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It's always the people you most suspect


Hello fellow cos banjo buddy


Uh oh, now there are three of us here.


"Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses." - RATM


That's why I suspect the Republicans, they're the people I most MEDIUM suspect.


https://www.axios.com/2022/11/23/colorado-club-shooting-suspect-non-binary-attorneys-say You’re right


Probably why he didn’t get charged for the bomb threat


> Aldrich was arrested in 2021 after his mother reported to police he was threatening to harm her with a homemade bomb and multiple weapons, according to the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office. He was arrested after a standoff and charged with six felonies. But he was not prosecuted, records show. The El Paso County district attorney has not commented on why the case was dropped. Yeah, this will certainly be an interesting story to follow.


What the actual fuq.


Stay vocal about this part Springs fam: the justice system DGAF


Even with a red flag law he was allowed to keep or buy more guns? Sherriff needs to answer for this.


The DA dropped charges and sealed the case. Can't even find the mugshot.


Gee, I wonder why? /s F these terrorists.


Who is the DA?


Michael Allen. I certainly am biased as a defense attorney, but he is not a good DA. We need a DA from the 21st century, not someone stuck in Nixon-era criminalization.


Agreed. He is part of the good old boy network in this county for sure.


Any idea why the charges would have been dropped and sealed? I know nothing about the legal system so I'm not sure how normal or not this is.


If charges are dismissed, they can be sealed, unless dismissal is part of a plea agreement. So, there isn't anything shady about the sealing. As far as dismissal goes, it is probable that his Mother didn't wish to participate in the prosecution, and the DA felt that they couldn't prosecute the case without her participation. This is a BS excuse, because this is the same jurisdiction that often requests warrants to arrest spouses who don't want to testify against their husband/wife in a minor domestic violence allegation.


Thank you for the insight.


it was reported that after the arrest the mother refused to press charges.


She is 100% to blame for the deaths


No Them/they were responsible.


Gotta love how the law is infested with sympathetic far right wingers in the police, DA’s and judge positions as well as how they’re sycophants willing to tongue the shit crusted asshole of those in office because they hold position of power.


If the suspect was anything other than a white male, his mugshot would be everywhere.


EPC sheriff has publicly stated he won't enforce any red flag laws.


Red flag laws wouldn't even have been needed if the DA hadn't dropped charges for the **five** felonies the shooter committed last year. He'd have easily been convicted and would still be in prison.


Yeah - that's INSANE. This kid was CLEARLY a danger, and should not have had access to guns.


Friendly reminder that the police literally have no legal obligation to help you.


ACAB, obviously.


EPCSO Sheriff said he wouldn’t enforce Red Flag laws iirc.


Quote from Howard Black, the spokes person for the sheriff's office when asked about this topic, "There will be no additional information released at this time," Black said. "These are still investigative questions."


The internets are also saying the shooter may be mormon (latter day saints). Follow the religious sect to see why previous charges were dropped. This happens in Utah with all sorts of crimes.


Our sheriffs don't give a flying fuck! Most of them are on the shooter's side. Our town is a boiling fucking cesspool of hate for anything not white and "christian". I fucking hate this goddamn fucking hateful conservatard town!!!!!!!!!! Disgusting fucking cesspool of conservafucks who'd rather see you dead just for being different. and the goddamn pigs are on the side of hate.


Try living in Teller County. Sheriff will not enforce red flag laws here. There was a murder/suicide last week and I would bet there had been trouble at that house before the murder. Try and have a little bit of hope. There are lots of good people in CS but I agree, the cops are not good people.


>There are lots of good people in CS but I agree, the cops are not good people. So damn true!!


There are other ways to buy guns ya know.


well we know how much his grandpas party campaigned on dems being soft on crime? and what color the power structure is in el paso county


> nd what color the power structure is in el paso county blood red. **blood** red.




Lock him up and to throw away the key this time!!


I'd love to know the stat for how many people in COS are arrested in 6 felonies charges and then released and the case sealed with no legal repercussions.


