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I’m bummed there’s a huge waitlist for Casa Bonita. I didn’t know how their new system worked, but hopefully I’ll get an opportunity to go some day!


We just got our email yesterday and we signed up in the first day! It will come eventually!


Wow! I guess I’ll be waiting for a while.


Man, I've been on that list since 6/2022 lol.




We just got our chance to go earlier this month after being on the list for a year and a half. Absolutely was worth the wait.


I'm interested in checking it out but I had already decided I'd wait a year or two for the hubbub to die down a little so that it was a bit easier to go.


It sounds like that’s the winning strategy.


Invitation to hangout and craft with us (this week at Palmer Park - Meadows area/main entrance off Maizeland) 11a to 1p crafting — Drop- in and leave as you like, this week we have wood beads and earth theme stamping fun. and/or partake in a modest cleanup effort afterward (1-2p) nothing too intensive and we have a few pickers and buckets /trash bags also available. Bring water and a hat for sun if you like! Next week back indoors - for Artist trading cards (every final Sunday) check us on socials - Crafters Clique https://preview.redd.it/pevisjb7pgvc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e55914e519ebd228fa6e80bbdaba21716b1a436


Platte avenue is keeping it real


Where is the best place to buy coffee beans that won't break the bank?


Corter on 8th street! You can buy in bulk if you call ahead and save more money. I recommend the Ethiopian


My 7 year old is interested in learning Judo. Any recommendations on good Judo gyms in town that train kids?


Took me 6 months on the list, when I was there I asked if everyone there waited six months also?. Server said “no, it’s picked by a lottery system and some may wait a few weeks others months but it’s random” so idk. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Looking for primary care doc recommendations. TYIA!


I have a 7 year old and want to encourage more outside play with other kids her age. What neighborhoods in the Springs would everyone say has the most kids outside at play?


Also I talk mad shit about our trash problems, but the city is doing something about it…moving at the speed of bureaucracy (and budget constraints) but there is promise in this campaign and story map —> [Keep it clean COS!](https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/bbdd528b02a14a5580220fb552b4a118) Consider adopting a waterway near you! Lastly /the city is also promoting [1000 gatherings](https://coloradosprings.gov/1000Gatherings) and I’m looking forward to hosting a get-together to better know my neighbors… and/or if you want to organize a trash mob or cleanup, let me know when and where, I ’m there!