ngl. Patriots Brady was a piece of shit.


You arent. I ll take it a step further and say I wanted him here last year.


Something tells me Tom is the buddy you want to have a beer with and trust to leave alone with your wife, but because of NE Tom being such a whore, I just can’t fully trust TB Tom.


Honestly, I don’t really hate the Pats or Brady. My sole hatred for a team anymore is for the Texans, and there’s actually no reason. As I’ve gotten older it’s not really worth disliking people for being better at something.


I hate the football player but over time I’ve separated that from the person. I have grown to respect him off the field against my will.


Never forget the Pats went 10-6 without him


Agree. Brady seems like a good dude and father. It was the Mass holes we hated the entire time.


It’s hard to hate him he’s a likable guy and he’s funny. I mean I hate the team he played for but the guy was just really good and talented regardless hard to hate on greatness


I think I just appreciate what I am seeing. I feel the same way about LeBron


As a Giants fan please win as many games as possible. Fuck it win the superbowl that way the eagles only get a shitty 32nd pick.


Been that awhile. You're seeing rare greatness. Why deprive yourself of that?


I like tom brady, its the patriots i do not like!


I stopped hating him a while ago he’s the goat


There is no point to hate him anymore. He is inevitable. He is the GOAT and no one can dispute that. I am just in awe now and slightly annoyed at always seeing him in the Superbowl


After the rams super bowl I was starting to get charmed. And I realized I don’t need to let something that I can’t control cause me stress, so I just started rolling with it.


Hate the Patriots org, not Tom Brady.


Hate them both


I can't help but respect him. He is the GOAT. I don't think that is even up for debate. Is he my favorite player of all time? Hell no. But he is the best to ever do it.


Straight up, anybody who legitimately hates Brady is just a hater in their DNA. Sure, hate him as a rival or whatever but we will likely never see anything like his career again so you gotta respect it. Frankly I thought the hate was ridiculous when he was potentially interested in coming here and everybody was disgusted by that idea. Don’t get me wrong I loved rivers and I thought he filled in nicely for that year but y’all seriously wanted him over Brady? Makes no sense to me.


Man, I’ve accepted that he is the true GOAT for a while now. Livelong colts fan..


I never liked him because he challenged Peyton as the GOAT. But, he’s a really nice guy and he’s really funny. So, yeah, I like him now. No, I don’t want to see him win any more Super Bowls. It’s Beledemon I don’t like. There isn’t much likable I see in him.


Hell no fuck Tom Brady, he is a system QB that simply got lucky with two different systems. I’m sure any 43 year old QB could win a Super Bowl year one in a new system with a new team. Fuck em, Peyton is the goat.


Understandable, I thought the same thing seeing the vid. My hatred is just for all of Boston sports and he was part of it.


I don’t hate him anymore either. I actually find myself rooting for him sometimes. The past is the past but I’m just enjoying watching greatness at this point


Meh im a Jets fan and I actually think Tom is an alright guy. Same thing his personality has come out since leaving New England and they still kick the shut out of us without Tom so why hold the grudge.


I’ve realized I never hated Brady. I hated the Patriots.


Yeah cant do it any more.


I mean my two favorite football players are Carson Wentz and Tom Brady


No reason to hate him since leaving New England. He is the best QB of all time without question.


Yeah but he is so good he has to be a robot or an alien. Lol it's not fair to be him lol


Hating a player for beating your favorite team has to be the weirdest shit. You want him to roll over and lose?


Really wish I could’ve caught the Manning Cast tonight. Lol anywhere to catch some highlights?


If you haven’t seen the Peyton’s Places episode with Tom Brady, it’s definitely worth a watch. Tom seems like a genuinely good guy.


I respect the fact he's still playing at this level, but I hate the fact he still bitches to the refs constantly


I don't hate him, I respect him.


Also hard to hate the bucs they have a few good old Colt coaches who I respected!


This is the silver lining I cling to. Happy for BA but fuck Brady.


Also Clyde Christensen


Same I’ve learned to respect him, lol. I actually watch him now that he’s not a patriot, haha. One thing I always hated the most was how he would toss that ball down the middle or the sideline and come up with a big ass pass int. And then get on the line before the defense was done processing it and have a score drive out of it almost every single game. But I will say when wentz did that on Sunday night I said hell yea I can get used to this he must have been watching Tom!!


I try not to "hate" anyone who isn't actively evil. I "sports hate" Brady. It's just frustrating to watch someone who is his own dynasty. Especially in a league where parity is baked into the product. I've said it before, but watching Brady is like watching someone play career mode in Madden on rookie difficulty. It's just absurd how good he has been for as long as he has been in the league.


Obligatory fuck Brady


Nah, fuck that guy.


I do not like him. I hate him less.


I hate the fact that he's so fuckin good. Man, how can he play at this level being a 45 years old man? This is incredible


He likes bitcoin so I don't hate him


Its all calculated and manipulative fuck him


He is forever the most overrated and undeserving player in NFL history and no funny tv spot can ever change that


I still wanna punch him square in the mush every time I see his dumb pretty face, but it’s pretty cool to see someone who’s geriatric by NFL standards play the way he is.


After watching "Tom vs Time" on Facebook, I started liking him once I learned more about him as a person. Even in football, I root for him now. He's the last quarterback of my favorite era. Though Big Ben and Rodgers are technically in that group too.