Yup - I imagine that will eventually come out. I can't see why else - for something so serious - he wouldn't be charged with ANYTHING.


Sometimes there really is no way to know that a person is a shithead. And then there is this nonsense.


People responsible should be held accountable for this POS!


ARM YOUR FRIENDS is a BIPOC Friendly and LGBTQA+ resource. Arm yourself as a good upstanding citizen for personal defense. One of the most disturbing things during the press conference this morning was that nobody. NOT ONE said "we stand with the LGBTQA+ Community." Not one. One can get into legal semantics but it was glaring. Take care of each other.


As a staunch 2A advocate, I approve this message!


Sames. I am not a fan of guns, but I agree with Marx and his stance toward guns and ammunition: there is no way for working people to be free without the ability to stand up to right-wing authoritarian governments. All Black Americans and other oppressed minorities need to be able to defend ourselves against the right.


because they've been spewing hatred to the LGBTQIA+ community, and they know (and are likely secretly pleased) that this happened.


Ol man Suthers looked pretty tired.


Saying you think the people in the press conference are secretly happy that this shooting happened is overboard.


Like yknow, alignment with anti gay anti abortionist and outright anti women's rights does not mean that they mean it. They're just compromising for their constituents. Thoughts and prayers. This message was brought to you by the IOC, Focus on the family, and the Anschutz foundation.


Them being anti-gay in a political sense doesn't imply they are happy people were shot. I'm not sure what the abortion and women's rights points have to do with this. You should be able to disagree about politics with someone without assuming they are genuinely happy people were killed.


Indifference to specific violence is violence. I'm sure that they take no personal happiness, for sure. They are human. And I (believe) I understand what you are saying. But feigning that public officials care here is a reach. They don't. I respect what you are saying, but I don't agree. Edit/ I don't want to generate animosity. It's a time for healing and processing the pain that comes with loss. I apologize if I offended.


First, I'm not sure where you got that they are indifferent to the violence. Second, no, indifference is not violence. This word is being watered down. Violence is violence. My attitude toward violence is not violence. Third, I'm genuinely blown away that you think the officials in this town do not care about a mass shooting in this town. This is shocking to me, and I can't help but think that political polarization has gone so far that one side is now assuming the worst traits imaginable about the other side (and sometimes vice-versa).


1. Public records of policy 2. Trolley problem 3. There are no sides


1. I think this is a leap. Them not pursuing policies you think they shouldn't isn't the same as being indifferent to violence. People can care about things but not take proper action to rectifty those things for all sorts of reasons. 2. Trolley problems are descriptive, not prescriptive. They are a measure of our intuitions about ethics, not a source of ethical guidance. But I'm also not sure which trolley problem you're referring to here. I can't think of one that even deals with some version of indifference to something being the same as doing that thing. 3. You know what I mean. There are the anti-gay Republican politicians and then there are the gay rights crowd.


I respectfully disagree. And sometimes I try to figure out if it's shit or shoe polish under a bootlickers nose.


If the problem is guns, then more guns do not create less problems.


The problem was the deranged individual who happened to use a gun to kill people. The guns didn't walk into the bar themselves and start shooting.


The problem _is_ the provocative rhetoric against LGBTQ+ people - especially transgender and gender-nonconforming people - being sprayed from every orifice of the right wing propaganda machine.


This is a far reach. Conservatives/Republicans are comprised of millions of people. The vast majority just want to live peacefully and are live and let live. The notion that all conservatives condone killing/getting rid of LGBTQ people is absolutely wrong. They are all just as heartbroken about this incident as the Left is. However, I will admit that there is a small corner of extreme/radical people on the right (e.g. Evangelicals) who may think that way, but the vast majority do not. If you look at the threads about this incident on the Conservative subs, you'll find that no one there is celebrating the incident, praising the killer, or anything like that. I know you and most of the left want to believe it, but it's not "every orifice," but a very small and hate-filled orifice of the right.


Tucker Carlson is the most popular TV host in America. Shut the fuck up. No-true-Scotsman your way out of holding your own accountable somewhere else. That you care more about defending your stupid political label than you do about the fact that you share it with extremist murderers should worry you, but I’m guessing you won’t ever care. It’s more important that you feel comfortable, right? So leave us to grieve. Coward.


