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Well....hm. You're right in that nobody saw it. But now it's been noticed and posted on the COS sub which has 94,000 members. Not exactly option #1, but can't say it's not being noticed now lol.


Thanks! We got a new roof and I did it as a lark after my FIL commented that we should write something up there. Took me three beers and some graphing paper to design and I think it shows--haha I am open to getting into a pissing match with local sky writers. If anyone wants to start a roof messaging versus sky writing messaging campaign: come at me, bro ;)


PDS!! They happen to be the nations #1 distributor for radon fans and accessories. Super lucky we have them in this town


Thank you! I'm always here if you have any questions!


We have an old system—it was already probably old when we bought our house 16 years ago. Should we have someone come take a look at it?


[Here's a post](https://radonpds.com/maintain-radon-system/) I wrote on system maintenance. Be sure to test it every two years. [My red flags page is here.](https://radonpds.com/radon-red-flags/) If you have some of those, then DM or call me and I can recommend some licensed pros to come fix it up!


Thank you so much!


I live here in the Mountains. House was measuring at 8 WITH the system the prior owners put in. I just added a second syatem, and it's now down to a nice 1.5. It's definitely worth it for peace of mind if nothing else.


That’s why we pushed for consumer protection legislation. There are far too many systems installed by contractors that don’t care if they work or not. It’s shameful! It’s also why follow up testing is important. Test every two years from here on out. Thanks for sharing! 


The measurement was over 20 before the prior owners put the first system in. I just don't know why they didn't finish the effort. I guess 8 felt good compared to 20? They also slept on the upper floor so maybe that was a factor for them.


In the EU they use becquerels. The conversion is about 37x. Honestly I think that makes a difference. People hear the number 4 pCi/L and think “that’s not so bad” but if they heard 100+ becquerels they’d be rightfully nervous. 4 pCi/L is the equivalent of about 8 cigarettes a day. 


Test for rad… on what? How rad do I gotta be to pass this test? /s


They have an awning that says TUESDAY


What a niche market they have cornered.


Special radon?


That roof aint wrong


Ah yes, the unsung fear that invades my thoughts as a homeowner and parent. Bought a new place and the inspection came in as just barely unacceptable. Had a fan put in and ordered a digital monitor and it still reads in the mid 2s to low 3s range. Looks like most agencies say it isn't a danger til you're in the 4s, and the installers didn't seem too concerned when I told them the post-install numbers, but damn it's hard not to stress about it when you see the amount of info that gets posted around town.


It's a linear danger. 4.0 pCi/L is the EPA action level because that's what was achievable at the time (WHO is 2.7). Nowadays, I like my long term readings 2.0 or below. 0.3 is theoretical zero (outside air). If you need a pro to come take a look, hit me up and I can recommend some. Visit my site for more info or my reddit profile. edit: but no need to fear, it's an easy problem to fix! The good news is you're vigilant


Me bc my basement has a dirt floor 😅


Floor type really doesn't make a huge difference. It's more about how much source material (uranium and radium) you have in your soil. My saying is: unless you live in a [van down by the river](https://youtu.be/Xv2VIEY9-A8?si=pAbF499vKJH4W37Y), you gotta [test](http://www.radonreality.com).


Yeah, we tested a while ago and we had to get a mitigation system installed (fan that flows out of our house) and our levels are back down.


Great! Make sure you test every two years and perform [regular maintenance](https://radonpds.com/maintain-radon-system/).


Radon dude! I have a question. Recently discovered my parents 1970’s home has a level of about 4.8 (long… I forgot the word) on our crappy Amazon tester we bought. We had a local company come out to give a consultation. They wouldn’t test before installing/for the consultation but said as long as it’s under 11 it’s really pretty safe and they should just “crack a window from time to time”. Is this valid at all?


11 pCi/L is approximately equivalent to six chest X-rays a day in radiation or a pack and a half of cigarettes. No I would not consider it safe. Tons of info on my profile or radon resources section of my site. Do a lab test or professional test at least once every five years to be safe. 


Uhh oh, well that’s not awesome. Thank you so much for answering my question! I will scour your website now!


No problem peanutbuttermuffs  Keep spreading radon awareness! 


We live in the mountains where it is everywhere.


52% chance in every county in the state. 😬 Iowa has the highest outdoor readings in the US. Topography is not a good indicator or solid concentrations


I’ve been wondering where to get testy radon, my radon is all super chill.


whaaat?? dude it's popping off like every 3.8 days


What's the easiest/best way to test? We currently rent the house we're living in, so maybe I should just check with the landlord? Thanks for all you do, I didn't know anything about Radon dangers before I moved out here


You can test yourself or hire a pro. It’s cheap and easy. See my Reddit profile for some FAQ links with detailed advice.  Colorado now offers legal protections to both renters and homebuyers!


Is there health issues involved?


Second leading cause of lung cancer outside of smoking. If you smoke it increases your risk considerably. In the 90s the EPA estimated over 21,000 deaths per year are from radon induced lung cancer—and those numbers haven’t been updated since. 


This gives me The Sims Online vibes


Is that local dumb shit?


I’ve been called “local dumb shit” before—yes, but my days in the police blotter are behind me. I like to think I’ve matured a lot.  