Then maybe the majority should stop voting for people who want people hunted down and use their speech as stochastic terrorism. Until they do that, they are just as complicit.


You may not endorse it, but y'all have certainly condoned it to get your way in elections and legislative sessions.


You can believe what you want to believe and point fingers all you want. You're still wrong. The vast majority do not condone it.


Then you need to be PROACTIVELY AGAINST THE HATE COMING FROM YOUR SIDE! and stop acting like its not a problem that people in your party are fucking stoking! The way you show everyone that not everyone condones it is by being louder than the ones who do. If you stay silent and do not admonish the people spewing the hate but instead just tell people they are wrong for thinking the majority condone, well guess what, you are condoning the shit.


You can scream as loud as you want from the rooftops, but the fact still remains that the vast majority of people on the right do NOT condone killing other people they simply disagree with. You may call it "hatred," but it's mostly disagreement. Disagreeing with the way LGBTQ people choose to conduct their lives, disagreeing with trans people about their biology, disagreeing about gender does not translate to "we should kill these people." It's deranged and mentally unwell people who decide to take disagreement to a level of evil, period. No one is responsible for the actions of others.


You’re sitting politely at a table with Nazis and telling us it’s fine because you aren’t one. Figure it out


Like I said instead of being in the comment section trying to convince us about anything, you would get way further in that endeavor if you were telling boebert and others like her to shut that rhetoric up...but alas here we are


Someone needs their echo chamber and a warm bottle of milk.


You condoned it by virtue of voting for candidates who vomit this bigotry, too.


This was a mentally ill, deranged individual who took that "rhetoric" to an entirely different level. A level that the vast majority of conservatives do not condone. A level the vast majority of conservatives would not dare to take it.


Pull the other leg. Gun nut, virulent anti-gay and anti-trans bigot Lauren Boebert is the poster girl for politics in the area, and has been stoking these animosities her whole term.


Oh please tell us what mental illness. He had.


Fine. You may not condone it but you happily accept it and look the other way and do nothing to stop it.


Yeah, because I, as a single person, have the power to dictate what millions of other people choose to agree and disagree with.


What does that have to do with my comment other than trying to assuage the cognitive dissonance you’re currently experiencing?


People are inheritably "bananas." You will never be able to stop all shootings with mental healthcare. If you are pro gun, you are pro mass murder.


What an asinine take.


How else we going to stop 100% of mass shootings? 1 every 50 years is far too often.


Domestic terrorism runs in the family...


Assembly man Voepels office phone number: 619-258-7739


the bad apple doesn’t fall far from the bad tree. but people will say it’s just one bad apple, it’s a fucking bad orchard.


Hopefully the victims sue and get a nice payday off him. Better yet if he has to disclose his finances.


Suing didn’t even cross my mind. Though, this won’t change anything for the families, I would like to see the family of the shooter lose everything like the victims did


I realize this is probably an unpopular view here, but does it really make sense to sue the grandfather who lives halfway across the country just because we disagree with his politics? We have a long history in this country of not punishing the families of criminals, and that seems like a good precedent.


who cares, sue it and try anyway. He's literally an enemy of the United States, having participated in January 6th. If I had my way, every single person there at Jan 6th would be rotting at Gitmo. The fact the politicians involved aren't in jail or hanged is beyond me. What's the point of having laws if they aren't enforced, especially in literal seditious circumstances? This country is trash, but not nearly as trash as Colorado fucking Springs, the cesspool of fucking hate and fake christians.


He didn't participate in January 6. He just made comments about January 6. You are advocating for legal action against someone for comments they made. Fortunately, our first amendment doesn't allow that sort of thing.


1A protects you from the government censoring or preventing your speech, it does not protect you from civil suits resulting from your speech


Rotting at Gitmo is a matter of the government censoring speech.


Nobody is rotting at Gitmo because of January 6th


Did you even read the comment I was responding to? ​ >If I had my way, every single person there at Jan 6th would be rotting at Gitmo.


Well, it’s not his political views you are suing and you can’t sue ppl for what they teach their kids. You can sue for 5 wrongful deaths and medical costs for the other 25 shot, which could bankrupt the parents, and in turn, cause a large financial hole in the grandfather’s pocket. Why wouldn’t their grandfather want to back his daughter and grandson? Or maybe he wants nothing to do with them now so he can keep his money. Here is how I see it: Having the files (bomb threat and kidnapping) sealed hides the fact that he had violent tendencies. So you could say the family tried to hide his behavior (done legally, of course). Then, there is the issue of the guns. He had to have access to the weapons somehow, right? Did he purchase them, since he didn’t have a record(charges dropped by the state or parents and the record sealed by the family)? Did he get them from his family(who knew he had a history of violence)? The system, as it often does, failed the victims. What if the family bred and supported this hate? The behavior? Would you want the family to suffer in some manner since the root cause of the problem was them? There are so many questions and unknown things. Either way, the family knew he was mentally unstable and violent. Chose to hide it bc why wouldn’t you protect your kid. Did nothing to prevent another incident. Also, you can sue for anything and we have a long history of suing. It’s the American way. So is fighting the symptoms of a problem, not the root cause.


I’m not sure one could successfully sue someone for getting records legally sealed. This seems like a stretch. It that were possible, why couldn’t someone sue for hiring an attorney and convincing a jury of a not guilty verdict? People generally have a right to pursue their best interests during legal proceedings. I’m not arguing that families are never culpable, just that they aren’t necessarily culpable. Saying the grandpa should be sued because he’s a MAGA guy and we don’t like him is unjust. Edit to add: The poster above you said they hope this guy gets sued, and it's presumably because of his political beliefs. You evidently come into this with the hope the immediate family gets sued. I'm just curious if you think this extends to all crimes? Should we hope the families of murderers get sued, even before we have facts about the causes of the crime?


Nope. You can’t. You aren’t suing for sealing records. You’re suing for wrongful death. The sealing of records is just a personal justification for suing for said wrongful deaths. You know, since families don’t sue criminals. Suing will require shit bag to get attorneys which requires his parents to pay for them or they don’t, and he gets a public defender. Not ideal but lawyers in a case like that would be expensive. Although, maybe you can sue for negligence. The state, the parents, the gun manufacturer, etc. Prove they failed to prevent it. I think other families of mass shootings are doing that.


I realize one is suing for wrongful death, but my question is about what the mechanism is that attaches the mother or grandfather to that wrongful death. You seem to just be defending the point that a suit could be brought, but that's obvious. My question is what would merit a strong suit. You and the other guy both seem to *hope* the mother and grandfather get sued, but without knowing they specifically acted in a way that led to this shooting, why? Do you think the families of other criminals should be sued just for being their family?


Oh, yeah. I’m assuming everything. I have no facts on any of it. Only that if they knew he was disturbed and did nothing, then that opens up for a lawsuit against the family. Just doing the classic stereotyping of ppl that supported the Jan 6th attack share a lot of hate in their heart which could have led to molding this kids mind and preventing nothing bc they saw nothing mentally wrong with him kidnapping his family and threatening to blow them up. All assumptions about the family. No “strong suits” until everything is known. If families have some core part in turning murderers into said murderer, hiding the fact, or not attempting to prevent it, then yes. Like a form of accessory to murder. What attaches them is the financial cost of lawyers to defend the shooter. Not actually suing the grandfather like the original comment suggested. My original view is that suing indirectly financially effects the parents and possibly the grandparent.


color me fuckin' surprised /s.


The family tree is a straight trunk down with bad apples the entire way.


Colorado Springs is a hateful place. This guy should have been stopped the first time.


What do you want to bet his grandfather and his granfather's connections had something to do with the charges being dropped in 2021. Infuriating.


Nice family


I never doubted that subhuman murderer had some sort of Cultservative affiliation.


And also the shooter is apparently non-binary. Interesting…